Kill the game!Become a villain in a mysterious world

Chapter 21 It’s broken, I’ve become a clown

Chapter 21 It’s broken, I’ve become a clown
Seven o'clock in the morning.

Quan Heng rubbed his temples and sat at the round table.

The game panel is suspended in front of you, and the player status bar is enlarged with conscious control:
[Health: 69 (can be restored with special items, you have no relevant inventory)]

[Physical fitness value: 50 (Physical fitness value is linked to your actual physical condition, the recovery speed is medium to low, you will feel a little tired, and your thinking and mobility are reduced; you can use special items to recover, you have no relevant inventory)]

[SAN value fluctuation: 2% (no damage to your sanity after the first night, you are simply a Spartan! Newcomers are so scary!)]


No, what else can these notes do besides make me miserable?
Quan Heng closed the panel and looked at the other exhausted players on the round table.

All the players stayed up all night last night. When they returned to the first floor, they were prompted to come for breakfast. No one in the room had time to go back.

As for Ji Jie...

Quan Heng glanced sideways at the girl on his right, who didn't notice and just stared blankly at the table.

She was wearing clean long-sleeved trousers and a bright red cotton hat. The foam at the corners of her mouth had not been wiped clean, and she was muttering something, occasionally showing a scary smile.

Quan Heng moved his fingers slightly, caressing the warm Shibazi unconsciously.

More than an hour ago, Ji Jie almost processed the remaining Xue Rou into her stomach in front of them, and even licked the floor clean. Even Peng Qinan could not suppress his disgust.

But after eating such a big person as Xue Rou, Ji Jie's stomach didn't swell at all.

And this state is not like what a genius should be, more like an inflexible toy... Quan Heng looked at her moving lips, and his eyes gradually moved up to her red hat.

Underneath this hat...

"Morning! my children!"

The ghost mother walked out of the kitchen wearing an apron and asked enthusiastically: "How did you sleep last night?"

No one at the round table paid attention.

The ghost mother's smile deepened and she placed the plates in her hands on the round table: "No one finished the meal last night, so today is yesterday's leftovers. We can't develop the bad habit of wasting food."

Peng Qinan looked at the shriveled pieces of meat, which were still stained with hair from the garbage.

"I lost them all yesterday, and you fucking picked them back up from the trash?!" Peng Qinan swept away the dishes, "Hurry up and assign today's tasks! I'm not in the mood to waste time with you! If today's tasks are still compared to Yujing Beidou It’s irrelevant, I will report you to the system for trying to cheat and deduct game rewards!”

Is it possible to report monsters in this game?

Quan Heng became interested and saw from the corner of his eye that the ghost mother had a cold face.

"Oh, Darling, is this how a child should talk to his mother? You want Yujing Beidou, but that is my property. I provide your food, clothing, housing and transportation, but you have not given me honor in return. Happiness, wealth, and now you want me to be the 'backbone' of this family?!"

"The game doesn't stipulate that it's your property!"

Peng Qinan took action.

"Yujing Beidou is clearly for players to use. Monsters have no way to connect with them and resonate with them, so they can only use superficial powers!"

"Really?" Ghost Mother smiled coldly, "But my child, Yujing Beidou, has never resonated with anyone at all. How can you be sure that it does not belong to mother, but only to you?"

"Your uncle's—"

"No monster will challenge the authority of the game. After you finish your meal, I will issue today's mission."

The ghost mother tapped her fingers on the table, the black buttons were shiny and cold, and her tone was stern:
"Don't be picky eaters."

[Ding dong! KP Tip: "Who knows that every meal on the plate is a hard work?" Please players solve the meal on the plate and don't waste it】

Peng Qinan froze, and the ghost mother raised her lips: "Eat quickly, my dear child." Peng Qinan looked at the plate and felt disgusted: "How to eat this kind of thing? It's obviously..."

【Ding!Warning: All players and monsters are not allowed to provoke the game authority. Once discovered, they will be severely punished! 】

The system sound is cold, the originally inorganic tone becomes vivid, and anger swims under the thin ice.

The atmosphere was tense, and the sound of chewing suddenly sounded.

"Crack, crack..."

Ji Jie buried her head in her mouth and swallowed the meat on the plate, stuffing it into her mouth desperately, retching without stopping. Putrid blood and pungent formalin spurted out from the corners of her incompletely sutured smiling lips.

"It's delicious! It's delicious! Giggling... Only good children are those who are not picky about food. Listen to the adults. They are all for our own good!"

The words she originally muttered became clearer and clearer, and Ji Jie screamed, even so loudly that she became crazy.

"They are all right and we are all wrong! Children don't need to think, children only need to obey! No... we are not puppets, we have the power to decide ourselves... No power, good boy... delicious! delicious! "

Her tears squeezed out of her black buttons, moistening her ugly and dull smile, mixed with blood and tears dripping from the flesh at the corner of her mouth, like a sad doll with a broken clockwork.

The ghost mother's eyes darkened, she walked around behind Ji Jie and gently touched the top of her head.

"It's very difficult to be perfect, but I'm doing this for your own good, kid, don't be afraid, be my good boy."

"Good boy... no, Xiaorou... yes! Perfect! I will become perfect... listen to my mother! Everyone is doing it for my own good! I don't need to be independent, I just need to be obedient..."

Ji Jie's expression kept changing, and finally the painful sobriety faded away. Her numb smile continued to deepen, and she lowered her head to bite the meat on the plate.

"It's delicious! It's delicious!" [Ji Jie] praised loudly.

The ghost mother stopped with satisfaction and looked at the others: "Did you see it? You also want to..."

Before she could finish her words, a plate of intact breakfast was pushed in front of [Ji Jie], who immediately grabbed the meat and stuffed it into her mouth!
Ghost mother: "...??"

The ghost mother's smile froze and she looked at Quan Heng who was handing him the plate, "My child, what are you doing?"

Quan Heng: "I'm giving the pear to Kong Rong."

"Kong..." The corner of the ghost mother's mouth twitched, "No, you still..."

"Mom, there's no need to praise me. It's what I should do to promote Chinese virtues."

Ghost mother: "...??!"

No, who the hell wants to praise you!

"Look, the child is hungry." Seeing [Ji Jie] wolfing down the food, Quan Heng couldn't help but sigh and said distressedly, "We are all a family that loves each other, won't you give in?"

Of course!

Ah Xiao pushed the plate: "The second pear, eat more, you're welcome!"

"Forget it about pears, we respect the old and love the young."

Tang Baolan pushed over with Peng Qinan's share.

"Then I..." Muze handed over the offer weakly, "I care about my family."

Ghost mother: “…………”

[Ghost Mom: It’s broken, I’ve become a clown! ]
[God damn Kong Rong lets Li, hahahaha makes me laugh, Quan Heng is really hated]
(End of this chapter)

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