Chapter 22 The Fourth Person

Plates were cleared quickly.

[Ji Jie] stared at the table blankly, and after a while turned to look at Quan Heng beside her. Even with the black buttons sewn on, you could feel the desire and hunger in her eyes.

She wasn't full yet.

The ghost mother looked at the empty plate in silence, finally took a deep breath and forced out a smile:
"very good."

[Although the more I think about it, the angrier I get, but I still have to keep smiling, hahaha]
"Now that breakfast is finished, let's start our family tasks today."

The ghost mother removed the dinner plate, took out a woven bamboo basket and placed it on the round table, and took out an original doll embryo without any decoration.

"Here are some undecorated doll prototypes. Your task today is to make dolls.

"First go to the old lady Gesang on the second floor to get some sewing thread. The werewolf uncle on the fourth floor wants some fabrics. Give me the doll you made before dinner."

[Ding dong! KP prompt: NPC task has been issued]

[Players are requested to complete the two dolls before dinner. There are still 11 hours and 30 minutes left before the deadline of the task. Please complete the task as soon as possible]

"Okay, mommy has to go out during the day."

The ghost mother took off her apron and picked up the handbag placed next to the dressing mirror.

"See you tonight, my dears."

[Ji Jie] stood up with a swaying body, "See you in the evening, Mom."

Quan Heng lowered his eyes and pinched the two original doll embryos.


It sounds and feels like gravel.

Quan Heng didn't stop. He pinched his hand hard into the inside of the doll embryo and explored it inch by inch.

The sanding touch adds softness, like rotten and limp flesh.

That's right... Quan Heng let go.

The material is the same as the doll that attacked her last night, so it will also affect the player's health after production is completed.

The ghost mother wants players to dig their own graves.

A day and a night have passed, and there are not many opportunities left for Ghost Mother. She must maximize her victory chips before tonight.

Then why leave the Triangle Building?
Quan Heng held the doll embryo, and his peripheral vision suddenly glanced at the dressing mirror that was as tall as one person next to the round table.


Yes, mirror.

Quan Heng's thoughts suddenly became clear, and his eyes slowly fell back to the doll embryo, observing the handmade stitches.

It is fine and neat, and a small knot is cleverly made at the broken line. It is embroidered directly into the fabric, and a very delicate and small bouquet of daffodils extends along the existing stitches.

Without looking carefully, or even those who don’t know much about Su embroidery, it would be difficult to notice this detail.

Quan Heng looked at the "ordinary" round-neck lining on his body, and could vaguely see the white camellia embroidery pattern that was the same as the background color. This design would be very smart under the light and shadow, but would not be too conspicuous in the room.

"Old lady Gesang on the second floor... I get a headache just thinking about talking to that old lady." Tang Baobao carefully inspected the doll embryo, glanced at Quan Heng from the corner of his eye, and then tilted his head, "Brother Peng, let's Go up?"

"Let's go," Peng Qinan nodded, "Let's all go together."



The elevator closed and Tang Bao looked around: "Do you feel like something is missing?"

"Have there been fewer posters?" Mu Ze looked around and whispered, "I remember that the poster here was stained with blood before, but now the one in the upper right corner at the back has no blood stains. It seems like a poster has been torn off."

Not only the upper right corner, but also the posters on all sides of the elevator have been reduced, and some even expose the reflective walls of the elevator.

"Who tore it off?" Peng Qinan used a boning knife to make cuts on the remaining posters, his voice harsh. "The glue is very strong and the glue has melted. It is not easy to tear it cleanly."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Quan Heng pointedly: "Really?"

Ah Xiao snorted: "Stop barking."

"Fuck you..." Peng Qinan's anger surged and he pressed the back of the bone-cutting knife with his palm. "This has nothing to do with the ghost mother," Quan Heng changed his attention. "She can use [mirrors] to attack. If the elevator is full of [mirrors], you will die if you come in."

"There are no stairs in the triangular building, so the elevator is our must-have tool." Tang Bao took over, "Brother Peng, the elevator poster must be repaired, otherwise there will be trouble later."

Peng Qinan suppressed his anger and looked at Mu Ze again.

"You, it's you! Fix the elevator poster first and then go to the second floor to make the puppet."

"Me?" Muzawa was stunned, "But the doll is a task assigned by the ghost mother. If I don't complete it, I will die!"

"If you don't complete the task, you will die, but if you dare to disobey me..." Peng Qinan took the bone-cutting knife and slashed it towards Mu Ze in the air, saying in a cold voice, "You will only live a life worse than death."

Muze felt a chill on his neck.

Ghost Mother does not allow players to kill players, but death from serious injury and blood loss does not count.

"Yes, but the posters in the elevator were still good when we came down, but they were the last to leave."

Mu Ze looked at Quan Heng beside him unwillingly, and quietly took two steps away:
"It can't be you who did it. I remember that Gui Mama had a weird attitude towards Quan Heng. Besides, Xue Rou was also with Quan Heng at the beginning... You won't cooperate with Gui Mama, or... Guipai?"

For a moment, Ah Xiao's eyes hidden under his silver-grey forehead were indescribable.

Quan Heng didn't even have to think about it. It was nothing more than "What are you barking at?" 】

But Mu Ze’s words sounded off at first glance, like he was biting randomly, but upon closer inspection, they all made sense. Moreover, the suspicion of ghost cards was not like an accident, but a pity...


The elevator opened slowly.

"Wait a minute."

Tang Baoli raised his hand to stop Mu Ze, stared at him and asked, "Did you just say... ghost cards?"

Mu Ze nodded timidly.

"very good."

Tang Bao laughed, stepped back and stepped on the elevator sensor line to prevent the elevator door from closing.

"But Mu Ze, it is impossible for [ghost cards] to appear in the audition."

Muze's expression changed.

Quan Heng, who drew the ghost card: "..."

Ah, I knew it.

Quan Heng felt numb.

The killing privilege of the ghost card is too harmful, and it is impossible for two veteran players not to guard against it.

But Peng Qinan, Tang Bao, and A Xiao didn't mention it, which proves that [the ghost card in the audition] is as low-probability as [predicting the plot].

In order to engage in shady activities, a precedent was set for her.

"Brother Peng and I have never talked about ghost cards, because this kind of character cards are very unfriendly to newcomers, and newcomers will have a protection mechanism. The audition for roles is nothing more than a different difficulty of the task."

What Tang Bao said was no different from what Quan Heng thought. He paused and then said sharply:

"Since the audition does not involve ghost cards, the system will not waste time on unnecessary introductions. did you know about the 'ghost cards'?"

"I, I am..."

"Ah! That's right!" Tang Badian suddenly shouted, "I know!"

He slowly tilted his head and looked at the frightened Mu Ze: "Because except for bad guys like me and Brother Peng who always bully newcomers in the audition book, there are unspoken rules like [no ghost cards in the audition book]..."

Tang Bao paused and laughed nervously:

"——Few old players know this!"

Veteran player? !

Peng Qinan's veins were exposed, and he suddenly stabbed Mu Ze, and the elevator exploded with roars:

"Aren't you a fucking newbie?!"

(End of this chapter)

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