Chapter 23 Mrs. Gesang
The blade flashes cold light.

Muze, who was originally shrinking, had a sharp look in his eyes, tilted his head, and leaned down to sweep his legs while Peng Qinan was doing the chop. The moment the latter fell down, his arms curled up and hooked Muze's neck, and the two fell down together!
The remaining three exited the elevator.

[Ji Jie] shook her body slightly in a daze, tilted her head sluggishly, and the scene of the two fighting was reflected in her buttons.

"Damn it!" Peng Qinan pierced Mu Ze's shoulder with his knife.

Muze gritted his teeth and endured the pain, then kneed Peng Qinan in the abdomen. The latter relaxed in pain, and Muze seized the opportunity to get up.

Peng Qinan stood up almost at the same time, his eyes flashing red, and the boning knife followed closely and pierced the back of Mu Ze's neck!

This knife will kill people and violate the rules!
Tang Bao's smile did not diminish at all and he looked on with cold eyes.

I saw [Ji Jie] who was standing in the corner of the elevator rushing towards me and biting the bloody boning knife!

For a moment, the three people outside the elevator had different expressions. Mu Ze seized the opportunity and ran out.

"Damn it," Peng Qinan twisted the handle of the knife crazily, "Let me go!"

The blade of the knife cut open the mouth and pierced the throat. Not a drop of blood flowed out of [Ji Jie]'s body, only the yellow-black cotton wick leaked out.

She didn't know the pain at all, the sharp shark teeth bit hard, and the boning knife cracked.

Peng Qinan's face darkened, and he let go of his hand unwillingly and angrily.

[Ji Jie] immediately grabbed the handle of the knife and greedily licked the blood off the boning knife with her tongue like licking candy.

Peng Qinan was furious and looked at Mu Ze.

"I know your sequence is higher than mine, but if you sneak into the audition book, everyone's sequence will be flattened."

Muze took out the knife from his waist and saw that the blade looked like the teeth of a beast: "You have no advantage over the props."

"Claw knife." Quan Heng said in his heart.

The specialized anti-personnel weapon can not only stab with the tip of the knife more strangely, but also cut at different angles. It is very flexible. Compared with the multi-functional military daggers, this weapon is more sinister.

"Amazing, awesome!"

Tang Baobao leaned against the elevator door, laughed out loud and applauded:
"There are three old people in an audition book, and one has a backer. Do I think it deserves to be in the [Jade Capital Beidou] series?"

He walked into the elevator, picked up the boning knife that had been spat on the floor, picked up his clothes and wiped it clean, and handed it to Peng Qinan.

"Brother Peng, after all, this is a backbone force. Even if you don't cooperate, you can still block things."

[As expected, Tang Bao was still in the way. This man was simply a stabilizer. He was the one who exposed Mu Ze and made Peng Qinan angry. Now he is the peacemaker. What is this man thinking?]
[I always felt that he kept calling "Brother Peng", but in fact he was using Peng Qinan as a gun. Except for his own illness, the people Peng Qinan killed seemed to be provoked by Tang Bao]
[real or fake?I’ll go to the New World Forum and ask for data]
"Brother Peng, the boning knife has some cracks. When you go out to the dwarf, you can have it repaired. I'll pay for it."

Peng Qinan took the boning knife and was about to say something through gritted teeth when the door on the second floor slowly opened.

"Hey...children, what are you arguing about?"

The crutches hit the floor, and the fat and short old lady rubbed against the door frame little by little, her face covered in a black turban raised.

There are four blue-red eyes under the left and right eyelids of Shula, covering the entire face from top to bottom. The blinking frequency is different. In his hand, he is holding a woolen rod for making doll clothes.

And those "threads" stained with crystal saliva were spit out from her mouth little by little!

Quan Heng looked at the doll embryo in silence, becoming deeply suspicious of the sutures.

"I'm here for puppet strings. Come in and I'll get you some."

Gesang moved back to the house with his crutch under his arm.

Mu Ze held the claw knife tightly, and Peng Qinan cursed before entering the door with Tang Bao first.

Quan Heng threw the doll embryo on the wheelchair, suddenly remembered something, and looked back at the elevator.

"Ji Jie, don't you want to go in?"

[Ji Jie] blankly pressed the door open button. When she heard her name, she slowly raised her head and stared blankly at the door on the second floor.

"Don't worry about it," A Xiao said, "She is not a player now and does not need to complete the task. She just goes in..." Quan Heng raised his hand to signal A Xiao to be quiet.

She stared at [Ji Jie] and moved back her wheelchair, completely exposing the door of Mrs. Gesang's house.

[Ji Jie]'s face suddenly twitched several times.

In just a moment, [Ji Jie] screamed, her facial expression overflowing with strong disgust and resistance, she collapsed and fell to the ground, covering her head and whimpering softly.

"What...what happened to her?"

A Xiao watched [Ji Jie] start to tremble, become angry, and lose control, and moved her toes warily.

This is obviously a power-charging gesture. When [Ji Jie] rushes over, he can kick the opponent's chin into pieces.

"Post-traumatic stress," Quan Heng got the answer and looked away calmly, "Let's go and see what it will cost to get the thread."


"Each person has a bundle of threads, but these are semi-finished products. To make them into complete threads, blood needs to be bled."

Old lady Gesang took out five bundles of threads from the wooden rack filled with prototype dolls and clothing, and stuffed one bundle into each person.

"You can use it just by staining it with blood. The needle is also on the thread."

"...Smeared with blood? Smeared with blood and made into a doll, it will become a real 'doll'."

Muze looked at the ball of thread, his timidity faded away, he was too lazy to pretend anymore.

"I'm afraid they can control or even kill us."

Old Mrs. Gesang ignored it at all, and continued to spin silk intermittently on her lips, saying vaguely: "It can only be used if it is stained with blood."

"It doesn't make any sense to this old woman!" Peng Qinan was irritated, "Damn it! Why do you think you are a monster if you are deaf? Does the new world allow old losers like you to live?!"

Old Mrs. Gesang remained unmoved and slowly moved back to the rocking chair. Her eight eyes were covered by slender eyelids without even raising them.

Quan Heng looked at the ball of thread in his hand, squinted slightly, and took down a few sewn doll clothes from the shelf to check the stitches.

Small narcissus flowers extend out from the end, and the embroidery is small and delicate.

really is...

Quan Heng glanced at Mrs. Gesang and suddenly said, "I'm going out for a while."

Ah Xiao nodded and waited for Quan Heng to go out before looking back.

"Bad people...are all bad people..."

[Ji Jie] sat on the ground, her calves blocking the elevator door, muttering in a daze.

There was a shadow cast in front of her eyes. She paused and slowly looked up.

Quan Heng lowered his eyes to look at her, his eyes were peaceful and seemed to have a little pity.

"You...why are you so naive?"

For a long time, she sighed and whispered: "Why do you think... you can survive by telling the truth?"

[Ji Jie] was confused and looked at her blankly.

Quan Heng closed his eyes, and when he opened them he felt almost indifferent and calm.

That tiny bit of compassion dissipated, like the aftertaste of diluted ink brushing across the rice paper. The traces were so shallow that they were hard to find.

"It's time to come in," she said.

(End of this chapter)

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