Chapter 24 Brainwashing
"...Come in?"

[Ji Jie] was obviously stunned for a moment, turned her head to look at the dark door, and shook her head in horror.

"No, don't, no!"

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

Quan Heng leaned forward slightly, quietly pressing one hand on the critical point of [Ji Jie's] throat, and raising the other hand to gently wipe away the remaining blood on [Ji Jie's] cheek.

"Good children should not be afraid. Children who are afraid will be abandoned and will not be liked by their parents. You should go in and say hello to the grandma inside."

[Ji Jie] trembled in excitement and murmured:
"Good boy... I want to be a good boy... Yes! Good boy... don't let me go! I will become the best!"

"Yes, that's right, you are the best and the most perfect."

Quan Heng's long eyelashes were drooped, and his overly calm eyes were half-concealed into an ambiguous and gentle look. When he looked at people like this, he seemed to have infinite compassion and affection. As long as he could think, no one could resist such a look.

"The most perfect person has no shortcomings, no baggage, and no fear. Kill your fear and get rid of the unformed obsession. Think about it, you know what that is, right?"

"Yes, I know what it is, I know...I know!"

[Ji Jie] shouted, trying to get up excitedly but almost falling down.

Quan Heng supported her lower back with a half-palm to help her stabilize her body, then he let go politely and gently, encouraging her:

"Go on, I know you have been wronged and feel it is unfair, but those sufferings did not kill you, and what cannot kill you will definitely make you stronger! You are only one step away from [success] now."

Just like a good teacher and helpful friend, he is good at teaching and guiding.

"I know this step will be painful, but what you want is perfection. Obtaining perfection requires painful tempering. You have already suffered countless pains, so what does it mean to give up this bit of pain now? It means nothing.

"She will be happy for you. She is willing to do anything good for you. Don't let her down. You must learn to abandon cowardice and understand one thing..."

Quan Heng pushed forward gently on [Ji Jie's] back. The beads on her wrists were moist and gentle, and the collision between movements was gentle and gentle.

"——If you want to achieve great things, you can kill your closest relatives."

"Killable, but...killable!!"

Murderous intent suddenly appeared, [Ji Jie] screamed like a wild beast and crashed into Mrs. Gesang's room.

Old Mrs. Gesang raised her head, and her four pairs of eyes shrank together, revealing a look of shock that could not be concealed.

Before the other players could react, [Ji Jie] bit the old lady Gesang on the neck!
Blood spurted out!

"what happened?"

"Why did she come out suddenly?!"

A low laugh rang out, and Ah Xiao looked back in shock, only to see Quan Heng stopped behind her, holding his chin up to watch the show.

"what have you done?"

she asked, as the other players gathered their gaze.


Quan Heng raised his eyebrows and chuckled:

"[When humans think, God laughs], I just made her think."

She picked up the ball of thread and threw it into the pool of blood under old lady Gesang's rocking chair.

The thread sucks blood crazily, changing from a semi-finished product to a finished product with bloodshot eyes.

"Mission accomplished," Quan Heng smiled and raised his hand, "Everyone, please."

"It turns out it was the old woman's blood..."

"Hurry up!"

The other players suddenly understood and followed suit without asking questions.

Quan Heng retreated to the end of the crowd, raised his eyes to face the trembling eyes of old lady Gesang, and laughed silently:

"It's best for people with obsessions." Isn't it? "


"What the hell is going on here?"

The house was in a mess, [Ji Jie] was biting the old lady Gesang like crazy, dragging her around, and when the door was closed, a terrifying roar could be heard inside.

Ah Xiao put away the bleeding thread and was finally able to ask carefully: "Say it quickly."

"Perhaps Ji Jie's thoughts came back to her and she was moved by my words, so she couldn't wait to sacrifice herself for us." Quan Heng sincerely praised, "It's so touching to sacrifice oneself for others in the contemporary era."

The rest: "..."

Who believes this!
"What on earth did you say?" Ah Xiao kicked the wheelchair lightly, "Don't make it up."

"Chicken Soup for the Soul, a community of players," Quan Heng said, "This thing is quite brainwashing. Anyone with any consciousness can be PUA. It is really an addiction in disguise."

"Brainwashing addictive substance?" Ah Xiao said coldly, "I think you are the one."

"That's a shame, I don't have a mustache."

Quan Heng suppressed his smile slightly and said:

"Actually, it was because Ji Jie killed Xue Rou under the control of her ghost mother. The crime scene was still on the second floor. I thought the two girls had a good relationship, and I thought that Ji Jie was calling 'Xue Rou' during breakfast, so Using Xue Rou as an introduction aroused her fierceness.

"PTSD patients will become excessively panicked and irritable after being stimulated. With a little guidance, I can get the effect I want."

"PTSD?" Peng Qinan was confused.

"It means post-traumatic stress disorder, which can be understood as being excited and out of control when stimulated," Tang Bao explained, and then asked, "But does Ji Jie still have such advanced reactions now? I don't think she even has a brain anymore. A dead man."

"Yes," Ah Xiao confirmed, "The scream that Ji Jie burst out before we entered the house was her reaction after seeing the door on the second floor."

They did hear the scream, but no one asked.

Tang Bao nodded and asked abruptly: "Ji Jie responded, which door was she targeting?"

Ah Xiao paused and didn't answer.

"The two doors on the second floor are the same, and Ji Jie reacted to both." Quan Heng answered calmly, "It is absolutely impossible to use the player's own blood for the thread ball. [Ji Jie] has no blood, so Mrs. Gesang has it ready-made. prey."

"As long as it's bloodshot," Peng Qinan said irritably, "I don't know how long it will take to beat the noise inside. Let's go to the fourth floor to get some fabric first."

"I can't go to the fourth floor," Mu Ze stopped outside the elevator. "The werewolf on the fourth floor knows me and he will take revenge."

"What will he take revenge for?" Tang Bao said with a smile, "Did you kill Mu Ruang, or did you anger him?"

"None of them are important." Muzawa said disdainfully, "I just want to complete the game tasks. Newbies should be damned because they are trash. The law of the jungle is here. The copper coins he can earn for me is his greatest value!"

"It's a good thing if you don't go, I haven't settled the debt with you just now," Peng Qinan pressed the boning knife with his palm and suppressed his anger, "If you go, I'm afraid I can't help but peel off your skin and make a sheep and scorpion!"

"No, I'm not going, but you have to get me a piece of fabric."

Muze threatened in a cold voice, "If you don't take it, I will fight my best to snatch it from you. Anyway, if you can't complete the mission of Ghost Mother, you will die."

"You really want to die, I will help you now!"

"Okay, Brother Peng, murder is against the rules."

Tang Bao held down Peng Qinan's knife-drawing hand and pointed to the elevator, "It happens that the elevator needs to be solved. You stay in the elevator and put up the poster."

"Okay." Mu Ze nodded.

[Hiss, it’s going round and round, Muze is still going to put up the elevator poster, it’s really impossible to escape]
[But the emotions are different, do you understand?This is not a blackmail, this time it is an "equal transaction". Oops, this new person is no longer wearing his skin, it is like a completely different person]
[Inevitable, except for Quan Heng, we are all old players now. Others will be afraid only if the smell of blood is strong]
[Except Quan Heng?Holy shit!Is this person scarier than an old player? !There was not a word of truth in his mouth. When I watched the part where Dad was brainwashing Ji Jie, my scalp went numb. What on earth did this person do?Why is Ji Jie rushing forward like crazy]
[Wait a minute, Quan Heng has to go to the public restroom on the first floor to wash his hands. The others go to the fourth floor first... Hey, why did Tang Baoli follow him?Is this an opportunity to kill Quan Heng? ! ]
"Hua hua hua... ba."

The tap is closed.

Tang Bao held his hands on the sink and spoke proactively:
"Both doors are the react quickly. If your partner hadn't gotten stuck, I wouldn't have seen the lie."

(End of this chapter)

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