Chapter 25 Beat up the Riddler

"How to say?"

Quan Heng used soap to create lather and carefully washed away the fishy smell.

"Ji Jie reacted to the utility room door, but the puppet [Ji Jie] reacted to Gesang's door."

"Continue." Quan Heng turned off the faucet and carefully wiped away the water stains with a towel.

"Ji Jie completely lost her self-awareness during breakfast. Her so-called 'fear' and 'obsession' were not her own."

Tang Bao turned around and looked at her, confident:

"As for that scream, I guess you were thinking about it. What if the ghost mother didn't cleanse her of her obsession? After all, Ji Jie had just died not long ago and was still conscious after breakfast, so you tried to push her against the door of Gesang's room. reaction."

"That's right, that's right."

Quan Heng nodded, lowered his eyes and wrapped Shibazi around his four fingers, and slowly stood up.

Tang Bao was not surprised. He stood up slightly and was about to open his mouth to say something. Quan Heng suddenly stepped forward, his shoulders following his waist, and his punch followed suit!


Tang Baoyou only felt the wind of the fist blowing past him, and he had no time to react. He received the punch firmly. The blessing effect of the prayer beads was almost the same as that of a finger tiger. His eyes went dark and his body fell to the ground!
The audience, who was already holding their breath, was startled, and the barrage filled the screen in panic.

[Fuck!What's going on? Why did you do it?Why did you stand up! ]
[It hurts, it hurts so much, damn!What is Quan Heng doing? ! ]
[Don’t fucking make any noise!Keep reading, don’t even bother with your screen! ]
Quan Heng's clothes were still damp, so she folded up her sleeves casually, revealing her forearms, which were so pale that they looked sickly.

Her physical condition was not good, and her system training was quick and easy, hitting critical points on her body. Fortunately, the statistics of the veteran players in the audition book were all lower. Looking at her body and movement, she knew that Tang Bao was not good at fighting.

This punch was better because it was unexpected.

The taste of rust filled his mouth. Tang Bao was so painful that his eyes were dizzy. He saw Quan Heng approaching and squatted down beside him.

"Tang Bao," she sighed softly, "Why do you want to provoke me?"

"Ahem...what?" Tang Liang's teeth ached and his eyes were horrified.

"I said we can cooperate, show [interests] and [sincerity], if you dare to play tricks on me..."

Shiba Zi suddenly pressed against the wound. Tang Bao leaned back in pain and was about to move when the cold blade of the butterfly knife got stuck on the side of the carotid artery in his neck.

Quan Heng remained gentle, smiling softly and slowly:
"——I will kill you."


First night, 08:30 p.m.

Quan Heng simply wiped his wet hair and used a new towel to soak up the water on his clothes, and then he felt a little more comfortable.

"What do you want to talk about?"

She looked at Tang Bao, who was sitting on a chair and looking at a family photo.

"Don't you know everything? Cooperate and help us get the Jade Capital Beidou, and you will benefit from it."

Tang Baoli opened the photo frame as he spoke: "Brother Peng and I also have this photo frame in our room. What's written on the back is some crazy things like becoming perfect and mommy loves you. You...well, the same goes for you."

"Peng Qinan wants to kill me, and you want to cooperate with me." Quan Heng laughed, "Do you want to throw it away after use?"

"You guessed that I came to cooperate with you, so you should have known that I would protect you." Tang Liang clicked his tongue, "And let me tell you, you are not a newcomer, right?"

"Me? Of course I am," Quan Heng raised his eyebrows, "And after tonight, I'm probably the only newcomer."

"After tonight..." Tang Baolian frowned, "Do you think another four people will die tonight?"

"No," Quan Heng corrected, "It's two. If I'm right, the ghost mother's movements are fast enough, two at most."

"To put it this way... Brother Peng and I collected information about the resident monster on this map before we came here, which is the ghost mother. Her ability is related to [Commitment], but then she added [Manipulation] inexplicably, and even [ The ability to promise has also developed to the point where buttons can be used to exchange talents.

"This is most likely related to Yujing Beidou's ability. He brings an increase in strength to monsters, which is about the power of [control]. This is also why the ghost mother can become a resident monster on the Dark map. Originally, she was not qualified to be Boss’s.”

Tang Bao generously shared information:

"The 'children' now exchanged with the ghost mother will absorb talents and be manipulated by the ghost mother to be made into monsters. She will definitely kill people tonight, but if you judge that two players will die, the premise is still the ghost mother's actions Fast enough... Do you think she will make extra dolls to kill people? Mu Rui?"

He paused and retorted: "No, no, Mu Ru didn't die after exchanging buttons. Even if he was made into a puppet, he couldn't be manipulated... No, what I should ask is [why after two deaths, you are the only one] New players], could it be that there are four here..."

Seeing Quan Heng nodding, Tang Bao Bao said "fuck" in a low voice.

"There are only eight people in total... half of them are old people. It's a gathering of talented people at the Carrot Party."

He digested it inexplicably for a while and looked at Quan Heng: "How did you know?" "The news I got while predicting the plot said that there are two special people [hidden] in this audition book."

Quan Heng hid it from Alice: "I originally thought it was you and Peng Qinan, but then A Xiao mentioned [predicting the plot]."

Tang Liang understood: "How can a 'newcomer' who has never experienced it know how to predict the plot? So you think she is an old player? But that's not the case."


"Well, Ah Xiao is a member of [Double-Headed Eagle] and has a special mark. Brother Peng and I both know each other," Tang Bao said, "Newcomers of [Double-Headed Eagle] have received training before entering the game and know a lot. "

"So Ah Xiao is a newcomer?"


"No, that's not right," Quan Heng shook his head, "Senior, you didn't say that before."

"What?" Tang Bao frowned.

"You said 'eight players, half [old people]'."

Tang Badan's pupils swayed slightly: "I said it smoothly."

"Senior, don't you know A Xiao?"

"I don't know him," Tang Baoli emphasized. "I told you I just recognize the [double-headed eagle] logo."

"That's weird," Quan Heng said with a leisurely smile, "How can you be so sure that he is a newcomer and not an old player sneaking in if you don't know him?"


"I don't know that Ah Xiao is an old player. How could the seniors so easily ignore the option of [A Xiao has indeed experienced the predicted plot] and directly throw out the conclusion of [an old player]?"

Tang Bao Bao hissed, seemingly helpless: "Why are you so suspicious..."

"Ah, senior," Quan Heng pressed his fingers against his temples and interrupted, pretending to be distressed, "I just said something wrong. It's not that there are two [special people] hidden, but two..."

Quan Heng raised his eyes to look at him and slowly curved his lips: "Old player."

Old player...? !

Tang Liang's expression suddenly changed: "You know Ah Xiao is a [veteran player], are you digging a hole for me?"

"No, I don't know," Quan Heng's smile deepened, "But I know now."

It is indeed possible that A Xiao is a [trained newcomer], so Quan Heng cannot completely confirm that there are four old players, but she knows that there is a problem between A Xiao and Tang Bao.

Ah Xiao could help her kick off the wheel blocker's head, and even protect her in front of the female ghost, so it would be impossible for her to not even react when Tang Bao Bao approached in front of the Triangle Building, unless...

She knew Tang Bao.

But Tang Liang denied it.

——This is the loophole.

"Small holes" that can be processed, amplified, and then dug into larger holes.

"...What did you say?! You--"

The questioning stopped abruptly.

Tang Bao should be vigilant and stop losses in time.

Quan Heng's words were full of thought traps. He didn't dare to respond casually. He was nervous and wanted to calm down, but the bomb followed closely, blowing up the last line of defense!
"Senior, senior," Quan Heng sighed helplessly, "It's just a knife. You have to cooperate with two people. How afraid are you of failure?"


The tense nerves in his brain were violently severed.

Tang Bao suddenly stood up, his mind buzzing, and all he heard was his own unbelievable questioning:
"--how do you know?!"

Quan Heng looked back calmly, then suddenly turned his head when Tang Bao's spine was chilled by the sight, suppressed a smile, took a deep breath and almost failed again.

"How did I know...?" Quan Heng looked at him, with a teasing smile in his dark pupils, "Senior, I don't know, I lied to you."

 There is another chapter in the evening or afternoon, I have some things to deal with, please vote first!

  PS: Tang Bao Liang is not a [brain] type person. He can't master this kind of rhetorical game, and he can't play high-end games. Quan Heng is completely teasing him. He will describe Ah Heng's drinking games and transactions in reality in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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