Chapter 29 Who is the prey
"Click" the door was locked, and the room was dark with the curtains drawn.

"What is this for?"

Quan Heng turned around in his wheelchair, watched Peng Qinan lock the door with his backhand, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Why, can't you see it?"

Peng Qinan took out the slightly cracked boning knife, smiled grimly, and approached step by step.

"Didn't you invite me in this early in the morning? Now you're not happy?"

"How could that be?" Quan Heng put his hands on the armrests of the wheelchair and smiled with curved lips, "I regret not letting senior in."

"If you insist on being stubborn even when you are about to die, let's see if you can still laugh later -"

Before he finished his words, Quan Heng jumped up, slipped the butterfly knife out of his sleeve, quickly turned around and opened the fan to swing the blade, and flexibly held the machete behind his back!

Peng Qinan was too close and was dazzled by the unexpected sword. His arms went cold and he quickly blocked it.

[Ding dong! KP tip: Player Peng Qinan’s life value is -2! 】

After the harvest was in place, Quan Heng retreated to a safe distance. Peng Qinan held his shoulders in shock and looked at Quan Heng with increasingly fierce eyes:

"Aren't you a fucking lame? How dare you play tricks on me?!"

Quan Heng quickly opened the butterfly knife with his forehand. Hearing this, he calmly raised his eyes and gave him a neutral look.

"That's fine." Peng Qinan wiped the blood from his shoulder and stuffed it into his mouth. The scars wrinkled together, making it look even more terrifying. "Prey that can struggle is interesting. I'll get rid of you right now!"

Before the words were spoken, the man jumped closer, stabbed forward with the boning knife, and leaned over to commit transomaltomy. Quan Heng quickly retreated, steadying his center of gravity and sweeping the knife with his backhand.

Peng Qinan dodged, but Quan Heng seized the opportunity and stabbed Peng Qinan in front with his right hand to trick Peng Qinan into raising his hand to draw the knife. Another butterfly knife slipped out of his left sleeve and stabbed Peng Qinan's wrist. The cut was bloody!

Quan Heng leaned over and stretched out his arm again, reaching the limit and stabbing Peng Qinan in the abdomen again.Peng Qinan leaned back to dodge and gain distance to control his position. Quan Heng immediately jumped up, stretched out his arm with one hand and slashed straight with the knife behind his back, and slashed across the throat with the other hand, pressing forward step by step.

Whoever is slower will be killed!

[Both the butterfly knife and the bone-cutting knife are short, but the bone-cutting knife is slightly longer and has an advantage. Peng Qinan's arms are also longer than Quan Heng!An inch difference in length is a fatal difference!Quan Heng’s moves are all made up of the embarrassing period of length difference by relying on quick attack speed with both hands]
[Damn, Quan Heng’s style of play is too sinister, [three thrusts in one second, coaxing and deceiving], it makes my hair stand on end. The switching between the front and back grips is amazingly fast, and the injuries are either fatal or minor. They are all extremely provocative. A cruel move! ]
[Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!Peng Qinan was stabbed again! ]
[Ding dong! KP tip: Player Peng Qinan’s life value is -3! 】

"Damn it!" Peng Qinan was already annoyed when the back of his hand was cut by the butterfly knife that was piercing it.

Quan Heng's butterfly knife is specially made with double-sided blades. The blade has been treated with anti-reflective treatment and is completely black. All light that touches the blade will be swallowed up and no trace will be left.

This dim environment was completely the advantageous battlefield prepared by Quan Heng. Peng Qinan could not even quickly catch the offensive with his peripheral vision. This was a trap from the beginning!

Damn it!

[I feel like there’s something weird about the butterfly knife in Quan Heng’s hand!I dared to use it when threatening the ghost mother before, but now I kill people so quickly!It’s so sharp, sharper than many knives I’ve seen]
[You just noticed something weird?The game doesn't allow players to bring in controlled knives at all, do you understand?The most a newcomer can bring is a key and hairpin as a murder weapon, but it would be wrong if a butterfly knife can come in]
[Damn, Peng Qinan has changed his style of play! ]
Peng Qinan's eyes were focused, he was holding the boning knife, and he stepped up and kicked Quan Heng with a single-legged whirlwind sweep.

Quan Heng turned around to dodge the kick, and suddenly raised his arm to stab forward. This was originally an attack that had a high probability of not being successful, but Peng Qinan let her thrust in, took the opportunity to clamp Quan Heng's wrist, and "clicked" to twist it off. !

Quan Heng let go in pain, and the butterfly knife in his right hand fell to the ground.

Peng Qinan immediately held the boning knife in his back and stabbed, but was blocked by Quan Heng's butterfly knife in his left hand, tit for tat.

The next second, Quan Heng suddenly slid up to retract the knife. Even more desperate than him, he let the boning knife stab into the outside of his abdomen. He took the opportunity to turn over and jump up, twisting his legs around Peng Qinan's neck!

The waist swayed and the two of them fell to the ground!
[Ding dong! KP tip: Player Quan Heng’s health value is -10!】

[Ding dong! KP tip: Player Peng Qinan’s health value is -9!]

[Holy shit!They both suffered abdominal injuries. Have these two people been hit on the head?One knife for one knife]
[No, Quan Heng has already retreated to the bathroom because he couldn't bear it anymore... Wait, I rely on the bathroom? ! ]
Quan Heng stood on the ground with one hand and escaped in time, covered the wound and retreated to the bathroom.

Peng Qinan cursed, then stood up and rushed forward with a knife. Quan Heng stared at him coldly, as if he was scared to death and couldn't move.

The bloody boning knife quickly approached——


The black shadow burst out of the door, and dozens of hands hugged Peng Qinan, their sharp nails digging into the skin and tearing the flesh.

It opened its mouth ferociously, bit off the bone-cutting knife, and turned its head to throw away the broken knife.

The battle situation reversed instantly!

Quan Heng immediately retreated, coldly put away the knife, and connected it to his right wrist with a "click".

[Ahhh!It’s a multi-handed doll hidden in the bathroom!How could I forget this! ]
[Holy shit!This is not a sheep entering a tiger's mouth, this is a tiger hitting a shotgun! ]
[Quan Heng had prepared it a long time ago and was waiting for this person to fall into the trap in the middle of the night. Now he finally used it, so happy! ! ]
[Ding dong! KP tip: Player Peng Qinan’s physical fitness value is -10!HP -10!HP -5!It is continuing to decline!warn……】

"Fuck you! What the hell! What the hell is this?! Ahhhhh-!!"

Peng Qinan screamed and roared in pain, feeling that his skin and flesh were being peeled off continuously, his health that had just stabilized continued to decrease, and warning sounds resounded through his brain.

[Holy shit!This monster is too tough!The health value has dropped by 50!I’m still giving in! Damn it! ]
[Quan Heng’s trick of borrowing a knife to kill someone is so cruel. Who would have thought that the little white sheep who entered the house was not the little white sheep, but the executioner! ]
[Peng Qinan got the broken knife!Damn it, even the multi-handed monster can’t hold on!The health value has dropped below 40! ! ]
"Hiss!" The multi-handed monster screamed in pain. Peng Qinan's broken knife inserted into its neck, and he chopped off the head with force. The cotton wrapped in dirty meat spurted out, covering his bloody arms and Face.

Peng Qinan became furious, stared at Quan Heng, and gritted his teeth: "Damn it, you stinking bitch, I will definitely chop you into pieces!!"

He roared angrily and struggled to pull off the headless, multi-handed monster that was still struggling on his body, letting the flesh be taken out.

[Ding dong! KP tip: You have 38 health points left!It has entered the danger zone!warn! 】

[Ding dong! KP tip: You have 25 points of physical fitness left!The reaction speed of your body has been affected, please recover as soon as possible!Avoid falling below the danger line!warn!warn--! ! 】

The system beeps loudly.

Without thinking, Peng Qinan pulled out the broken blade of the boning knife and pounced forward!

Quan Heng ducked with his shoulder, held the double-edged butterfly knife in his hand, cut off Peng Qinan's wrist with one knife, removed the broken blade from the opponent's hand, and picked the right moment to spin and kick.

"You fucking—"

Quan Heng didn't give him a chance to curse, he calmly stood up and faced Peng Qinan, raised his leg and kicked Peng Qinan in the chest with his heel!

Spartan kicking.

Unlike other martial arts that use the side of the foot, the sole of the foot, or the sole of the foot to kick, the Spartan Kick uses heel power and is extremely explosive. A well-trained person can even use this move to break a baseball bat, even a 2cm thick one. Hardwood shield.

Quan Heng doesn’t have that kind of training power, but it’s enough!

[Ding dong! KP tip: Player Peng Qinan’s life value is -7! 】

Peng Qinan fell to the ground, exposing his flaw. Quan Heng picked up the broken blade of the bone-cutting knife that fell to the ground with one foot. With smooth movements, he firmly held the handle of the knife in mid-air and threw it out, stabbing Peng Qinan's thigh before he could withdraw in time!

[Ding dong! KP tip: Player Peng Qinan’s health value is -10!warn!You have 21 health points left, which is dangerous! ! 】

"Facts have proven that there are some things in this world that you can do with all your might, but there are some things that you can't do even if you risk your life," Quan Heng said condescendingly, his tone was so calm that he was just stating the facts, "For example, [you kill me] It’s a fantasy.”

"No one can kill me unless I kill myself."

Peng Qinan covered his thigh, gritting his teeth in pain and forbearance, and there was more panic in his eyes.

"Run quickly." Quan Heng suddenly said.

What...what the hell? !

Seeing Peng Qinan stunned, Quan Heng lowered his long eyelashes and urged softly: "Run quickly."

What's wrong with this woman?
Want to be the Virgin Mary? !
Peng Qinan didn't know why he became more and more uneasy, but he didn't dare to delay any longer. He gritted his teeth and took revenge in his heart. When he got up and ran out, he couldn't help but look back in haste and fear.

I saw Quan Heng standing in front of the mess, not moving or chasing him, just looking at him calmly and indifferently.

Quan Heng is a very strange person.

Peng Qinan couldn't give details. At first glance, he felt that this man was gentle and noble. He always smiled when talking to others and seemed to never be angry. He was unmoved by all kinds of humiliation and prying eyes on him.

Now I no longer laugh, the gentle and gentle setting of the winter sun is even still silent and calm.

But when everyone suddenly came to their senses, they were already shrouded in the cool night of death.


The door was violently broken open.

Peng Qinan, who was stumbling and running, turned his head like a frightened rabbit, and his eyes lit up when he saw Tang Baoli enter the door.

"Bad! Come in and help me kill this bitch!"

Tang Bao was obviously startled when he heard this and stepped forward: "What's going on?"

"Damn it! This guy named Quan plotted against me!" Peng Qinan was furious, "Hurry up and kill him -"

The air suddenly fell silent.

Peng Qinan's angry expression froze on his face, and it took him a long time to look at the black bayonet inserted into his heart with dullness and horror.


Blood splashed to the ground along the corners of his clothes.

Tang Bao held the knife in his hand, his anxious face was like a painting, and he raised his eyes and smiled at him.

Cold, like the cool night of death.

(End of this chapter)

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