Kill the game!Become a villain in a mysterious world

Chapter 30 The ghost who manipulates the knife

Chapter 30 The ghost who manipulates the knife

The first night, Quan Heng's room.

"I've been beaten to the bottom by you, so of course I have to continue to cooperate."

After experiencing the crushing of his IQ, Tang Baolan wiped his face with abandonment and said with a wry smile: "Don't you know what deal I want to make? Fold the knife, destroy the knife."

Folding knife.

Quan Heng considered these two words and had a vague guess about the reason for the folding knife. He restrained his emotions and smiled gently:
"Although Peng Qinan is not smart and is headstrong, he trusts you more and listens to your ideas. You are like his..."

Quan Heng thought for a moment: "Brain."

"This analogy is really good," Tang Baolan chuckled, "It's a pity that he is my [sword], but I am never his [brain]."

Quan Heng nodded and said surprisingly: "Because you are just a knife?"

"You..." Tang Baobao was speechless.

"Don't be nervous, it's just a reasonable speculation out of a struggle for group interests. Isn't there a club in the game?"

Quan Heng comforted her gently: "Please elaborate."

Tang Liang pursed his lips, feeling that the feeling of being seen through was too painful. His psychological defenses continued to collapse, and lying was impossible.

"you're right."

Tang Badan is honest:
“But to be more precise, I am a [brain] stuck in the audition and Dark, choose [knife] to kill potential threats, and break the knife in the end.

"The [knives] we are looking for are people like Peng Qinan who have many evil deeds and are easy to control. The purpose is to make him bite dogs. Whoever breaks them will be a great blessing."

"The mastermind...?" Quan Heng smiled, "It doesn't sound like eradicating dissidents, but rather like maintaining the game's ecology. Why not call them cleaners?"

"Stop being sarcastic, it's really not noble."

Tang Bao Li heard the metaphor and laughed at himself: "Many trolls are used to eradicate dissidents. You should pay attention to it in the future. If a club invites you but you don't agree, it is easy to meet [ghosts]."

"No," he corrected himself with a firm tone, "you will definitely encounter it."

"Thanks for the reminder. Let's clarify our deal first." Quan Heng said calmly, "I will kill Peng Qinan, and you will help me complete the task."

"We cooperated to kill him. Peng Qinan is very skilled and his force is worth..."

"You just need to introduce him into my room," Quan Heng raised his hand to stop him and said in a gentle tone, "I will take care of the rest."


"You said you want me to go in? Go in alone?"

"Yeah, alone, just the two of us."

In front of the door on the first floor, Quan Heng was talking to Peng Qinan.

Tang Bao took half a step back and looked into the house through the crack in the door. A black shadow flashed behind the broken bathroom window.

Is this an attempt to take advantage of monsters?

Tang Bao Bao's heart sank, and he muttered in a pretentious manner: "No, it's too restrictive to only invite one person, so add me as well."

Quan Heng looked back at him, his eyes calm, but there was a little helplessness hidden in his eyes.

Tang Bao was worried and continued to chat: "What, is it inconvenient?"

Just as Quan Heng was about to retreat, Xue Rou's cry interrupted the plan.



"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!"

The buzz of chainsaws and the roar of werewolves was deafening.

The players fled in confusion, while Tang Bao and Quan Heng glanced at each other, and the latter glanced at the room on the first floor.

Tang Bao understood and nodded slightly.



Ah Xiao pushed Quan Heng's wheelchair hard to resist the attack of the werewolf and the puppet.

Quan Heng adjusted the speed of his wheelchair and deliberately stopped in front of his room.

"Brother Peng, it's time to take action."

Tang Baoan understood and whispered to Peng Qinan, who was watching eagerly, "Quan Heng is too dangerous. Ah Xiao has been protecting him so he can't kill him. He pushed Quan Heng into the room and locked the door. There are werewolves, dolls and me dragging Ah Xiao outside, so it's not a problem." .”

Peng Qinan's eyes flashed and he stepped forward without hesitation, pushing Quan Heng into the room and locking the door.Ah Xiao shouted angrily.

Tang Baobao smiled meaningfully and approached Quan Heng's door to wait for the opportunity.

Finally, when A Xiao broke through the door and Peng Qinan came forward to ask for help——

Give me the last blow.


"you you……"

Peng Qinan was speechless, the shock and anger made the severe pain blur.

"I'm sorry," Tang Bao turned the knife, blood flowing all over his hand, "I am the betrayal [brain]."

Blood splattered and curved in the void, and Tang Bao drew his sword.

Peng Qinan collapsed on his knees, his pupils dilated, and he looked at Quan Heng at the last second.

Her expression was the same as when she entered, with some unknown emotions hidden in her eyes.

-That's mercy.

Mercy for the foolish.

It's a pity that he was so complacent at the time that he didn't understand.

It's too late to realize it now.


[Ding dong! KP prompt: Player Peng Qinan’s health value has been cleared and his death has been confirmed! 】

The prompt sounded and the body fell to the ground.

"It's done," Tang Bao said with a sigh of relief, shaking off the remaining blood on the knife, "You don't know how long I've been holding this thing in, and I wanted to slap him many times - how do you do?"

"The wound is very shallow, and the bleeding can be stopped quickly in the game." Quan Heng put away the butterfly knife on the ground, and his eyes fell on Tang Bao's bayonet, "Prisoner's knife?"

Tang Bao nodded and held the bayonet horizontally to show off.

The blade is prismatic, pure black and matte, with blood grooves on three sides, and the surface is phosphated to be toxic.

"It bleeds quickly without touching the meat. It is used to clean prisoners on the battlefield in reality," Tang Bao said. "It is very suitable for my personal weapon. It penetrates eight centimeters into the human body and the health value is immediately cleared."

"Your two butterfly knives... I know they are weird, but it is still dangerous to encounter high-level weapons. In the future, you can get some materials from the map and go to the dwarves for processing, or you can directly get some finished weapons."

Another dwarf.

Quan Heng said thoughtfully: "I understand, thank you."

There was a loud "bang" outside the door. Tang Bao paused and put the bayonet into his [backpack].

Quan Heng sat in the wheelchair, looking calm.

The next second, Ah Xiao pushed the door open and entered.

Her whole aura became different, dangerous like a loaded gun. Her black cloak was stained darkly, exuding a strong fishy smell, and blood was faintly dripping from her body.

"Ahem, I was worried that if you used Ghost Mother to kill people, it would affect me. Now it seems that I worried too much." Tang Baobao smiled at Quan Heng and said, "It's hard to reveal my true identity here. I'll get to know him again when I go out." Come on, I’ll give you a thank you gift.”

Ah Xiao, who was about to say something, was stunned in vain, and suddenly looked at Quan Heng, who just smiled and said, "You're welcome, happy cooperation."

Ah Xiao frowned and looked at Peng Qinan's body, seeming a little frozen.

Tang Badou sensitively sensed something was wrong and changed the subject: "Ah Xiao, have you solved the problem outside? Muze..."

"Muzawa was chased by a doll and ran upstairs."

"Okay, I wish him success," Tang Baolan walked out of the door nonchalantly, "Let's change rooms first. This door has been destroyed, and I don't feel comfortable being a puppet... Damn it!"

Tang Baoli blurted out and looked at the werewolf lying in the corridor with his skull blown out in horror.

The forehead is sunken and the bridge of the nose is broken, clearly in the shape of a fist.

The walls were full of messes, and Ah Xiao's saber penetrated the wall and penetrated the chainsaw.

"You didn't take off the saber, you were just using your bare hands..." Tang Bao swallowed, in disbelief, "Killed a werewolf?"

"if not?"

Ah Xiao tightened the fighting bandages on his hands, moved forward and pulled out the saber, his tone was indifferent.

"It's just a werewolf. He should have been killed long ago."

(End of this chapter)

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