Chapter 3 Ghost Mother

The atmosphere suddenly turned cold. Tang Baobao laughed out loud and put his arms around the newcomer's shoulders:

"It's just a joke. How can we open a channel if we come in in a hurry? We will be reported.

"I won't kill people at will, but Brother Peng will kill sheep when he's unhappy. His honorary title in the game is [Alien Butcher], so don't get in his way!"

The newcomer raised his head and saw Peng Qinan's scarred and sneering face. He was so frightened that he fell back on his chair. Tang Bao couldn't help but laugh.

"Here comes someone. Is that the eighth one?" the hooded female player asked.

The lobby on the first floor was undecorated, and a few large pieces of the ordinary white walls were missing. Apart from the round table, there were a few mirrors. The carpet exuded a damp smell, and the lights flickered due to poor contact.

The wheelchair slowly drove in from the corridor, making a low sound of water, as if what it was running over was not a damp and worn carpet, but a dead man's hair condensed with blood.

The light and shadow flickered, revealing a porcelain-white face.

It looks good, but in this atmosphere, it really doesn't look like a living person...

Weird, monster?

Focusing his eyes on himself, Quan Heng saw the wary and horrified expressions of everyone, his heart shook slightly, and he smiled gently:
"Sorry everyone, I have limited mobility and am a little late."

Everyone's expressions changed a lot, and they whispered:
"Does this mean that you are a player? There are also players in wheelchairs?"

"Can people with disabilities come in? How can we play the game?"

Peng Qinan narrowed his eyes and whispered something into Tang Bao's ear. The latter raised his eyebrows and stood up: "Since you're here, sit down first and I'll help you move the chair away. Come on."

"Ding! The players have gathered and the game officially begins."

As soon as Quan Heng took his position, a cold, inorganic voice sounded in the hall:

"The KP (host-Keeper) of this map is acted by the system: it can provide you with announcements such as plot progress, achievement acquisition, player death, etc., as well as private prompts such as health value, stamina value, and mission progress."

"Ding! The New World audience has entered the live broadcast room to watch! The player's basic data has been unlocked!"

The panel pops up automatically.

Two rows of energy tanks are added next to the player information, and the two colors of red and blue are quickly filled from scratch, and the label text appears immediately——

[Health value: 100 (this represents your health status, it cannot be restored automatically, and is considered dead after being cleared. Please note: death in the game is real death, injury in the game is real injury, and pain is real)]
[Physical energy value: 100 (this represents your physical condition, movement agility, and reaction speed, which will be reduced due to exercise and brand use. It can be restored automatically, or you can purchase a blue buff to recover quickly)]
At the top is a pure purple dial with a percentage scale and a scarlet pointer that stops in the center and fluctuates slightly:

[SAN value fluctuation: 0% (this represents your mental state. When your world view is impacted, and emotions such as fear, anger, etc. affect your sanity, this value will fluctuate. Fluctuations between 10% and 30% will cause dizziness and vomiting; 30 %~60% will affect the use of the brand and the value of life; more than 60% will cause physical changes; 100% will cause the world view to collapse and death)]
After quickly browsing, Quan Heng looked at the others.

To an outsider, there is nothing in the void. The player just focuses his eyes on something and moves slightly.

Peeping if there is substance.

Quan Heng turned around and saw that Peng Qinan gave her an eerie smile.

The scars across the bridge of the nose were twisted together, and at first glance it looked like they were about to tear the entire face apart.

Veteran players with pica...since you can get game coins by killing players, then veteran players should have a higher explosion rate than reserve players.

Quan Heng twirled Shiba Zi and also laughed.

At the same time, a large number of viewers crowded into the channel room, and the barrage became active.

[Ha ha!I am number one. I have been squatting for a long time. Oh, has the channel been upgraded again? The last time I watched the full large-screen high-definition live broadcast was the intercontinental competition and the global league! ]
[Yujing Beidou appears in the audition book?This is the land of the ghost lady's unfinished building, and she really has something good hidden in it! ]
[I came here specifically for Peng Qinan. I love watching his Sheep and Scorpion show the most. I’m eyeing my prey... Damn it!Why is he in a wheelchair?What’s going on with the selection system? There is also a law for the protection of disabled animals in the Colosseum. Isn’t this a way to die?]
[Don’t be a false virgin upstairs. Your body is not strong enough and your IQ is not good enough. Playing games is the original sin!Oops, it’s officially begun! ]

The hour hand of the clock in the center of the round table points to [6].

"It's six o'clock! It's six o'clock!"

The dancing and laughing little puppets popped up from the clock to tell the time, and the lights in the hall suddenly turned on like a flashback, then went out with a bang!

The whole place fell into darkness, with only the afterglow of the setting sun filtering through the window. For a while, the sound of chairs and stools scraping after frightened players was heard, and the hourly music sounded in the chaos:

"My eyes are fixed in the mirror and I am smiling, and I am holding the doll in my arms like a child."

'The skin was peeled off to make her flesh and blood, and the buttons were sewn into her eyes.

'Listen to me, listen to me! 'Scream with the dream game and become a doll!
'Accept my love and return to the arms of eternity! '

Underneath the singing there was the sound of the mirror breaking, and Quan Heng looked at the fitting mirror beside the table.

In the afterglow reflection, the mirror surface was like a dark pool of blood, and something twitching like noodles slowly came out and fell to the ground.

Its body shape is distorted and reshaped, gradually becoming the "mother" in the family portrait, even the arc of its smile is the same.


The timer ends and the lights turn on again.

The woman was already standing at the table, her button eyes flashing with a sinister light.

The newlyweds who were close to him immediately covered their mouths and suppressed any sound as soon as they were about to scream.

"My dear children, welcome to the Triangle Tower and keep me company. I hope we can get along well with each other in the next three days and two nights."

The woman glanced at everyone, and her eyes finally landed on Quan Heng's face, her smile obviously deepening:

"Everyone can call me - Ghost Mom."

Ghost mother?monster!

Everyone looked different.

"Next, I want to announce some rules for the triangular building to everyone."

The ghost mother patrolled around the round table and finally stopped behind Quan Heng.

"My children, please listen carefully."

The ghost mother raised her hand and put her fingers on Quan Heng's shoulder, causing a stench.

It's like boiling a mutated octopus in nuclear sewage, and then covering it with stinky tofu for half a month at a temperature of [-] degrees Celsius!

This monster clearly remembers that I killed her 18 times!
Quan Heng frowned and looked sideways at Tang Bao, who was smiling but not smiling.

The ghost mother was in a good mood and said:

“Number one, home security.

The daily activity time is from 6:20 to [-]:[-], and the rest of the time is under curfew.There are always children missing in nearby towns, which is not peaceful.Children, try to stay in the bedroom as much as possible, and do not open the door or go out at will; it is also dangerous outside. If your mother cannot see you, she cannot guarantee that you will not be harmed by monsters.

“Second, love each other.

We are a united family. It is acceptable to cut off hands and feet, but never kill people. I will be very angry if I know.

“Third, family tasks.

I want you all to succeed, so I will assign a family task every day, and you must complete it on time.Of course, it doesn't matter if you can't finish it. "

The ghost mother curled her lips in excitement, and dense cracks appeared on her face:
"It's just a... small price to pay."

"Then Mom," Tang Bao said. He had no problem calling Mom, "What is our task today?"

"The family is in a tight situation recently. I hope you can earn six copper coins before dinner. As a reminder, you can help the neighbors on the second to fifth floors. Or wait until the pied piper passes by at 06:30 in the evening and sell things for money."

The ghost mother curled her lips maliciously:
"But the piper likes to take the limbs, organs, or souls of 'children'."

[Ding dong! KP prompt: NPC task has been issued]

The cold mechanical sound echoed.

[Players please earn six copper coins before dinner!There are 58 minutes left before the task ends. Please complete the task as soon as possible to qualify for the character card draw]

The players have different expressions.

The child refers to the player. Isn't this just... abducting the player to kill each other? !

(End of this chapter)

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