Chapter 4 Mom, peace brings wealth

Sure enough, they are invading each other and hindering the whole family.

Quan Heng felt slightly in his heart: He was afraid that he would be killed before he could stand out.

Peng Qinan laughed, the scars on his face crowded together, showing even more ferocious excitement:

"As long as you don't kill anyone, it's not a violation to stay silent, and dying from blood loss doesn't count, right?"

"Of course not, my child. Survival of the fittest is the law of nature, and only outstanding children are my children. Children who cannot bring me glory have no value and are not qualified to be loved by their mother."

The ghost mother smiled gracefully: "I'll see you at dinner time."

The fingers on her shoulders moved, and the ghost mother glanced at Quan Heng meaningfully before walking away.

"I finally left. I was so scared that I didn't even dare to breathe loudly just now."

"The system just said that the New World audience will watch our game. Although I know that it will have no impact on the auditions, there will be no profit and no barrage can be seen, it still makes me panic when I think about it."

"The live broadcast is a trivial matter, the main task is to earn six copper coins from the neighbors. Aren't those neighbors also monsters? How about we go in groups?"

Other newcomers deliberately avoided a certain plan and responded immediately:
"Okay, it's an even number!"

"Um...Brother Peng, Brother Tang, what do you think?"

"Me? I don't have any objection. If we are divided into groups, we will divide them into groups. These are all small things."

Tang Liang thought for a while and reminded:

"The most important thing now is to get the character card and complete the character mission. Oh, by the way, the method to obtain the character card is very simple. You can draw it after completing a boss mission.

"The mission must be completed. Monsters will not be lenient in killing, but they cannot hunt at will without breaking the rules. As for the rules of the triangular building she talked about...monsters can lie, and the authenticity cannot be guaranteed."

"Okay, don't mess around with these losers. Whether you can survive until night is a question."

Peng Qinan got up impatiently.

"Look for clues first. Meet here at 06:30. If you don't complete the task and find clues, you can kill them directly in exchange for money - the bad guys, go to the second floor. Don't bother others."

Tang Bao followed.

Besides Quan Heng, there are two men and three women left.

The two boys teamed up and headed to the fourth floor.

The two girls went to the third floor.

In the end, only the female player who made the first noise was left, wearing a mask and a black hood, and her face could not be seen clearly.

[I knew this would happen, no one wants to be a burden]
[The first mission is not peaceful. The fact that you can get rewards by killing newcomers is a character training for newcomers at the same time, but it is a cruel killing for welfare for the elderly people who smuggled into the country. What a bad luck to meet Peng Qinan]
"Don't force it," Quan Heng dusted his shoulders and gave him the steps, "We're just going to the fifth floor together."

Companions are only a sufficient condition for clearing the level, and completing the character's tasks is a necessary condition. From a practical point of view, Quan Heng needs a tool man who can worship the heavens.

Besides, there is only the fifth floor left, so we have to go together no matter what.

"Just go together," the hooded woman said in a cold and muffled voice, "Do you need my help?"

"No, it's automatic." Quan Heng smiled, "But I want to go to the bathroom, can you give me 5 minutes?"

"I'll wait for you here." The hooded woman didn't hesitate, just in time to get up.


[Players’ physiological desires will weaken after entering the game. Unless the game settings or SAN value are out of control, it is impossible to go to the bathroom.]
[Hiss, speaking of which... the ghost mother seemed to have written something on her shoulder just now. Did everyone see it? ]
[Real or false, the live broadcast automatically detects highlights, and you can’t write a curse. Are you going to die now? ! ]
[I go!What's in the mirror behind her? ! ]
"My clever daughter, why are you turning your back to mom?"

The cold and damp breath lingered around his ears. Quan Heng looked calm and slowly withdrew his hand from the hand dryer.

"Because I'm shy."

shy?Are you still shy? !
The ghost mother twitched her lips, "Don't be shy, mother is here to help you - look at those old players with evil intentions and new players who judge people by their appearance. They isolate you and want to harm you. If this continues, you will suffer a lot."

Quan Heng turned around in his wheelchair and watched the other person's doughy face squirming and twisting, changing from delicate to terrifying and full of cracks.

"Why is the audition book worth the risk for veteran players to sneak away? Is it the... Yujing Beidou in the name of the map?" "As expected of the child I like, he is so smart. Yes, that is a very precious special item, and it belongs to this game The MVP of the game — I hope that’s you.”

"Me? What does mom want me to do?"

"Character cards."

Ghost Mother grabbed it in the air and held a black card the size of a playing card between her fingers.

"After players get the role cards, they will assume different roles in the game, receive different tasks, and get different assistance and clues."

As she spoke, the pattern on the front of the card kept changing.

The clown laughed heartily, took a few steps and dwarfed into a crying child. As soon as he climbed out of the frame, a toddling old man walked out from the other side, transforming into a bride who lifted up her red hijab and smiled at Quan Heng.

The ghost mother gently blew the cards away, and the powder scattered dreamily in front of Quan Heng.

"——To get a role identity that is conducive to the victory of our mother and daughter."

She murmured, holding Quan Heng's shoulders with her hands. This time there was no smell, only a faint scent of narcissus.

"It's better for mom to protect you than to be attached to an old player with evil intentions, right?"

Right shit.

Quan Heng was unmoved and even wanted to laugh.

Write a "1" on her shoulder, implying that she is alone, preferably somewhere with a mirror, just to say this?

Humans can't be trusted, but a monster she has killed eighteen times is enough?

"Mom's suggestion is good," Quan Heng returned the hug with one hand, and slowly added as the ghost mother's smile deepened, "It's a pity that my abilities are limited, so thank you for your insensitivity."

The ghost mother's smile quickly faded, and the hand that held Quan Heng's shoulder tightened instantly, making an overwhelming crackling sound in the joints.

"Mom, peace brings wealth."

The ghost mother stiffened and felt something sharp pressing against the back of her heart.

"It is better to fight violence with violence than to use peace. You don't want to be seriously injured at the beginning of the game, right?"

Quan Heng held the butterfly knife. She used this knife to seriously injure the ghost mother several times in the dream. Even if the ghost mother is now several times stronger than the predicted plot, this knife will definitely not be uncomfortable.

"...You are right, mom is anxious."

The strength relaxed.

The ghost mother leaned over and touched Quan Heng affectionately with her forehead. The touch felt like a sticky piece of rotten meat.

"But you'll figure it out, my good boy."

She let go, turned around, and immediately her face turned cold, melting into a black mist and getting into the mirror.

The bathroom is back to normal.

[What the fuck?gone? !Nothing happened]
[She really knows the ghost mother?Her SAN level didn't fluctuate, so she wasn't frightened at all?The ghost mother wants to kill her, but it's not as harmful as fumigating her with stench? ! ]
[Laughing to death, mental damage>>physical damage, chemical attack is still useful]
[It’s not because the boss can’t kill players at will, otherwise it would have been over long ago!What to do if you encounter a non-Boss monster, and the ghost mother will definitely cause trouble for her tonight! ]
Quan Heng put away the knife and held down the numb shoulder.

Alice had previously said that the ghost mother's ability was related to her promise, so there must be some fraud in tempting her to promise so eagerly, probably because she was afraid that she would reveal clues to predict the plot.

But Tang Baoli also said that monsters cannot attack players at will, which allowed her to threaten.

The door was knocked twice, and the hooded woman stood at the bathroom door.

"Are you okay?"

"It's okay," Quan Heng smiled, "Let's go."

The hooded woman didn't say much. After walking a few steps, she suddenly turned around, pressed her hands on the armrests of the wheelchair, and spoke in a cold tone that could not be refused:

"Do you know Ghost Mom? Have you experienced the predicted plot?"

(End of this chapter)

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