Chapter 32 Third Floor
dong dong dong.

"Who is it? Stop knocking!"

dong dong dong.

The knocking on the door was still unhurried.

"Damn it! Didn't you see our family was quarreling and breaking things?! Are you annoyed, I said don't-"

The door to the third floor room opened, and the ferocious-looking woman raised her eyes. The curse on her lips suddenly stopped, and her expression went blank for a moment.

"Hello," Quan Heng retracted his hand from knocking on the door and Qing Qing said with a smile, "Mother Ghost asked us to help make candles. Can you let us in?"

The woman opened her mouth in confusion. Tang Baoli stood behind Quan Heng and clearly saw a flash of panic in the woman's eyes.

Tang Liang raised his eyebrows. Will the monster show panic when seeing a new player?It's normal to covet someone to kill him.

"Who's knocking on the door?" A man's rough voice came from the room, and footsteps gradually approached, "Damn, who is so short-sighted and looking for trouble! Didn't you see that we don't have time?"

"Yesterday, those two girls made a mess in the house. They kicked out whoever came -"

The man stopped behind the woman and looked over her shoulder to see Quan Heng. His voice suddenly stopped and his pupils shook violently.

"What's wrong?" Quan Heng's smile deepened, "Do we know each other?"

"No, I don't know you." The woman blinked in panic, reacted first, and managed a smile, "What did you just say you were here for?"

"Make candles." Quan Heng said.

"Ah, it turns out I'm helping to make candles. Come on, come on. Come in." The woman put on a fake smile and greeted her warmly.

Quan Heng and Tang Bao went in together.

The couple looked at each other, wary. The woman glanced at the living room indicatively, and then caught up with Quan Heng to lead the way.

The man closed the door, hurriedly took out three incense sticks from under the TV cabinet in the living room, lit them, opened the wall partition, and looked at the tablets placed inside.

"Right here, this is the ancestral hall, and the altar is inside."

The woman greeted, opening the door first.

The cold wind blew past Quan Heng face to face as soon as he pushed the door open, the gentle jingling of bells kept coming and going, and there was an unpleasant fishy smell in the air.

It looked like something had been soaked for too long and was rotten.

Quan Heng raised his eyes and looked from the yellow talisman paper swaying in the wind in the room, to the red bells that kept ringing all over the room, to the altar covered with incense ash and wax oil, and to the unknown object covered with red cloth inside. .

The wind outside the window picked up a corner of the red cloth, and you could vaguely see a small section of the pale baby's lotus root arm inside.

"Why did you forget to close the window? Oh, it must be the two girls who came before, and they were writhing around while we were arguing." She complained as she closed the window.

The wind suddenly stopped, the rattling noises in the room subsided, leaving only the lingering sound of the bells, and the revealing red cloth also subsided and no longer stirred.

"There are only two red candles left on the altar. Remember to watch carefully and make them quickly." The woman kept looking at Quan Heng out of the corner of her eye and walked back out. "We won't disturb you. Do it yourself in there.”

She closed the door with a bang and looked at her husband beside her, with fear and resentment in her eyes.

"These two monsters know you," Tang Baobai observed the furnishings in the house and felt instinctively uncomfortable with this gloomy and oppressive atmosphere. He asked warily, "What's going on?" "Didn't you always suspect that I experienced the predicted plot? ?" Quan Heng looked at the yellow talisman floating in front of his eyes, raised his hand and gently held it in front of his eyes to browse, "I did experience it, and I did get the clues."

"What clue?"

Quan Heng put down his hands and fixed his gaze on the innermost desk, "The family portrait I saw in the prediction plot is different from the family portrait I saw outside."

Although I have experienced it a total of eighteen times, and it changes every time, it is still those people who come and go.

The last time is the most complete——

Aunt, uncle, cousin, mother, and as a "child".

"Bah! It's this unfilial brat again."

The woman gritted her teeth and sat on the sofa in the living room, staring at the photo frame in her hand.

There are five people in the family photo.

Standing in the second row were the couple, and the pale baby lying in the woman's arms chewing a candle with a severed finger.

The baby's body was strangely mutilated, with sparse fetal hair, and he smiled horribly at the camera.

And the two people standing in front of a family of three——

"Son of a bitch! Debt collector!"

The woman suddenly cursed, threw the photo frame on the table angrily, picked up the scissors on the side and stabbed into the photo frame. With a "bang", the glass flew out and the faces of the two people in the front row were poked.

"Hurry up and make a wish to kill those two people inside! More incense! Light it up!"

The woman stood up and pointed at the memorial tablet in the secret room, urging the man to take action. She turned around and spat viciously at the family portrait.

"Damn little bastard, he killed us seven or eight times, he must take revenge."

The live broadcast camera zoomed in on her look of real resentment, and the picture gradually became clearer. The ones in the front row of the family photo were Gui Mama and Quan Heng!

[I go!what's the situation? ! (The dog head is shocked)]
[This family photo? ?Come on, let a smart monster talk about it, I’m running out of brains]
The moment the barrage wailed in doubt, the live broadcast screen exploded with snowflakes, and there was a "beep" noise without signal interference. After a few seconds, the screen flickered a few times and stabilized——

The room was dark and the decoration could not be seen clearly.

Quan Heng was sitting in a wheelchair, the beads on his wrist were shiny and warm, and the two fingers of his right hand were curled up against his forehead, looking at the family photo frame in his hand.

The side cheeks were calm and indifferent, the eyelashes drooped into a narrow arc, and there was no wave in the eyes.

If Quan Heng could see it, he would be able to recognize that this is the beginning of dream No. 18.

 2023.11.25, one revision

  Due to character control issues, chapters 25-28 have been modified to a certain extent, which will not affect the plot direction.

  I apologize in advance for any inconvenience caused to reading.

  Thank you for your tolerance and hope to bring you the best reading experience.

(End of this chapter)

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