Chapter 33
There was only one wall lamp on in the room.

The light warmed most of Quan Heng's body in a blur, and the corners of his clothes and shoulders that were submerged in the darkness were blurred, like a wet oil painting that had just been finished without any modifications, and the edges were still furry.

[Although we are different species from humans, Quan Heng is indeed...ahem, good-looking (twisting.jpg)]
[Don’t be pretentious upstairs, beauty + anything is a killing weapon, but beauty alone is food and prey, focus on the plot]
[Well, this should be the prediction of the plot. In the first area, I have only seen the predictions of the Mad Hatter and the Earl, the Night Watch, the Forbidden Queen, and the Thug. It was too early, and I didn’t watch the video... Tsk, tsk, a high-potential newcomer. , I don’t know what Quan Heng’s prediction sequence will be]
[Stop talking, look at the photo frame in Quan Heng’s hand, do you see it? ]
The lens zooms in.

The five people in the family photo are harmonious, warm, gentle and friendly. The three- and four-year-old cousins ​​are all well-behaved and cute, which is very different from the photo in the hands of the wife on the third floor.

It can be called a deception in the world of light and a frame in the world of hell.

[Hiss... This is not exactly the same style as the family portrait in the hands of my wife on the third floor, it can only be said that it has nothing to do with it! ——But this also shows that Quan Heng knows that the relationship between the residents of this building and the ghost mother is not simple, they are relatives! ]
[But Quan Heng has never seen the residents on the third floor. This family portrait has a similar face to the game monster. There is no other connection with it. It is different from Xue Rou’s description. There is no way to contact him!

And she seemed to know that there was something wrong with Kelsang first (PS: I don’t even know what was wrong with Kelsang now), and then she met the residents on the third floor. I’m sorry for the time it took to get the information]
On the screen, Quan Heng turned his pupils slightly, focusing on his cousin in the family photo.

After a few seconds, she lowered her fingers on her forehead and stroked her cousin's face thoughtfully.

[What is Quan Heng thinking? (Scratching his head and ears), can you read the audience’s minds? With my quotient, I really can’t see through this person]
[Monsters, there is a doubt. I remember that Quan Heng was not surprised when he saw the woman on the third floor. This live broadcast shot gave a close-up.

Furthermore, based on Quan Heng’s IQ, I guess she pushed it from [Gelsang has a problem] to the residents on the third floor who have never been there and also has a problem, and then contacted to predict the plot and learned about the kinship]
[Then it seems that Quan Heng didn’t see the residents on the third floor because of some strange mistake, damn!The clues for predicting the plot are completely useless!So unlucky]
[Several smart people upstairs, wait a minute. Do you think we can extrapolate from Kelsang’s problem to the problem of the residents on the third floor?Hiss, the third floor is related to the ghost mother... so Gesang is also related to the ghost mother?No, no, no, your logic is wrong, right? ?

Even if Gesang's question is "I am related to the ghost mother", it cannot be directly inferred that the residents on the third floor are relatives in the family portrait!After all, the female ghost on the fifth floor and the werewolf are not related by blood. This analysis is too flawed. How can Quan Heng be sure that there must be something wrong with the residents on the third floor? ]
[What if... Quan Heng saw not Zhao Liang, but the family Xue Rou described? ]
dong dong dong.

There was a knock on the door, and Quan Heng in the picture slightly raised his chin and looked at the door calmly.

[who is it? ! ]
[Laughing so hard, it seems everyone is going to have PTSD in response to the knock on the door]
Boom boom boom!
The knocking on the door intensified.

Quan Heng seemed to sigh slightly, and put down the family photo frame naturally, driving the wheelchair to open the door with ease——

Outside the door, a couple snuggled closely in their arms holding a glass jar with the fetal body sealed. Quan Heng’s invisible kid was lying on his mother’s shoulder, grinning solemnly in the live broadcast footage.

The "three" members of the family all raised their eyes and smiled at Quan Heng.

"Aunt, uncle, how are you? And..."

Quan Heng calmly opened the door and paused slightly when his eyes touched the glass jar. There seemed to be a slight and meaningful smile passing through his eyes, gentle and sharp with ease.

"——My cousin who unfortunately turned into a brat."

[Holy shit! !I knew it!There was no chance of missing it by mistake, Quan Heng knew it from the beginning! !This old fox didn't even show the tip of his tail! ! ]
[Co-author Quan Heng knew everything from the time Xue Rou mentioned that there was a kid on the third floor? !Rather than pushing out the third floor based on Kelsang, pushing out Kelsang based on the relationship between the third floor might be problematic? ! ]
[Damn it!But what exactly is the problem?What is the relationship between the residents in this building and the ghost mother? ! ! ]
Without giving the barrages too many opportunities to go crazy, the live broadcast screen flashed with snowflakes again and returned to the real-time screen.

The altar full of incense emits white smoke, and dense red fire spots gather in the smoke like strange eyes from another world.

The enshrined tablet began to shake, and the incense condensed into a column and was sucked into the tablet. The couple who stood in the living room and stared at the tablet looked at each other with a smile of success.Inside the ancestral hall.

"So... this family is the sister of Gui Mama, and you can realize that the relationship between the residents of this building and Gui Mama is unusual, and this factor is also affected." After listening to Quan Heng's story, Tang Baoli concluded.

"It's not the ghost mother's sister's house, it's the ghost father's sister's house," Quan Heng corrected and chuckled, "You don't seem to be able to distinguish the kinship relationship."


Tang Baoli's expression was hard to describe. He seemed to have been tortured by complicated family relationships, and he had a headache. "Spare me, I really don't understand this. Every Chinese New Year, I don't ask people who only know how to use their mobile phones."

"Let's talk about the ghost father? Why haven't I seen a father here? Isn't there only a ghost mother in this family? What is a ghost father..."


The child's laughter suddenly sounded.

The object covered by the red cloth on the desk shook wildly, and a large amount of white smoke exploded with a bang. The red cloth was also blown away, and fell on the dense red ropes in the room.

The bells tied to the red rope were swinging wildly, one string after another, and the whole room was disturbed by the noisy sound of bells.

[Ding dong! KP Tip: Player Tang Bao was attacked by the bell, and the SAN value fluctuated greatly!The current data is 15%, please stabilize it as soon as possible! 】

[Ding dong! KP Tip: Player Quan Heng was attacked by the bell, and the SAN value fluctuated greatly!The current data is 7%! 】

The room was shrouded in mist, and the yellow symbols of suppression lit up one after another.

"Ahem... Damn! The door is indeed locked!"

Tang Bao failed to pull the door open. He cursed and looked at Quan Heng, who was unmoved by the smoke. He shook his head vigorously to suppress his irritation. He looked around, his eyes suddenly fixed, and he raised his finger:


Quan Heng turned his eyes and looked.

The dim light of the yellow talisman extruded white smoke and illuminated a wall lifelessly. One could vaguely see the blood-red baby's handprints crawling between the shadowy bells.

- Something is coming out.

(End of this chapter)

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