"Is this the kid they raised?" Tang Baobai looked at the desk and made a quick decision, "I'm going to smash the kid."

"Smashing it now will do no harm but no good." Quan Heng plucked the beads to calm down the irritability aroused by the sound of the bell. "Those things are not used to protect it, but to restrain it."

Tang Bao took a deep breath, calmed down, and took out the prisoner's bayonet: "The door is blocked. If this continues, we will be trapped. Only by breaking the restraints can we really hurt it. I have opened a ghost map before to attack these ghost hand shadows." It's useless, but when they attack, we..."

Ghost hands came from all directions, and Tang Baobao rolled on the spot to avoid the intensive attacks: "——It will be difficult for us to escape, and ordinary attacks are useless. My weapons have no additional supernatural damage and have no attack on ghosts. Effectiveness, I’m afraid…”


[Ding dong! KP Tip: Player Quan Heng uses the prop card "Evil Spirit Nail"]

The burning noise and the kid's resentful cry of pain rang out. Tang Bao Bao was startled and turned his head to look at the ghost's hand that had been retracted by the burning. He saw the long nail in Quan Heng's hand: "Why are you..."

"Oh," Quan Heng tilted his head and smiled, "I was too pressed for time and didn't have time to say anything."

She seemed to have forgotten accidentally, but there was no apology in her smile. She raised her hand, and the evil nail between her fingers turned into a prop card, and then turned back into a long nail the next second.

"Your other suspicion is also right. I did make a deal with the piper and exchanged prop cards.

"I think you are too - senior, if you don't take it out and use it, I'm afraid I will have to write the address for the urn for you."

Tang Bao'er realized that he had been deceived.

He thought that because the ancestral hall was such an obvious trap, Quan Heng dared to enter because he had a perfect way to break it.

I didn’t expect that this person did exist, but not him!
In other words, Quan Heng also thought of a way to break the situation for him, but he had to bear the cost of breaking the situation himself, and at the same time consume the prop cards he obtained from trading after completing the mission without telling Peng Qinan.


"I understand," Tang Bao calmed down, "Thanks for the reminder."

However, the [killing Peng Qinan] part of the transaction has been completed, and Quan Heng is also reminding him——

It’s time to show your sincerity.

Tang Bao took out the prop card from his [backpack] and spoke quickly and clearly, "The one-time prop card has the effect of [purification]. All supernatural soul monsters within 20 meters will be affected, and their attack power will be reduced by 50%. The duration is 5 minutes." .”

Quan Heng's smile deepened: "Use it, then use Peng Qinan's [Master Key] to open the door and bring the couple in."

Sure enough, everything was arranged.

Tang Baobao used the prop card resignedly and immediately stood up and opened the door.

[Ding dong! KP tip: You have used the item card "Purifying Spray"]

[Ding dong! KP Tip: You have used the item card "Master Key"]

The fresh and gentle mist spreads out from the prop card, overwhelmingly dispersing the choking smoke of the incense, and the spine-chilling gloominess also weakened a few points.

"What are you doing? You-ah! Don't grab my hair!"

"Let me go! Brat, do you want to die..."

There was an argument outside the door, and the couple cursed and screamed harshly. It seemed that Tang Bao had vented all his anger on the NPC monster.

Quan Heng laughed and turned around. The ghost hand that was about to approach immediately avoided the nail with fear, hesitantly explored it and then awkwardly retracted it.

"Children are afraid of pain," Quan Heng said with a warm smile, "After learning your lesson, don't bump into me again."

Dozens of pairs of ghostly hands were twisted together on the wall, like a little girl who was uneasy and a little unconvinced after being scolded.

Quan Heng lifted the red rope bell that was in the way, walked to the desk and uncovered the red cloth. The half-formed fetus was squeezed into the jar, just like what he saw in the predicted plot.

"Let me go ah——!!"

Tang Bao kicked the weak man with weak kidneys into the house. He then dragged the woman by her hair into the ancestral hall in a ferocious manner, turned around and locked the door.

The woman covered her scalp and wailed. She looked up and saw Quan Heng standing next to the imp sealing jar. She shivered with resentment in her eyes.

"Auntie," Quan Heng didn't care. She put her left hand on the desk, shook the black spike in her right hand, and chuckled, "Do you think my cousin is... happy in there?"

The woman's expression suddenly changed, and she screamed in horror: "Don't smash it——!!"

"Bang!!" The evil spirit nail drove hard into the damaged part of the glass jar. The glass shattered and the antiseptic fluid scattered. The pale fetus, which was as big as a palm, rolled out. It suddenly coughed and choked a few times in the dead silence. .

The woman screamed in horror.

The ghost fetus was awakened, his deformed arms twitched a few times, turned over with a wrinkled face, slowly opened his eyes, and saw his frightened "parents".

"Ah... ugh... na..."

Her eyes lit up, she stretched out her limp fingers, and tried her best to smile, but she didn't even have good facial features. No matter how happy or flattering her smile was, it was ugly and scary.

"Ghost... ghost! She's out! She's out..." The woman was so frightened that her legs were paralyzed, she was trembling and wanted to crawl out, and she couldn't even speak clearly.

The ghost fetus didn't understand her mother's words. She stretched out her hands to her parents with all her strength, as if she was longing for a hug.

The man's eyes widened in panic, he looked around in panic, gritted his teeth and picked up the broken chair legs on the ground, and angrily shouted: "Go back to your jar, you lose money! Why don't you go back! What are you looking at? What are you trying to do with your hands?" !”

The ghost child was stunned by the roar, and the smile that was desperately raised at the corner of her mouth melted little by little. She lowered her hands and quietly looked at her roaring and frightened parents. After a long time, she blinked very slowly, smelling the unpleasant filth. The antiseptic water dripped from her eyelashes, as if she was crying.

But the stillborn kid is just a tool. How could an ugly monster, a tool for profit, shed tears?
It's impossible, it's ridiculous.

The ghost fetus chuckled, and the whole room trembled. Countless bloody handprints climbed up the wall. The unseen shadow tightly grasped the woman's hair from behind and bit the man's thigh. Fear and pain overwhelmed the loved ones.


The bells rang wildly and the blood rope broke.

3 minute later.

[Ding dong! KP Tip: Players Quan Heng/Tang Bao kill the monster "family of three", each will be rewarded with 150 game coins! 】

The ground was strewn with body parts and men's and women's clothes were in shreds.

The ghost hands dissipated with the kid's exhausted resentment, and the mutilated fetus lost its vitality and turned into a doll with buttons sewn on.

"The skin was peeled off to make her flesh and blood, and the buttons were sewn into her eyes." Quan Heng bent down to pick up the wet doll, which felt like wrinkled flesh. "After taking revenge, he turned back into a doll. He vented his resentment against his parents. from."

Tang Badou dusted off his arms, looked at the torn couple, frowned and sighed:
"If you don't give birth to kindness or cultivate kindness, you could have been reincarnated directly after your death, but you were made into a brat by your parents. Who should they blame if you don't have the right to blame them?

"These two monsters really don't regard children as human beings, they only regard them as objects that can bring benefits."

Quan Heng said nothing, placed the puppet on the table, pulled the red cloth aside to cover it, and then turned around and took off the yellow talisman from the house.

"What are you doing with this?" Tang Bao asked.

"I told you," some of the yellow talismans had burned themselves out when the kid came out. Quan Heng picked the ones that could be used and answered without looking back, "Buy them for zero yuan."

"...Are you really just after a few broken talismans?!"

Seeing Quan Heng nodding, Tang Baolan twitched the corner of his mouth, took a deep breath, held down the fire, and leaned against the wall to change the subject.

"This talisman can't suppress the little devil, so it's not very useful. It's not as good as the one drawn by the Taoist priest in the player. It also works in the game."

"Taoist?" Quan Heng raised his eyebrows, a little interested.

"Well, he is a Taoist priest who is not very serious. He is still a newcomer this season, but he is very good at playing games." Tang Buxin was absent-minded and couldn't help but ask, "So you came to the third floor just to rob? There is no other gain, and two tickets are in vain. Prop card?”

"Of course there is."


Quan Heng folded the intact yellow talisman, put it into his coat pocket, and said casually: "For example, I found a way to kill the ghost mother."

"Oh, you found Killer Ghost..."

Tang Bao Bao was coaxed by this light tone. He suddenly paused for a few seconds when he said this. After realizing it, his eyes widened and he stood up in shock:
"——What did you say you found?!"

Quan Heng just smiled: "Nothing, it's time to go."

(End of this chapter)

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