07:30 pm, first floor.

"It's easy to get into trouble tonight, so stay in the bedroom and don't go out."

A Xiao stood by the door. She was not very good at caring about people. She paused and said hesitantly: "But are you sure you want to use Ji Jie's room? She died here. According to you Chinese people, no auspicious.

"Why don't you and I share a room? No one will sleep tonight anyway, so it's still safe."

"It's ok."

Quan Heng lowered his body and gestured to the sealed bathroom door in the house:

"The protection measures in this room are good. Besides, it is useless to be in the same room with you. Even if the ghost mother attacks me, she will also choose to [fall into a dream]. It is useless to stay together on the physical level."

Quan Heng is right, and it is easier for two players to attract monster attacks if they stay together, but...

A Xiao's eyes swept over Quan Heng's wrists and arms with some dissatisfaction. She still felt that this person was too thin. Although there was no actual connection between the game's health value and the real body, he looked very fragile. She said firmly: "Then you ,Do not sleep."

If I can't wake up, the [brain] I finally picked up will be scrapped. The Double-Headed Eagle S18 will probably not be able to enter the semi-finals again, not to mention that they almost died in the group stage in S17!

Although she doesn't know how to win over people skillfully, she can always use benefits to win over people. Chinese people are very polite and courteous. This time she protects people and builds goodwill. The probability of successfully poaching people will definitely increase!
Quan Heng paused for a second, half asking and half confirming: "This should not be something I can decide. Even if I don't want to sleep, I will be forced to fall asleep. [Falling into a dream] is probably related to the monster's attack effect, otherwise after 'violation' If you don't sleep, you won't be killed... This is too unfair to the Boss."

A Xiao: "."

Yeah, that's right, she just said shit to the new guy.

Ah Xiao's back stiffened and he was silent for a few seconds, then he said coldly and returned to his room without looking back.

Quan Heng: "...?"

He looked a little hurried from the back. Quan Heng figured out what A Xiao was thinking just after a moment's thought. He was probably an embarrassing blow after failing to win over others.

"It's really..." Quan Heng laughed and shook his head. He turned his head and looked at Tang Bao's door for a few seconds, then looked at Mu Ze's door. He lowered his eyes and moved the beads in his hand before entering the room.

The corridor is silent.

The voice-activated sensor light suddenly turned on, one of the doors opened and closed, and the other door opened half a minute later.

When Tang Bao saw the person coming, he raised his eyebrows in surprise: "How come you..."

"Let's talk about cooperation." The visitor said.


"It's eight o'clock! It's eight o'clock!"

The cheerful sound of the alarm clock traveled through the corridors and through the walls.

Quan Heng was sitting at the desk, with a piece of draft paper casually pulled out from the table under her arm. She paused when she heard the sound. Just as she was about to straighten up, she felt a strong sleepiness coming over her, impatiently covering her.

So anxious...

His consciousness was drowsy, and his body was sending out a strong signal of fatigue. Quan Heng's eyelids fell shut, and the carbon pen dropped from his hand and dropped the draft paper on the table, leaving a shallow mark on the word "narcissus".

The small clock in the lobby on the first floor was still ringing. The little time teller was shaking his head and tail in the pale red moonlight blowing in by the wind. At the end of the time, he suddenly got rid of his restraints, jumped out of the clock, and jumped off the table in a swagger.The surrounding scenery gradually becomes illusory, like the dreamy glare during interstellar travel in the movie. Time changes rapidly, and the scene is constantly distorted and reshaped.

The little time teller suddenly jumped up on an unfamiliar marble table, arranged his clothes vividly, cleared his throat and shouted cheerfully:

"It's time! It's time-!"

In an instant, the dust settled and the room took shape.

The sounds of students playing in the street after school, the occasional ringing of bicycle bells, the smell of dinner in the old building and Wu Nong’s soft-spoken calls flowed out of the small windows of every house, making the sunset in the sky noisy.

A hand gently patted the time teller on the head, picked up the dinner and walked to the bedroom.

The little time teller calmed down, with a bright and strange smile, and looked through the kitchen and living room, into the gap in the bedroom door, and quietly peered at Quan Heng who slowly opened his eyes.

[Is this... a dream? ]
A tentative barrage was sent out, and a large number of scrolling barrage bars appeared in the next second.

[This house is so old and weird. It should not be in the triangular building of the ghost mother. It is probably from Quan Heng’s real life... Hiss, Quan Heng doesn’t seem to live in a place like this, it’s small and narrow]
[This chandelier, this wall covering, these details, my mother’s dream-making ability is so strong after not seeing ghosts for a long time?When Ji Jie was there, she still couldn't see clearly, or... Quan Heng's dream was so controllable that he completely created a plus version for her]
[Just see if it’s okay. Oops, I dragged it for a long time, but I didn’t expect it to be the easiest way to fall into a dream. There’s no resistance at all. It’s like nothing real.]
[Quan Heng woke up, hey, isn’t that right?Holy shit!Ghost mother can seal memories by controlling dreams, right? !How old is Quan Heng now? !Why does it look so small? ! ]
Quan Heng blinked lightly and his eyes fell on the desk opposite the single bed -

There were messy acquisition contracts, Chinese-German bilingual documents with huge profit figures for various illegal weapons marked in red, and a folded page of the criminal law book. The words on the thin paper were bright red by the setting sun.

[A person who is over the age of fourteen but under the age of sixteen who commits intentional homicide or intentional injury causing serious injury or death... shall bear criminal responsibility]

There is a crooked desk calendar on the book, which happens to be August 2014. The Mid-Autumn Festival is circled in red pen with a bright red cross. Next to it is a line of small words that are extremely sharp even when written -

【Damn 14 years old】

Quan Heng's eyebrows seemed to jump, and then he lowered his eyes and sat up, with a dazed look in his eyes as he looked at the wheelchair beside him.

She seemed confused about the situation in front of her, but she couldn't remember what was strange about it.

Quan Heng paused, and suddenly raised his hand to touch his forehead, feeling that his breath was a little hot.

——She has a high fever.

"Baby, are you up?"

The woman's gentle voice sounded, the door was pushed open, and the camera slowly moved up from the black-faced and red-soled high heels, and finally focused on the woman's face.

His face was so clean that he even had no facial features.

[Holy shit!Damn it, Ghost Mom, didn’t you have enough plasticine when pinching your face? ! ]
[Nonsense, it’s like this in the live broadcast, how is it possible in Quan Heng’s eyes? ! ]
"My child," the woman said with a smile, "it's time for dinner. Mom has made porridge for you."

Quan Heng stared at the woman's face, then suddenly blinked as if waking up from a dream, lowered his gaze and nodded: "Thank you...Mom."

After saying these words, a mouth suddenly appeared on the woman's blank face, as if it were drawn on a painting.

She curved her newborn lips, and the smile on her lips continued to deepen:

"You're welcome, come and eat."

(End of this chapter)

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