"Still have a fever?"

When Quan Heng finished half the bowl of porridge, the woman took the porcelain bowl and put it aside, and touched Quan Heng's forehead with her cold hand.

Quan Heng's fingers on the quilt were slightly curled up, hooking the Buddhist beads on her wrist, and she lowered her eyes tiredly. The tail of her eyes slightly protruded diagonally upward, which made her appear noble, but the corners of her eyes were naturally curved downwards, and her eyes were lowered. It is warm and gentle at the same time.

The woman looked at her for a moment, always feeling something strange.

Her age, body, and memory have all receded along with the dream. Why hasn't this feeling changed for her?
"Mom, do you have anything else to say?" Quan Heng raised his eyes to look at her and curved his lips kindly, "It doesn't matter to me. You can go and rest."

"No," the woman reacted and smiled, "Today is your birthday. Mom bought you a cake. Haven't you always wanted to eat birthday cake? Although you don't want to eat too much if you have a fever, it's okay to eat a small piece. "

"Come, let me push the wheelchair over for you, and mom will take you there."

[Wan Liao, I think Quan Heng is completely confused. As expected, only mother is the best in the world. This is so unwary]
[Listen up, idiots upstairs, the ghost mother's ability is to take advantage of psychological loopholes, and then clear your memory in the dream. You are dreaming, and your consciousness is not clear. How many deep dreams have you seen that were influenced by Controlled by people?Really convinced]
[Why do I feel... something is wrong? Did you just see the close-up of the camera? Although I am legally illiterate, at least I am not illiterate. I can read. Who has nothing to do to study criminal law age? ?And just that teasing "I don't mind", can someone like Quan Heng say it? ? ]
[It’s normal for a child to act like a baby. Who wouldn’t act like a baby with their mother? I’m still my mother’s daughter.]
[You are being pampered by acting like a spoiled child, Quan Heng is going to be killed, and her "mother" is going to kill her]
"...Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you!" The woman only moved her mouth. After singing the birthday song, she clapped her hands and looked tenderly at Quan Heng who was warmed by the firelight in the darkness. "Blow out the candles quickly and make a wish." willing."

Quan Heng lowered his eyes, with the faint candlelight flickering in his eyes, and said softly:
"Give this birthday wish to my mother. I suffered so much when I was born. What wish does my mother want to make?"

The woman seemed stunned for a moment, then smiled more gently: "Mom, I hope to be by your side forever, love you and take care of you forever."

Quan Heng raised his eyes and looked at her: "Then how can I fulfill your wish?"

"I will give anything to fulfill your wish."

The woman was completely stunned. She saw a numb stubbornness in the eyes that were as calm as dead water, like the cold and suffocating sea water receding, revealing rugged and withered rocks.

She suddenly felt a little scared, and her intuition told her that she could not continue, but there was only one last step left for victory. The woman took a deep breath to suppress this unknown emotion, picked up a gift box from the seat of the chair at hand, and pushed it away. Open it in front of Quan Heng.

It was a pair of blood-black buttons.

The long needle that had not been wiped clean of blood lay quietly next to the button.

"As long as you wear it, mom can be with you forever."

"Don't you want to live with your mother forever?"

Quan Heng's pupils moved slightly: "Really?"

The candles on the cake were more than half burned, and the woman forced out a slightly stiff smile and nodded gently: "Yes."

Quan Heng looked at the woman quietly for a few seconds, then the corners of his mouth slowly curved up, and a smile appeared in his eyes, "Okay, I'll make it happen for you."

"But it doesn't have to be as troublesome as stitches."


The woman's voice was suddenly stuck as she spoke. Quan Heng across from him stretched out his right hand, picked up the silver knife next to the dinner plate and stabbed it into his eyeball!

The barrage of curse words and the woman were instantly stunned.

"Strange thing..." Quan Heng twisted the silver knife in his hand, and his eyelids were cut in half by the blade while blinking, "Why doesn't it hurt?"

The room began to tremble, the walls kept falling off, all illusions were disintegrating, the woman kept trembling, feeling that everything in the dream was slowly and forcefully breaking away from her control.

Only two of the cheap colorful candles on the cake were burned to the end, and they were struggling to shake the candlelight.

In the gradually approaching darkness, Quan Heng regretfully pulled out the silver knife and gently put it aside: "How about changing it to another one, Mom, I'll change it to another one."

She said gently, her fingers dug into the eye socket and removed the right eyeball alive.

A pair of buttons protruded from the woman's eyes, and she trembled: "Why are you, you're not..."

Quan Heng's smile remained the same, looking at her gently and encouragingly.

An idea flashed in the woman's mind, and she stood up and asked in horror and anger:

"——You haven't lost your memory?!"

Quan Heng chuckled softly, slowly put the gouged eyes back into their sockets, returned to normal in the blink of an eye, and sighed:
"I finally guessed it."

She leaned back in her chair, and all the candles on the cake were extinguished at this moment. Darkness surged in, and the house collapsed on all sides.

The icy wind rushed up in the next second, sweeping away the dust and gravel, and the world became clear.

The floor turned into stone slabs, the tables turned into gravel, rocks rose from the ground, and the buildings and streets were replaced by the waves washing into the sky. It was as if the stars had changed in the blink of an eye, the sea had changed, and the noisy human fireworks turned into lonely mountains, rivers and vast seas. "This is a place I always come to."

The two of them were located on a man-made rocky coast, just a stone's throw away from the splashing waves.

Quan Heng folded his hands and rested them on his lower abdomen, looking far away at the sea, "Mom, do you think it's beautiful?"

The faceless woman stiffened her body, and the parasitic ghost mother inside was not in the mood to listen at all, looking around cautiously and irritably.

Quan Heng felt her anxiety, looked back, and said proactively: "Actually, you can tell whether I am pretending to be simple or not."

The ghost mother immediately looked at her.

"Sit." Quan Heng raised his hand in a friendly and polite manner. A chair immediately appeared beside Ghost Mother, but she still stood.

Quan Heng smiled, and regardless of whether the ghost mother would appreciate it, he withdrew his gaze and looked away again: "Actually, it's very simple. No matter how calm a 14-year-old boy is, he will always have limitations due to his age and qualifications. I was not as good as I am now. good temper."

The ghost mother's mouth twitched when she heard this.

good temper?
You don't have a good temper now, do you?
"I used to be much more difficult to get along with than I am now, or I can't get along with her at all." Quan Heng knew what the ghost mother was thinking, and chuckled helplessly.

The ghost mother sneered vigilantly: "Really?"

"It's so unfriendly to be controlled by someone," Quan Heng tilted his head and smiled slightly, "Are you anxious?"

The ghost mother was annoyed: "You——"

"Let me guess again," Quan Heng fiddled with the beads, "You are so afraid of me because I said last night, 'I will help you kill someone, and you will help me deal with the trouble,' right?"

The ghost mother's face with uneven features froze, and her fingers curled up nervously.

"I have never agreed to cooperate with you, and I am not even willing to make false promises. It is because I know your ability to make promises, but if I suddenly agreed later, it is still an illegal thing like 'killing people', and you will doubt whether I have the ability to reasonably kill people." Is power a 'ghost card'?
"After all, the only ones with the ability to 'kill indiscriminately' are ghost cards. There is no precedent for ghost cards in the auditions, but there are such outrageous things as predicting the plot eighteen times, so what else is impossible?"

With the sea breeze blowing on her cheeks, she spoke slowly and clearly, her tone gentle and orderly.

This gives people the feeling that no matter who it is, no matter how many times they hear Quan Heng speak, they can instantly identify her as a tolerant, gentle, and arrogant person with a lot of skill.

"Or maybe you already knew or expected me to draw the 'indiscriminate killing' card, so you said 'draw a suitable card'. You wanted to use me as a 'knife', but you didn't get the promise." You are a 'sheath', so you want to kill me as soon as possible after Peng Qinan's death to prevent me from killing you for double rewards and ghost card tasks."

The ghost mother's face became even more ugly.

"You said..." Quan Heng rubbed the red tourmaline with his fingertips and sighed with a smile, "How could I expose such a big loophole?"

"I still showed my flaws when I took the initiative to trade with you. I even opened champagne during the dinner chat and revealed that I had been to the sixth floor. This added fuel to the fire and made you eager to make a move to kill me.

"——Isn't it strange?"

The ghost mother bit her lip and said nothing.

Quan Heng stopped pressing and closed his eyes, feeling that the fishy smell in the sea breeze was stronger than in memory.

"The water here is very cold, especially in winter. If your thick clothes are full of water, they will drag you down like a water ghost. For a disabled person, death is almost certain." Quan Heng raised his hand as if to hold the wind, but the sound It also dissipated with the wind, "But at that time, I didn't struggle."

"By the way, I forgot to tell you," Quan Heng suppressed his emotions, tilted his head and smiled, "There are not many humans who can completely control dreams, but unfortunately, I am one of them."

“My dear mother, this is indeed a game, but you are not hunting me.

"——It's me, hunting you."

The waves stood hundreds of meters high, formed a high wall of death that blocked out the sky, and collapsed.

The ghost mother wanted to leave but couldn't move at all. She was forcefully pulled into a chair and forced to sit under the death sickle with Quan Heng.

"Mom," Quan Heng's smile deepened and he meant something, "I will present a bouquet of daffodils in front of your tombstone."


The ghost mother opened her mouth in disbelief and was drowned by the huge wave before questioning in shock.

The sky and the earth are dead silent, and the seagulls are chirping.

(End of this chapter)

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