"That's it," Tang Bao said simply, "Then she gave me the yellow talisman and told me that if I gave these things to the female ghost, I could go up to the sixth floor. She also told me -"

"Here are the climbing tools you're going to use."

The female ghost floated out, holding a roll of something in addition to the flying claw rope:
"Also, this is a clue that will be useful for you to clear the level. I originally planned to give it to you after the transaction is completed... and I will give it to you now."

"——This female ghost is probably a trapped player. She should still have some clues in her hand. Only by giving her the yellow talisman can the other party give us the clues at the bottom of the box." Tang Bao slowly finished what he just said. .

Ah Xiao suddenly nodded and murmured: "It's like a god to predict things."

Tang Badan: "..."

I wipe it!Are you too flattering? !

Tang Bao was so excited that he hissed deeply and touched the goose bumps that appeared on his skin. His mood was so complicated that it was difficult to explain in words:

"I'm not telling you, are you trying to attract people too quickly? This tone of voice has already dragged Quan Heng into your club? Also, do you know that this word is highly valued in Chinese culture?"

Ah Xiao glanced at him lightly, and it was clear that it was "none of your business".

"I think..." Tang Baobao gritted his teeth and squeezed out the last drop of loyalty, "Quan Heng may not go to your [Double-Headed Eagle]. People like her will brainwash you if they go. Listen to my advice and just go ahead. No, reject her first!"

Ah Xiao's eyes darkened and he said coldly "I'll blow your head off again".

Tang Badan: "..."

Okay, okay, Quan Heng, I can't save you.

When the secret is revealed, the intensity of your beating will increase by at least one order of magnitude.

Tang Bao Bao sighed and took the things from the female ghost's hands and unfolded them.

——It's an old newspaper.

Looking at the issue and publisher is obviously a reality.

"Whether they are new players or experienced players, they can come into contact with contaminated items dropped by the game and then be sucked into the corresponding map game."

Tang Badai looked at the female ghost and couldn't help but lower his voice: "Are you... the newcomer who died in the audition, or the veteran player who is trapped here?"

"Old player? I don't have that kind of ability. I'm just a new player. I'm a noob who didn't clear the level and was forced to stay here."

The female ghost laughed at herself and shook her head, smiling bitterly: "I have forgotten how long I have been here. It must have been seven or eight years. Everyone who comes and goes is new, and they are basically all group annihilators. No one can play the role of Ghost Mother." .

"You are the first group to play so far, and there are still so many survivors."

Tang Baoli couldn't help but frown: "New players only play because the ghost mother holds Jade Capital Beidou. This map is said to be the lowest Dark level, but for newcomers it is a hellish start, and the difficulty is much higher than normal auditions.

"And the auditions are not open to official players. We have no chance to know. If the system hadn't suddenly announced that [Yujing Beidou] was on this map, we old players wouldn't have come in." Tang Bao paused and added: "But... even if there are no old players and just a bunch of newcomers, Quan Heng can still make it out of the circle."

Ah Xiao nodded in agreement: "Indeed."

In the end, it's still not strong enough.

Female ghost: "...In addition to his brain, I found that Quan Heng is also very good at talking."

Although it is said that her acting skills are poor or something, it is just teasing her. When it comes to sensitive areas, she will seriously say that she sticks to her heart and changes the topic to a lighter topic... Anyway, it will not imply that "she is not good enough and the quality of new players is not good." level.

Even if these two people were not malicious, a victim like her who was trapped and died after struggling because of the increased difficulty of the game, and who was full of resentment and pain, could easily associate it with the malicious conclusion of "You can't do it, so you deserve it".

no!Can't think about that bad woman who can coax people.

"Look!" the female ghost couldn't help but exclaimed, "Straight men are dead and straight women are dead. It's so irritating that people are more popular than others. I shouldn't let you in. Hurry up and finish reading. Don't say I didn't take care of my fellow human beings!"

The two people opposite were scolded inexplicably: "??"

"……it is good."

Tang Badan looked at the newspaper angrily and specially circled the headline with lipstick:
[On September 2014, 9, a "supernatural incident" occurred in Fujiang City. A girl living alone claimed that her mother, who had come back to life from the dead, was taking care of her in an abandoned old building.

After police investigation, the real name of the so-called "ghost mother" is Liu XX. She suffered long-term domestic violence from her alcoholic husband during her lifetime. Her husband's sister and brother-in-law lived in her brother's house for a long time to avoid debt collection and often bullied Ms. Liu.

Later, her husband's sister became pregnant and had a miscarriage. The couple insisted that Ms. Liu had poisoned her food and deliberately murdered her, and they claimed compensation of 50 yuan.

Ms. Liu applied to the court for divorce, but failed, so she left with her daughter and returned to her mother's house.

There were many rumors in the neighborhood. Ms. Liu's mother invited her husband to her home on the pretext that "family scandals should not be publicized". There was a dispute and Ms. Liu was violently raped to death.

His daughter (the client) had a drastic change in temperament after witnessing her mother's death, and her grades plummeted.

Later, the doctor determined that the girl was mentally disturbed. Due to lack of care, she assumed that her mother was alive and had been sent to a lunatic asylum for treatment. 】

The case ends here.

Tang Badan's eyes fell firmly on the newspaper and he frowned:
"I can understand some parts, but does this have any direct relationship with the ghost mother's behavior towards her children, and this perfect triangular building...?"

"——Of course it does matter."

In the dream, Quan Heng gently placed the red daffodils in front of the ghost mother and slowly raised his eyes:
“Control your child and she won’t be what you want her to be, but she will be what you want her to be – that applies to you very well.

"Mom, how do you feel about changing from a victim to a perpetrator?"

(End of this chapter)

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