Kill the game!Become a villain in a mysterious world

Chapter 40 The suffocation continues

"Based on your imagination, you think that the residents of Triangle Building have this relationship with me?"

The ghost mother tightened her palms and sneered: "Sure enough, no matter how powerful they are, new players are still new players. They are either as timid as mice or they overestimate their capabilities."

Quan Heng just smiled and put his right hand lightly on the stone table.

The surrounding mountain springs, pavilions and ancient temples were controlled by this movement, distorting the illusion and turning into bizarre and brilliant colors. The cool mountain breeze brought the aroma of the food and the slight sweetness of the cake.

The palm of his hand fell on the warm wood-grained tabletop, and the dream scene seemed to return to the original small room. The candles on the birthday cake had not yet been extinguished, illuminating Quan Heng and the ghost mother on both sides of the wooden table in the darkness.

Angry and terrifying wrinkles appeared on the ghost mother's face, which only had button eyes and lips.

Quan Heng did not open her mouth to argue, but she changed the dream easily and casually, silently telling the ghost mother that there were other people who "overestimated their own capabilities".

"The next process may be quite painful," Quan Heng reminded gently, "I will try my best to control it properly."


Quan Heng didn't answer, he turned the daffodils casually and lights lit up all around.

Meats of unknown origin were being cooked in the kitchen. There was a plate of mooncakes stuffed with hair that had been torn apart on the table. The TV cabinet was filled with limbs that were about to burst out of the cabinet. The furnishings in the room were particularly familiar——

This is the room in the predicted plot.

"I originally thought it was a room on the sixth floor, but later I found out it wasn't. Then I thought it was a dream space created out of thin air, but then I discovered its existence through twists and turns."

The furnishings of the house changed, becoming old and filthy quickly. There were discarded wine bottles everywhere, the aroma in the kitchen emanated a stinky smell, the walls, furniture, and rooms were filled with the smell of dirty oil smoke and alcohol. A trembling and whimpering doll appeared in the corner. Iron cage.

"Give me wine! Where's my wine? That stinky bitch, Ghost Mom! You all deserve a beating, don't you!"

The werewolf's curses echoed throughout the room, sending chills down the ghost mother's spine. When she turned her head, she saw the werewolf's scarlet eyes, as if her huge body could never be overcome, and the stench of wine overwhelmingly overwhelmed the fragrance of daffodils on her body.

“Although the room became dirty and filthy due to the laziness and laziness of irresponsible men, and the furniture was damaged and deformed, some similarities can still be seen.

"For example, the narcissus wallpaper, and another example, the blood-stained narcissus pattern in the corner of the living room."

Following Quan Heng's words, the narcissus decoration on the wallpaper swayed vividly, and the wallpaper grew out of falsehood, rapidly spreading its branches and leaves to bloom.

And the narcissus stained with brown dirt in the corner crawled out timidly, withered and ready to die.

"Damn! You stinky bitch! Disobedient stinky bitch! I'll beat you to death!!"

"Mom, mom, don't hit my mom...Mom!!"

The man's roar and the girl's panicked cry filled the entire room with shadows, and the breath of fear and uneasiness flooded and blocked breathing like a suffocating tide.

The ghost mother gasped rapidly, her eyes fixed on the drunken man molded against the wall, the helpless girl crying, and the woman who was beaten until she was dying.

"I'll beat you to death! You bitch!! Just do whatever I tell you to do, how dare you fucking resist?!"

"What do you think it is? Your mother asked you to marry me for money. How dare you disobey me when I give you money?"

New threatening sounds poured in, and the image in the corner began to double.

"Don't think that you just have to read some books and know how to do something. You're a loser, bah!"

The beaten woman, the abusive alcoholic man, and the crying girl are all the same, as if they just changed their faces and roles, but the family is like a poisoned water source, causing the roots of the connected narcissus to break and bleed.

It keeps growing, continuing, and then withering.

The beaten woman fainted, her head hit the wallpaper in the corner, and blood spattered on the pure white daffodils.

The father who was domestically violent as a child, the husband who was domestically violent after's really a suffocating continuation.

"Sorry." Quan Heng sighed, weakening his control over the dream again, allowing the ghost mother's fear to affect the dream.The narcissus on the wallpaper became more and more brilliant, growing and enlarging. The scarlet on the pure white became more dazzling, and the ghost mother's trembling became more obvious.

"Mom only has you, my child. Mom has nothing. Only you belong to her."

"You must be promising and capable, and you must listen to your mother! Mom is doing it for your own good!!"

"Who asked you to go out to play! Didn't you know there was a competition coming soon? Why don't you think about your mother? Didn't you see the way those neighbors looked at your mother?! You have to live up to your expectations! Mom, you are the only one who can live up to your expectations. !!”

"It's time for you to get married... or not? Then what will your neighbors think of me? I gave birth to you, so you must listen to me! Just choose him. The family has a factory and is rich. What if he is older? Mom doesn't care. It’s for your own good!”


"Domestic violence? It's serious. Everyone is like this. Husband and wife are always fighting and fighting... Mom is also like this. If you get divorced, where will your mother's face be? How will others see me?"

"Your daughter, just take good care of your child... Mom thinks you have no talent, so put your hope in your daughter. Your husband does not belong to you, your daughter belongs to you!"

The woman's voice ranges from young to old, with a strong distortion and desire to control, as if the shackles of substance bind the body, life, thoughts, and even the soul!

"Ahhh——!! Get away! Get away!!"

The ghost mother collapsed and stood up. The collision between her high heels and the floor was chaotic. She clutched her hair tightly, as if to block her invisible ears, but the difference was that the voices of men and women continued to surround her, like a nightmare.

"You didn't marry my brother just for the money. Since you have the money, then work honestly! Aren't you the nanny that my brother married? You can only have one child at most!"

"I have long heard people say that a girl from a certain family has been outstanding since she was a child. She is said to be simply perfect! She is especially beautiful because of her mother, but it will be useless later. Hurry up and hug your precious daughter and train her well!"

"It's still a little bit worse. It's not perfect. I heard there's going to be a divorce. Oops."

"Why don't you go to the competition if you are sick? Let me tell you, even if you die today, you will die in the examination room. What's the use of such a point in the examination! It really embarrasses me! Don't say it was me!"

"Get away! Get away everyone!!"

The woman collapsed and collapsed on the ground, crying and screaming:

"I've tried my best! I'm not your designer bag, I'm not your perfect business card!"

"It hurts...don't hit me! Please..."

"I have nothing left, I - by the way! I still have my daughter, I still have my children..."

The woman murmured, getting up like crazy, becoming more and more excited as she spoke.

"She is mine, the blood is mine, the flesh is mine, I gave birth to her and raised her! Everything about her is mine!"

"She has talent, her talent is my future, she is my perfect future!!"

Her face, which originally only had a mouth and button eyes, began to become distorted and vivid, her body elongated, and her appearance continued to become familiar——

"If one is not enough, I will raise countless children! They are all mine, I am their mother and their master! I am for their own good! This is what my mother taught me! That's right!! That's right! !!”

She laughed, and her button eyes turned bright red, as if they were wet with blood and tears.

She is a perfect imperfect daughter, an alienated and twisted mother, a humble wife who was bullied, a victim of worldly rumors, a desperate victim, and a crazy and tragic perpetrator.

She is--

Ghost mother.

 [Daffodil] Clues: Chapter 1, Chapter 23, Chapter 26

  (End of this chapter)

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