[Ding dong! KP Tip: Player Quan Heng unlocks plot line content!Your crackability is 100%! 】

[The plot cracking of "Yujing Beidou: Perfect Triangle Tower" has been completed!The first achievement award is 1000 game coins! 】

【Congratulations!You are currently ranked number one on the wealth list! 】

The system beep sounds.

"I personally don't like to use other people's pain to achieve my goals, but it is always the most effective way."

Quan Heng clasped Shibazi with his palms, and lowered his eyes gently and apologetically: "I hope I didn't cause too serious harm to you."

The ghost mother sneered. She had fully recovered and even had extra gains.

"But mom has become a lot stronger, but this sudden increase in power is not like yours, more like..."

Quan Heng's eyes fell on the ghost mother's back. The skin from the back of her neck to her waist showed bright red blood, as if something was burning the blood.

Quan Heng stopped talking and withdrew his gaze politely, smiling slightly and saying:

"I suddenly remembered that my mother said to Peng Qinan, "If you want Yujing Beidou, you are asking for the backbone of the whole family." I originally thought it meant that "Yujing Beidou" gave you the power to create the triangular building and become the guardian boss. Now I see Not only in the abstract sense, but also in the physical sense.

"You hid Yujing Beidou in your back and used its power to imprison enemies and control players. And because you didn't want to lose this power, you didn't even give us a hint."

"Why should I give it to you?"

The ghost mother stared at her, the corner of her mouth curved in disgust and ridicule: "What is in my hands is mine! Without Yujing Beidou, how could I have a triangular building? From a weak person who is dominated by others, to one who can dominate and The strong man who kills!”

"Strong?" Quan Heng shook his head, "No, you just got a little bit of power, so you picked up the butcher's knife and killed the innocent and weaker ones."

"Revenge is understandable, torture and murder are understandable, but if your original intention changes from revenge to enjoyment, you will become addicted."

Quan Heng was still holding the blood-stained daffodil in his hand. As he spoke, the blood on the petals gurgled out, swallowing up the remaining white.

“Addicted to power and lost.”

The white narcissus turned into a dark red coquettish flower. Blood dripped on Quan Heng's palm and flowed down the pale wrist. She seemed to be holding a heart that was gradually turning black, still beating and rotting little by little. .

"So what if I'm lost?!"

The ghost mother's heart was palpitating, and she felt like her heart was slowly rotting. She yelled in annoyance:
"I am the master of this triangular building now, and everyone must listen to me! Aren't you asking me what it feels like to change from [victim] to [perpetrator]? I'm telling you -

"I am very happy!"

She laughed crazily and heartily, her eyes twinkling:

"I've never been so happy!

"Now all children, all talents are mine! I create perfection, I become perfection, I am perfection!"

Quan Heng looked at her quietly: "If you do this, it is against the rules."

The ghost mother's smile stopped abruptly. She stared at Quan Heng closely, and when she opened her mouth, her mouth was full of blood: "So what? Just kill you all. Even if you report such a thing, the system will not handle it."

As she spoke, she slowly smiled again, looking sickly and gentle, her facial features faded away, and she turned into the faceless person in the dream, leaving only the mouth that appeared because of Quan Heng's thoughts: "My child, what do you want?" Do you want to celebrate your birthday? Make a wish..."

Quan Heng suddenly laughed.

It's the kind of smile you can't help but feel when you see a bad clown show his secret, with a bit of good-natured, restrained mockery.

The ghost mother felt faintly uneasy: "You..."

"Mom," Quan Heng smiled slightly, "Do you think it's possible that I have never met my mother, and I don't even know her last name? In my eyes, your faceless face is clean and has no facial features. .”

"The lips are just the hope I give you - everything you know here is what I allow you to know." The ghost mother shuddered in vain, and the cold fear silently penetrated from the bones to the internal organs. , but Quan Heng was sitting opposite her, his eyes still half smiling, half gentle and calm.

"Today is indeed the Mid-Autumn Festival, and it is indeed my birthday. But there will be no relatives to accompany me. Since I was a child, I have felt that the people who are related to me by blood all ran away from the lunatic asylum. Apart from tossing me, I can't do anything. Nothing.

"Later I understood a very good and very useful truth."

Quan Heng raised his eyes and smiled gently and clearly:
"Those who want to achieve great things, have close relatives -

"You can also kill."

Killing intent surged, and the air around him was as tight as a wind blade.

"I also invite you to kill me."

Quan Heng smiled and tilted her head to blow away the daffodils in her hand, and the remaining blood stains on her palm were also blown away like smoke.

The dense air blade in the void slashed down with a fishy smell at this moment, as if a lazy lion suddenly opened its eyes and bit the prey. Due to the absolute difference in strength, the ghost mother did not even have time to struggle, and was instantly torn into pieces, and the fragments were not even splashed out. Turn into little bits of white light.

The dream began to collapse.

Quan Heng held his forehead a little tiredly and pressed the warm jade beads with his fingertips. At the last moment when everything dissipated, he hesitantly turned his gaze and glanced at the melting birthday cake with his peripheral vision.

The simple red and green decorations and plant butter all condensed into the air.

This kind of sweets is not good for her body and does not meet the standards of nutritionists. It is just too many carbohydrates and fats that have been sublimated with commercial inspiration.

But I heard that it is very warm food.

The little finger retracted slightly, Quan Heng lowered his eyes, and calmly and forcefully killed the dream.

sixth floor.

"Bang!" The flames exploded.

The ghost mother sitting on the sofa suddenly opened her eyes, veins popped out on her forehead, and she suddenly dropped the burning doll in her hand.

The doll has a bloody sign on it, and a finger-long sewing needle has penetrated its brain.

Flames emerged from the brain out of thin air, burning the face in the blink of an eye. Only the rosary sewn on the doll's right hand could be vaguely seen.

"Quan Heng..."

The ghost mother gritted her teeth, moved her hands from her armpits to her spine, and pursed her lips to show her uneasiness.

[I also invite you to kill me. 】

The ghost mother took a deep breath, her eyes became more and more fierce, and she went out and went downstairs.

——She will kill all the players tonight.

Fifth floor.

"The ghost mother is gone."

When the female ghost heard the sound of the elevator opening, she immediately looked at A Xiao and Tang Bao:

"You can go up."

(End of this chapter)

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