"If you don't want to die too ugly, just settle it yourself as soon as possible," Muze sneered coldly, "Don't say I bully women!"

"Bullying women? But what do I think of you..."

Quan Heng slowly wrapped the Eighteenth Son around twice and clasped his wrist. His eyes swept up and down Mu Ze meaningfully, he raised his head and smiled: "——Should we only bully people with kidney deficiency?"

Muze said harshly: "You're looking for death!"

Before he finished speaking, he held his claw knife in front of him in a leopard style attack. This is a dagger fighting technique in Filipino martial arts. The tip of the knife is forward against the center line of the knife, and the power hand is in front. It can achieve extremely high speed in a short time. Change tactics.

Quan Heng stepped back in a small area and raised her head to avoid Mu Ze's downward slash. Her movements were calm and precise. Compared with Mu Ze who underestimated the enemy and was too emotional, she kept her physical energy consumption to a minimum.

[Ding dong! KP tip: Player Quan Heng’s current physical fitness value is 39, has not recovered, and is declining... 38, 37...]

Muze raised his arm to stab his heart, but Quan Heng blocked it with his forearm. He opened the butterfly knife in his sleeve and wiped his throat, but Muze raised his arm to destroy the upper attack.

Mu Ze was lowering his claw knife, but Quan Heng moved his hand and moved his body to slash his throat. The timing of the butterfly knife upward attack was almost perfect. Mu Ze dodged back, and the blade of the knife passed by his chin!

[KP tip: Player Muze’s health value is -1, current health value is 79]

"Damn it!" Muze wiped his chin with his thumb, and the scarlet blood made deep marks. He cursed with concentration, and then leapt to bayonet!

Quan Heng aimed at the right moment and blocked the backhand knife with his forearm, and used his reverse grip to cross the upper position. Mu Ze dodged and picked up Quan Heng's attacker with his back hand. Quan Heng dodged before he was stabbed, and immediately calmly intercepted Mu Ze's wrist to aggravate the attack, and took advantage of the trend to support his hand. Move the opponent's arm away!

Muze's right side was unprotected. Quan Heng's butterfly knife in his left hand quickly slipped into his palm, and he held it behind his back to stab his abdomen!

[Ding dong! KP tip: Player Muze’s health value is -7! 】

Mu Ze gritted his teeth and didn't even retreat. He allowed his health to drop sharply, and the claw knife stabbed straight into his face. Quan Heng dodged and locked Mu Ze's right hand. The latter smiled solemnly and held the claw knife in his hand, taking advantage of the curvature of the animal's claw to move forward. The blade penetrated Quan Heng's left wrist!
[Ding dong! KP tip: Player Quan Heng’s health value is -6!Current health value is 51 points!Warning: Your stamina has dropped to 30!There are no items to recover. Due to mental exhaustion, independent recovery has stalled! 】

If the claw knife was not blocked, it would stab the upper arm, causing severe injuries. Quan Heng immediately raised the blade of his right hand and cut Mu Ze's throat!
Muze's eyes flashed, and he drew his knife and retreated unwillingly.

[Ding dong! KP Tip: Your current SAN value fluctuates by 11%. Mental exhaustion affects the recovery of physical energy. It has reached the highest fluctuation in this map. Please stabilize and rest as soon as possible! 】

Quan Heng listened to the mechanical sound of the system, his expression was as usual, and he only lowered his eyes and glanced at his injured wrist.

Blood flowed down the fingertips on the back of her hand, and then she dumped it on the floor carelessly.

[Holy shit!I thought Quan Heng wouldn’t be tired!Did controlling the dream cost so much energy just now?Recovery has stalled! SAN value fluctuations have also increased a lot! ]
[What should I do now?Your health and stamina are both lower than others. If you continue to use up your stamina and your stamina drops to the lowest level, wouldn’t it mean that you are at the mercy of others? ! ! ]
[Have a rest!How to rest now?System, you fart like this all day long! ]
Quan Heng glanced at the elevator behind Mu Ze, then looked away with a smile, took two steps back and approached the door of the storage room, casually flicked the butterfly knife shut with his right hand, and then flicked it away:

“I originally thought you brought out Mu Ru’s head that was at risk of being exposed on purpose, but now it seems it was because you were too incompetent and didn’t have time to get more concealed body parts to trade with the flute player.

"——I think highly of you."

Muze covered his bleeding abdomen and gritted his teeth: "You..."

[I’m not saying that Quan Heng is sick, right? !Do you really want to die? ! ]
[I feel something is wrong. She seems to be diverting Mu Ze's attention. I just saw Quan Heng's eyes glance towards Dian——]

The bell rang and the elevator slowly opened.

The elevator that had been cleansed of posters shone like a mirror, with countless sluggish button-eyed monsters shaking inside the [mirror]. The ghost mother stood in the middle of the elevator, raising her head and meeting the eyes of Mu Ze who turned around in surprise after realizing it outside the door. .


The door of the storage room was knocked open, and Mu Ze turned his head again. Quan Heng was still there, only the door of the storage room was slammed shut with great force!
Muze's scalp tightened, and a cold laughter sounded from behind him, and monsters all over the stairs rushed out!

"Ahhhh!" Quan Heng landed firmly on the half-dry lawn outside the building. After hearing Muze's scream, he turned to look at the open window of the storage room on the second floor.

The pool is a [fake mirror], and the elevator wall is like a [real mirror]. The ghost mother will definitely use it to kill her when she comes, and if she doesn't find a bait to hold her back, she will be in trouble.

The night was deep, and there was only a little light by the window. After a few seconds, a figure stood up.

The ghost mother looked at her bitterly from the window upstairs. Her body continued to lengthen and deform, gradually changing from a normal human body to one with several pairs of arms spread out. Her neck continued to stretch, and her back shone with a blood-red burning light. , on and off in nine parts.

Countless grotesque button dolls crawled out from the shadows behind her, staring at Quan Heng with their heads tilted.

"My child, why are you running?" The ghost mother grinned, "Where can you run to?!"

She laughed, and her body burst through her clothes and turned into a bloated and terrifying multi-handed spider. It quickly climbed down from the balcony on the second floor and approached the withered lawn where Quan Heng was sitting in almost the blink of an eye!
I can't see my fingers around here, so I can only rely on my memory to run to the unfinished building.

"You can't run away from me! Do you think you can escape from my grasp?! You all will die here tonight!"

The ghost mother roared angrily, and her fingers turned into steel claws and stabbed down. Quan Heng rolled on the spot to avoid the attack, but suddenly tripped under his feet!
[Ding dong! KP tip: Player Quan Heng’s physical fitness value is -6!The current physical fitness value is 24 and is decreasing!Agility has been affected! 】

As soon as the mechanical sound fell, the ghost mother seized the opportunity, spit out blood threads and entangled Quan Heng's legs that were slowly stepping forward, knocked him to the ground with a claw blade, raised the claw blade and stabbed Quan Heng in the heart!
Quan Heng grasped the ghost mother's iron claw blade with both hands. His palms were cut by the sharp claws and bled, dripping from the corners of his eyes.

"You illegally detained Yujing Beidou, used its power to kill players, and specifically targeted me, the ghost player." Quan Heng's hands trembled, and the claw blade scratched his heart and clothes, and slowly penetrated into the skin, "Are you crazy? Are you? Aren’t you afraid that the game will punish you?”

"Afraid? Of course I'm not afraid!" The ghost mother curled her lips excitedly, "I will kill you to know all this! Crazy? I am just crazy!"

[Holy shit!Ghost card? ?What the hell?Quan Heng is a bad guy! !Can there be cheat cards in auditions? ! ! ]
[What's happening here!Ghost mother still knows about this?Isn't that a deliberate targeting of ghost cards after knowing that they have game privileges?Quan Heng didn't kill anyone in violation of the rules at all. This was the ghost's mother deliberately using the rules to kill ghosts! ]
Blood continued to gush out. The ghost mother lowered her body and licked the blood from Quan Heng's heart, which was stained red, and narrowed her eyes sickly and satisfied:

"Oh, Darling, I will bite you into pieces one by one, make you into a puppet, become my vassal, and absorb all your talents. I want you to sacrifice yourself to me!"

"Really?" Quan Heng looked at her and laughed softly, "So you admitted everything."

The ghost mother sensed the danger, but before she could speak, Quan Heng raised his neck and choked with laughter: "System, I want to report it!"

report? !
The ghost mother was horrified and angry: "Shut up——!!"

The claw blade under his hand penetrates a little further, and his beating heart is just a few feet away!
"I want to report Ghost Mother for knowingly and illegally hunting players——"

[KP tip: Player Quan Heng’s health value is -7!Physical fitness value reduced to 19 points!warn!police--】

There were three reverberations of report, reminder, and roar, and the death scythe was waved in unison.

Quan Heng looked provocatively at the ghost mother who was close at hand. Blood fell into her right eye, and she seemed like an evil ghost spying on her prey through her dark eyes: "——I want to devour Jade Capital Beidou for myself, and I flout the rules of the game!"

[Ding dong!Player report detected...Verifying (players have one report opportunity per map)]

[Reason for reporting: BOSS Ghost Mother (No. 2536) violated the rules and killed the player despite knowing the identity of the player's ghost card (Part [-]); wanted to steal Jade Capital Beidou, illegally concealed clues and information, destroying the fairness of the game (Part [-]); despised the majesty of the game (Part [-]) three)】

[Report result: Review passed!It is confirmed that the ghost mother violated the rules and the court members have been notified (closest to the map coordinates)]

【Ding!Wandering Boss/Enforcer 003 has arrived! 】

(End of this chapter)

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