"003...How dare you report it? Do you want to die with me?!"

The ghost mother screamed and trembled all over.

The claw blade pressed harder, cutting deeply into the palm of Quan Heng's hand, and stabbed downward into his heart.

[Ding dong! KP tip: Player Quan Heng’s health dropped to 31 points!The physical fitness value dropped to 15! ! 】

I'm almost out of strength...

Quan Heng endured the pain and laughed softly: "Really? It seems that I have attracted something terrible, but if it is a wandering boss, there should be restrictions on not hunting players at will. The most dangerous one is you, mother!"

The ghost mother gasped violently, and then laughed crazily: "Then you take the first step!"

A shadow was cast, and severe pain hit my neck!
[Ding dong! KP tip: Player Quan Heng’s health value is -8!warn!Your health has dropped to 23 points!The physical strength value dropped to 13! ! 】

Warm blood gushed out from his neck, soaking half of his clothes in almost the blink of an eye.

The moment Quan Heng heard the health warning, he used the prop card.

[KP tip: Player Quan Heng uses the prop card "Blood Fury"! 】

[KP tip: Player Quan Heng uses the prop card "Evil Spirit Nail"! 】

Quan Heng clamped the double-edged front hand of Ghost Mother, removed it from his heart and throat, and then held the spike in his backhand and stabbed it into Ghost Mother's neck!

The surge in power caused by the violent blood rage caused the nail to sink directly into the ghost mother's throat, and a column of blood spurted out from the wound.

Quan Heng forcefully broke the blood threads that bound his feet, loosened the long nails that had lost their effectiveness, grabbed the ghost mother's neck with his free hand, held the butterfly knife in his backhand under the effect of violent blood rage, and stabbed the ghost mother's spine forcefully and quickly. !
One sword, two swords, three swords... Since the boss doesn't show the health bar, it will continue until she becomes angry with the remaining blood!

The ghost mother raised her neck and roared in pain. After being severely injured, she fell into a rage. The blood on the back of her spine became even brighter, and even faintly emitted white light that flowed like lightning. The fishy smell and aggressiveness of the BOSS soared at this moment!

[Ding dong! KP Tip: The prop card "Blood Rage" has expired!Player Quan Heng has 9 points of physical strength left! ! 】

[It’s over!Quan Heng no longer has any cards, now it’s the ghost mother’s home court! ! ]
no way no money!
The boss was furious with his remaining blood. He held Quan Heng's body with his other claws and raised the top pair of blood-stained sharp blades to slash them down in horror——


A huge explosion sounded, and the ghost mother turned her head in shock.

The window on the sixth floor was blasted open by a huge force, and the black shadows of countless puppets fluttered down, rushing towards the ghost mother like vicious dogs.

The ghost mother was stunned for a moment, and then her scalp became numb and she was overwhelmed by fear.

"It seems that the little ghost tablets you hid in the corridor have been found!" Quan Heng gasped and laughed, "If you don't run away, the resentment of these things will kill you! There is no need to wait for the law enforcers to come!"

"How is it possible, how... is it you!" Ghost Mom was suddenly shocked and angry, "It was those two players who did it?! You deliberately lured me away!!"

- 2 minutes ago.

"I seemed to hear the ghost mother's scream."

Ah Xiao said as he dodged the attack and turned his head to look at the window on the sixth floor, but it was so hazy and dark outside that he couldn't see anything at all.

"Quan Heng should have lured the ghost mother out. She is not in the triangular building, so these button monsters can weaken the suppression - Damn! These are the same souls as the ghosts on the third floor, supernatural monsters, and basic attacks can't hurt them at all! "

Tang Bao gritted his teeth and could only use a knife to push away the approaching black shadow. He was passively evasive and unable to attack. His health points had dropped to 51: "Let's first find the corpses with trapped souls. They should appear in that mirror." In the corridor!"

"But we can't get close to the corridor at all," Ah Xiao Ci opened the button imp that flew to bite him, and realized later, "What is the imp on the third floor?"

"Let's talk about it later!" Tang Baoan looked out the window and said with a deep look, "If we hold on for a while longer, we should have a chance to get closer soon!"

[The female ghost on the fifth floor once told me: "The old child is always there, always running around, and no one can be seen." She should be the same soul as the little ghost on the third floor. 】Before the curfew, Quan Heng stood at the door of the house. After thinking for a while, he said to Tang Badan:

[And there is a mirror tunnel on the sixth floor, which can swallow corpses and produce dolls. Maybe there is some destructible entity hidden in the tunnel.

[I also got information about the ghost mother's weakness from other channels, saying that she was "self-inflicted". If this description is used... I guess it has something to do with her hunting children and absorbing talents. 】

[You want to take advantage of the doll’s resentment? 】Tang Baoli was confused, 【But you also said that this can only be one-third of the success. 】

[Yes, the ghost mother can suppress the little ghosts and monsters in the building, plus...] Quan Heng paused, [I suspect that she has absorbed the power of Yujing Beidou in violation of regulations, so she is not willing to give us information. 】

[This is against the rules... What should I do? 】Tang Bad is tricky.

[I will lead her out of the Triangle Building, harm her ability to use Yujing Beidou, and create opportunities for you - don't look at me like this. The ghost mother has the highest hatred value for me. She chooses who to chase, it is not my decision. of. 】

Quan Heng said with a helpless smile:

[As for the others, I plan to report... Well, I know what you want to say. Peng Qinan said to report but did not report. I guess there is a high probability that the report will be unsuccessful, but I want to try using what the system cares about most. try. 】

Tang Bao paused for a moment: [What? 】

Quan Heng clicked his tongue, half-smiling but not smiling: [The face of the system, the majesty of the game. 】

Tang Bao took a deep breath, calmed down and shook his head:

[No, this is too dangerous. If you fail, you will die. At least abduct A Xiao... Forget it, if you abduct her, she will probably kill you before the fight begins.

[But even if your report is successful, you don’t know what will happen!Those law enforcers are also roaming bosses, and they are at least S level!Do you want to compete in the audition book and the S-level BOSS...]

[—Then let’s bet. 】

Quan Heng raised her eyes and interrupted. She stood in the dim light and shadow and smiled slightly:
[Bet that I won’t die, bet that I will win. 】

[Senior, this is not a math question. There is no 100% correct answer. There are only unscrupulous and ambitious winners. 】


The puppet's scream brought him back to his thoughts.

In a blink of an eye, Tang Baoli saw the irritable doll running around in disorder and starting to go crazy, and a double surprise rushed into his mind after the tension:
"Quan Heng, it's done! The corridor entrance has been moved out of the way, seize the opportunity to destroy the things inside! Release these dolls!"



Both sides of the glass were shattered by the unbound puppets.

Countless puppet ghosts jumped from the sixth floor and merged into the darkness, biting and knocking down the ghost mother who was pressing on Quan Heng, and their shrill and resentful chirps were extremely harsh.

[Ding dong! KP tip: Player Quan Heng’s health has dropped to 19 points, and his physical strength remains at 7 points! 】

Quan Heng stood up calmly and moved away before being affected and injured. Just as he was about to bend down and take a breath, another reminder sounded in his ears——

[Ding dong! KP prompt: Player Mu Ze’s health value has been reset to zero and his death has been confirmed! 】

Quan Heng paused and looked at the triangular building in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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