1 minutes ago.

"Fuck, Quan actually dares to use me as bait to drag down the doll. I'm going to go down and deal with you now..."

The elevator rose to the third floor and opened slowly.

Muze covered his abdomen and cursed as he was about to enter, but suddenly he froze in place with fear.

In the elevator, three people in black clothes stood separately.

The two people behind them suddenly raised their heads, their completely black eyes without whites were cold and strange.

The leader turned his back to him and stuffed his pockets casually. He paused slightly when the elevator door rang, and turned around. Under the pure black hood, he saw only a blood-skull-covered face, with two black fangs in the mouth.

"So coincidentally?"

A playful chuckle came from under the mask.

"Hello, illegal smuggling... game mouse."

He tilted his head, with a joking young voice, and looked at the lone prey with empty mask eyes on his face.

The blood-red pendant around his neck swayed slightly with the movement. It was carved with a skeletal wolf head roaring angrily, making an ethereal sound.

"003, 3S level..."

When Muze saw the necklace, his pupils shrank sharply, his throat was choked, and his trembling lips only made a broken sound.

Fear blanks the mind.

[003!003! !I waited for a long time just to take a look at Lord Wu Jin]
[F*ck!What did I see? !The leader of the [Disaster Legion] personally took action! ! ]
[Holy crap, this is a 3S-level boss! !Monster in court!Where can I see it except during law enforcement? ]
Muze's face was pale, and he was left with only fear and trembling under the pressure of the huge disparity in strength. His legs were weak and he couldn't even move.

"Oh, don't you want to run away?" Wu Jin tightened his leather gloves and tilted his head to encourage, "Run quickly."

Muze's lips trembled. He turned around but before he even lifted his feet, a sudden chill came to his chest.

Mu Ze lowered his head and saw black leather gloves dripping with blood, squeezing the beating heart through his chest.

"It's so rude of you to turn around and run away."

Under the skull, the young man's lazy voice came out, hiding a mischievous smile.

"And I hate impolite garbage the most."

Blood splattered, and the heart exploded the moment the young man withdrew his hand, exploding into countless golden numbers, which condensed into bright red banknotes in his hand with a flick of his hand.

Muze was shaky, and finally fell to his knees on the ground, bleeding from his seven orifices and losing his breath.

"Ah, 1000 game coins."

The young man glanced at the amount of money and sighed: "After work, I still have to work overtime to take on this kind of rubbish job. If I had known that going to court would be so troublesome, I shouldn't have entered."

The men behind him didn't say anything. Wu Jin held the corners of several banknotes, unfolded them, and fanned them at will.

The banknotes burned in his hands, and He tossed them out of the elevator in the light of the fire.

Falling onto Mu Ze's deadpan face.

[Ah, don’t burn it!Sir, please don't reward me. Which map is this? Can I go pick it up? ]
[The number of 3S-level monsters in the entire new world can be counted on one hand. This disdain for money is true. There is no shortage of money!The working monster is already feeling heartbroken]
[But it’s easy to refuse at the 003 level, right? Just let the subordinates do it themselves? ]
[nonsense!Of course it’s because Ghost Mom has Yujing Beidou here!Now, only the 3S level can compete with players under the restrictions of the game!Sir, you really believe it, you must be here for Yujing Beidou! ]
[There are too many violations in this book. Fortunately, Master Wu Jin... If 001 comes, this small map will be smoothed out by the big sister. We won’t be able to see it anymore]
The barrage was full of agreement and sighs.

"They are all of the same kind, let the ghost mother live a little longer." On the screen, Wu Jin raised his finger and pressed the [6] button of the elevator, laughing with unknown meaning.

"Hopefully the mouse will be smart and run away before I get there."


[Ding dong! KP prompt: Player Mu Ze’s health value has been reset to zero and his death has been confirmed! 】

"Mu Ze is dead?" Tang Bao Liang just took a breath, and his expression slowly changed after hearing KP's prompt, "At this time?"

"What's wrong?" Ah Xiao tilted his head, "Weren't you killed by the ghost mother?"

"He wasn't killed by the ghost mother... he was killed by the law enforcers." Tang Bao stood up and poked his head out from the window sill, just in time to look directly at Quan Heng, who was standing under the dim street light.

At this distance and illumination, Tang Baolan couldn't even clearly see Quan Heng's figure, but at the moment when they looked at each other, he seemed to see the other person's slightly bent eyes, and a fleeting smile appeared in his eyes. He slowly opened his mouth and said silently:
"My deal with the ghost servant has been completed."

[Since the ghost operator has broken the contract, I will re-invite the "ghost servant" to cooperate. This time my sincerity is to solve the ghost mother and dig out the Jade Capital Beidou. 】

"I'm sorry, it's a deal with the devil now."

[Let’s make our deal clear. I will kill Peng Qinan, and you will help me complete the task. 】

"We exchange our sincerity for our sincerity."

[I am a very qualified businessman. As long as you show enough sincerity and exchange your sincerity with me, I will be an absolutely reliable partner. 】

"——Since you betrayed me, I have no choice but to be a second-rate kid. I'm also very sorry."

[Courts first, then soldiers, there are only three things to do. 】

The words this person once said overlapped with the words he imagined now, gradually revealing an almost impossible "truth".

Why did Quan Heng not care about his three betrayals, but still invited him, poking at his guilt and psychological defenses to get him to cooperate again?
Why did Quan Heng not care about taking the blame for "killing players" and even offered to "responsible for killing Peng Qinan"?
Why did Quan Heng continue after hearing the consequences of the report?Are you even very sure that the report will be successful?
Is it really because of the majesty of the simple system?

Because of his sincere sentimentality and almost generous tolerance?
Tang Badan clenched his fists tightly, and the veins on the back of his hands were exposed.

All fucking fart!
Because this person is a ghost, a ghost who is impossible to appear in the audition!

The so-called second invitation to cooperate, what is the trick and what is sincerity, are all based on this "information gap".

"What a word game, what a sincerity for sincerity..." Tang Bao smiled angrily, "As expected of you, Quan Heng."

This little bastard was a kid from the beginning!

The so-called "sincerity for sincerity" is a psychological hint that was planted from the first cooperation. The punch in the bathroom and those words continued to deepen, creating a "sincere persona" in his heart, which made him feel guilty and was eventually expelled. Forced to give up the evacuation of [Yujing Beidou].

From the moment he stepped into Quan Heng's room and made the invitation, he entered this lie and trap made for him!
"It's time for us to leave," Tang Baoli gritted his teeth and managed to calm down, "This time the law enforcer is too powerful and has the authority to deal with stowaway players. There is no point in escaping, so we can only quit!"

"How can I exit before the character's mission is completed?" A Xiao glanced at the height of the sixth floor, "Will the sixth floor die..."

"Get out of my way——!!"

The ghost mother's roar interrupted the conversation.

(End of this chapter)

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