When the wind comes, the incomplete daffodils disappear.

Quan Heng narrowed his eyes and looked at the back of Ghost Mother's corpse.

The silver light with a slightly reddish edge is divided into nine sections, flickering under the dry skin.

"It was wonderful."

Wu Jin looked at the whole process with his cheeks raised, and said: "The reporter took care of the illegal monster by herself. Is she playing a trick on me, or is she playing tricks on me?"

"The ghost mother's obsession has dissipated and we can no longer recover it. She handled it more thoroughly than us," the subordinate said. "Chief, there is one more thing. There is an NPC in the map who has escaped."

"NPC fled?" Wu Jin paused, "Is it one of those [nails]?"


Wu Jin was silent, watching Quan Heng cut nine and a half palm-sized, two-finger-wide pieces of blood-streaked white stone from the ghost mother's spine.

Like a sword blade broken into nine sections.

"Tianlang Tianshu?" Wu Jin straightened up and laughed, "I'm really lucky."

The next second, he lowered his knees slightly, jumped out with force under his feet, and landed firmly on the withered lawn. Like a flexible and elegant black cat, he bent his knees again to gather strength and approached Quan Heng in the blink of an eye!

[Ah! !Quan Heng is the only one left. Her mission has not been completed, so she is a cheat! ]
[Don’t talk about Quan Heng, 003 is the first to rebel in court, and may kill players in violation of regulations. Why do I feel that the system is targeting this human being? This is too wrong! ]
"The game prohibits law enforcers from killing players," Quan Heng heard the wind in his ears, and chuckled behind him, "But I am free to do whatever I want in life."

The enforcer who had been spying on her from upstairs came down.

Quan Heng was already prepared. He held the butterfly knife, slid the thin blade with his fingertips, and smoothly cut to the rear!
[It’s this weird butterfly knife again, adults, be careful! ! ]
With scars on her neck, Wu Jin took half a step back and glanced at the butterfly knife in her hand in surprise: "A prepared player, has a weapon that can hurt 3S?"

Quan Heng raised his eyes calmly and did not respond.

"You are really lucky. I have never seen a preparatory player who can meet S-level monsters on the audition map, let alone 3S." Wu Jin laughed, and the thick black mist in his palm fainted, "Give you a chance, Hand over Yujing Beidou and I will let you go."

Quan Heng glanced at the dark nine-section stone in his right hand. Although it looked heavy, it actually felt like a hollow shell.

Hold firmly.

"Is this because you don't want to hand it over?" Wu Jin regretted, "Then there is nothing we can do."

The palm of his hand was wrapped in mist, blocking the butterfly knife that was thrust towards him, and it went straight to Quan Heng's wrist.

[With this strength, my lord is going to directly cripple her hand! ]
[Her physical skills are very good, but she has no sequence buff, and her body is at the level of an ordinary human being. ]
[Don’t dare to read it, my lord, please don’t do this! !This black mist can melt bones! ]
A strange mist wrapped around Quan Heng's right hand, the eighteen emerald stones on his wrist flashed with golden light, and platinum runes exploded from the beads chain!

The runes were carved into the dim nine-segmented stone, instantly entangled into a golden-white electric current. The nine-segmented stone was connected by invisible white light, and the two-finger width visible to the naked eye was stimulated into a four-finger-thick lightning. The edge of the unstable lightning flickered. It emits a violent crimson color, like a layer of enemy blood burned into the weapon.
[Yujing Beidou· Tanlang Tianshu, has resonated and connected! 】

Special Item: Yujing Beidou-Tianshu
Introduction: "Bai Yujing, the Big Dipper; seven appear and two disappear, four disks rotate; the rusty moon is about to burn, and the cranes and swords ring."

Details: "The pivot is the sky, the head of the Big Dipper." This may be a beam of light connecting the nine stars of the Big Dipper, or it may be a lightning bolt of divine punishment stained with the blood of sin and punishment. How powerful it is depends on how greedy you are. Ambition and sincere heart.

Please remember: "The Jiamu towers into the sky, and the Big Dipper is doomed to death."

Lightning heat burns.

Wu Jin immediately let go and stepped back, his leather gloves burned by the layer of active lightning.

He looked at the weapon in Quan Heng's hand that was gradually stabilizing in disbelief. There was no handle. She was holding it on the air column at the end of the current. It was really like catching a bloody lightning falling from the sky and holding nine connected stars.

The eighteen emerald tourmalines swayed under the burning of lightning, making them even more brilliant.This is--

"Eighteen sons of heaven and earth...?!"

Wu Jin murmured, breathing suddenly and rapidly.

[What did I see?Am I blind? !Tianshu had such a violent reaction? ! ]
[What did the adult say just now?Why is the sound muted?]
[what's the situation?What's going on! ]
"grown ups!"

When the two men were about to approach, Wu Jin raised his hand to stop them.

"This is really..." Wu Jin laughed hoarsely, as if he wanted to say something, and finally said lazily, "'Tianshu' has chosen her, she can't be taken away - it's boring, let's go. "

The subordinates were shocked: "But the White Queen's side..."

"The Disaster Legion is directly under the emperor, not the queen," Wu Jin casually waved his hand, "Withdraw."


"Oh, by the way," Wu Jin turned around and took two steps before he suddenly raised his voice and twirled the Angry Wolf head pendant with his fingers, "Send this player to the New World bounty pool. Just say that the head will be sold through bidding. The time limit is one month. If you don't accept it, Any revocation, amnesty.”


Bounty pool...?
Quan Heng paused slightly, and the three monsters that just turned his head had disappeared.

Ding Dong!

The next second, the system's customs clearance prompt sounded, extremely cheerful.

[Congratulations on clearing the audition map, obtaining identity certification as a border connector (official player), gaining the right to draw a special item, unlocking a backpack and other related permissions! 】

[Ding dong!Congratulations on winning the Yujing Beidou "Tianshu" and receiving a reward of 10000 game coins!The exclusive brand reward for the Newcomer King drops, which can be viewed and unlocked in the Day and Night Frontier...]

[Ding dong!Congratulations on getting the MVP achievement of this map, the reward...】


[Ding dong!Player Quan Heng has earned a total of 14893 game coins!Break the rookie record this season, unlock the "S18 Newcomer King" achievement, and get the "Day and Night Frontier - Gemini Blessing" big-screen promotion! 】

The reminder sounded endlessly, Quan Heng lowered his eyes and looked at [Tianshu] with a calm expression.

[I'm numb, I'm numb. The last time I saw such a reward array was the last time!When the game is 2.0! ]
[What to do, ghost cards, predicted plot, Yujing Beidou, 3SBoss, the report was successful, I have reasonable and substantial evidence to suspect that Quan Heng is the father of the game... (Warning: This account has been permanently banned)]
[I'm laughing so hard. This is not acknowledging my father. This configuration is obviously patricide, okay? !I offended 3SBoss, connected with Tianshu, and entered the bounty pool. It’s over, I can live for a month at most...]
【Ding!You have completed the ghost card task!Map exploration rate 100%!No.1 on the wealth list!Win the MVP! 】

[The gatekeeper boss has completely died, the map connection anchor has broken, and the game entrance to this map has been permanently closed - the achievement of "killing the game" has been achieved! 】


The triangular building began to collapse, the surrounding abandoned buildings began to collapse, and even the ground began to shake.

Quan Heng raised his head and faced the bright red moon.

The Rusty Moon of the New World…

[Ding dong!Warm reminder: You have automatically exited the game! 】

(End of this chapter)

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