"Ding! It has been detected that your san value is stable (fluctuation <60%), and the body data has been refreshed."

"Ding! Congratulations, you have obtained the right to use the day and night frontier (dual world transfer space), and you have entered the border transfer station!"

After the system's words fell, Quan Heng opened his eyes slightly dizzy, and was slightly taken aback.

It seems to be in an unknown different space, the distance is full of darkness, and when you look up, you can only see some spheres shining with dark golden light, as if you are in the boundless universe, with countless stars above your head.

"Transit Station-Dial"

The planets in the distance condense into the shape of the Big Dipper, which looks like a beacon in the vast universe.

At your feet is a platform carved from ancient meteorites. The pattern is Yin-Yang Tai Chi. In the center of the Tai Chi stands an Optimus Prime, casting a shadow like a sundial needle under the blurred starlight.

"Transmission station... stardial?"

Quan Heng looked at the stardial at his feet.

What is carved on the dial is not the twelve hours, but the four plates of heaven, earth, man and god written in small seal script. The entire star dial is suspended in the void. There is only a plank road connecting to the solid land. At the end of the plank road, you can vaguely see the light outside.

"Congratulations on obtaining the status of Border Connector (official player), please sign the "Player Informed Consent Form"."

Quan Heng looked at the screen that suddenly popped up: "Informed consent form?"

"Ding dong! In order to promote the friendly, peaceful, fair and just atmosphere of "Day and Night Frontier", and from the perspective of safeguarding the rights and interests of connectors, this game put all its efforts into compiling this book eight years ago."

Eight years ago... No, wait!

Friendship?Peace?fair and just? ?
Can these things be found in this place?

Quan Heng was silent for two seconds and said, "What is the content?"

"Ding!" The content of the "Connector's Informed Consent" is as follows:
① This game is not responsible for the life of the connector. Except for the pursuit of friendship and peace in the day and night border areas, other locations are not within the jurisdiction.

② Connectors can choose to disconnect from the border area only after they obtain the "First Sequence" honor in the global competition. Otherwise, they have no right to leave the border area.

③ Connectors cannot reveal their identity to non-connectors in real life.

④The final right of interpretation belongs to Bianyu. The connector can choose to agree and sign, or lose the official player rights and reopen the audition map."

It’s this trick again, if you don’t agree, just start over, right?

OK, you are great.

Quan Heng smiled: "Okay, I will sign."

Sign the Xin Chou treaty here.

She reached out and signed her name with a finger pen on the signature box.

"Ding! The connection anchor has been generated, you can freely use the border domain permissions"

Cohesion anchor?
Quan Heng's pupils moved slightly, he suppressed his doubts and started packing his backpack.

[Ding!Check that you have obtained the right to draw a card for a special item, whether to use it? ]

[The card pool is being prepared, please call pause when stopping]
Countless purple cards rotated in the air, Quan Heng didn't even look at them, but only checked his basic data that had not been refreshed and was fixed at the end state——

Connector ID: Quan Heng

name: none
Health/stamina: 100 (recovered)

Average SAN value fluctuation: 5% (much lower than the average 29% for newcomers! You are the most emotionally stable newcomer I have ever seen!)

Potential value: SSS (please keep the "predicted plot" and "potential value" secret until you are able to protect yourself)
Below all the data, a pyramid pattern lights up:
"Current Sequence: The Seventh Sequence"

"Comprehensive prediction sequence: Due to the special potential value, please refresh and view after clearing five maps."

"This sequence is the basic sequence - D level, accounting for 38.3% of the number of official players. It is the bottom of the player pyramid. It is really a pitiful value."

"Literacy tips for newbies: The sequence level is a combination of the connector's life strength, physical strength, skill value, agility, jumping ability and other data. The sequence can be promoted through running charts and sequence buffs."

The seventh sequence...D level.

As for the first sequence, it should be the SSS level.

[Do you want to suspend drawing cards? ]
The system beep sounds.


Quan Heng tilted his head, half-smiling: "Why haven't I seen you before? Are you asking me if I want to pause the game?" That can't be an ordinary audition at all.

Various buffs and precedent-setting shady stories must be targeted at her within the limits allowed by the rules.

The system held it in for a long time and finally said coldly: [Human, you are so naive]
Quan Heng accepted it calmly: "Thank you for your evaluation, I like it very much."

"Go on, you can stop after I finish watching."

Quan Heng clicked on the "Equipment" option.

Equipment: None/None/None (three brands or weapons can be equipped at once)

"Ding dong! Check out the "Newcomer King Gift Pack"! We are creating a brand for you..."

The data flow wrapped in dark red mist condenses in front of the eyes, like chains tied to a suspended light golden totem.


The dark red chain broke, and the totem flickered for a moment, spreading outward and falling, like stars returning to their places.

[Exclusive brand-"Shi", has been unlocked]
The branded totem in Quan Heng's eyes appeared and fell silent, and after a slight dizziness, he regained consciousness.

"Explanation on branding," she said.
Brand: Release (incomplete)
Brand explanation: "My actions are the way, and my body is the law; release my shackles and reshape the rules."

This imprint attribute is a rule type. With the help of the spatial transitivity of the border area, it can connect the new world, the border area, and the human world without any barriers, breaking the existing rule taboos.If time and space are an unknown sea, then you have a stowaway boat and a secret, favored port.

Note: The brand is incomplete, the cause of the damage is unknown, and the damage capacity is unknown.
"Barrier-free connection?" Quan Heng raised his eyebrows, "It means that you can bring the existence of the new world and the border area out, and you can also bring the existence of the human world in. Or for example: I can use the in-game in the human world. Body, props?”

[Yes, it's OK]
The noise of electronic interference was inserted into the cold tone, like a bad signal connection:

[You can also turn over any other existence, including brands and special items - accordingly, you can also bring any existence into the border areas and new worlds, including humans]
"Are you suggesting to me that I can bring my own people into the game and form a force?"

The system is silent.

Quan Heng smiled and gestured to the card drawing interface: "Stop it."

[Drawing paused, flopping...]
Card Reversal——

A bottle with special effects of red medicine comes into view——

Special Item: Pure Blood
Instructions for use: Disposable medication

Details: HP, health bar of players who cannot recover on their own, this potion can fill the blood tank.do you know?This is a Flag. I think people like you who seek hatred will use it sooner or later!
Who caused the hatred?
What kind of bitter and resentful prejudice do you have against me?

As footsteps approached, Quan Heng put away the potion and turned his head to look.

"Do you think I should punch you first?" Tang Bao Bao slowly approached, "After all, there is a kid who has been playing tricks on me since the beginning of the game."

"Senior, if I were really angry, I would have been beaten by Ah Xiao by now," Quan Heng laughed. "Besides, didn't I say [the day and night border pursues friendship and peace]? Fighting and the like are not allowed."

"You're right, I shouldn't help you lure Ah Xiao away. I can still watch a good show to relieve my anger," Tang Bao Bao stopped at a suitable distance, "Did you get the Yujing Beidou?"

"Thank you, senior, for your help."

"Go away," Tang Bao said with a smile, "Who the hell is willing to help you?"

He reached out and took out a pair of rimless glasses and put them on. His face changed and his figure became taller.

"Let's get to know each other again," the young man stretched out his right hand, "Tang Junyi, the 'jun' of a gentleman, and the 'yi' of a standing man. The club will not introduce you, and the work must be kept confidential."

"Quan Heng," Quan Heng smiled and shook hands with him, "Quan, Wang Xing, has no club."

"Not bad, mentally stable, full data, and in good condition." Tang Junyi let go in a measured manner, "By the way, how is your prediction sequence? Generally speaking, players who have experienced prediction plots have S-level prediction sequences."

Quan Heng paused for a moment, and Tang Junyi, who had been staring at her closely, opened his eyes wide: "Not S level? Are you SS?!"

"——What is a connection anchor?" Quan Heng changed the subject.

"——Don't go to the Double-Headed Eagle!" Tang Junyi said at the same time.

Quan Heng: "?"

"I'll introduce you to a club, [Nirvana]!" Tang Junyi paused and added, "It's not my club."

Quan Heng: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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