Chapter 49 Day and Night Frontier
As if sensing Quan Heng's silence, Tang Junyi coughed a few times: "Did you just ask about [Connection Anchor]?"

Quan Heng cooperated: "Yeah."

"I can't explain this thing in a sentence or two. I'll take you to see it later."

He quickly walked a few steps out of the dim stardial corridor, stopped at the bright exit, turned around and said with a smile:
"Next, I would like to welcome the new members, welcome to the transfer station of Dual Worlds, the gathering place for game connectors——

"Day and night frontier."

The sky rendered by the multi-colored rays comes into view, the bright moon hangs in the west, the sun rises in the east, and the outlines of planets are faintly visible above the head, as if in an abstract and illusory oil painting.

In a certain area in mid-air, many silver Rubik's cube-shaped objects were suspended according to certain standards. The large ones were half the height of a person, and the small ones were only the size of two adult hands. They looked like some kind of metal.

"That's the viewing platform for professional players. This floating cabin can accommodate hundreds or thousands or tens of thousands of people. It's the same structure as the viewing hall of a movie theater, but it looks small from the outside. These things will be discussed later.

"—I'll take you to see the "Stars of the Big Dipper", which is the list display screen. You must be on the list of today's competition area. "

Tang Junyi said as he led Quan Heng towards the main street full of neon lights.

The high-rise buildings standing everywhere are structured like a bustling CBD area. Promotional videos of major clubs are played on the large CBD screens in high-rise buildings on each floor.

People coming and going shuttle in it, as if they are in the real world.


Tang Junyi stopped and Quan Heng also heard the sound and looked over——

The "Stars and Big Dipper" he mentioned is located in the center of the entire day and night border area. The 3-meter-high silver "cross" building is nailed into the ground like a ship's anchor, surrounded by naked-eye [-]D screens floating out of thin air.

"The Big Dipper, the landmark of the day and night border, is modeled on the structure of the nine stars of the Big Dipper, that is, the Big Dipper, Zuofu, and Youbi. In Taoist culture, it symbolizes 'guidance, fortune and destiny'. There are four large screens suspended in total. . "

Quan Heng looked up at the huge screen in front of him. The pressure of naked-eye 3D was like a giant approaching a small human being, which shocked his body and mind.

"The two high-definition screens directly in front of the cross anchor cover a total area of ​​nearly 1000 square meters; the two large vertical screens on the left and right sides are each 25 meters wide and 60 meters high, and the total area of ​​the two screens is about 3000 square meters. It’s incredible to look at it. It’s no wonder Bianyu uses it as a list display screen.”

——This is a tribute to all outstanding connectors, and it is also a guide like Beidou in this mysterious world.

“S18 means the No.18 season. From the end of the last global competition to the end of this global competition, it is one season. This year is the No.18 global league.

"The vertical screens on both sides are New Gods, Rookies, Soaring, and Club Rankings. However, these four are the rankings of the first region, that is, the Asian Division, and are not global rankings."

Tang Junyi pointed to the far right:

"That is a rookie ranking formed by each intercontinental division. As long as you have been in the game for less than one season, you can enter. The ranking is weighted based on comprehensive data such as the existing sequence, the level of the map cleared, and the number of maps.

"——My last identity was also on the list."

"Tang Badan, Club: None"

Ranked sixth on the Asian newcomer list.

"The two screens in the middle representing the Zuo Fu Star and the Right Star are collectively called the "Twin Screens". These two stars mean wealth and good fortune in terms of Feng Shui and hexagrams - they show the top five in the "Emperor Sequence" Top ten, a global list, very valuable.

"The promotional picture on the left screen, and the wonderful clips on the right screen, one every half a minute. Both are the starting C positions of big clubs."

Quan Heng looked up——

"Global Leaderboard - Emperor Sequence"

[TOP1. Mad Hatter, Monster Party]
[TOP2. Forbidden Queen, Empire of Thorns]
[TOP3. Lady Red, Feast of Bliss]
[TOP4. Black Earl, carnival hell]

"Some are from Asia, some are from Europe and America. Those who have reached the rank of emperor will have exclusive titles, which will automatically replace their real names. Of course, you can also choose to use nicknames directly."

Tang Junyi said:

"But it's useless. The border area will blur the memory of the connector. After returning to the human world, it will be difficult for the connector to remember the appearance of other connectors in the border area, and vice versa - unless the two parties contact each other in one place. When we meet again, this restriction will automatically dissipate."

Quan Heng nodded thoughtfully.

"Go on, the other one is the soaring list, which is based on the speed at which the connector's comprehensive data rises. It is also the easiest ranking for newcomers to join. It is refreshed every 10 minutes. After refreshing, you are..."

Tang Junyi suddenly opened his eyes: "You are the first!"

The soaring list was updated, a name that had never appeared before appeared at the top out of thin air, and was plated with crown gold.

"Kwon Heng, club: none"

At the same time, all the contents on the twin screens were cleared, and the celebration fireworks exploded:
Ding Dong!

[Warm congratulations to the connector Quan Heng for setting the highest data in the S1-S17 Asian season and unlocking the "Rookie King" achievement in the S18 season!Obtain "Stars of the Big Dipper - Gemini Blessing" and get a large-screen scrolling recommendation for one domain! ]

The connectors who were walking in a hurry and had turned a blind eye to the content on the big screen stopped one after another.

"Here I go, the S18 intercontinental competition is about to start, and I unexpectedly revealed that I didn't join the club, and I'm a newbie!"

"Blessing rewards, this is what Ye Huang and Black Earl did back then, it's not even what Mad Hatter had back then!"

"It's hard to get ahead, the timing is bad... The intercontinental tournament starts in just two weeks, and you can't be a starter even if you stop it. No matter how strong you are in the global tournament, you can't use a newcomer to start."


"Blessing and breaking the record?"

Tang Junyi looked at Quan Heng and said in shock: "Even if we don't talk about predictions, your potential is at least S. No, it's SS!"

"Maybe," Quan Heng looked at the 3D celebration fireworks in front of him, "I don't remember." "The twin screens will play some highlights in a while. Do you want to continue watching?" Tang Junyi said.

"No." Quan Heng looked away, "Take me to visit the lower border area?"

"Okay," Tang Junyi said with teasing, "I'll take you through rookie literacy."

Quan Heng couldn't help laughing, she stopped while holding the Buddhist beads inside, and nodded slightly as a sign of courtesy: "Then thank you, senior."


"We belong to the day and night frontier of the Asian region, which is also called the "first frontier", which means that we have won the first place in the global competition for three consecutive years.It covers an area of ​​about 7 square kilometers, which is about the same size as the CBD area of ​​our capital. "

Tang Junyi took Quan Heng and walked east from "Stars Beidou". "The most core facilities are near "Stars Beidou" and you won't be allowed to walk for more than 5 minutes - hey, talking about this. "

Tang Junyi asked with interest: "You didn't ask me where the exit was first. Aren't you afraid that your relatives and friends would be anxious?"

"Don't worry." Quan Heng raised his eyebrows with a smile on his lips.


"Because the frontier time is different from the flow speed of the human world."

"How to say?"

"Bianyu may be able to find a suitable reason for the death of human beings. After all, countless people die every day in the world. But so many people disappear for a long time..."

Quan Heng looked at the border streets where people were coming and going. These people were not in a hurry, and some people were sitting on the benches reading.

"It's still intermittent and frequent, not to mention how much impact it has on human life, but this weird phenomenon will arouse suspicion from relatives and friends, and maybe there will be anecdotal reports.

"So I guess, not only is the time flow different, but the linker may not be able to suddenly disappear in front of ordinary people and land in the border area—of course, the possibility of erasing traces with the blessing of the border area cannot be ruled out.

"But I am more inclined to the difference in time flow rate. This transfer station is not like on the earth, but in some other space-universal science is still meaningful. We live in different space dimensions, and the calculation of the time dimension will also change. .”

She flicked the beads in her hand and looked away: "What's more, the rewards are calculated according to 'border time', which is a clue in itself."

"Full marks for reasoning," Tang Junyi nodded and led the way, "The club's residence occupies most of the border area, but the closer to Zhongxing Beidou, the higher the rent, and the less area of ​​land for rent. Except for the first few clubs, other All outside the core area.”

"In that case," Quan Heng smiled silently, "the border system will refer to the rules of the human world."

Tang Junyi paused and looked back at her, his eyes darkening slightly: "Yes, it will refer to the rules of human society."

"Just like the e-sports games in the human world, ordinary people rarely play games on the air, but professional players do, and global competitions will be promoted and supported and watched live - the professional players in the border area and intercontinental competitions and global competitions are Variants of it.

"Even game currency is the gold that holds the most value."

"The value is indeed preserved," Quan Heng thought again, "Senior just said professional players?"

"Yes, of course you need to register as a professional player to play the game," Tang Junyi said. "Successful registration can also open the border channel."

Ordinary players can also open a live broadcast channel for the new world, and professional players can add a border channel for connectors.

Quan Heng understood.

She raised her head and looked at the strange glow in the sky. It seemed that the entire border space was opened up in another dimension, a chaotic area where darkness and light and day transition.

"On the border of day and night there are only dusk and dawn, sunset and morning glow."

Tang Junyi followed Quan Heng's gaze and said, "It's like taking one step to get to the dawn, and it's like taking one step to get into the abyss."

Quan Heng's heart moved and he looked at Tang Junyi.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Tang Junyi laughed silently, "This is what an old senior of mine and a member of [Nirvana] said: When we come to a place like this, it's like standing on the edge of an abyss, and we don't know what we will do. "

Quan Heng was silent for a moment, then said seriously: "Did you know?"


"You look like a salesman now, the kind who wants to brainwash me."

Tang Junyi: "..."

Quan Heng left no room for chance and said in a sincere tone: "I miss your unruly way before. Do you want to reshape your character?"

Tang Junyi: "......"

Quan Heng laughed and stopped teasing him: "Senior's novice guidance is not in vain, what do I have to pay?"

Eaters have short mouths and takers have short hands. There is no free lunch in the world.

The transaction in the game has been overturned, and now no matter how small a favor is, one has to pay it back.

"I do have a question for you."

For a person like Quan Heng, it's useless no matter how hard he tries.

"Xue Rou went to collect photo frames..." Tang Junyi paused and said seriously, "The essence is that you want to kill her, right?"

 Refresh, 3200 words, end at 2000 words (starting point)

(End of this chapter)

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