"I saw the photo frames collected by Xue Rou on the first floor - as I said before, you don't need to collect the photo frames' information at all." Tang Junyi said, "I don't believe you will let Xue Rou escape from your control easily. You are You deliberately left her alone, and it was you who contributed to Xue Rou’s death.”

"You suspected that she was colluding with the ghost mother, so you killed her directly."

After Quan Heng listened patiently, he corrected him calmly and without haste: "I must first correct your misconception: Xue Rou did not die in my hands, but in the hands of her partner Ji Jie.

"You are an old player, and you know much more about monster attacks than I do. When a monster with some human consciousness remaining has the ability to kill, who will it kill the most? Is it necessary to kill her in this game? Does she have a 'life-and-death' partner, or would she prefer to kill Peng Qinan, who had oppressed her?"

Tang Junyi paused.

There is indeed something wrong with his underlying logic.

"You mean there is a problem between the two of them, Ji Jie..."

Quan Heng raised his hand and stopped him with a gentle voice: "I don't know what is the secret between these two people, but the dead person is the most important, so it is better not to make unreasonable opinions without evidence."

She then changed to a relaxed and teasing tone and sighed softly:

"Let's talk about murder on suspicion... This accusation is too serious. I have always been a friendly person and I never like to kill everyone or eradicate the roots."

Tang Junyi: "..."

That’s right, you don’t like to cut the grass and root out the roots, you directly overthrow the land.

"The second one," Tang Junyi changed the question, "how did you know that I betrayed you for the third time?"

Quan Heng pondered: "You mean I guessed that you would take advantage of the 'information gap between old and new players', and then use the ghost mother to kill me and seize Yujing Beidou?"

"...Yes," Tang Junyi held it in for a few seconds, then couldn't hold it back, "You did it on purpose, right?"

"How could it be? I don't have that bad taste."

Quan Heng laughed it off and held the Eighteenth Son in his hand:

"The answer is actually very simple, because your acting skills, senior, are not very good either.

"Where can someone's personality change drastically in an instant? Or in that kind of game where the crisis has not been resolved and you are on high alert.

"Killing Peng Qinan caused you to quickly change your personality. You looked at me like you already trusted me, so you didn't like to think too much. There was really no way for me not to doubt... Have you changed your face again? Come plot against me again."

Tang Junyi was silent for a few seconds before speaking: "...Have you finished answering? After you finish answering, go east. There is [Port] in front of you. I will tell you [Connecting Anchor]."

He was simply asking for humiliation, what the hell did he even ask!
Quan Heng smiled slightly and continued to move forward.

The huge, towering bell tower stands in the far east corner, as if to connect the sky and the earth. Only when you raise your head and focus your eyes can you see the simple old clock.

"This bell tower is called [Purity Bell]. I don't know why it is called this name - it is actually the death knell. But it will only ring after the global competition starts, and it will also be moved to the vicinity of the twin screens. It will not ring normally. It won’t make any sound if I knock it.”

"Looks like someone tried."

"Indeed, there was a... lunatic who tried it before and was warned."

Tang Junyi said something vaguely, indicating that a thick white mist was lingering in front of him, and the black sea with no end in sight.

"——[Port] has arrived."

Quan Heng's pupils moved slightly, and he walked forward onto the suspended dock that extended into the sea.

"This is the exit," Tang Junyi introduced. "We don't know how big this sea is. Looking ahead is full of fog. There are no ships or flying tools in the border area. As long as you are an official player, you will be anchored as soon as you hit the water. , like a ship anchoring, stably connected to the original position before you entered the game."

Quan Heng lowered his head and looked at the pure black water.

No ripples, no life, dark and dead. "But if there is no "connection anchor", the SAN value will collapse if you jump, and then..." Tang Junyi paused and said in a deep voice, "Sink directly to the bottom of the sea and die completely. "

"There is no connection anchor..." Quan Heng turned around, "What does it mean?"

"It means that the brand can be taken away."

Tang Junyi said seriously: "Everyone's exclusive brand is their own "connection anchor", which is unique but can be taken away.

"If someone kills you the moment you jump off the port, they can achieve "deprivation", get your "connection anchor", obtain your exclusive brand, and inherit your items and permissions. "

The moment I jumped off the port...

Quan Heng twisted the beads and thought for a moment.

"Is it because the two worlds overlapped at the moment of jumping off the port, and the border area's forbidden war protection was lost, but the connection with the border area was not disconnected?"

"Smart, after all, players have restrictions in the border areas and the human world. They cannot use brands or items, and the panel can only view messages. It is in a semi-connected state. It is useless to kill them. They can only kill them when they jump into the sea. You can use some special items for protection, but the finished product is very difficult to get right now.”

Tang Junyi paused and added without giving up: "But I know that there are some materials in [Nirvana]'s club warehouse. As long as you become an internal member, you can use them at will. If you take them to the dwarves for processing, they will still be new."

"..." Quan Heng smiled politely, "I understand."

"Just know it. When you go out, open the panel and take a look. Bianyu will take the initiative to open the internal forum permissions for you. There are literacy posts included in it. I will send you a friend application. Once approved, friends will log in to Bianyu. hint.

"The next time you enter the border area, I will take you around the rest of the area and tell you about playing professionally and joining the club."

"Very detailed, effective, and important literacy knowledge for novices," Quan Heng half-joked, "How should I settle the fee?"

"No need, I'll just compensate you for misunderstanding you."

Quan Heng smiled and was about to step forward into the water when Tang Junyi suddenly said:
"Right, one more thing."

Quan Heng looked at him.

"This black sea is very weird. Even if the player's mental state is stable, he will hear chaotic murmurs after entering. Once the will is unstable, it is easy to [break anchor]. Please be careful."

Tang Junyi raised his hand and pointed at his right forearm, "Check the countdown on your right arm after you go out. See you later."

"See you."

Quan Heng smiled and fell backward into the black sea.

There was no splash, no feeling of wetness. She seemed to have fallen into the soft and cold embrace of the night, and the sound of the ship lowering the huge anchor chain could be heard in her ears.

There was a pain in the right forearm, like a burning iron brand on the skin, leaving a shield-shaped mark as dark red as blood.

Under the scarlet full moon, countless tentacles slowly wrapped around the giant anchor.

【Why...dawn carries...】

【...Long Night...Rusty Moon...】

The hoarse murmur seemed to echo from the deep sea, and as the loud noise of the iron chains and the sound of water slowly subsided, it returned to deathly silence.

The feeling of falling also dissipates.

(End of this chapter)

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