Kill the game!Become a villain in a mysterious world

Chapter 51 Dead silence on the water

Chapter 51 Dead silence on the water
Quan Heng slowly opened his eyes.

The scent of sandalwood and mugwort lingers on the tip of your nose. Looking from the familiar corridor and pavilion, you can see ancient trees towering to the sky, and a golden pagoda can be seen vaguely among the branches and leaves.

"Mengwan" means "the place where the sun shines" in Dai language. Unfortunately, due to its geographical location, the economy here is poor and the public security is inferior to that of most cities.

Quan Heng paused, lowered his eyes and lifted up his sleeves. There was a secret red countdown on his forearm:
[2 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes]

Well, it's not a dream.

Quan Heng thought to himself, I can indeed get in touch with science.

She was still sitting in the wheelchair, with the Longjing tea she had brewed before. Looking at the temperature of the tea, the time was only 5 minutes - the flow rate of border time and real time was very different.

This is indeed a benefit.

Quan Heng raised his hand and poured the still warm tea evenly on the tea pet.

The gallery pavilion is facing a lotus pond. It was supposed to be the reunion day on August [-]th, but now even the lotus flowers are only remnants.


The hoarse voice unique to the voice-changing period disturbed the silence, and the young man who came running was not properly dressed in school uniform, loosely tied around his waist, and the candy in his mouth had not yet melted, and one side of his face was puffed up.

"Boss, happy birthday!" He said blessings, threw his schoolbag on the ground casually, and sat back on the grand teacher's chair beside the table.

"Travelling," Quan Heng said without any surprise, pouring a cup of tea and pushing it to him, "Are you skipping school again?"

"Who told me not to have a holiday during the Mid-Autumn Festival in the third grade of junior high school? I can't miss your birthday!"

He drank so fast that he was panting from exhaustion, and his hair was blown up by the wind. He put down the cup and flicked it away, then muttered and complained: "Sister Yunbai wants to take me back to school. Fortunately, I can run fast. I flew here at eight o'clock in the morning! I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to make it in time because it was already dark.

"And in the past two days, a lot of people have gone to Lanzhuang to give birthday gifts. They have obviously said that they will avoid the Mid-Autumn Festival this year, hold no banquets, and have no guests. There are so many people who want to come and be an eyesore."

Sang Ting held up his face and reached out to poke the chubby tea pet Golden Toad. His eye sockets were deeper than those of Han people, and his long and thick eyelashes cast a narrow shadow. "But when do you plan to hold a banquet?"

"In two days, even if I take some time off to hide away, it won't be interesting to get together and get tired."

She was playing with the beads, and she seemed to be born with a layer of indifference and gentleness, making her look particularly easy-going.

"I know this! Yesterday's biology class talked about the excitement threshold." Sang Ting let go of the foaming purple sand golden toad, put one hand on the edge of the table, propped himself up and behaved, "Boss, the threshold is high, and giving gifts must be exciting enough. It’s palatable enough to keep you interested.”

The corner of Quan Heng's mouth curled down, and his voice was very soft: "Really?"

"Yes, but the boss will definitely like this gift I want to give."

Quan Heng glanced at him sideways, and the young man's pupils dilated slightly, revealing a strange excitement.

"I caught that idiot smuggling from Meijiang."

Quan Heng's movement of twirling the beads paused slightly, she looked up at the gloomy sky, and raised her hand to pour the hot tea in the pot on the tea pet.

Sang Ting couldn't figure out what Quan Heng meant, and there was doubt in his words: "...Boss?"

"It's tide, it's going to rain heavily." Quan Heng put the pot down, his attitude as calm as the moon, "Go get an umbrella."


On the evening of the Mid-Autumn Festival, it rained heavily.

A stretched Lincoln turned in at the intersection of Mengwan Street. The naughty child opened the window and looked down in surprise, shouting to his mother to watch.

The woman looked down from the window, and there were several black cars in front of and behind the car. The people who got off were all well-trained and uniformly dressed in black suits.

The extended Lincoln opened the spacious rear door and spread out a gentle slope. The pure white ancient umbrella looked like a striking and holy lotus in the dark rain curtain, covering the ignorant rain, and the woman could only vaguely see it sitting in a wheelchair. The people on the road glimpsed a corner of this ink-like famous painting.

"Buy it, it's beautiful!" Wazai pointed at the man in white, feeling beautiful and making a sound in surprise.

The sound attracted attention, and the group of people stared at them almost at the same time, and someone wanted to come to this building vigilantly.

The man in the wheelchair turned his head and glanced. His eyes were gentle even through the rain. He raised his hand to dismiss his subordinate's thoughts.

This is Yundian Mengwan, the extreme end of the southwest.

It is connected to the mountains and rivers of Myanmar, and there are many dirty things that cannot be controlled. The evil ghosts hidden in the shadows have long been beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"Nai Nai!" The woman broke out in a cold sweat. She quickly grabbed the child by the collar and closed the window, "Leave the stage and do your homework! Do you hear me beating the drum again?!"


"Boss, do you want to..."

"Children are just curious." Quan Heng closed his eyes, "Don't add to the superfluous."

Sang Ting, who was holding an umbrella, frowned and warned in a low voice: "This is inside the country, please be restrained."

The subordinate immediately shut up and pushed the wheelchair steadily into the narrow alley.

The rain was heavy, and the blood smeared far along the water to the side of the alley.

There were a few men lying sideways by the alley, and the rest rolled on the ground, and quickly got up to beg for mercy:
"Sister Hanbai! Sister Hanbai, please forgive me! I didn't want to use the boss's way to smuggle, please forgive me! I will make up for all the money when I get back! Double! No! Three or five times is fine. !”

The woman with long, straight black hair leaning against the eaves of the alley gently exhaled a puff of smoke. The sparkle between her fingers flickered on and off, blending in with the silver earrings dangling in her ears. She wore neat shorts, a black leather jacket, and exposed her navel underneath. Dark brown top with slant tail.

"Go back?" Xu Hanbai sneered when he heard this, threw the cigarettes to his men, bent down and grabbed the man by the neck and pulled him up, "You dare to engage in smuggling under the nose of my boss, do you still want to go back?"

"It wasn't my idea! It wasn't my idea! It was the young master of the Quan family! It was the young master Quan who asked me to do it!"

Xu Han paused and frowned: "The eldest young master of the Quan family? That bitch Quan Lin?"

The sound of the wheelchair attracted attention. Xu Hanbai was stunned for a moment, looked up and saw the person, and hurriedly greeted him.

"Boss? Why are you here? You come out on a rainy day..." When she saw Sang Ting, she suddenly paused and changed the subject, "The man surnamed Ge confessed that it was Quan Lin's idea." "Quan Lin?" Quan Heng palmed his hand. Falling on his lap, his eyes turned cold for a moment.

Both have the surname Quan, so there is a natural connection.

But ever since she left the Quan family, started her own business in Wugang, expanded the foreign trade business at the ports of Fujian and Guangdong, and the Yunnan-Yunnan border, and settled in Gujiang, the headquarters of the Quan Group, the Quan family rarely took the initiative to cause trouble.

"Yes, yes! It was Quan Lin's idea! Boss Quan! Boss Quan, listen to me!"

Light burst out in front of Ge You's eyes, he twisted his body and crawled towards Quan Heng like he was grasping a life-saving straw.

"Quan Lin said that your business over the years has blocked the Quan Group's path to wealth, and is a thorn in the chairman's side. As long as I exchange goods and take advantage of your way, even if something happens at the border, you will be responsible, and we will have nothing to do with it. He can take the opportunity to make money to expand the company and achieve performance, and he just happens to get the position of CEO of the company from Chairman Quan!"

He spat it out like beans from a bamboo tube, not even daring to take a breather.

"This is really..."

Quan Heng held up her forehead and sighed almost silently. The emotion she showed just now disappeared in an instant. When she lowered her eyes, she returned to the gentle, calm, calculating, and even demeanor that left no trace of etiquette. Inappropriate family leader.

"anything else?"


Ge Huan trembled anxiously and frantically found out the details of how to save his life:
"Yes! There is also Mr. Quan... No! It's Quan Lin! Quan Lin is doing business with the Honshu Yamazaka Chamber of Commerce this time. The head of the family there, Fukuda Kazuko, promised to help Quan Lin fight for it as long as he smuggles these antiques to her. family property!"

"Mountain Chamber of Commerce?" Sang Ting frowned in response and looked at Quan Heng for instructions, "Boss, it's still too late for me to lead people to chase him now."

"I'll lead the way for you!" Ge Xuan got up and approached Quan Heng trembling in fear, "I'll lead the way for the second master, and I'll bear all the compensation by myself. If you spare me this time, I..."

"Get away!" Sang Ting kicked Ge You away when he hit the wheelchair.

"Okay Xiaoting, don't be so grumpy."

Quan Heng fiddled with the Buddhist beads and said helplessly: "How many times have I told you that peace brings wealth."

"Yes, yes, yes, harmony brings wealth!" Seeing Sang Ting give in, Ge Huan hurriedly crawled back, "Being friendly brings wealth! You are right, boss, you are a living Bodhisattva! You are compassionate!"


Quan Heng read these four words slowly, seeming to find them very interesting, and nodded as if to forgive.

"That's fine. We are all serious businessmen. The smuggling case still has to be handed over to the authorities. As for compensation..."

Quan Heng leaned forward slightly.

The dark pupils were smiling, clearly reflecting Ge You's fearful face.

"——Keep your life alive."

Bone-piercing and cold murderous intent suddenly appeared, and the verdict was handed down lightly and horribly.

"Boss! No, boss!"

Ge Huan crawled to the ground in fear and screamed, and his men immediately stepped forward and dragged him away.

"I don't dare anymore, boss! I don't dare anymore...ah!!"

The dark rainy night pressed against the plain white umbrella, and the thick red splashing on the street disappeared into the drain with the rain. When the fingertips reached the bloody tourmaline, the screams stopped and became silent.

"It's so dirty..." Quan Heng sighed, his voice cold and gentle, like broken ice falling into the sun. "It's a pity that only the dead can keep secrets forever. To let the truth sink to the bottom of the sea forever, we must ensure that the water is calm."

No one dared to respond, even Xu Hanbai and Sang Ting were silent.

This group of private security teams wearing solemn black suits guarded this alley. They were silent and sharp, like bloodthirsty knives blending into the heavy rain at night. They were clean and agile in their actions and well-trained in the aftermath.

His palms were sticky, Quan Heng narrowed his eyes, and then noticed the blood that had just been inadvertently splashed on him.

The orangutan is dazzling.

She stretched out her hand and saw that her palms were clean under the fading rain curtain at the umbrella eaves, and then she smiled silently.

Sang Ting handed the umbrella to Xu Hanbai, squatted down and wiped Quan Heng's hand with a handkerchief, and looked up at her as if to take credit: "Boss, do you like this birthday gift from me?"

Quan Heng reached out and tapped his head, "I like it."

Before he could be happy, he said again: "I like you better if you passed all subjects in the mid-term."

Xu Hanbai couldn't help but chuckle.

Sang Ting glared at her and said, "Boss..."

"Go back." Quan Heng stroked his damp hair, "Don't you want to eat mooncakes?"

"The antique...?"

"Try to stop him before leaving the country, and give his achievements to Jin Henai. The young talent has a good reputation, and then let him move up."

"That person is not very honest." Sang Ting wrinkled his nose.

“It’s better than it’s easy to use.”

Quan Heng looked at the top of the pagoda in the gray rain, "As for those of us who have nothing to do with it, it's time to go back to Gujiang."

Xu Hanbai was keenly aware of something and asked in a low voice: "Are you going to take action?"

"Come with me to worship Buddha tomorrow."

Quan Heng withdrew his gaze and only said this.

 Reduce the charge for 1K2 words, and there will be reductions later
  (End of this chapter)

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