"Little Master, there is no futon here, how can you kneel down and worship?"

Facing the hall is a hall full of pure gold Buddha statues, even decorated with fine jade.

The antique incense burner in the center of the Buddhist hall was gently raising smoke, but there was not a futon anywhere. Pilgrims came and went but they didn't know how to worship the Buddha.The elegantly dressed lady who followed the thugs in the triangle area was asking the young monk who was chanting sutras.

"If you don't kneel down and worship in a small temple, just be sincere." The young monk raised his head and smiled, his eyes as clear as a spring. He touched his bare head and suddenly said, "I forgot to make some water for Master." Tea is ready, the donors tell the senior brothers."

He got up and ran away, and soon ran to the back hall with the purple clay pot.

The old host was sitting next to a big pine tree, talking to a benefactor. There were two benefactors, a man and a woman, standing under the pavilion next to him. The little monk looked at it curiously, and was stared at warily by the boy who looked unhappy.

"Mingjing, why don't you come over here?" the old host said.

"Here we come!" the young monk hurriedly responded, holding the purple clay pot close to pouring water, and secretly and curiously looking at the pilgrims at the stone table.

"What are you looking at?" The pilgrim noticed his gaze and smiled softly.

She was wearing a clean white shirt, with elegant ink paintings on the cuffs and hem, and dark trousers. She was sitting in a wheelchair without any humility. The morning light fell from the leaves, flatteringly caressing her eyebrows, and disappeared. It's a bit cold and cold, but the scenery is bright and full of moonlight.

As calm as the wind in the bamboo, as gentle as the crane among the pines.

"You are so beautiful!" Mingjing admired her sincerely without any hesitation. He was so sincere, as if he was praising the spring breeze of freedom and praising beautiful music, clean and pure.

Quan Heng chuckled: "Thank you, little master."

"No thanks." Mingjing touched his head and felt that he should thank Quan Heng for letting him see spirituality, so he added, "The donor has Buddha nature, I can see it."

Quan Heng smiled lightly and said nothing.

"You've talked so much, have you finished reciting the sutra?" The old host was helpless, "Let's go first."

The little monk said oh, and Zhang Er walked away confused. He felt like he was being glared at by the little benefactor in school uniform under the pavilion again.

"Why are you always glaring at this little monk?" Xu Hanbai said funnyly, holding a cigarette in his hand.

She is a bit addicted to smoking, but this is a temple, so smoking is not disrespectful.

Xu Hanbai could not give face to Buddha, but he could not ignore Quan Heng's attitude.

"You little bald donkey who doesn't need to go to school," Sang Ting muttered unwillingly, "I'll forget about becoming a monk in the future. Anyway, I'll learn how to do it."

"What are you thinking?" Xu Hanbai was amused and laughed mercilessly, "Did you know that the host has a doctorate, is proficient in four languages, and speaks English directly to the world? With your English skills, foreigners will write notes to curse you [ Die], you feel like someone is calling you daddy." Sang Ting: "..."

"Donor, times have changed," Xu Hanbai teased, "Buddha didn't become a monk without a master's degree or below? Why become a monk? No one wants you!"

Sang Ting: "..."

Take a breath.

This era of involution is too scary. Fortunately, he doesn't have the only option to study, and he won't be unemployed after graduation.

At the stone table.

"Let the donor laugh." The old host said.

"The host doesn't need to see anyone outside." Quan Heng laughed it off.

The golden Buddha, courtyard, security, etc. in this temple were all funded by Quan Heng. She is the person behind this border temple, or the intelligence center.

When the host saw this, he breathed a sigh of relief from the bottom of his heart. After understanding Quan Heng's attitude, he said calmly: "What are you confused about when you come this time?"

"It's not that I'm confused, I'm just considering something." Quan Heng lowered his eyes and gently rubbed Shiba Zi, "It's something that has been prepared for a long time. Once you start, you can't stop. If you make a wrong step, you will lose everything."

"what do you mean……"

"I held the Shura Sword and wanted to play a game of chess without regrets."

Quan Heng lowered his voice and said calmly: "After I saw the truth, I can no longer live in lies. This is a gamble that goes against the will of heaven. I cut off my own escape route and have to use the most extreme way to complete it." .

"——But I am not pure by nature, and I am afraid I will not be peaceful again."

"All appearances are illusory. If you see that all appearances are not appearances, you will see the Tathagata."

After a long silence, with a gentle and steady movement, the old host gave the answer:
“Only by knowing one’s heart and one’s nature can one always succeed.”

 I wanted to get it all free, but the system said I didn’t update it. Hey, let’s divide it into one chapter.

  (End of this chapter)

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