Chapter 57
"Moonlight shines, the scholar rides a white horse, crosses the lotus pond..."

In the antique carp-shaped dragon house, children with buns sang folk songs in local dialects, laughing and running from the building door to the town streets. The little girl running at the front saw the adults coming back from the town entrance and hurriedly call.

"Sister Xiuyue! When did you come back? There are guests!"

"Niangui! Didn't I say that you won't be allowed to run around these days?" Mo Xiuyue looked at the girl running in front of her and frowned, "Didn't I say that you would stay with Teacher Wen and Sister Xianhuan? Why? came back."

"I followed Sister Xianhuan out to buy tools. I moved all the things under the Buddhist cave..."

"Okay." Mo Xiuyue interrupted her, "Hurry back with Zhan Huan in a moment. What do you want to buy... Forget it, you can't explain it. I'll ask it myself."

"Oh..." the little girl puffed up her face and looked up at the stranger curiously, "Why are the guests tied up? Auntie Shangu is preparing for the dragon feast in two days, and she wants the guests to drink camellia and mother wine. , I don’t know how to treat guests, oh my belly!”

"Yes Aai Ai Tsai! Tie up the guests."

"He looks different from the green-eyed dog a few days ago. He looks like a good person."

"That sister is as pretty as Xiuyue!"

The younger children in the back responded, with a few words in Mandarin mixed with local dialects.

"You are the only one who understands!"

Mo Xiuyue casually patted a child on the head, turned around and met Quan Heng's eyes, pursed her lips and ordered: "Follow the rules, take them to Chief Shangu's Weilong House first, and wait for more questions." , let Shan Gu make the decision."

The children immediately responded and ran away.

"Although I say so, the clan leader is too busy these two days, so you should stay in the empty building for a while," Mo Xiuyue said to Quan Heng, "I will go see her first, and when the clan leader agrees, you can meet her. explain clearly."

"As the guest does, the host does as he pleases." Quan Heng smiled.

"It's not necessarily a guest," Mo Xiuyue glanced sideways, glanced at Quan Heng's tied hands, paused and said, "If you are really a guest, I will personally apologize to guys."

"Take them into the house first, untie them, and keep an eye on them."


"We've finished cooking. When we first came in, we were rubbed by the NPC and put down immediately."

Song Jingyun moved his arms that had been tied up for a long time. Although he said this, there was no trace of anxiety on his face. He leisurely picked up an orange from the table and started peeling it.

"Master Dao, let me tell you that your two brothers have gone too far. They are shaking mountains and seas. I don't know if they are thinking of monsters."

"You still say!" Lu Xiaoman was annoyed, "Where's our special item?!"

"When did I take your special items?" Song Jingyun was confused.

"That's the egg!" Lu Xiaoman shouted, "That's what our chief used to make ducklings!"

"Well, I didn't bring it with me." Song Jingyun patted his head and suddenly realized, "I conveniently put it in Bagua Xiangkou."

"Really?" Lu Qiusheng was suspicious.

"Really! If you don't believe me, just search! It doesn't even have the curvature of a duck egg."

Song Jingyun dropped the orange, stood up, patted his pockets, and turned around with a magnanimous look on his face.

“And you mentioned special items, but I can’t put them in the [backpack] if they’re not mine, and I don’t have the ax here either!
"Chinese people don't lie to Chinese people! I really didn't bring them in."

Only then did the two of them half-believe.

Quan Heng sat aside and watched him perform a magic trick behind his back, switching a pure white egg between his left and right hands, but the camera angle did not allow the two of them to see it.

This Taoist priest is really dishonest.

Song Jingyun turned around and saw Quan Heng standing behind him. He was stunned for a moment and silently mouthed to her as if asking for mercy:
"You're welcome."

His hair was tied into a bun on the back of his head, and most of it was already hanging down.

Generally speaking, men with long hair always make people feel that they are not decent, but maybe it is because of his extremely three-dimensional facial lines. I just feel that when he smiles, his eyes hide stars, and the tail of his eyebrows moves like a sharp sword. He has two temperaments of free and easy and powerful. There is a strange beauty that confuses gender.

It is indeed easy for a man to disguise himself as a woman and deceive a child if he conceals his figure and covers his eyebrows.

Quan Heng laughed silently. Song Jingyun didn't mention her collecting the axe. She was happy to show off her face and changed the subject:
"Have you all finished drawing your cards?"

"I am an archaeologist," Lu Xiaoman raised his hand actively, like a good student answering the teacher's question, "My brother is too."

"I smoked it too, I just smoked it while walking." Song Jingyun responded, "I have never prayed to the universe, and my hands are smelly. When I smoke it, it is a bad sign." He did not mean to hide it at all, and looked calm in the eyes of everyone. He smiled softly, his tiger teeth pressed against his thin lips, showing a bit of rebelliousness: "The thief who smoked, although he did not go on a mission, he should be different from the archaeologists."

Quan Heng slightly bent his lips, "Really? That's a pity."

This person clearly wanted to use this move to blow up another thief.

But this trick is not suitable for fighting alone, there is a certain risk, unless other people...

"Having said that, there shouldn't be any conflicts in the missions. Ghost missions are generally related to the Boss, MVP, and the highest reward. This game is Yujing Beidou, and we brothers have no interest in it."

Lu Qiusheng rubbed his chin and thought:
"We are just here to get our special items, and we will leave after completing our role tasks. There will be a practice match with the Double-Headed Eagle later, and the chief asked us to solve it in a border area. If the replacement is equivalent... it is probably 48 here. Hour."

——Unless other players are not utilitarian and do not want to compete with the ghost cards for achievements or cause conflicts.

"The night watchman knows that the water in Yujing Beidou is murky and is not willing to drag the club along," Song Jingyun could see clearly, "Did you read the forum when you two came in?"

"I haven't seen it." Since the thing is not with Song Jingyun, Lu Xiaoman is no longer angry and shakes his head, "But so many people want Yujing Beidou. If someone sees it, it should become popular very soon."

"That's right." Song Jingyun sighed.

Quan Heng twisted the beads and stood by the window to observe the construction of the entire ancient town.

The room was on a high ground, and she looked far away, landing on the mid-mountain grotto at the back of the ancient town, where she could vaguely see a giant stone Buddha.

——Headless Buddha.

Archaeologists, thieves, the Buddhist cave, the ring in the little girl's mouth and the teacher...

There is also the "three days" deadline that other people in this town talk about, and the green eyes dial the warm dog.

Quan Heng closed his eyes and sorted out the existing clues.

"It's okay, it's okay. I'm here now. How difficult can it be to be a Vlam?" Song Jingyun relaxed, glanced at Quan Heng at the front, leaned forward and asked in a low voice, "Hey, I haven't even asked yet, do you know this girl? Who?"

"I saw that you were mumbling before, as if you were listening to what others said."

"Aren't you also very obedient?" Lu Qiusheng was surprised.

"That's what you said," Song Jingyun said happily, "because everything they say is right, why don't I listen to it?"

"This sister's name is Quan Heng." Lu Xiaoman whispered, "I have been on the twin screen before."

He held his head with both hands, tilted his head to look at Quan Heng, and sighed sincerely: "She is so beautiful, as if she is shining. She also has skills. Our chief asked us to listen to her more, but it is a pity that she seems to be in Nirvana." Member.”

"The night watchman recognizes her? Isn't she a newcomer? Are you sure your chief said so?" Song Jingyun always felt that something was wrong, smacking his lips and said, "No, how could such a high quality be snatched away by Nirvana?"

The Lu brothers looked confused and shook their heads together.

"What are you talking about?" Quan Heng turned around and asked gently, "I seem to have heard something familiar to me."

"Let's talk about you," Song Jingyun folded his hands behind his head, speaking openly, "Put on the horizontal jade, it is rare and precious, and the person lives up to his name."

"That's serious." Quan Heng smiled.

"It's not heavy or not. After all, you are a newcomer who received the blessing of the twins in the audition. This is your second time to apply for a job, right? Are you passing the professional review?"

Seeing Quan Heng nodding, Song Jingyun clicked his tongue: "Jade Capital Beidou... There will be waves in the border area again. I don't know how many people are going to be upset."

"Of course," he smiled, but his eyes darkened, "I don't know how many people want to harm you."

"After all, this is Yujing Beidou. Special items of the brand type will not occupy the equipment quota."

The Day and Night Frontier—

"Who is it?! Who is so bold!" The connector who came to Liuli Bagua said angrily, "Dare to steal something from the Empire of Thorns?!"

"Brother Liu, here is a professional blind person. We can go to the [-] review meeting to have a look."

"Okay," the leader immediately ordered, "You guys go to the stardial to block it, and the rest of you come with me to have a look!"

"Your Majesty's birthday is coming soon, I must give this to her as a gift!"

 The word count fee has been reduced, and the next chapter will be exempted as well. Wait for a few more free chapters~
(End of this chapter)

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