This side's interception is mighty and mighty, and it is no big deal to watch the excitement on the forum of the first frontier.

[Owner]: Big news!The Empire of Thorns is going to launch the Yujing Beidou! !There are pictures and the truth! [Image] [image]
[The Forbidden Queen is celebrating her birthday. Your Majesty is very popular, especially the group of people under her, who support her to the point of going crazy. They are more violent than the Double-Headed Eagle group, and their club is even more powerful (sigh)]
[Holy shit!Stimulate!Can anyone tell me who is in it? ]
[I don’t know, right now at the judging table, only when someone comes out can someone go in]
[Connectors who enter the review will have their thoughts monitored by the system, and their signals will be blocked from being bribed by the outside world.How do these cut-off men get in? ]
[Good question, I guess I have to wait for someone to come out.I don’t know what the review situation is like now, I really want to know]

"Ding dong! Current review data: 5030 emotional points; total income: 1201 game coins
Congratulations, your emotional value has accumulated 5000+, and you are still more than 3 points away from the passing line of -2. Please keep up your efforts! "

Mood point up so fast?

Quan Heng's hand holding the beads paused slightly. It was probably Alice's black fan.

Pretty much what she thought.

Black and red are also red, and being so red will be faster and more effective, and your mood points will increase sharply every minute.

"What to do next?" Song Jingyun asked, looking at Quan Heng, "Can you give me an idea? I'll just let nature take its course."

He then added, speaking clearly:
"Of course, I'm always ready to scream! Don't blame me when the time comes."

Quan Heng shook his head gently: "Everyone works for their own benefit, and there is no blame - but now we have no identity explanation, and no role tasks, so we can only rely on the existing clues to figure it out."

There was movement outside the window.

Mo Xiuyue accompanied an older woman into the building.

"The steps are coming," Quan Heng said with a smile, "Please remember: talk less and cooperate."

"I can guarantee that everything will go smoothly."


"You, a big-headed cat, are you going to neglect the real guests because of those cattle guests?"

He heard her voice before seeing her, and the woman's hearty and enthusiastic laughter filled the room.

The person who came was tall and handsome, capable and handsome. He was wearing a sky blue high-collar cardigan with black cloth buttons sewn on, cyan large crotch pants at the bottom, and a gold hairpin in his high bun.

Yanlai Ancient Town, the patriarch——

Lin Shangu.

"Ah, such a beautiful daughter!" Lin Shangu stepped forward and reached out to hold Quan Heng's hand first, her eyes full of admiration, "Are you from the land beyond Meijiang?"

Quan Heng was overwhelmed by this enthusiasm, glanced at Mo Xiuyue who pursed her lips, and then smiled: "Well, we are here to find a senior, I am a student of the Department of Archeology of Jinling University, behind me These two are professional archaeologists."

"Ouch! Archaeologist!" Lin Shangu was startled and looked at Mo Xiuyue.

Mo Xiuyue paused and put down her arms: "That's not what you told me in the beginning."

"In special times, we are also afraid of any accidents," Quan Heng sighed. "We have to reach the ancient town safely to be sure that you are not spies arranged by those people."


"Okay Xiuyue, she should be vigilant."

Shan Gu looked at Quan Heng, then looked at the three people behind Quan Heng, some emotion flashed in her eyes, and finally sighed, showing a sincere smile from the heart.

"Let me tell you, your costumes are very similar to Teacher Wen who came here six years ago. When Xiuyue told me, I still didn't believe it. It was only when I heard you say it that I realized it was true."

She leaned back, tilted her head and looked at Quan Heng with a smile for a few seconds, nodded with satisfaction, turned around and said:

"Xiuyue, the Weilong Banquet will seat these guests from far away and take them to the Buddhist cave to meet Teacher Wen. Remember to bring a few more people with you. It's not peaceful these days, so be careful.

"By the way, since we have come to our Yanlai Ancient Town, we should first bring out our good tea and wine to wash away the dust. There is no reason for guests to come in without drinking tea or wine. This host is really rude."

Mo Xiuyue responded and went downstairs to ask someone to get the wine. Lin Shangu smiled and said, "Please wait a moment while I go to help Xiuyue. I'm afraid she doesn't know where all my good wines are hidden." .”

"Okay." Quan Heng gave a faint smile, "Thank you."

After all the outsiders left, the three people who had been serving as the background dared to make a "hiss" sound in unison.

"This, is this solved?" Song Jingyun clicked his tongue, "Why?"

"If I'm not wrong, there is something wrong with the time here." The three of them said in unison, "Huh?"

Quan Heng turned to one side and spoke in a gentle tone: "If you talk too much, you will be wrong. This is not the time to use fists and kicks. Just wait for me to solve it - my force is not worth it. I can't defeat a few monsters. Keep your strength. This kind of mental communication is left to me." I’ll be fine.”

The three of them said again: "Oh..."

[It made me laugh so hard, the world-famous painting "My Sister Heng and Those Three Useless Men"]
[What?Isn't it "Don't you all have a brain?"Do you all want to connect to my brain? (Dog Head)]
[How did you notice that there was a time problem?Who is "that group of people" in Quan Heng's mouth? Who can explain...Okay, Song Jingyun asked]
"As for the explanation of time, as for [that group of people]... I don't know either."

Quan Heng said:
"I only know that a group of people are eyeing this town and have given it a three-day time limit. Now is the time of crisis. Since the game gives the identity of an archaeologist, I guess the plot of the map is related to archaeology, cemeteries, antiques, etc.

"Seeing that they respect [Teacher Wen] very much, I just pretended to be powerful and took advantage of the situation."

"This wave of momentum is wonderful."

Song Jingyun glanced at the priceless jadeite tourmaline in Quan Heng's hand, brushed it from the hand-embroidered embroidery on the corner of his clothes, and rubbed his chin in invitation.

"Follow the trend. Why don't you stop believing in Buddha and learn about the local Taoism? In fact, when I first saw you, I felt that the donor was destined to Taoism."

Buddha changed his mind, can you do this poaching business?
Quan Heng just smiled politely and did not respond.

The sound of footsteps came, Quan Heng lowered his voice and said quickly: "Watch my movements later, don't drink in a hurry."

"Is there any problem?" Song Jingyun paused and silently put the wine gourd he just took out back into his backpack.

"I'm coming!"

Before Quan Heng had time to respond, Lin Shangu had already entered, followed by Mo Xiuyue and two men holding wine jars.

"Anyone can drink our mother's wine," Lin Shangu greeted, opening the wine jar and filling the celadon wine bowl. "It's no problem for children. Drink it to maintain your health."


Quan Heng dialed the [-] numbers and was thinking about how to say that his body couldn't handle alcohol, and she wasn't very good at drinking either.

"——After drinking, I will take you to see Teacher Wen. It is the rules of the town to entertain guests. It's okay to take a sip."

Lin Shangu laughed loudly, handed a wine bowl to Mo Xiuyue, and said enthusiastically: "Don't touch it, our master's family will serve the wine. It is the same as the horn wine of the Miao people. You should be invited to drink it before entering the town." "

Quan Heng stopped talking and closed his eyes calmly.

Lin Shangu had already greeted Lu Xiaoman with a bowl: "Pretty boy, just take a small sip."

Mo Xiuyue walked up to Quan Heng with a wine bowl in hand, pursed her lips as if because she had been kept in the dark before, and whispered:

"Here, bend down and drink, but don't touch it."

Quan Heng lowered his eyes and looked at the wine in the bowl, and said with a smile: "I'm actually not very good at drinking, but it's the host's rule and I'm the first Yanlai I met to toast, so I seem to have to make an exception."

Mo Xiuyue's tail finger curled up slightly.

"Sorry for the trouble." Quan Heng thanked him, clasped the palm of his hand holding the beads, and bent slightly to touch the wine bowl.

Mo Xiuyue looked at her as if she heard her heart beating against her chest. She tried to hide her eyes but couldn't move her eyes away.

Don't blame those noisy kids for praising you. Children are always intuitive about beauty, especially girls.

This foreigner is very beautiful, and his features remind people of the elegant water in the green mountains, a thin cloud on the peak, or the light mist lingering on the fingertips when going to sea in the early morning.

The wine is about to touch your lips.

Mo Xiuyue's pupils shrank suddenly, and she suddenly let go and dropped the wine bowl.


Drinks were spilled all over the floor, and there was a sudden silence in the room.

(End of this chapter)

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