"Did you prick your hand?"

Quan Heng gently held Mo Xiuyue's right arm to stop her from squatting down and touching the broken porcelain.

"It's better to get a tool - don't worry, it's safe, it's a good sign."

"Yes, yes! It's a good sign," Song Jingyun fended off the toasting tribesmen, "Then let's go see Teacher Wen first. Don't be in a hurry to drink. I'll drink enough with my brothers at the Dragon Surrounding Banquet!"

"Okay," Lin Shangu put down the wine bowl, "Then let's drink together at the dragon banquet. First let Xiuyue take a few people to the Buddhist cave to meet Teacher Wen, Xiuyue? Xiuyue!"

"Ah...Okay, come with me."

Mo Xiuyue regained consciousness, turned around and went downstairs.

Quan Heng said goodbye to Lin Shangu before following him.

"This girl is running in such a hurry, is there a tiger biting her from behind?" Song Jingyun tugged on his clothes and looked around the empty room, "This clothes looks awkward for me. Hey, I even shaved for this outfit—— You go first, I'll go change clothes."

"Just walk at a normal speed, Master Dao can find your location."

He untied the yellow paper and red rope that was used to tie the waist, and found an empty room nearby with hooked hands.

"Smelly..." Lu Xiaoman swallowed hard, clenched his fists and waved them in the air, muttering in a low voice, "The teacher said you can't curse, but I'm so angry."

"Let's go first," Lu Qiusheng whispered. "When I get a chance, I'll help you put a sack on him and beat him up."

"What about my ax? If I encounter a monster, I won't be able to help."

Lu Xiaoman looked down the mountain, his eyes fell on the sea, and his eyes lit up:
"Brother! Look, is there a big ship on the sea? It looks like a pirate ship in the movie!"

Quan Heng, who was walking in front, turned his head and looked at the giant aircraft carrier that blocked the port and capsized the small fishing boat.

The displacement is expected to be more than 2000 tons, the ship is more than 60 meters long, and the ship is more than ten meters wide. The ship is equipped with three masts. The main mast is 60 meters high. At a glance, it looks like it is about to pierce the sky.

Just looking from the outside, you can see the three layers of gun ports on the side of the ship. To be conservative, there are hundreds of cannons. The black sails are spray-painted with pale skulls. They are blown by the wind and cover the sky, suppressing the blurred sun and imprisoning the light. It is a storm that is coming. In front of me were black clouds carrying thunder.

"Sail battleship, equipped with three layers of artillery shells."

Quan Heng looked at the weapons Mo Xiuyue was carrying, and then at the tribesmen ahead who had been looking around cautiously as they entered the mountain road, and said calmly:

“You only have shotguns.

"—a shotgun loaded with crude powder."

Mo Xiuyue frowned and stared at Quan Heng: "Do you think we can't defend it?"

Quan Heng was noncommittal and changed the subject: "Is it starting today, or will it be three days starting tomorrow? How do you plan to deal with it?"

"Today is the third to last day. How to deal with it has nothing to do with you, a foreigner," Mo Xiuyue frowned, "I will find a way to get you out safely."

Quan Heng sighed: "Maybe you need our help."

"You can't do anything, and you might still..."

"I'm afraid Shan Gu doesn't think so. She may think we can help." Quan Heng looked sideways at her and smiled, "Besides, I haven't thanked you for helping us avoid this disaster."

"It's fair that you can make demands of me in return, isn't it?"

Mo Xiuyue was stunned for a moment, then pursed her lips tightly and turned to follow the clansman who was leading the way.

[Ding dong! KP Tip: You have successfully unlocked NPC favorability and obtained plot help. Current NPC favorability (86/100)

Warm reminder: NPC's favorability level can automatically trigger prompts after reaching [-], which is conducive to plot development and clue acquisition]

The smile in Quan Heng's eyes dissipated in an instant and returned to calm.

[Tsk, tsk, tsk, this player is so bad. He takes advantage of others and tries to gain favor with NPCs]
[Who can stop this, I can’t stop even a monster]
[I’m not into the mainstream, and I’m not a good-looking player, just play this set]
[? It's just useful. I didn't see that a high-favorability NPC can save lives? The skin is just for use, so why can't it be used if it has this condition? What’s the composition of the thing upstairs? It’s a weird thing with three bodies. It’s so deformed that I feel inferior]
[It’s easy to scold, and barrage has produced wizards since ancient times]
"Just go up the steps."

Mo Xiuyue stopped in front of a big stone and looked up:
"You should be able to see the Buddhist cave. You can enter from under the lotus seat of the Buddhist cave. Teacher Wen's residence is behind that."

Quan Heng's eyes fell on the boulder at the foot of the mountain steps, and he read the inscription:
"There is no evidence of the arrival of wild geese, and it is difficult to realize the dream of returning home after a long journey."

She looked at Mo Xiuyue who was slightly startled:
"Ten percent of the effort was used to carve the words, and some of the strokes were even too sharp. It is said that words can best reveal the character and mood of the writer. This should be a person with a strong mind, even a decisive person. Can I ask? Who carved the words?"

"...It's Teacher Wen."

"Is this how the ancient town got its name?"

"Of course not, we are a century-old town," Mo Xiuyue said wrongly, "Teacher Wen has been here only a few years, how could the name of my hometown change because of her? The name of my hometown cannot be changed, just like the name of the Yanlai people. Even death cannot change it.”

Quan Heng paused. She just talked about the origin of the name, not who named it.

But that’s okay. Quan Heng stepped up the steps and said with a smile: "It sounds like a custom, and it also seems like there is some allusion."

"It has something to do with our people's funeral custom of 'secondary burial'. If the Yanlai people died in a foreign country during migration, their relatives would put the bones into a porcelain altar and take them home."

Mo Xiuyue said: "But if the journey is difficult and dangerous and the remains cannot rest in their homeland, the tribesmen will seal the bone altar and write the name of the deceased and the name of their hometown with blood.

"In this way, our souls will travel along the mountains and rivers. It doesn't matter even if they wander for a while. The souls of the dead will eventually return to their long-lost hometown like wild geese when the fallen leaves return to their roots. This is a bond and a blessing.

"Our hometown is our mother, and we children will eventually return to her warm embrace."

She was so absorbed in talking that she stopped when she walked towards the last step, not noticing the yellow leaves falling on her shoulders.

Quan Heng looked up and found that in the dense mountain forest, the tree in front of the headless Buddha was sickly.

Almost all the leaves have fallen off.

Quan Heng stretched out his hand and gently pinched Luo Ye on her shoulder. Mo Xiuyue, who had regained consciousness, suddenly clamped her wrist. The latter opened her mouth, frowned and said almost urgently: "I..."

"Ouch! He was walking so slowly, I thought I had to chase him a little longer!"

Hearty laughter interrupted the conversation.

Song Jingyun changed into a Taoist robe, the yellow paper around his waist fluttered in the wind, the wine gourd swayed with three steps and two steps, and he reached the top of the steps in a few breaths.

"You go in, the town can't live without me - don't go out at night, stay on the mountain, I'll pick you up tomorrow morning."

Mo Xiuyue stopped her hand and turned around, and the other two tribesmen also followed and left.

"Hey, what's going on?" Song Jingyun asked curiously, "Am I disturbing you two?"

"I probably guessed what she wanted to say," Quan Heng looked back and said calmly, "Let's go in and have a look."


"Hand ring, don't mess with it! Give me the match..."

In the cave, a woman with glasses rolled up her sleeves, looking intently at the ancient paintings spread out on the table.

The calligraphy and painting were so dilapidated that they were so blurry that they could hardly be seen as they were.

The woman carefully applied the special potion on the painting with a brush, and without looking back, she stretched out her hand to urge:
"Hurry up and give me the matches, I'm here..."

With a "swish" sound, the match was lit and handed to her hand.

Wen Huacun didn't say anything. He held his breath and lit the surface of the ancient painting with a match. The flame burned and turned the lead oxide on the surface of the ancient painting back into lead.

Then she breathed a sigh of relief, then gathered her energy and used tweezers to carefully tear off the remaining material, and the ancient painting was restored to its true appearance from being blurry.

The afterglow of wild geese passing over the top of the mountain makes the people in the pavilion seem to have just woken up from a dream. They lie down and look up at the sky, gazing quietly among the autumn leaves on the mountain.

"Is this [I didn't know I was a guest in the dream, and I was greedy for pleasure for a while], or is it [the news that the wild goose came has no proof, and it is difficult to dream of returning after a long journey]"?

Wen Huacun was startled when the gentle yet unfamiliar words rang in his ears, and turned to look at the person beside him.

"A fire breaks out on the paper, and ancient paintings are restored." Quan Heng put down the matchbox in his hand and smiled, "This kind of restoration technique is beyond the reach of ordinary restorers. Teacher Wen is very capable."

"Who are you?!" Wen Hua was surprised and looked outside nervously, "Where is the ring? That little girl..."

"Are you talking about the little girl wearing the Spring and Autumn Qin-style dragon-shaped jade pendant?" Quan Heng said, "She is fine. She is outside with my friends. I just came in to see if Teacher Wen needs help."

Wen Huacun breathed a sigh of relief and managed to calm down: "Then you are?"

"Quan Heng, the player who entered the map," Quan Heng stretched out his hand and said with a slight smile, "Hello, senior."

Wen Huacun's pupils were shocked, and he opened his mouth but could not speak. After a long time, he raised his hand with a complicated expression and shook hands with Quan Heng.

"Wen Huacun is a cultural relic restorer, an archaeologist, and a... player." She paused and then added with difficulty, her throat feeling a little stiff, "A player six years ago."

[Ding dong! KP Tip: Unlock key characters, "Stealer" mission has been announced]

[Ghost Card Mission: Unlock the "Kill the Game" achievement!
Mission details: Kill the map boss, steal the most precious cultural relics, and win the MVP (first player) achievement

For this reason, you will have the privilege of hunting players and monsters without distinction, above the rules of monsters, and can receive double rewards!
And, the privilege of entering the monster barrier without any obstacles (limited to this map)]

The mechanical sound rang.

The smile in Quan Heng's eyes deepened.

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