"Give me the candy! Give it to me!"

The little girl of [-] or [-] years old stood on tiptoe, trying hard to reach the lollipop in Song Jingyun's hand, with a dragon-shaped jade pendant swinging around her waist.

Flat sapphire, the dragon's head is carved concisely, with the top and bottom cut into the shape of teeth. There is an unclosed round hole in the center of the head. The long tail is folded back and decorated with incised vertical parallel lines. The edge of the dragon body is engraved with outline lines, and clouds are carved inside. Thunder streak.

"If you jump higher, you will get——"

[Ding dong! The key has been touched...]

When the ghost card task reminder sounded in his ears, Song Jingyun paused and handed the candy to the little girl.

"Originally, it was a special item that was created on the Halloween map. I was given this thing when I failed. Fortunately, I didn't lose it. Now I really use it."

He took out another one and handed it to Lu Xiaoman beside him: "Try it."

Lu Xiaoman's eyes sparkled: "Thank you!"

"Special items," Lu Qiusheng said worriedly, "Does that have any effect?"

"I don't know. It's said to be a surprise candy. The effect is unknown. It's like strange-flavored beans." Song Jingyun rubbed his chin. He always felt that it felt strange without stubble. "Didn't you say that [there is no illness if you eat it if you are not dirty]? ? It’s not expired anyway, so don’t worry about it.”

After he finished speaking perfunctorily, he looked at the little girl: "What's your name?"

"Hand ring!" the little girl replied crisply.

"Is it [Grass Ring]?" Seeing the little girl nodding, Song Jingyun praised, "What a good name, it sounds literate."

"It's almost time," Song Jingyun glanced inside the cave, "Brothers, please go in."


Pour the green tea into a small porcelain cup and slowly push it in front of Quan Heng.

"I entered the map six years ago. In fact, I'm not sure if it was six years ago. After all, there is a certain time difference between the game and reality. I just time it according to the number of days in the map," Wen Huacun pulled out a booklet from the mahogany drawer. , after opening it, all the words "positive" are counted, "Except for you, no players have entered during this period."

"No players entered?"

Song Jingyun was confused. He declined the green tea and drank by himself while shaking the wine gourd:
"According to the convention of the game, if a map has not been [killed] or [cleared], a group of players will join it every half month. It means the map has been cleared, and the plot will be fine-tuned before sending players in."

"I don't know why," Wen Huacun shook his head, "I didn't clear the game either."

"It's strange, but I don't think you were killed by a monster. Players killed by monsters will be unconscious."

"Because I was not killed by a monster," Wen Huacun lowered his eyes, paused and whispered, "I was killed by my friend."

"You mean killed by a player?" Song Jingyun frowned, "Killed by a player can't even be an NPC, it just dies."

"It was originally like this, but I happened to be contaminated by the monster and survived by accident." Wen Huacun smiled bitterly, "It's a pity that my friend stabbed me in the back and didn't escape from here. Instead, he died on that ship Ghost ship.”

"Ghost ship? Isn't that a ghost?"

Song Jingyun gasped. He lifted up the corner of his Taoist uniform, with the paper money dangling from his body, revealing a palm-sized peach wood sword to exorcise ghosts. He said with a serious face, "Master Taoist, I am most afraid of ghosts."

"..." Lu Qiusheng frowned in disbelief, "A Taoist priest is afraid of shit!?"

"What are you saying? Is it easy to deceive me? Just because I'm afraid of ghosts, I didn't even apply for a Taoist certificate." Song Jingyun condemned, "Why can't you empathize with me? The most basic trust between people. ?”

The Lu brothers did not hesitate, shared the same hatred, and said loudly and forcefully: "There is no trust!"

Song Jingyun: "..." Forget it, there's nothing to talk about.

"You, the player, have been here for six years and have gained the trust and respect of all the NPCs in this town. You are quite capable."

Song Jingyun looked at the furnishings in the cave.

From small jade rings to large murals, porcelain from the Tang and Song Dynasties, and jade seals from the Ming Dynasty, it is basically obvious that they have been treated with anti-oxidation.

"These objects are all from old times. Did you unearth them?"

"Yes, I am a student in the Department of Archeology, and my family is engaged in the restoration of cultural relics in the Forbidden City. When I was a child, I always followed my parents to see the unearthed cultural relics. I was quite unhappy at that time. I was actually forced to major in college."

Wen Huacun smiled and rubbed his fingers that were worn by the alkaline water:

“Actually, if you think about it this way, these six years have not been without harvest.

"I used to think that archeology was just digging up ancestral graves, which is meaningless, because many things are no longer useful even if you have the technology. Later, I was trapped here, helping Shangu unearth cultural relics, restore and protect them, and in the past few years Only later did I really know——

"The significance of archeology is to excavate the backbone of our country and let the world know the richness of our history. The purpose of cultural revitalization is not to go back to the past, not to restore ancient times, but to recover the beautiful things of our nation."

"Wen, Hua, Cun - culture survives and the family and the country thrive."

Quan Heng seemed to have been sipping the tea seriously. When he heard this, he put down the porcelain cup and said with a smile:

"Your Majesty and Lingci's expectations for you are also reflected in this name."

"They do have high expectations for me," Wen Huacun smiled, feeling a little melancholy. "It's a pity that I didn't understand it back then, and now I don't have a chance... I don't know what happened to the two elders."

"Not necessarily no chance."

Wen Huacun was startled and raised his head suddenly: "What do you mean?!"

"The ghost ship you are talking about is the gunboat outside, right?" Quan Heng said calmly, "How much does Senior Wen know about that gunboat?"

Wen Huacun asked anxiously, but now the initiative was in others' hands. She took a deep breath and said:
"I don't know much about it. People in the town deliberately hid it from me and didn't let me participate, but they knew that the gunboat was very dangerous.

"There is nothing during the day, but at night the gunboat will take the initiative to dock, emitting a strange light. Just like the ghost ship, there will be many strange things in the forest."

"No wonder the girl surnamed Mo said she wouldn't let us go out for a few nights." Song Jingyun said, "Since it's a ghost ship, let's not wander around and just go and see it during the day?"

"No," Quan Heng objected. "There are a large number of damaged fishing boats floating around the gunboat. We should not be able to board the boat during the day."

Wen Huacun nodded: "Yes, it will be bombarded and fishing boats will not be able to approach. They can only approach when they dock at night.

"But there are also restrictions. It seems that except for the privileged [ghost cards], other players can't get on the ship."

The Lu family brothers all looked at Song Jingyun.

"What are you looking at?" Song Jingyun sat upright, "Everyone, you can rush forward. My little brother, I just want to be responsible for calculating the direction and guiding the way. I can only make sure to hide behind and not come out, so as not to cause trouble..."

"Let's explore for clues tonight," Quan Heng looked at Song Jingyun and said with a smile, "Senior, I will work with you to ensure that you are not scared."

Song Jingyun: "..."

He couldn't help but hissed and hesitated: "...No, why do I feel that I have no sense of trust?"

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