"Other players have gone to rest, why don't you go to rest?"

"My physical fitness level is pretty good, but my recovery is very slow because I am not in good health in reality."

Quan Heng said, and quickly forked out the [Healthy Living Tips] that automatically popped up on the system panel, as well as the [Broadcast Gymnastics, Tai Chi, Bajiquan] decomposition video link that was connected incidentally, and declined the full maliciousness of the system keyword detection. He said calmly:

"I still have some questions to ask senior."

Wen Huacun sat on the chair on the other side and looked at Quan Heng: "Ask."

"That gunboat should have come for the cultural relics you unearthed," Quan Heng said calmly, "otherwise I can't think of any reason for you to be closely protected by this group of NPCs, and why our identities are [Archaeologists" ]."

Or [Stealer].

Wen Huacun was silent for two seconds, nodded and sighed:

"You are right, those bandits came here after these cultural relics. The day before you landed on the map, that group of people arrived at Yanlai Ancient Town and gave Shan Gu and others an ultimatum.

“They demanded that Yanlai Ancient Town hand over all the cultural relics on the list, surrender to them, and give up the entire coastal territory as their base.

"Shan Gu didn't agree. The bandits said they would launch a cannonball attack in three days and carry out massacre and cleansing."

"The cultural relics on the list," Quan Heng considered, "Do you have that list?"

Wen Huacun shook his head: "I haven't seen the list, but it should include all the cultural relics unearthed in this cave."

"I understand." Quan Heng looked at her and finally gave up with a smile.

"I have one last question," Quan Heng said, "How do you know that ghost cards can board the [Ghost Ship]?"

"Because the friend who stabbed me in the back is the ghost card. She is my best friend. We are honest with each other. Even the character cards can be informed to each other. She landed on the ghost ship and led out the monster, but did not find [Yu Jing Beidou] ], but instead angered those monsters, resulting in the current ending."

"What's her special character?"

"Smugglers." Wen Huacun replied.

Smuggler? It’s different from the ghost card this time.

Quan Heng asked calmly: "Role mission?"

"The mission is... to successfully smuggle a batch of cultural relics from Meijiang on behalf of the client." Wen Huacun paused and added, "This is the Meijiang River. What the ship is blocking happens to be the estuary of the Meijiang River. The port has already Destroyed by monsters on board.”

Meijiang... cultural relics...

Quan Heng leaned back in his chair, pressed his fingertips against Shibazi, paused for a second and then said: "Client, do you know who it is?"

"I remember this clearly. I accompanied her to pick it up, which is from the brown rock waterfall outside the town. It should be at the edge of the map. If we go further, our SAN value will be contaminated."

Wen Huacun recalled:

“The client’s surname is Ge, but he told us that we are delivering goods to someone with a good background, so we must be careful.

"Oh, by the way, he also told his other subordinates that this was a fight within the big family. Now the smuggling route is actually managed by a child, and it won't become a problem in the future. He also used some special means to make it impossible to be discovered."

The surname is Ge...

Quan Heng closed his eyes.

[Boss, your port in Meijiang has been manipulated. The originally ordered goods have been changed to something else. The man surnamed Ge doesn’t know what means he used. After the inspected goods were put on the ship, they were changed.]

【It’s Quan Lin! Quan Lin was doing business with the Honshu Mountain Chamber of Commerce this time and smuggled these antiques to her! 】

The reports from his subordinates and Ge Huan's pleas for mercy were intertwined into an intricate web, which kept falling and tightening, crushing the last bit of illusion of peace, and the truth peeked out, revealing a proud and ferocious smile.


The border area is not only connected to the unknown and strange new world, but also closely entangled with the human world.

She had made some guesses when she entered the game and went through the Triangular Building, but she kept the game map and simply copied it to refer to the human world. At most, she could absorb resentment or the backup guesses of the deceased entering.

But now it is completely confirmed that things from the human world can indeed be smuggled into the new world, and there can even be close-to-parallel connections and communication, which will probably connect the geographical maps of the two worlds.

What's more, the "special means" mentioned by Ge You...

Things from the New World can also be applied to the human world, just like her brand [Shi].


She just laughed, and when she opened her eyes, she felt clear again.

"I won't bother you anymore," Quan Heng stood up and nodded slightly, "You can rest first."


"Finished talking?"

As soon as Quan Heng walked out of the Buddhist cave, she heard someone talking to her. She raised her eyes and smiled:
"Senior Song doesn't rest, why are you here?"

"I'm sitting here to satisfy my craving." Song Jingyun held a short pipe with his fingers, put the Qiankun bag aside, and was sitting on the steps in front of the headless Buddha. "The Buddha's cave is not breathable, and there is a lady here, so don't choke. Smoking."

"Then you continue, I'll go back first..."

"What did you find?"

Song Jingyun suddenly made a sound, the pipe in his hand was flickering on and off, but he obviously had no interest in smoking, he just held it on his fingertips, and his eyes were full of inquiry.

"Did we find that the human world and the new world are closely connected, or are there monsters lurking in the human world?"

Quan Heng paused and looked at him.

"Oh, it looks like they've all been found."

Song Jingyun looked like a lazy crane again, "Don't worry, these words will be automatically erased - otherwise, how do you think it can balance the time difference between the game, the border area, and the new world? In fact, those channels they see are not live streaming.

"New media are very smart. The playback and insertion of plots have a guiding effect on the audience. The game system is very smart and will not make such negative news public."

Quan Heng nodded, as if he had thought of something interesting, and smiled: "I have invested in many new media platforms, and I am indeed very aware of the power of public opinion."

"That's right, you can't tell whether a child will become an adult or not, and investors," Song Jingyun sneered, "Don't think that if you are more mature and calm, you can't see it. Your face is too young, are you an adult?"

Quan Heng is indeed very young, and he is naturally small and clean-looking, so his cultivation and temperament cannot make up for the negative impact of this skin.

A person's first impression is very important. He always feels that he is "too young to take on the job" and "too beautiful to be in a vase". Age and skin were once the things Quan Heng hated most. If he had been ridiculed like this in the early years, it would be easy to get stuck. .

"Senior, do you have any advice?" Quan Heng just smiled and changed the topic.

"You're welcome, just call me by my name."

The wind direction changed a bit, and the smell of smoke was probably blowing to Quan Heng, so Song Jingyun immediately put out the pipe in his hand.

"You are indeed very sharp and very lucky."

He yawned and lazily couldn't pick himself up: "I was able to discover this because I bumped into a monster wandering out of the new world when I was doing something. I thought it was an illusion at first, but then I met someone who had related memories. It takes monsters to realize this.”

"I think border connectors are very wary," Quan Heng pointed at Shiba Zi, "and they won't tell the secrets they know casually."

"How do you know that I said it casually?" Song Jingyun said happily.

He took out a pure white egg from the Qiankun bag and tossed it casually: "As a reward for helping me hide this egg, I don't want to owe anyone a favor."

"Just because of this?" Quan Heng raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

"This information is of no use to me. No matter in the human world or the new world, saying such things will only get you into trouble. In fact, it is better to stay confused if you just want to make yourself clear."

Song Jingyun said: "Besides, those who are not connectors cannot hear my words, and connectors who cannot predict the sequence S cannot remember these words. They are not aware of this matter, and they will not even notice the abnormality of the star dial."

Quan Heng saw that he wanted to complain, so he said, "Is that so?"

"Why not!" Song Jingyun slapped his thigh, "There is an unspoken rule, whoever is transparent must die. If you live so clearly, don't you have to rebel? The lambs on the farm have no thoughts, so they can be slaughtered as blood bags. "

"Not only that, but even if the connectors whose predicted sequence is lower than S are aware of anything special, their desire for exploration and curiosity will be cut off by the border system."

He said so happily that he didn't even notice that Quan Heng on the side slightly narrowed his eyes and the smile gradually faded from the corner of his mouth.

"Forget it, I'm just an ordinary person, a small screw, a scrap of society, a transparent person, what can I do? I can't do anything, I can only play in the corners."

Song Jingyun rolled his eyelids and laughed self-deprecatingly. Then he picked up the wine gourd around his waist and took a sip of wine. The Taoist priest's hair completely fell apart and fell into tiny pieces on his temples. His sharp eyebrows and starry eyes lost their sharpness.

He smashed his mouth and muttered: "And these nonsense are very dangerous at first sight. I am an old man who has been running for three years, but I don't dare to play with you young rebels. If I don't get it right, I will have to pay for it." I still have to support my family.”

Quan Heng laughed.

"I'm tired, I'm tired. Because of what those two live dads did today, my physical energy has dropped to 70. I need to take a nap to recover." Song Jingyun stood up, "You should also go to bed early. Didn't you say that you were going to carry out a sneak attack in the middle of the night?"

Quan Heng watched Song Jingyun leave, and suddenly smiled, playfully: "Rebellious boy?"

She thought for a while, then turned and went to the Lu brothers' room.

"One domain time is 48 hours, and there are still 39 hours left. Alas...even the plot line has not been unlocked, and the ax has not been recovered." Lu Xiaoman tried hard to smooth out the wrinkles of the red scarf, "Xiaoman is Not particularly stupid?"

"Nonsense! I don't want to hear this. You are our village's hope for entering college! I have already prepared the tuition for your fourth grade." Lu Qiusheng scratched his head, "But you may not need it now. It can also be used as food expenses.”

Lu Xiaoman nodded vigorously: "Yes!"

There was a knock on the door.

"Please come in," Lu Xiaoman hurriedly tied the red scarf again and smiled when she saw the person coming, "Sister Heng, why are you here?"

"I'm here to return something." Quan Heng lowered his hand behind his back and handed it over with the ax handle, "Here."

"My branded axe!" Lu Xiaoman took it excitedly and held it in his arms, "Sister, did you beat up the fake Taoist priest and make him hand it over?"

"Beat me? No, I don't like violence, and I guess Taoist Song doesn't know how to explode gold coins," Quan Heng rubbed Lu Xiaoman's head and said with a smile, "Put it away, I have some questions to ask my little classmate. "

"Sister, what's the problem?" Lu Xiaoman put away the axe, "I don't know how to answer it, but my brother can also help answer it."

"I want to know something about the Bianyu Club to prepare for the future." Quan Heng said, "Can you give me some popular science?"

Lu Xiaoman was stunned: "But sister...isn't she a member of Nirvana?"


Quan Heng understood after a moment's thought and felt helpless: "No, no, Tang and I are just friends."

"Then sister, please join us!"

Lu Xiaoman couldn't wait:
"We, Wugu Liming, are in charge of food and housing. We have a huge farm and we have eggs and milk to drink every day! And our chief is super responsible. A few days ago, he fell into the Wugu River while trying to help me catch ducks and hit his brain. I threw him away. I didn’t help him get rid of the water for a long time..."

"——Oh, by the way! I haven't drunk the duck soup I made yet. Sister, do you want to try it?"

"No, no need."

Quan Heng stopped Lu Xiaoman from thinking outside the box and about to carry the pot, and couldn't help but sigh:
"I do have a lot of respect for the leader of the Immortal Dawn now, but I want to know about Taoist Song's club."

"Fake Taoist priest? He doesn't have a club."

Lu Xiaoman thought for a while and said:
“He is a [lone wolf player], that is, a player who does not accept invitations from any clubs, has no partners, and no familiar friends.

"If his name hadn't always been in the New God Sequence, other connectors would have thought he was dead. Moreover, he is also elusive and difficult to find, but he seems to be in great need of money."

Quan Heng raised his eyebrows: "He is short of money?"

What a coincidence.

What she lacks most is money.

"I don't know," Lu Xiaoman shook his head, "He said before that he didn't join the club because those people shared his game coins and stole the gold he used to support his family."

"The income reward of the New God Sequence is not low. If it is converted into gold..." Quan Heng paused, "Although it is not much, it is still a considerable amount, at least enough for a family to live comfortably."

"I don't understand the global competition yet, but I know it is important to the club, and cultivating seed players will also become the core work of the club."

Quan Heng said: "Daozhang Song has good abilities. Even if he is a signboard, he is free of commission and tax-free. It is a cost-effective investment - the reason why he doesn't join the club is probably not because the asking price is not high."

Lu Xiaoman felt guilty: "Then I don't know either."

"I have a manual here, which is a detailed summary of the clubs from the five major border areas to the mid-S18, as well as a summary and analysis of some lone wolf players and ace starters. It also includes intercontinental competitions and global competitions, team tracks and single-player tracks. Explain in detail.”

Lu Qiusheng suddenly spoke and handed over a thick folder:
"There is also an electronic link to enter. It was compiled by the chief for us to read before the game. I remember Song Jingyun is in it. Take a look."

"That's right!" Lu Xiaoman suddenly touched his palms, "Why did I forget this!"

"Internal information?" Quan Heng smiled and declined slightly, "I think I need to ask your chief for instructions."

"The chief said he wants us to have more contact with my sister, and he will definitely agree. I promise!" Lu Xiaoman vowed, putting the document into Quan Heng's hand, "And my sister helped me get the ax back. The chief will thank you for helping him save money." That’s a lot of money!”

Lu Qiusheng nodded: "The competition depends on strength. The information is given out. If you should win, you will win."

"Then I'll be disrespectful, but I don't like to take advantage of children," Quan Heng clicked on the folder and smiled, "Especially sincere and kind children."

"I owe you a favor."

Lu Xiaoman muttered: "But it's obvious that we owe sister a favor."

Quan Heng smiled, opened the detailed directory, and found the tag of [Lone Wolf Player]. Sure enough, there was a category for Song Jingyun.

"Song Jingyun..." The content was limited. Quan Heng read the ten lines at a glance, and his expression changed slightly, "Has he been subject to a wanted reward from the entire border, and a joint siege by the top ten clubs?"

Put together, no longer separate

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