Chapter 62 Routines
  Border of Day and Night-Judging Hall

"The top ten clubs are hunting. I saw it on that post. It seems it was at the beginning of S18."

As soon as Quan Heng's question came out, the review hall immediately became lively.

"I also heard from my senior coach that this guy named Song is so arrogant. If he thinks he is strong, no club will take him seriously and he will reject all invitations."

"Hey! I'm a lone wolf player like Tao Ye. He's the first in the world to challenge anyone. He's provoking the head club. How can there be people these days who don't form cliques? They just want to stand on their own. If you don't provoke him, who will he provoke?"

There was a sigh of relief in the judging hall. Several judges' coordinators got tired from sitting and wanted to go outside for a walk.

"Hey, what's going on? What are you doing?"

"Who is the judge here? Who is testing the waters? Damn it! Didn't you see that I am from the empire? Come on, tell me——"


"Hunting... Oh, I think I've heard of it," Lu Xiaoman tried to recall. He had suffered a head injury and his memory was always bad. "But that happened a long time ago. It turned out to be a fake Taoist priest, but I don't know the details. Not sure."

"This kind of thing should be marked in it," Lu Qiusheng said. "This is all handwritten by our chief. It is updated in real time. There is an axis for the time when the player appears."

"Timeline." Lu Xiaoman reminded in a low voice.

"Even with the timeline, my brother is still smart!"

"Okay, thank you."

Quan Heng lowered his eyes and quickly read through the few information on [Lone Wolf Player], paying attention to the remaining details.

The text is written smoothly and clearly through the back of the paper. It is very logical and organized, and the key points are simple and clear. After turning a few pages, I saw an almost negligible graffiti.

It's like before putting pen to paper, the writer's mind has already "programmed" the logical content, and there is no need to hesitate when putting it on paper. He understands the players and the game exceptionally well, or to put it another way, this person almost understands the rules and understands his opponents.

Moreover, if these information are put on paper and everyone has a copy, I am afraid they don’t pay much attention to it.

Be confident and confident.

"It's almost time."

Quan Heng collected his thoughts and put the folder into his [backpack]: "Let's set off and split up."


"Hey, the moon is dark and the wind is high. We have to go separately. What do you think?"

Song Jingyun yawned and followed Quan Heng: "Why do you want the Lu brothers to go to the ancient town?"

"The purpose of group operations is to improve efficiency. The ghost ship has ghost cards to enter. The Taoist priest should have guessed my identity."

Song Jingyun nodded.

Indeed, just when Quan Heng came into contact with important characters, the whole Guipai camp unlocked the mission.

"I think something is not right about that town," Quan Heng said. "Mo Xiuyue wanted to say something to me before, but was interrupted by the Taoist priest. It should be said that she endured it on her own. But the information she could tell was nothing more than Three things are related.”

"——Ancient town, ghost ship, Wenhuacun."

"So you said you were communicating with Wen Huacun tonight, but you were actually testing him." Song Jingyun said, still lack of energy, "Did you find anything wrong?"

"Taoist Master," Quan Heng stopped and looked at him with a smile, "What did you find?"

"It's not a discovery," Song Jingyun took off the wine gourd from his waist and said casually, "My perspective is different from yours. The ancient town, Wenhuacun, and ghost ship you mentioned are all the same thing. related."

"The Taoist priest is talking about cultural relics."

"Yes, it should be said that they are [unearthed cultural relics]. Those who can be buried with cultural relics are powerful people. The Feng Shui of burial is a must, but this Buddhist cave is located on the top of a mountain..."

Song Jingyun pointed half a circle with the wine gourd, but nothing could be seen under the red moon. He continued:

"The grass is crooked, the flowers are not blooming, and the trees in front of the Buddha have withered early. This is the depletion of spiritual energy. The top of the mountain is high on all sides and low in the middle, which is the stagnation of the aura. The river runs away from the mountain and blocks yin wealth, which is easy to accumulate bad qi and harm future generations. The uneven land near the sea is vast and sparsely populated, so it can be said that there is no way out in terms of Feng Shui.

"Which dignitary would choose this as his tomb? How can he sleep like a baby if he has already been buried in the grave without seeking auspiciousness and peace? His ghost will be suffocated to death before the tomb robbers can open the coffin."

"What the Taoist Master means is...those are not unearthed cultural relics, at least not unearthed in this place."

"It should be said that the area where this ancient town belongs is impossible." Song Jingyun said with a determined tone, "These NPCs tell a lot of lies. What, you don't believe it?"

"Of course I believe it," Quan Heng smiled and said, "Because the cultural relics are indeed not unearthed, but imported."

"Wait a minute, wait a minute," Song Jingyun heard something was wrong and became suspicious, "Are you so sure?"

"Daozhang Song, can you unearth cultural relics from the Warring States Period dragon ring jade pendant, Tang and Song porcelain, and Ming Dynasty jade seals?" Quan Heng sighed, "It's not that I don't understand cultural relics. Those are all genuine, and some of them are in Cultural relics that appear and disappear in the black market." "In addition to these, Wen Huacun told me that the monster has a list of cultural relics. Since they are unearthed cultural relics and the monster has not yet obtained them, how could he list them so clearly? How can a layman do it? Make a list?”

[Hiss, so from the beginning to now, all NPCs have lied to them? I can only believe three out of ten sentences! ]
  [Let’s just say, don’t play brain-burning games if you don’t have a brain! I foolishly thought that Shangu was so enthusiastic and that the old players were the same kind, so they could help each other, but I didn’t expect that she was not a good person]
  [I haven’t gotten used to it yet, everyone is just for their own benefit, and players who trust them easily will not survive long]
  "I understand all the above, but..." Song Jingyun scratched his chin and wondered, "How do you know that some antiques are circulating in the black market?"

Quan Heng looked as usual and raised his eyebrows and asked: "Because I like to watch the news, doesn't Taoist priest even pay attention to national affairs? I thought Taoist priests have the world in mind."

WOC, what a big hat!
  Song Jingyun was immediately stunned by this accusation: "I...I..."

"What a disappointment." Quan Heng twirled his prayer beads, already shaking his head and walking in the direction of the ghost ship with a disappointed look on his face. "I'd better continue eating fast and chanting Buddha's name. After all, I am a good person with high moral standards in the world."

"No, it's my personal problem. Don't get involved in the sects' alliance. Damn it, the news will talk about this kind of thing...wait a minute!" Song Jingyun hurriedly put on his wine gourd and followed him, "Don't go alone! I told you so. Don't walk in the dark at night!"

five minutes later.

Quan Heng stopped on the hillside and looked at it.

During the day, the gunboat, which had been normal during the day, had docked at the coast, exuding green firelight. The black sails had fallen, and only a crimson skull flag on the bow swayed in the sea breeze.

[Hiss, by the way, this map is on the border of the New World, right? I remember that Vlam and Dark were both in the border area, and they didn’t know much about human history. They had never seen this kind of ship, but it looked very similar to Blue Beard’s ghost pirate ship]
  [Wait a minute, if this game is about ghosts and ghosts...have any of you heard about Song Jingyun? ]
  "It's such a hell..."

Song Jingyun swallowed, silently took half a step back, and then another half step.

"The hanging ladder has been put down. It seems that monsters have landed. The battle pressure has been reduced a lot." Quan Heng stretched out his hand without looking back and put a hand on Song Jingyun's shoulder who turned around. He smiled and tilted his head, "Dao Zhang Song, let's go up. "

Song Jingyun shook his shoulders and smiled awkwardly: "Well, how about I take care of you outside? I'm old and have a bad heart. If there is a female ghost inside, I have to burp on the spot... Thigh, little ancestor, Sister Heng, how about you Just do it yourself and let the little one go."

Quan Heng looked at him quietly for two seconds, then retracted his hands and closed his eyes: "Okay, Taoist Priest, let's go first."


"It's not sweet to force people to do this. A good citizen like me won't do this kind of thing, but I still have a merciless request.

"I don't know how to fight. Can you please help the Taoist priest outside the boat? If I get any clues, please ask the Taoist priest to help bring them back. After all, I am not sure about my safety.

"Clue Taoist Master can also be used, which should be more beneficial to ghost cards."

She lowered her head slightly and turned the beads on her wrist. She couldn't see the color of her eyes clearly. The corners of her lips curved quickly and reluctantly, and she said in a low voice:
  "Teacher, take care."

"Hiss..." Song Jingyun gasped and watched Quan Heng go down the slope as if struck by lightning.

What did I just say?
  I actually let a little girl who looks ten years younger than me, has just grown up, is inexperienced, doesn't know how to fight, is willing to sacrifice herself for others, and has no strength to control herself - to go on a dangerous ghost ship alone? !
  She has only played one game! !
  "Oh my god..." Song Jingyun murmured, "You really deserve to die."

Seeing Quan Heng about to board the ship, Song Jingyun cursed and quickly caught up with him.

"Wait a minute!" Song Jingyun grabbed Quan Heng's arm and gasped, "I'll go up with you."

"Taoist Master, aren't you afraid of danger? No, I don't know what Taoism is like, but I can sacrifice myself for others." Quan Heng did not struggle, paused and emphasized, "After all, I am a good person."

Song Jingyun: "..."

I suspect you're targeting me, and I have proof.

"Hey, look, this boat looks like it's from the West. Where did the female ghost come from?" Song Jingyun retracted his hand, scratched his hair and said, "Never mind, even if there is a savage beast like this in it, Master Tao, I won't Enter!"

"Really? That's great."

Quan Heng turned his head and said quickly: "Let me introduce, this ship is a standard British gunboat, equipped with three artillery decks, equipped with a total of 102 cast-iron cannons and 2 giant short guns. A single salvo on the ship can Firing a half-ton shell, it’s not very accurate, but it has a wide range.”

Song Jingyun was stunned and confused: "...Huh?"

"Taoist Master, are your legs and feet quick?"

"...Hurry, hurry up."

"Oh, that's better."

Quan Heng curled his lips, and a teasing smile appeared in his dark eyes.

"Now the ship is close at hand, and my weapons can alarm the monsters on the entire ship. No matter how fast you are, you can't beat the cannonballs, and no matter how thick the blood is, you will die with one shot. No doubt, Taoist Master, I am threatening you."

Song Jingyun: "...??!"

"After you get on the ship, follow my command. I can guarantee your safety." Quan Heng nodded politely, "This is our first time partnering. I hope it will be a happy cooperation, Daochang Song."

The Great Himalayan Storm was crackling in Taoist Song's mind. He looked stiffly at the ghost ship so close at hand, and finally said in confusion and shock:


(End of this chapter)

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