"Hey, that fake Taoist priest is so bad, cunning and hateful. He won't bully Sister Heng, right?"

Lu Xiaoman walked towards the ancient town with a worried look on her face: "After all, Sister Heng is so kind!"

"I think..." Lu Qiusheng thought seriously, "Since the chief allows us to establish a good relationship with Sister Heng, it proves that she is very capable, and that fake Taoist priest is no match for her! Oh, by the way."

"——Did Sister Heng ask you to borrow a special item before she left? What was it?"

"Physical lock! And explosives!"

Lu Xiaoman straightened the bamboo hat on his back: "The explosives were left over from the mountains I blasted to get spices. They were all given to Sister Heng!"

"Physical locks have serious side effects! There are also explosives. Didn't the chief say that you won't be allowed to borrow them randomly——!"


There was a loud noise, and the fire lit up half of the sky in the blink of an eye, almost scorching the red moon hanging high in the sky.

Lu Qiusheng trembled and said in surprise: "That's an ancient town?! Are you going to run to put out the fire? But we're lost!"

"There seems to be someone over there...the two brothers who sent us to the Buddhist cave! I'll go ask!"

Lu Xiaoman hurriedly ran over and pulled the fisherman's sleeve, "Brother, can you tell us..."

The fisherman remained unmoved, staring directly at the fire soaring into the sky, his straight back unnaturally stiff.

"Xiaoman, come back!" Lu Qiusheng suddenly realized something and shouted sharply!

"What...?" Lu Xiaoman turned around in a daze.

The man carrying the harpoon suddenly looked back, his face was swollen and rotten, large patches of hair sprouted, his back was long and curved, his muscles swelled, and a huge shadow enveloped the child with dull, wide-eyed eyes.

In just an instant, they changed from honest fishermen and hunters to ferocious and crazy beasts.

"Wow, Hulk..." Lu Xiaoman opened his mouth.

The fisherman grabbed the iron fork beside him and stabbed Lu Xiaoman's chest hard amid the hunter's increasingly shrill screams!
  "Xiao Man!" Lu Qiusheng yelled angrily, watching the young man get stabbed by the steel fork, and fell viciously towards the big tree beside him!
  The forest roared loudly, and the beasts roared!

"Hey, let me go, why does it smell so bad down here?"

Song Jingyun pinched his nose and stepped down the steps in disgust, reaching the space under the ship's deck.

"It smells like the boys returning to the dormitory after playing basketball in the summer, taking off their shoes and stacking their socks together."

Quan Heng: "..."

Thank you so much for your vivid description.

"Where can we go if we don't go to the cabin?"

Quan Heng put his fingers between his nose and his tone was quite calm.

"Does the Taoist Master want to drill a hole in the boat from the bottom of the water? Or make some big noise and let everyone run a marathon together in the sea breeze, complete with fireworks?"

"You don't mind me," Song Jingyun's scalp went numb, "You'd better not expose me to bullets and artillery fire. I'm just a law-abiding commoner. If I hear another gunshot, I'm going to suffer from PTSD."

It sounds difficult to do.

Quan Heng smiled and threw the explosives to him, "We can't keep this gunboat, just blow it up..."

"anyone there……"

The two paused and looked at a candle flickering in the darkness ahead.

"help me……"

Weak murmurs echoed in the damp and smelly cabin, accompanied by the collision of iron chains.

"Damn it, you're not going to attract ghosts, are you?"

Song Jingyun's back felt hairy as he pulled out a few pieces of yellow paper and lit them on fire, "Oh, hurry up and recite the golden spell to open the altar. What's the first sentence..."

Quan Heng concentrated his attention and walked towards the source of the sound.

There are no monsters in this cabin, except for the wine cellar, warehouse and lounge. Further inside is the hatch leading to the third-level storage room.

The hatch was sealed with iron plates, and only a fist-sized "small door" in the middle could be pushed open.

Quan Heng thought for two seconds, bent his knees and approached, opened the small door and dropped Tianshu in.

The lightning was like an aurora during the day, filling the suffocating cage eroded by darkness with oxygen. It seemed as if countless iron chains were shaking and tightening in the void at this moment. There was an indescribable, very old, smell of dust.

Quan Heng’s pupils were slightly shaken——

The space was narrow and closed, with a large number of antiques piled up haphazardly. Authentic famous paintings were thrown on the wet shipboard. Priceless bronzes and porcelain were piled together like scraps. The exquisite Dunhuang murals were violently split and broken into several pieces.

Among countless treasures, a huge, bright red silk dances without the wind.

The hunting red curtain is like a long river that passes through history and time, silent and turbulent. The scarlet blood embraces the scorching lightning with sorrow and heat.

Quan Heng quickly withdrew [Tianshu] with quick eyes and hands, and saw clearly the Buddha's head under the red curtain.

The Buddha's head and neck were violently severed by artillery fire, and he was imprisoned in a dog cage at will. He still lowered his eyebrows in compassion. The corners of his eyes were moist at the moment when the long-lost light faded. Darkness invaded again, and it was another long wait for the dust to fall on his shoulders.

Buddha is weeping.

"I saw...the backbone of the times..."

Hong Mu broke through the cage along the holes, exhausted all her strength, and fell into the arms of her hometown. “I...heard...the laughter of the prosperous age..."

"...I smell the...fragrance of my homeland..."

Quan Heng lowered his eyes and heard countless weak murmurs, as light as a feather and as heavy as a mountain.

"Please... don't break in... the robber's cell..."

Quan Heng closed his eyes and sighed deeply.

Hold the red curtain in your hand tightly.

"Xuanzong of Heaven and Earth, the root of ten thousand qi. Extensively cultivate ten thousand kalpas, and prove my supernatural power..."

Song Jingyun looked up while thinking and suddenly saw something humanoid outside the cabin window.

I couldn't see my face clearly in the dark, so I peeked quietly.

The shiver that brush scraped against his spine instantly shot through his body. Song Jingyun's body stiffened uncontrollably, and his mind went blank.

"Quan, Quan Heng..." He swallowed and reached out to grab it in the void.

Quan Heng turned his head.

The light was dim, and the monster's clothes outside the window looked like a wide skirt. His face was pale, and the sound of his upper and lower lips smacking together sounded like an overly sinister smile.

"Female, female..."

Song Jingyun burst into tears: "Female ghost——!!"


"Alive? Holy shit! Aren't these the three they killed before?! There's another one holding his head!"

"I thought they had been gone for so long and I didn't see them. The monsters must have gone to the ancient town. I was also curious why there were only three sailors left on the ship!"

There was a lot of discussion in the jury:

"It's a pity that we can only see Quan Heng's screen. The other three great people don't have border channels. It's the right time and the right place and no one is trying to compete with her for traffic. She's really a leaker!"

"How do you talk? If you don't want to watch it, get out, no one is stopping you!"

"Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun, Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun, Taiqing Daode Tianzun—Patriarch, help me! A ghost killed your grandson!!"

Song Jingyun was howling loudly on the night vision screen, running around with yellow paper wrapped around his waist.


"Song Jingyun is afraid of ghosts?" The judge who didn't know much was shocked, "Is he a Taoist priest afraid of ghosts? Besides, this is not a ghost!"

"You don't know, the top ten clubs used to choose this kind of map when they were encircling and suppressing us."

People who eat melons are very interested.

"Song Jingyun is afraid of ghosts, especially female ghosts! Oh, he almost went crazy when he saw it!"

"Yes! I thought it was over, but I didn't expect that the Taoist priest would directly blindly kill him with his eyes, and even the bounty hunter who was stirring up the water was killed - that is, from then on, no one dared to grab this Weakness."

"I know, I know, Keeper automatically gave the gamble in that game, and the odds broke the S18 record in Asia. I didn't expect Song Jingyun to survive!"

"Actually, there is another thing. Do you know that Song Jingyun runs a funeral parlor in reality? Oh my god, whoever gets close to him in the game will be unlucky. I thought Quan Heng had [strong luck]. This is not bad luck. !”

The reviewer clicked his tongue and shook his head, feeling very sorry:

"These three skeletons haven't been killed yet, and their companions have already returned! Look at this fire, how can you get out!"

He points to the transformed shot.

The picture seen from a high altitude shows skeleton sailors pouring out from the forest, holding torches connected into a sheet, forming a siege trend.

"Forget it on the boat. If Song Jingyun doesn't cooperate and runs away in fear, it will be a truly desperate situation."

"Speaking of this," one of the judges suddenly remembered and asked, "What is Song Jingyun's brand and weapon?"


"My biological father and master! If I had met a noble person earlier when I was young, there would be no need for me to have such a psychological shadow! There is no point in being a Taoist priest!"

Song Jingyun didn't even dare to look back, his eyes went dark as he rushed towards the light, and his screams were even higher than those of modern soprano artists.

"Yuqing, Shangqing, Taiqing gods, gods of the sun, moon, five stars, and the four directions bless you... Ah! Don't come here——!"

Song Jingyun rushed out of the cabin, followed closely by the skeleton, who picked up the machete and tried to chop off the former's ankles!

The black and red electric current burst into dazzling light in the darkness, and "Tianshu" was the first to lock it on the skull's neck.

Quan Heng raised his hand and uprooted the skull again!

The machete fell from his hands and his head was thrown against the ship's plank.

But the next second, the headless sailor who was kneeling on the ground staggered up, quickly picked up his head and pressed it down, pulled out an 1822-style infantry saber with a Gothic gold-plated brass half-basket handle from the corner, turned his head and stabbed Quan. Heng!
  Oh shit!This monster can't be killed!
  [This, what can I do if I can't be killed!I will also find my head independently, I am so nervous, I am so nervous! ]
  [Damn it, my head fell off, but this big brother is still smiling so happily! ]
  [Look at the overhead view! There are at least forty monsters rushing here, and they are also holding muskets! ]
  [what happened?Why is Quan Heng still not moving? ! ]

Quan Heng noticed Song Jingyun's condition out of the corner of his eye, wrapped the red curtain silk around his forearm, his face was calm and his tone was calm.

"Open the betting table."

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