"Setting the market! Please enter the content of the market..."

[What the hell are you betting on whether you can get rid of the monster and get off the ship safely in six minutes? ! Are you okay? ! ! ]
  [Six minutes? ! Not to mention that Song Jingyun is still stupid, even if he is better, these immortals will not be easy to deal with! ]
  [no!No! ]
  [Follow, follow, follow, humans who overestimate their abilities]

[Ding dong!Gambling betting ended, a total of 614 people bet "no" and 89 people bet "yes". ]
  What's bothering you?
  No surprises then.

Quan Heng looked at Song Jingyun, who was sitting on the moonlit deck, obviously hyperventilating, and silently counted down five seconds in his heart——

"This this……"

The red moon in the sky gradually appeared in outline behind the fluttering clouds, and the scarlet moonlight shone down——

Song Jingyun breathed heavily, and his eyes suddenly paused. He narrowed his eyes and looked at the skeleton monster that was whipped away by Quan Heng again. Then he glanced down at the broken bones and debris on the ground. His brain was silent for a few seconds.

Wake up suddenly!

"His uncle!" Song Jingyun got up after escaping from death and was about to cry without tears. "The more he died, the more he became convulsed. He was a bastard. At first glance, I thought it was a female ghost, but she was wearing a skirt. Foreigners! I’m most afraid of ghost brides, but luckily I’m not.”

Quan Heng put the tip of his tongue on the roof of his mouth, and laughed silently.

[Holy shit! what's the situation? ! Co-authored by You Are Only Afraid of the Ghost Bride! Are monsters still discriminating? ! ]
  [Wait a minute, are we being plotted by the little bastard named Quan? She must have known how to solve it! ]
  [Don't panic, there are still five and a half minutes, these skeletons can't be killed, there are at least fifty of them! Can't run away! ]
  "We're going to be surrounded," Song Jingyun looked at the skeleton monsters swarming onto the ship's deck and frowned, "If we can't kill them, we'll just jump into the sea and run away."

"I'm afraid not." Quan Heng took a step back, and Tianshu threw the wooden scraps off the ship with a hook!

Gunpowder guns rang out, and as soon as the broken boards fell into the air, they were smashed into pieces by the skeleton sailors who stayed on the beach and were alert with guns.

"Fuck you, uncle!" Song Jingyun cursed.

This group of skeletons can see at night. It is difficult to dodge when they fall in mid-air and they are easy to hit.

"Don't use this trick, there will be no good results." Quan Heng had expected it, and looked at him sideways, "Senior, let's cooperate."

"Cooperate?" Song Jingyun was stunned for a moment, confused, "How to cooperate? Do you know my brand and brand weapons?"

Not only the imprint, but also the timeline from the time you entered the game is revealed to you!
  "I can probably guess it, as for cooperation..."

Quan Heng held the Tianshu with his right hand, turned the butterfly knife with his left hand, and said with a smile: "That's it, Xiaoxiaole."


Review Hall.

"Xiaoxiaole? Do you really think you're playing a harmless stand-alone game?" the reviewer at the front sneered.

"Didn't they install explosives? Just blow up the ship!"

"The ship was full of cannonballs. They exploded one after another. They are still on the ship. Didn't they run away?! By the way, Quan Heng saw something on the ship... Where did he get a red silk wrapped around it? Is it a special item?"

"Hey...why did the person next to me go out and not come back yet? He missed the bet..."

"Look, Song Jingyun is getting the branded weapon!!"

A judge exclaimed, and others immediately focused on the channel——

[Gambling countdown: 4 minutes and 55 seconds]
  Song Jingyun raised his right hand and pulled out a pitch-black Tang Hengdao from his back shoulder!

"The branded weapon-"Slaying Yama" has been released from the shackles"

One hundred thousand flags cut Yama, and the evil spirit of the sword drives away all the demons!
  Tang's knife cut off the incoming bullets in the air, and the tip of the knife picked up the bullets that were split into two halves and scattered in two places. The remaining gunpowder followed the changed trajectory and hit the other sailors who were about to rush.

"I'll cut off the hanging ladder first and don't let them go up again."

Song Jingyun jumped out in one step and headed towards the hanging ladder for boarding the gunboat. "Zhan Yan Luo" could cut horizontally or directly, and the shadow of the knife made an icy arc!
  "呲咚——!!" The blocking skeleton's head was blown away!
  Song Jingyun immediately retreated to avoid the shooting attack from the sailors behind him. He retreated with bloody lightning and followed closely behind him, accurately and fiercely burning the skull. The monster's body rushed straight towards the remains of the head, and instantly gave way to the gap!

Immediately after, other skeletons screamed and rushed to block Song Jingyun's movement along the line. Quan Heng flicked his wrist, spun the butterfly knife out of its sheath, cut the line straight, and attacked the skeleton to cut off its head and fall to the ground, further clearing the obstacles to his movement!
  The blade of the butterfly knife spins in mid-air and splits into two. The handle of the knife is connected like a boomerang, spinning after cutting off the head.

Quan Heng closed the whip with one hand, raised his hand without looking back and accurately hooked the combined handle of the knife, then spun it twice and threw it out again!

The polished blade flies gracefully in the dark night like a butterfly, silent in the dead night, making it difficult to capture the trajectory.

"One in two, it's like a boomerang. It becomes a controllable butterfly knife weapon that can be used close or far!"

"It's amazing. It takes advantage of the skeleton's weakness of requiring a head to directly burn the head. The head residue needs a long time to recover, which greatly delays the monster's resurrection time!"

The judges are emotional.

"I feel like I'm losing the bet again."

"What's the point of losing? It's less than half of it, and there's still such a long distance to go. Which one of the two of them do you think has the physical strength to sustain it?"

One judge hit the nail on the head, "Quan Heng's physical energy consumption is the fastest. Replenishing the blue buff requires half a minute of CD caching. If the replenishment bar is interrupted, it will be invalidated. In the current situation, are you sure she has this chance?!"

[Ding dong! KP Tip: Please replenish the blue buff in time. A significant drop in the physical fitness bar will affect the skill value. ]
  A reminder sounds. "I said they can't escape, at least they can't come out within a certain time." The judge just now said arrogantly, "Look, I said -"

"Fuck!" The voice was interrupted by a high-pitched sound, "Quan Heng wants to use a physical lock! Is she crazy?!"
  Special Item: Physical Lock
  Number of uses: disposable items

Description: It can lock the physical energy value for three minutes, and the corresponding price - health value/san value will also bear the 50% decrease index of physical energy value. It is one of the special items with the strongest side effects, please use it with caution.

Note: Purchase from the ferry merchant (joined by Watt Alheim). Please note that this is a monopoly industry.

Produced by Dwarf, it must be a high-quality product! -
  "She just wants to save time. Is she crazy?!" Everyone at the judging panel was shocked. "She dared to change the San value and health value before the BOSS came out!"

[You dare to use it so much, you don’t want to live anymore? The game is only halfway through. Do you want your life points to be halved first? ]
  [Newcomers are so reckless! I remember that I almost had an accident during the auditions, and my health points were so high every time! ]
  [Oh shit! Shouldn’t newcomers cherish their lives more? ! How dare you use it when the side effects are so clearly labeled! This is really a lunatic! ! ]
  "Damn it! Skeletons can't be killed, and bullets can hurt people. If this goes on, your physical energy will be exhausted."

Song Jingyun wiped the sweat from his forehead. He felt dizzy after just two minutes. He pulled out the revolver from his waist, turned it around unskillfully and almost pulled the trigger. He was so weak that he got frustrated again:

"How about I fight against them! Experience a firefight! Master Dao hasn't fired a gun yet!"

"Do you want to play?" Quan Heng looked at the usage time of the physical lock and saw that the fluctuation of the San value became larger. He paused for a second and nodded, "Okay."

Song Jingyun was stunned: "What?"

"Pull the trigger first to remove the empty bullet," Quan Heng drew back his whip and took out the explosive, saying calmly, "I'll give you two chances. If you don't hit me, I'll take the blame."

"Ah? You mean... I'll go!" Song Jingyun was eager to try, rubbing his hands excitedly, "Come on, come on! Throw it where there are many monsters!"


"Who's on board?"

On the coast, a skeleton pirate wearing a royal general's uniform stood still, his hands pressed on the handle of a long and narrow saber touching the ground.

"They seem to be those Han people who claim to be the Kingdom of Heaven." The skeleton marine next to him opened his mouth, and the sound came from the collision of his upper and lower jaws.

"It's this group of people again, are they the helpers invited by the people from the ancient town? They are really stubbornly resisting."

The skeleton general touched the handle of the knife with his white-gloved hand and couldn't help but wonder:
  "You say... how can these weak Easterners survive in our high-power artillery fire? How can the weak people who can't even fire a gun withstand the trampling of steel cannons and iron ships? How can they have such great courage? These backward people Aren’t savages afraid of death? I don’t understand.”

"Because they are closed-minded and do not know how to adapt, and refuse to accept the enlightenment of advanced civilization. They are all humble yellow people, and they will become our slaves just like black people!"

The other skeletons echoed angrily:
  "We bring freedom, they offer gold and treasures! That's fair!"

"That's right! General, let these backward barbarians taste the power of advanced civilization and shoot them with all their strength with their muskets!"

General Skeleton nodded: "Then order all soldiers to attack these two intruders..."


The fire exploded first, and the skeleton general was stunned: "I haven't..."

He paused and said in a deep voice: "No, these barbaric invaders brought explosives! All soldiers are ordered not to shoot!"

"Hahaha... Master Dao is indeed a genius!"

Song Jingyun laughed and wanted to throw away the revolver that had used up the bullets, but after thinking about it, he threw it into the [backpack] again.

"As long as there are bombs, they won't shoot again," Quan Heng used the tail of his [Tianshu] whip to throw away the four empty magazines that were in the way, and took a deep breath to steady his breathing, "Of course, just in case, leave a Mind’s eye.”

"I know, but I don't think it's going to work at this speed. You might lose the plate."

Song Jingyun took a few steps back, brushed her sweat-soaked hair upwards, showed heroic eyebrows, and smiled heartily at her:

"Reciprocate the favor, and Taoist Master will give you some efficiency."

Quan Heng strangled Huorong's head close to the skeleton with a whip, raised his hand to catch the spinning butterfly knife, and looked at him sideways: "What?"

"Let you see it."

Song Jingyun laughed out loud, took out the pipe from the Qiankun bag and tapped his free wrist:
  "Keeper, apply to lift the ban on the brand."

[Ding dong! Game moderator has given permission! 】

"Exclusive brand "Invitation" - the shackles have been lifted"

Song Jingyun took out the yellow paper from his waist, and with a flick of his hand, lit the pipe with the yellow paper. The smoke blurred his eyebrows and eyes, and his voice was low and smiling:
  "When you light a cigarette with yellow paper, the magic power is boundless."

 By the way, there is an exam coming up, so the number of updates may be reduced. I would like to ask all readers to understand [Bow——! ! 】

  There will be more updates during the winter vacation! !
    (End of this chapter)

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