ten minutes later.

[Ding dong! KP tip: The blue buff has been refreshed, and your physical energy value is 11 points left, which is rising... Please pay attention to the dizziness side effects]

"I'm not telling you, Quan, are you sick?"

Song Daoye filled up the blue buff, gasped and collapsed on the ground, not forgetting to curse:

"Just play with fireworks, let off Gatling bombs, explode and jump into the sea. Whether there are rocks in the sea is another matter. You just jump in! Just after climbing up, I was chased away by the skeleton soldiers. I almost had dinner the night before. Spit it out!
  "If you want to die together with me, just tell me. There is a mental hospital at the foot of Heming Mountain. I have many connections, Master Dao. I will cover the 120 fare for your registration and hospitalization, okay?"

Quan Heng said nothing, closed his eyes and opened them again.

[Ding dong! KP tip: Your health is reduced by 50% to 48 points; physical energy is reduced to 21 points; SAN value fluctuates sharply to 50%, please pay attention to the side effects of contaminated anchors]

Excessive fluctuations in San value are similar to intensified hysteria. Whether you open your eyes or not, it is an abstract and absurd painting, and the world is distorted and noisy.

"I just said that multiplayer games are physical work! Or single-player games are more suitable for me! And were you injured in the explosion?!"

Song Jingyun raised his sleeves and squeezed out water. Something fell out of his wide sleeves and rolled in front of Quan Heng.

—It was the white egg.

Quan Heng let out a breath and forced himself to calm down, and paused slightly when he lowered his eyes.

"Your egg fell."

Song Jingyun was furious: "What?"

"Why did you want to steal the egg of the Unsullied Dawn?"

Quan Heng was leaning under the tree, bending down to pick up the egg, and wisely changed the subject:

"Oh, and branded weapons."

Although the weapon was most likely incidental, it still caused a lot of trouble.

"How can the connector thing be called robbery?" Song Jingyun's attention quickly shifted, "This is called fair competition!"

OK, you are right.

"Isn't this a duck egg?" Quan Heng looked at it in the moonlight.

"No, it's a special item." Song Jingyun didn't hide anything, "You can hatch whatever you want it to hatch."

"Anything you want?"


Quan Heng groaned and suddenly said: "Can dinosaurs be hatched?"

Song Jingyun blinked, "Well, this is not very good."

Quan Heng nodded, paused for a second and then asked, "What about the divine weapon beast?"

"...This shouldn't be a baby dinosaur or a young magician," Song Jingyun hissed and couldn't help but sit up, "I can't tell, you still like to watch cartoons."

"I haven't seen it," Quan Heng shook his head and smiled, before he could ask again, "Give it back to you."


Song Jingyun caught the egg thrown by Quan Heng in confusion, and suddenly remembered something:
  "Quan Heng, how much does your sanity fluctuate now? You didn't even stop during the whole process. If you can survive without adding buffs...you used physical energy to lock it?!"

Quan Heng said silently: "It's used."

The pain in her head was severe, and her eyes were blurred and blurred, bursting out with wonderful colors, all kinds of rotating color blocks were spliced ​​and blended together.

The sound is still steady.

"Are you crazy?!"

Song Jingyun stood up in a hurry: "You know that health cannot be restored? You haven't fought the boss yet! Do you want to die directly, or do you want to stay here as an NPC with three rounds?! When did you-" He paused, his expression Upheaval: "Did you use it before I played with the gun?! You-"

Quan Heng suddenly tilted his head and pressed the center of his eyebrows, raised his palms outwards, and made a stop motion.

Song Jingyun stopped abruptly.

"...It doesn't matter." Quan Heng regained his composure and his voice was steady, "Since I have used it, I can bear the consequences."

She took a deep breath and raised her eyes, "It's mainly because the dizziness after the San value chaos affects her thinking."

The personal panel floats in front of you.

The dial pointer representing the San value was shaking crazily, and at one point it hit the value [25] at both ends. This meant that the fluctuation amplitude was maintained at 50%, and the health value side effects were reduced by 50%.

Use San points and health points to exchange for two minutes of physical maintenance, and your physical energy will drop by half after two minutes. Such a deal...

It’s really the monopoly’s way of raising prices.

Quan Heng closed his eyes forcefully, and when he opened his eyes, he had already eliminated the gaffe:
  "Let's go, let's go to the town and meet them."

"Ah...no, are you okay?!"

Song Jingyun looked at Quan Heng standing up with dumbfounded eyes:
  "If the three values ​​are chaotic, then the anchor is unstable, and there will be auditory hallucinations, visual hallucinations, and sanity collapse. Don't be brave! Didn't you hear or see any mess?!"

"Yes, it's quite noisy," Quan Heng pointed to his ear calmly, "but it's not in the way."

"...Are you sure?" Song Jingyun choked.

"En." Quan Heng calmly wiped off the blood on his fingertips.

The stun of the physical lock is several times that of the blue buff. He didn't realize it in time because a normal player would be in a daze as if he had taken drugs, but Quan Heng had quickly got out of his gaffe.

Damn it, how high is this person’s predicted sequence? !

"No, it's fake. No matter how high it is, it won't have an impact! What did you see?"

"It's nothing," Quan Heng paused, "It's just home..."


The speed-racing youngster whistling and laughing passed her by while roaring.

The speeding heavy motorcycles kept buzzing, one after another, the wheels repeatedly crushed the leg bones, the sticky sound of squeezing flesh and blood continued to amplify, blood mixed with soil splashed on the white paper airplane.

The luxurious garden villa, the extravagant party feast, the world is spinning before your eyes, and it seems that everything is as gorgeous as before, everything is prosperous, the perfect dance music of the waltz melodiously comes from the villa, drowning all the blood and sorrow, and the eyes above are appreciating everything with satisfaction.

"——It's just commonplace." Quan Heng said calmly.

"Click!" The moment the words fell, the illusion shattered and the world became clear. The collapsed SAN disk stabilized instantly. The pointer was nailed by an invisible force and could not fluctuate at all. It was strongly controlled within [10%].

Quan Heng plucked the beads and turned off the panel:
  "Pollution is similar to nightmares. The principle of controlling SAN value is similar to controlling dreams: without fear, you will not lose your mind. Without weakness, the psychological defense will not collapse. Taoist Song, give it a try."

"Ah? What the hell? What did you just say?"

Song Jingyun was still confused and pointed to his loud ear, "I didn't hear clearly. I'm suffering from the side effects of the blue buff now! My mind is also very confused. You have to speak louder!"

"...Nothing, let's go."

"Oh... no, please walk slower!" Song Jingyun quickly caught up and couldn't help complaining, "Who on earth used the physical lock? Is this girl really a newbie? I think there is a real bug!"

As he walked, he twisted the sleeves of his Taoist robe and squeezed out the last bit of water. "It's almost dawn? We're fine. I don't know what's going on with the Lu family."

"How's it going?" Quan Heng smiled softly, "Senior, two great players who have competed in the global competition can't possibly be worse than us, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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