"It's the global competition again," Song Jingyun shook off his wrinkled sleeves, "You seem to be very concerned about it and want to participate?"

"I heard that the director is very short of money," Quan Heng asked without answering, "The global competition has a lot of prize money, why don't you sign up?"

"I'm short of money, but it's not comfortable to make money. There are a lot of people in the club who care about this and that, and I don't want to get involved." Song Jingyun snorted, "Besides, do you think joining the club is to make money? They are trying to make money off you. !”

There was still some distance from the ancient town, so Quan Heng deliberately guided him: "What should I say?"

"Do you know that the mortality rate of the top five starters in the club rankings is as high as 50%? How passive is it once a club agreement is signed? During the transfer period of each season, do you know how many players want to leave but are unable to leave and are driven crazy by being frozen alive?"

Song Jingyun took out the wine gourd from his [backpack]. He was already very eloquent and didn't hesitate when he said it:
  "There are only a small number of people at the top of the food chain. Others are only exploited, but they are exploited more or less. I am not happy to be sold for money. Those top players above me, The big club officials don't treat the newcomers as human beings, but treat them as slaves.

"Newcomers are not allowed to come forward. If they accidentally get detained by Xue Zang, they will always be at the bottom. Most of the bottom members can't even be candidates and can only survive. Even those who are talented but are plotted to death by the internal power struggle are caught in large numbers. Come in what?"

He was very self-aware and self-deprecating:
  "I have such a bad temper that I can't get into fights every now and then. What kind of club is this? It's not right for a game organization to leave the club. It's a group of jackals, tigers and leopards who are peeing everywhere to enclose the territory, and a nest of maggots is eating the whole water."

Quan Heng patiently listened to everything, then turned his head to look at Song Jingyun and said calmly:

"There are no tigers, but there are lions and bears - Taoist priest, do you think this is all caused by the club causing trouble?"

Song Jingyun was startled and frowned: "Then what do you want to say?"

"It's not [what I want to say], but [facts], doesn't Mr. Dao think that the existing regional stability in the border area is maintained by the club?"

Quan Heng plucked the beads slowly.

"Of course, I'm not defending clubs. The advantages outweigh the disadvantages. In the final analysis, they are just [interest groups] that inevitably exist after [capital accumulation]. The essence of the so-called food chain is [class]. What Taoist said about internal oppression is actually - class barrier.

"You want the newcomers, or more generally, the lower class to break down class barriers, achieve class leaps, and live happily, comfortably, and peacefully, right?"

Song Jingyun bit open the stopper of the wine gourd and paused when he heard this: "Isn't it possible?"

"You can, but it's difficult."

Quan Heng signaled to continue moving forward with a calm tone.

“Or to be realistic, this is almost impossible to accomplish in peacetime. After all, most of the existing high-level resources have been swallowed up by existing interest groups.

"A piece of pie is only so big. No one wants to share their own food, but they will not rashly compete for other people's resources. After all, the risk of snatching food from the mouth of a tiger with equal strength is very high, and the gain outweighs the loss, so I say that the club is seizing most of the resources. At the same time, it also maintained a certain degree of stability.

"Resources are limited. If you want to seize it, you have to make them spit out the cake and encourage them to tear it into pieces. After robbing the pieces, the less will make up more. Therefore, as the old Chinese saying goes, heroes emerge from troubled times. When the world is in chaos, only those at the bottom have a chance to rise to the top. But when the world is in chaos, The people who are hurt the most are the general public.”

Song Jingyun's brows gradually furrowed as he heard this, and he squeezed the wine gourd tightly.

"But if we don't fight, are we going to be slaves for the rest of our lives? The border area is not ours. Living well here is a problem. It is not peaceful."

"So I say that the border area is regionally stable," Quan Heng said. "Correspondingly, the upward channels here are not blocked, and the barriers are not indestructible. There may even be a genius who changes the upper structure and carries out some reforms. It can still maintain the relative fairness of level-up, but it only treats the symptoms rather than the root cause."

Song Jingyun hadn't digested it yet, but his mouth was faster than his brain, so he blurted out: "Then how to cure the root cause?!"

"That's all for today."

He was anxious, but Quan Heng seemed to have lost interest.

"Quan Heng——?!"

Song Jingyun grabbed her arm, which was really annoying.

He said he had a bad temper, but he followed Quan Heng when he blew up a boat and jumped into the sea. At most, he was verbose afterwards, and even though he looked angry, he didn't really get angry.

But in this matter, Song Jingyun was not willing to make a little joke or look carelessly.

Quan Heng looked at him along the lines of strength and suddenly laughed, making Song Jingyun's scalp numb:
  “Actually, it’s not the dirty maggots that muddy the water, but the rotten ditches that breed countless maggots.

"Ask the canal how clear it is, so that there is a source of living water - I have a solution, but idealists who want to open a spring are all heroes. But heroes... let alone flowers on their tombs, they don't even have a tomb.

"——Do you want to be a hero?"

"I..." Song Jingyun frowned.

"Let's go." Quan Heng motioned for him to let go and turn forward.

The cold and lonely depression in the air also dissipated. Song Jingyun saw her walking in front. There was no starry sky in the new world. The night before dawn was extremely dark and thick like black fog. If you were not careful, you would get lost.

"I can't be a hero."

He suddenly spoke out. He wasn't struggling or dumb just now, he was just organizing his words.

"But if there really is such a person, no matter whether he is a genius or not, I will not stand idly by and watch. I will follow him."

Quan Heng paused.

"Although I'm not that capable, I have some ability at least. I can lead people to run away when they are in danger. I am very good at teaching people to cherish their lives. I am very good at it."

As he spoke, Song Jingyun took a sip of wine, smacked his tongue, and raised the gourd of wine as he should, sincerely and happily.

"I want to be a close friend with him and invite him to drink!"

Quan Heng turned sideways and looked at him quietly. Two seconds later, he suddenly laughed, making no sense:
  "I like a stock."


Song Jingyun was immersed in rehearsing the loyalty of Jianghu in his mind. The BGM of "A Laugh in the Sea" was put on. He was confused by the jumping topic and tilted his head blankly while holding the wine gourd.

"What did you say?"

Why did I suddenly switch from martial arts to finance?

Quan Heng didn't answer and continued to move forward.

Song Jingyun didn't hesitate and took a few quick steps to keep up with her.

"How much does the Taoist Master know about Yujing Beidou?" "Not much, I'm not interested, but I know that the Empire of Thorns is looking for him. If we enter this map, it will be obvious that we are going against them."

Empire of Thorns.

Club rankings, ranked second.

"I see," Quan Heng nodded, "You pushed me into trouble."

"Hey, it doesn't matter whether we push it or not. We have been friends for a long time after all, so why are we still so open-minded? Although we all share the blessings, we have to bear the burden of the difficulties together."

Song Jingyun acted like a rogue and said happily: "But it doesn't matter to me. I've beaten other people's officers before..."

"——Guapi, how dare you bully my brother!!"

The two of them paused and looked towards the woods at the same time.

In the blur, all you can see is the muscular man holding a Barbie-pink sledgehammer, banging the monster into the pit.

This is... Lu Qiusheng? ? !

"No way," Song Jingyun was shocked, "This road shouldn't be from the Buddhist cave to the ancient town. After we blew up the boat, jumped into the sea and escaped, the two brothers hadn't reached the ancient town yet, and they had even gone further and further away?! "

"How do the Night Watchmen teach? They even took second place in the global competition last year!"

"Go first." Quan Heng was not surprised.



The boy with the steel fork stuck under the tree suddenly squeaked.

"Ouch, it hurts." Lu Xiaoman touched his head and pulled out the harpoon stuck in his body with some grievance. There was no blood at all. "It hurts so much when it hits my head."

[Ding dong! KP prompt: Player exclusive brand has been triggered]

[Exclusive brand: Yama Luochou]

[Brand explanation: "Innocence has no worries, ghosts avoid naughty children."

Passive brand, immune to all external attacks, all damage caused by external attacks is cleared, your health is still full of vitality today! It’s been a long time since I’ve dropped it~]

"Ah," Lu Xiaoman patted his head, nodded the cocked hair, and comforted himself in a low voice, "It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt, snoring and snoring can't scare you, Xiaoman is good! Mmm, be strong!"

"Are you alright, brother?" Lu Qiusheng, carrying a blood-dripping powder sledgehammer, glanced at Lu Xiaoman who got up.

Lu Xiaoman shook his head.

Lu Qiusheng felt relieved. He suddenly turned back three steps and then grabbed the fisherman monster's collar in two steps and said fiercely:
  "Hurry up! What's going on?! Why did you become monsters?! I'm not going to beat you to death!"

Silent monster: "Cluck...cluck--"

"Why are you still mistaking your relatives!" Lu Qiusheng was so angry that he spoke in dialect, "I'm just a brother, please tell me quickly——"

There seemed to be faint signs of whitening dawn in the sky. The fisherman monster was panting rapidly as it shook. It seemed that it was frightened by this deadly series of questions and the threat to its life. It kicked off its legs, rolled its eyelids, and fainted!

Lu Qiusheng shook it wildly again, and when the monster didn't respond, he let go with a bang, holding the hammer head and touching the back of his head in confusion.

"Excessive force? It's too crispy! Could it be that you are pretending to be dead... give it another try."

"No need," Quan Heng approached, "He's about to recover."

"Ah! Sister Heng!" Lu Xiaoman hurriedly stood up holding the harpoon, "Why are you here?"

"Because we have finished our lives," Song Jingyun lamented, "You two brothers have no sense of direction and walked half a mile in the opposite direction."

"Ah?" Lu Xiaoman was stunned, "Are we going the wrong way?"

"It's a small thing." Quan Heng rubbed Lu Xiaoman's head, "Give me the harpoon. Are you hurt?"

"No." Lu Xiaoman shook his head and smiled brightly.

"Worrying about him is worse than worrying about yourself," Song Jingyun tutted, "Brother Kid has a blood lock."

[Health cannot be restored on its own unless protected by rare special items. High-sequence players like Lu Xiaoman who are immune to external damage and have strong attack power are simply bugs that I can play with as I want!

[A bull with a thick nerve and a courageous and optimistic attitude, so that his sanity is not affected much by monsters. The monster Yingjiang, who has such a good appetite that talks cooingly, can cook barbecue, and the Lu family brothers are all "fists".]
  Quan Heng glanced at the flesh and blood embedded in the mud. It was a monster that had been hammered flat.

"Fire it down and clean it up."

Lu Qiusheng made a confused sound and nodded hurriedly.

"Why burn it?" Lu Xiaoman whispered.

"Because we are townspeople," Song Jingyun also whispered, "If you kill the monster, you can kill it, but the follow-up will be very troublesome..."

Quan Heng squatted down and moved the harpoon stick against the monster's jaw.

The bones are deformed, the hair is rancid, the skin is rotten and smells fishy, ​​the face is swollen and distorted, and the facial features are basically invisible.

Uglier than a ghost, dirtier than a beast, even a monster feels flattering.

This is a living curse, the most vicious disease and pollution. How can such an inhuman existence exist?
  It's like breathing in a hell that cannot see light will make the hell dirty.

"This mutation..." Quan Heng frowned slightly.

She has seen it in reality.

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