"Did you also meet a monster?" Lu Qiusheng put away his sledgehammer.

"No," Song Jingyun nodded, seriously, "More than fifty of them, equipped with guns, and I even met an incompetent mole who almost blew me up! Isn't that right?"

Before Quan Heng could stand up, he tilted his head and was glared at. He said in a funny voice, "Yes, she's really unreasonable. Don't team up with her next time."

"You don't care, the team formation has nothing to do with you," Song Jingyun felt comfortable, and then complained, "This hour almost exhausted me to death, what about you?"

"Us?" Lu Qiusheng scratched his head and looked around, "Um... two."

"Two...how much?!"

Song Jingyun opened his eyes in disbelief, turned around and said, "Did you hear that, Mr. Quan? This is not fair! We are more than twenty times as powerful as his two brothers! It's your uncle! This is a shady story!"

Isn’t there a lot of shady stuff here? Quan Hengxin said, I have wanted to complain for a long time, can I?

"He will recover at dawn," Quan Heng threw the harpoon aside and stood up, "Have you ever heard of Meizhou Night Ghost?"

"Meizhou Night Ghost..." Song Jingyun's emotions came and went as quickly as he recalled, stroking his chin, "I only know a Hakka saying, called [下夜鬼 - Difficult to turn around], which means it is difficult to turn around, and there is no way to save it. medicine."

"It's a ghost at night," Quan Heng said. "This is also a strange thing I heard when I passed by a small town when I was looking for someone near Meizhou six years ago. It's not widely spread, and not many people believe it. .”

"Do you want to tell a bedtime story?" Lu Xiaoman sat cross-legged and raised her hands obediently, "Sister, do I want to cover you with a quilt before listening to it? The chief said that you can't listen to a bedtime story without covering yourself with a quilt."

"Children, don't interrupt when adults are talking," Song Jingyun stuffed him with a handful of candy, "Eat yours, don't interrupt - and don't eat too much, it will cause tooth decay."

"Oh..." Lu Xiaoman lowered his head and peeled off the candy skin.

"Aboriginal people say that they sometimes hear strange sounds in the mountains and forests and on the coast an hour before dawn, and see the afterimages of some wild animals."

Quan Heng motioned to the strange fisherman.

"Even the young people born during this time to the old families in the small town will become manic and grow coarse hair, which will fade after dawn."

"It sounds like it's inviting evil," Song Jingyun pondered, "But do you mean that the mutation of the monsters here is related to the Night Ghost?"

"High probability," Quan Heng nodded, "There was a child who was with me at the time. He had just been brought back from Southeast Asia. He was also curious about the gods and ghosts in the country, so I went to ask about it. I remember it clearly."

Not sure if it was an illusion, Song Jingyun felt that Quan Heng seemed to smile, thinking that he probably mentioned his family.

"Nothing else?" he asked.

"In addition to these characteristics, there is also an abandoned ancient town near Meizhou. Every time during this specific period of the Hungry Ghost Festival, fires will burst into the sky. This kind of [night ghost] will also rush out in the fire and disappear at dawn."

"Sister Heng, did you just say there was a fire? There was indeed a fire just now!" Lu Qiusheng had just finished handling the monster's body and said hurriedly when he heard this, "It was in the town during the day! But the fire went out a few minutes ago."

"In the town?" Quan Heng smiled, "That's right, and the time can match."

"Time?" Song Jingyun's heart changed, "How many years ago did you just say?"

"six years ago."

It was also the time when Wen Huacun came here.

Song Jingyun shook the wine gourd and heard the meaning: "Do you know anything about the inside story?"

"I know, I didn't think of it before because of the ban on the game." Quan Heng lowered his hand and touched the warm Shibazi, "First wake up the unconscious fisherman."

"Wake him up?" Lu Qiusheng immediately took out the sledgehammer, "Should he wake him up by beating him, or should he just pour water on him and strangle him?"

"And me!" Lu Xiaoman quickly raised his hand, "I'll splash the water! I also have chili oil, pepper water, cumin powder! By the way! I still have duck soup to drink!"

Lu Xiaoman suddenly took out the big pot and raised his head proudly: "It's duck soup! I'm super good at it! I upgraded my backpack, it's insulated!"     "Ouch!" Song Jingyun tied the wine gourd, rubbed his hands and came closer , "You are so polite, it tastes so delicious! I will just take a few bites...Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

He broke off a duck leg as he wished, and also grabbed a piece of duck wing and stuffed it into his mouth. It was much more than just a few bites.

Quan Heng was standing next to the unconscious fisherman, watching Lu Qiusheng tie up the monster and turn it over, when suddenly a duck leg appeared in front of his eyes.

"Here, I'll share the duck legs with you, and I'll borrow flowers to offer to the Buddha." Song Jingyun said vaguely, "You are the team leader, so eat more to replenish your brain."

"Does duck leg nourish the brain?" Quan Heng laughed, "Thank you, but I can't eat greasy food."

"Then you want to suck the duck's brains. The duck legs are not oily. If you don't want to get your hands on them, I'll get you a plate."

Song Jingyun said, then quietly lowered his voice, "And this is not ordinary duck meat. Eating it can relieve fatigue and speed up the recovery of physical energy. You have consumed too much, so you should eat some."

"No, no need," Quan Heng blocked his wrist and told the truth, "I had two-thirds of my stomach removed, and dietary supplements are not suitable for me."


Song Jingyun was startled and shocked: "I am so addicted to alcohol and my stomach is not broken! You are young, have you met a quack doctor?"

"..." Quan Heng smiled, "After eating, wake people up."

"Oh," Song Jingyun said angrily, swallowing the soft duck bones directly, and rolled up his sleeves with the duck legs, "You two have done your job!"

Lu Xiaoman stood up hurriedly, full of energy: "Then shall we use cold water or chili oil?"

"It's fine if you pinch someone, I'll just hit him awake with a hammer, isn't it more straightforward?"

"Hey, wait a minute, I just realized that your hammer head is actually pink, awesome, awesome, I want it too! A must-have for a macho man!"

Just as the fisherman regained consciousness, he felt as if his nightmare had come true. He had been hit by a hammer more than a dozen times. He opened his eyes in a daze and saw a strong man carrying a hammer, a young man carrying a bucket, and a Taoist priest gnawing meat. The three of them were having a serious conversation. Huan, sharpen your knife to the fisherman!

What a scene of death! !

"Don't kill me!" The fisherman jumped up and woke up with a fright. His waist no longer hurt and his legs were no longer sore. He immediately jumped three meters high and raised his legs to run, "Help! Help!! Help--"

Quan Heng was approaching and kicked back the fisherman who was jumping up like crazy.

"What are you afraid of?"

Quan Heng twisted the beads, leaned slightly and smiled.

"Won't you welcome us friendly and kind guests?"

What kind of kind people are you! !

The fisherman shivered: "I, I..."

"We are not interested in your life, we just want to ask something." Quan Heng smiled kindly, "They say peace brings wealth, so don't be nervous."

The fisherman was still trembling: "What do you want to ask?"

"Wen Huacun, what's your status in your ancient town?"

Quan Heng got straight to the point:

"What did she bring to you six years ago? - And, what do those pirates want?"

"I won't……"

"I'm not negotiating with you," Quan Heng said indifferently, and the blood-black whip that flickered with terrifying electricity fell into his hand, "You only have three minutes."

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