The fisherman stared closely at Quan Heng, took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Then kill me."

"Hey," Song Jingyun twirled the duck bone and gave a thumbs-up gesture with his oily hand, "A true game weapon, I would rather die than surrender!"

He put his elbow on Quan Heng's shoulder and turned to look at her with a teasing tone.

"Look, they're looking at you, and they're going to execute you to extract a confession. Why don't you let me go?"

"Let him go...?" Quan Heng thought about it and nodded, "Okay, let him go. I only ask one question."

"Oh, you are so compassionate!"

Song Jingyun sighed with seriousness and looked at the fisherman.

"Hey, buddy, although my friend is not that great, he keeps his word and keeps his word. He can survive by answering a question. He can also go back and tell other townspeople how dangerous this person is. Make money! And I will give it to you. Guaranteed, the ancestor is the witness!"

"You are no good!" Lu Xiaoman was angry, "Stop eating my duck, stinky Taoist priest! If you eat it, the duck will definitely be unhappy!"

"That's what you said," Song Jingyun said happily, "then you duck makers, have you ever stripped a duck of its clothes and asked it how it feels? I think it must be unhappy too!"

"...Is there any ambiguity in this sentence?" Lu Qiusheng felt strange.

"Okay," Quan Heng interrupted in time and looked at the shrinking fisherman, "I'll give you ten seconds to think."

Her fingers were rhythmically placed on her elbow, obviously starting a countdown. The fisherman suddenly became nervous and tightened his grip on the turf on the ground.

what to do? Do you want to agree?

Multiple questions...become one.

You don't have to suffer, you can go back and report the news.

Take a gamble? Bet... take a gamble!

The fisherman gritted his teeth and barely suppressed his fear: "What do you want to ask?"

"Where is the thing that caused the mutation in you?" Quan Heng looked directly into his eyes and said calmly, "That's the question."

"Don't be nervous. Think about it before you answer."

Song Jingyun stopped his hand, squatted down and looked at the fisherman, and smiled with his fangs exposed.

"If you lie... oh, it's terrible. The smart person next to me can see it. I won't be able to protect you then, just——"

He made a motion of wiping his neck, with a built-in sound effect of "click", which scared the fisherman and sent chills down his spine.

"You...can you really let me go?" Seeing Quan Heng nod, the fisherman swallowed hard, "In the mountains behind the ancient the ancient tomb in Guijia Mountain! I didn't lie!"

Quan Heng's eyes were cold and quiet, and the fisherman couldn't help but tremble and said more carefully - he really didn't want to die, he wanted to live.

"I understand," Quan Heng straightened up and said with a smile, "You should sleep for a while first."


Before the fisherman finished speaking, he felt a sudden pain in the back of his neck and fainted.

"If you want to open the window, you must first demolish the house. This is absolutely true." Song Jingyun stopped his hand. This knife ensured that the fisherman could sleep all day and night. "What should we do next?"

"Back in town, I need to find some information about the ancient tomb." Quan Heng ordered, "Hide the fisherman in the grass first to prevent pirates."

"I'll do it." Lu Qiusheng moved swiftly, and Song Jingyun stepped aside.

"Oh! It turns out that the fake Taoist priest is cooperating with Sister Heng."

Lu Xiaoman murmured in hindsight. He turned around and picked up the duck soup pot. Even if Song Jingyun came to get it again, he didn't stop him. He just tilted his head and thought for a while and asked seriously: "Fake Taoist priest, did you find anything?"

"I want to state something first."

Song Jingyun clarified: "Although I don't have a Taoist certificate, I was incarcerated at the age of three and was named by the ancestors. I am not a fake Taoist! Can you respect my profession a little bit? Although I am not good at words, you can't either Bullying me like this."

"Hmm..." Lu Xiaoman thought of the candy in his pocket. Since Song Jingyun had returned his axe, and the egg had been placed in the Bagua Xiang, there would be no holiday. "Okay, I'll call you Taoist priest from now on." Lu Xiaoman said, "Then what did you find?"

"What can he find?" Lu Qiusheng came over, looked at the pot and said angrily, "Why do you keep eating secretly! Smelly Taoist priest, put it down!"

"Don't be angry, it's just a duck. If you don't eat it, it will get cold."

"You don't know at all!" Lu Xiaoman burst into tears, "Our chief fell into the Wugu River yesterday to catch ducks. I couldn't shake the water out no matter how hard I shook it. It must have entered my brain. You know how heavy it is. The price?!"

"Hey! I think so too," Lu Qiusheng nodded in approval, "otherwise why would he leave the eggs to hatch on the duck instead of roasting them while they're still fresh?"

"..." No, does your chief know what you're saying about him? ?

"Okay, let's get down to business."

Song Jingyun threw a duck bone: "The most difficult point in this round is not decryption, but the information. If I guess correctly, this map has never been released, and it is also because there is no one with enough information to trigger the map anchor. Players.”

"What, what do you mean?" Lu Qiusheng was confused.

"It means that we were able to enter this map not because of us, but because of Quan Heng." Song Jingyun clicked his tongue, "Thinking about it this way, I basically figured it out."

"Oh..." Lu Xiaoman suddenly realized, "So it was Sister Heng who asked you to open the toilet?"

"...I have to correct you, that's called 'Maosai'." Song Jingyun glanced at Quan Heng, "By the way, let's exchange something with the brothers... Well, that's it! Okay, let's set off. !”

Song Jingyun quickly grabbed the remaining duck wing with quick eyes and hands. He ran away amidst Lu Qiusheng's angry shouting and went to find Quan Heng.

"What about the night ghost you mentioned?"

Quan Heng was about to set off when he heard the words and tilted his head: "The nearby townspeople went to invite Mazu, but they meant that they didn't need to be saved. I don't know what happened next."

Song Jingyun nodded thoughtfully and suddenly asked in a confused manner: "By the way, are you a Nirvana person?"

"No." Quan Heng said quietly.

Since the Lu brothers could ask, it was only a matter of time before Song Jingyun asked.

"Then I understand." Song Jingyun stretched, "I was still thinking that if you were deceived, I would drag you out. It seems that Nirvana spread the news first."

"Is there any inside story about Nirvana?" Quan Heng asked, "I have heard about this organization many times and it seems a bit special."

"It is indeed special, but the Nirvana organization, how should I put it, is..."

"Ding dong! KP warning: Players are asked to focus on the game content. Players are strictly prohibited from discussing irrelevant information!!"

The questioning was interrupted, and Keeper's cold to sharp prompt sound scratched his ears.

Quan Heng raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the pop-up panel.

The scarlet exclamation point is right in the center.

"Money can make all the difference," Song Jingyun sneered, obviously popping up the panel, "What are you talking about? Nirvana has nothing to hide. How much public relations money did their club spend to silence you?"

"Ding dong! System warning: Anyone who despises the game will be executed!"

Has risen from the game host to the system.

"Yes, it's up to you, just don't tell me." Song Jingyun stuffed the duck wings into his mouth and muttered vaguely, "I'll talk about it when I get out, I won't argue with you."

Quan Heng thought about it and suddenly said: "Do you know...Tang Junyi?"

"I know," Song Jingyun carelessly bit the bone and tilted it up and down, "Isn't he the deputy leader of Nirvana... Oh, no."

He raised his head, squinted his eyes and thought for a while, then corrected: "I should say the former deputy chief, he defected."

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