Chapter 73 Entering the Tomb

The giant python that had been chasing behind him suddenly jumped out, bit the paper ball and swallowed it, but the dark hollow blood hole was still staring at Song Jingyun, the pili on his body fluttering in the wind, turning blue and purple.

"Damn it, I still won't let go."

Song Jingyun touched the realgar stuffed into his sleeve, suddenly took it out and threw it into the air!

Realgar powder flew everywhere, and the resurrected giant python spit out its rotten tongue, shook its head left and right in disgust, turned around and ran back to the cave.

"I wipe..."

Song Jingyun relaxed his shoulders and leaned back against the tree, and his physical fitness level dropped to over 60 again.

Quan Heng walked slowly to Song Jingyun and shook off the scraps of meat on his sleeves.

"what happened?"

He raised his head and asked, taking off the lid of the gourd and taking a sip of wine to replenish his strength.

"If nothing else, the power of Yujing Beidou this time is to bring back the dead." Quan Heng did not hide it.

"I'm not asking why this little dragon pretended to be a corpse, I'm asking you about the real or fake map!"

"There are special spices on the mural. The snake's sense of smell is very sensitive. I guess it will hunt people who touch the mural." Quan Heng took out another piece of yellow paper stained with blood, "So I just used fake bait to lure it. Really?" They use the snake's own blood as a cover."

This is also why the giant python did not pursue her who had rubbed the mural.

Because the smell had been masked by the python's own blood.

Song Jingyun got to the point: "When did you make this plan?"

"When we split up."

It is common sense that snakes can run fast, and the specially bred pythons will only be faster. She does not want snakes to race.

Can't run either.

"Otherwise, how could I choose a Taoist priest as my companion?" Quan Heng said, "Why are you still asking?" "You are very agile."

I owe so much! I really owe it!

"You are such a little bastard!" Song Jingyun laughed angrily and picked up the gourd as if to hit her. "Why didn't you tell me earlier if you had a plan? You just used me as bait! Are you kidding me?"

"I asked."

Quan Heng didn't hide. Song Jingyun couldn't hit her because of the loud thunder and light rain: "I said I would lure the giant python. It was Taoist Master who wanted to lure him over. I didn't force you."

Although she took advantage of Song Jingyun's kindness, she also intended to verify this sincerity.

Well, he is indeed an asshole.

"I really don't need to worry about you," Song Jingyun stood up angrily and patted the dirt on his robe a few times, "There's a map, let me take a look."

Quan Heng unfolded it and handed it over.

Cinnabar rubbing.

The two-headed snakes entangled and biting each other were entangled on the five-pointed star, and a giant sword was re-embedded from the center of the two snakes' bodies.

"This totem..." Song Jingyun frowned, "Can you explain it?"

"The two-headed snake that kills each other symbolizes betrayal and disputes; the five-pointed star is either the gestation of life or a symbol of death; the giant sword inserted into the two-headed snake...either resolves disputes, or symbolizes power and war." Quan Heng suddenly asked, "Has there ever been a war in the New World?"

Song Jingyun obviously hesitated: "War...?"

"Hey, what happened? Did it flash?"

"It's a bit stuck, it's okay, hey, it's okay, it's okay - hey? Why did the plot go back?"

The scene at the border judging panel suddenly froze. Because the content involved certain "rules", it was directly edited out using the time and space difference, and was connected to the previous scene of Quan Heng and Song Jingyun rushing on their way.

——Forcible means were used to dislocate and obliterate border area information.

The Monster Channel program barrage went blank for a moment, and then started to explode!

[war? Humans should stop asking about our new world! Our communication is only about games! (baring teeth fiercely)]

[We are the enemy camp! No matter how much I ask, I can't let you know! ]

[The heavy sword that killed the two-headed snake, the five-pointed star... Hiss, this belongs to that person, right? Are the people in this place followers of that person? That's the one! If I say it, I will be kicked out. Please understand! ! ]

[believer? ? Couldn't it be the one at the bottom...? ]

Seeing his obvious ignorance, Quan Heng shook his head and said, "No..."

A low horn sounded, followed by a passionate drum beat.

Quan Heng paused and looked towards the ancient town——

The dragon feast has begun.


"Sister Xiuyue," Niangui pointed to her tight braid, emerging from the bustling crowd, "The braid is very tight, please loosen it...Sister Xiuyue! Sister!"

Mo Xiuyue, who was called, finally came to her senses, her expression slightly anxious and uneasy.

"What's wrong?" She looked a little dazed.

"Sister, why are you acting weird? Are you tired?" Niangui looked around, "By the way, where are the guests?"

"Niangui," Mo Xiuyue knelt down, helped the little girl loosen her pigtails, and gently touched her head. Sadness flashed across her eyes, and then she became firm again, "Do you want to go home?"

"Go home...? Is it that small jar?" Niangui stretched out his fingers and counted in confusion, "But I've only been out for a few days, don't I have two days to go back?"

Mo Xiuyue's eyelids instantly turned red, and the sweetness in her mouth had dissipated. It took her a long time to swallow the astringent sobs, and she forced a smile and said, "It's not a jar, it's home, it's our land."

"Is it a place with time? A place where you don't have to always enter the jar!" Seeing Mo Xiuyue nodding, Niangui's eyes lit up, "I think so! I heard Sister Xianhuan say it! Teacher Wen also said that it's me The place where I stayed before I was born!”

"Okay," Mo Xiuyue calmed down and nodded vigorously, "No matter what it takes, my sister will definitely send you home. You and Zhan Huan go together."

She didn't wait for Niangui to ask again, and looked up at Lin Shangu who was walking towards her.

"None of the guests came," Lin Shangu stood still, her smile not reaching her eyes, "The people who were sent didn't find Zhan Huan and Wen Huacun. Those who stared at them were knocked unconscious. Was it you? "

Mo Xiuyue pursed her lips and nodded. Before she could speak, she was slapped hard by Lin Shangu.

The lively dragon feast suddenly fell silent, and the townspeople looked at each other in shock.

"I remember I said that the two of them are not allowed to leave the cave. Even if Wen Huacun betrays us and helps us, we can't be trusted. The identity of the ring is even more sensitive. Even if it is broken, I will not allow it to fall into the hands of those bandits. !”

Lin Shangu took a deep breath, her fingers trembling slightly with anger.

"I have made concessions in the past two years and allowed them to leave the mountain to buy items, but you still dare to go further!"

"I didn't," Mo Xiuyue wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, "I'm just trying, I want to go home."

"Go home?" Lin Shangu was in a daze for a moment, then smiled bitterly, "Ah Yue, Ah Yue! You still believe it after six years? Why are you so naive! If we can't save ourselves, can we rely on outsiders to go home?!"

"They are not outsiders," Mo Xiuyue said stubbornly, "We come from the same land, we are connected by blood!"

"Bullshit, they're connected by blood! Sell cultural relics to foreign devils and Japanese pirates, sell even your own ancestors for money, you are all running dogs who eat inside and outside!" Lin Shangu shouted angrily, "I have been dissatisfied since you spilled the wine and saved that foreigner. I know it’s wrong! Tell me—where they went!”


"Oh - so Aunt Wen came here six years ago, and you brought Yujing Beidou?"

Lu Xiaoman sat at the entrance of the cave, looking at Xian Huan and Wen Huacun opposite, and suddenly realized.

"I didn't know that it was the Yujing Beidou. It just happened to be among the batch of cultural relics that were unearthed."

Wen Huacun sat on the floor and was silent for a few seconds before saying: "I am indeed an archaeologist, but this profession is not very profitable. The restoration of cultural relics and preferential treatment of talents have not kept up. Both my parents were exposed to chemical raw materials for a long time in their early years. I left. My only sister is also suffering from leukemia. It is difficult for me, an unpopular student, to find a job. There is no big money. Medicines cost money and life, and I can’t afford them.

"My family's savings were spent very early. Maybe we could be called middle-class at first, but later we became completely poor. I took out the only relic left by my parents and went to the auction house, but it was rejected. I insisted that It’s a modern imitation of the Tang Dynasty and it’s worthless…how could it be fake?”

Wen Huacun laughed to himself, but tears filled his eyes.

"It's just that some people didn't want to let me take the photo, so they privately forced me to sell it at a low price. But the price was too low, and they were just trying to bully me. I gritted my teeth and refused to agree. On the way back, I was attacked by a group of people. The porcelain was broken and my head was stitched. After more than twenty injections, I almost didn’t recover.”

As she spoke, she inserted her fingers into her hair near the top of her head and lifted it, revealing a large area of ​​hairless scalp.

"The scar has remained, and even my hair has not grown. Fortunately, my hair is thick so it is not scary. I also complained at that time, but then my friend said that I would petition for you, and my job was lost.

"After I was discharged from the hospital and returned to my original post, my boss fired me within a few days. I couldn't even support my family. The hospital didn't have the money to treat me, and my sister still wanted to save her life. I was thinking in the corridor of the hospital, what should I do? Cultural relics should be engaged in finance, and ideals and other things cannot be used as food."

A poor kid in a city with rich people tries to use his ideals to fight reality.

The result can be imagined.

Wen Huacun closed his eyes hard, pushed back the tears, and smiled again:

"Only then did I realize that people are really different. Wang Fali gave life to the poor. The life of the poor is like that of ants. They can be boiled to death for fun and no one will blame them."

The Lu brothers listened in silence. Xiao Man raised his eyes and suddenly wanted to say something, but nodded hesitantly and swallowed his words.

"What happened next?" Lu Qiusheng handed over the toilet paper and said carefully, "Teacher Wen, what happened to you?"

"Later a girl came to me and said to hire me as a consultant to find the tomb. After reselling, I would share 30% of the money, and I could even pay for my sister's medical expenses first." Wen Huacun held the toilet paper and whispered, "I agree. ”

After two seconds of dead silence, she said again: "But when she wanted to smuggle, I regretted it again."

"I cooperated with an undercover agent and reported her smuggling gang," Wen Huacun said. "Then I fell into this game when I was being chased. I haven't gotten out until now. Shan Gu didn't kill me. I'm here to restore cultural relics. , it can be regarded as atonement...but it is unfaithful and unjust, and I have taken full advantage of it."

So she did lie to Quan Heng.

She was actually the one who committed the backstabbing act.

Wen Huacun was also familiar enough with this map and knew the inside story clearly.

"Then you, you..." Lu Xiaoman struggled, "What about your sister?"

Hearing this, Wen Huacun's shoulders shook in vain, and his whole body collapsed instantly, as if his spine that was barely holding up had been broken.

The ring on the side held her hand tightly and hugged her worriedly: "Teacher..."

"I..." After a long time, Wen Huacun said with difficulty, "I don't know."

"Your sister was later transferred to Guangdong Southern Hospital."

A voice sounded from behind, and Wen Huacun turned around in a hurry.

Quan Heng and Song Jingyun stood behind her for who knows how long, but they seemed to have listened to the key points.

"——I should be in high school now and will take the college entrance examination this year." Quan Heng finished.

"What did you say?" Wen Huacun said anxiously, "Do you know my sister?!"

Quan Heng nodded with a calm expression: "I only know this. The major cultural relic smuggling case you mentioned was reported in the news and found out about your background. Later, the higher authorities also paid attention to the plight of talents in unpopular industries. First, food and clothing. Achievements do not mean just letting the horse run but not letting the horse eat grass. Now the cultural renaissance has made progress."

"That's good, that's good..." Wen Huacun murmured, then raised his head and asked, "Then my sister..."

"I said," Quan Heng stopped, "That's all I know."

Wen Huacun pursed his lips, as if he didn't dare to ask any more questions.

"But when this game is over, I can go and see your sister on your behalf." Quan Heng added, "Think about what you want to say, and I can give you a message."

Wen Huacun's eyes lit up, he nodded vigorously, and waved his hand just as he was about to thank Quan Heng.

"Forget it, thank you," Quan Heng said after getting the desired effect, "Open the entrance to the tomb, time is limited, let's talk as we go."

It was impossible for Wen Huacun to confess suddenly. It was most likely that Mo Xiuyue had talked to her last night.

Mo Xiuyue was therefore convinced that Quan Heng would come back and intercepted them in advance at the entrance of the ancient town to prevent them from participating in the Dragon Surrounding Banquet.

But the other party couldn't let Wen Huachun come here for no reason... With the map of the ancient tomb, another difficulty was the entrance to the tomb.

Where is the tomb entrance and how to enter?

Quan Heng knew that he had to rely on these two.

"it is good."

Wen Huacun nodded as expected. She took the ring and approached a mountain wall covered by vines, and easily broke the vines.

Quan Heng looked carefully and found that there was indeed an inconspicuous crack spreading from top to bottom on the mountain wall. It looked like a Taoist gate upon closer inspection.

"Hiss." Song Jingyun suddenly leaned closer.

"Huh?" Quan Heng glanced sideways.

"I said, how can the news report about the aftermath?" He lowered his voice and showed off as if he had discovered a secret, "You know my sister so well and have done business, so you helped arrange it, right?"

Quan Heng looked away and said calmly: "There is money to burn."

At this time, she could not say that she was kind and compassionate.

Song Jingyun pursed his lips, breathed a sigh of relief for some reason, and smiled again.

The man in front of the ring had taken off the dragon-shaped jade pendant around his waist and carefully inserted it into the gap in the center of the mountain gate. After a few seconds, there was a loud roar and the rocks shook.

The tomb door slowly opened.

During the dragon feast, Shangu suddenly looked at Guijia Mountain.

"what happened?"

"Is it the sound from the ancient tomb?"

"Seems to be……"

In the uproar, Shangu's veins popped out and she threw the wine jar!

"Mo Xiuyue, you bastard, I have to—"

"Clan leader!! Those bandits are here! They are all here!!"

Shan Gu's expression changed again.

She tilted her head and saw the sweaty townspeople standing guard breaking into the tense banquet.

"Those green-eyed thieves, they brought all the artillery shells and weapons, saying that this time..."

He took an anxious breath and squeezed out:

"——This time we will completely slaughter the town!"

(End of this chapter)

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