"Judging Hall"

The door of the judging hall was suddenly kicked open, and several people rushed in aggressively, attracting the attention of all the judges.

"Who is this? He's not the one who just left. Has he been replaced?"

The judges looked at each other and said, "No, there is no game currency for leaving or coming in midway."

"I know he is Liu Wuneng of the empire, a minor steward."

"You all, get out of your seats now!"

Liu Wuneng stood still in front of the screen, blocking everyone's view, and raised his hand to look at everyone arrogantly: "We are going to stop this scene today. If you don't stand up, I will have someone 'invite' you out."

"Why?" The reviewer was dissatisfied, "If you leave, there will be no emotional value record and no reward!"

"That's right, why? Does your chief know that you are so virtuous? You are so incompetent."

"Don't you know that violence is not tolerated in the day and night border? Did you hear the report?"

"Whoever dares to shout again will be put on the red list of the Thorn Empire!" Liu Wuneng said angrily, "Then it will be the end of you!"

With such a voice, all the judges fell silent in annoyance.

There is no need for them to offend the top three organizations in the First Frontier for 120 game coins.

"That's about right. I waited for a long time to gather enough people. What's so good about it!" Liu Wu Neng said proudly, "Let all our people come in!"


"How could it fall so hard?!" Lu Xiaoman was stunned.

"It goes without saying," Song Jingyun shook his wine gourd, "The fact that he came to get Jade Capital Beidou must have been exposed."

"Then what should we do?" Lu Qiusheng asked anxiously, "How about we go out and beat up the person who is looking for trouble?"

"What are you thinking about? The day and night border is an absolutely safe zone between the two worlds. Unrest and violence are strictly prohibited." Song Jingyun tilted his head, "And you have signed the consent form. Do you want to enter the solitary room?"

Quan Heng felt that he was not as angry as this group of people: "I can play again next time, it's no big deal."

"No!" The others choked back.

Quan Heng: “…………”

"Sister Heng, you don't know! You can only apply for the professional trial in S18 every half month, and the intercontinental competition will start in fourteen days," Lu Xiaoman said anxiously, "If you can't pass this time, there will be no chance this season. My chief I’ve been talking about the new members every day lately, and I’ve remembered them all!”

"That's right," Song Jingyun nodded, "the intercontinental competition starts in half a month. During this period, the water test and the Ekhi channel will be closed. If you want to participate in S18, this is your only chance to be recognized as a professional player."

"By the way, Sister Heng... didn't say that one resource was superimposed on another!" Lu Qiusheng tried hard to pull out the knowledge from his mind, "Can we use that method?"

"What's the value of a Ferrari?" Lu Xiaoman tapped the palm of his hand, "I can log in to the chief's account..."

"But even then..." Wen Huacun said hesitantly, "You have to go out first, right?"

"...Yes," Lu Xiaoman murmured blankly like a high-spirited balloon that was pulled by the knot, deflated visibly, "I haven't gone out yet... I can't go to the practice match either. I have no meat this month." have eaten……"

"Look how hysterical you are," Song Jingyun tutted. "There are only three days left in this month, so don't make you lose weight."

"Waiting here is not an option. If the pirates know that there are players interfering with the map, they will definitely blow up the mountain and kill them!"

Seeing that these people could not make the decision, Wen Huacun looked directly at Quan Heng, who was silent for some reason: "There has been cross-space transactions in Meijiang before. You can try it."

Quan Heng seemed to be waiting for her words. He nodded and looked at the three of them: "Transporting the cultural relics to Meijiang from the hole above will take less than five minutes based on your order. Let's take action."

The three of them responded, and only Song Jingyun glanced at Quan Heng.

He still remembered Quan Heng's instructions just now.

"You two hold it up, I'll pick it up outside... Hiss, there is a rope under the coffin. What a coincidence! Tie it up to make it stable."

The coffin was quickly carried out, and Song Jingyun suddenly shouted from the hole above: "Did you hear that, brothers? It seems like there is gunfire! It doesn't sound like the one in the TV series?"

"It's true! It seems to be coming from the ancient town!"

"This cannon! It's the same as the two Chinese New Year blasts!"

"As soon as the players come, they will attack!" Wen Huacun shouted urgently, "You guys, hurry up and transport the cultural relics away! Let's go back to the town and have a look." "Okay! Teacher Wen, be careful! By the way, that girl is not Are you coming with us?"

"I won't leave." Qian Huan shook his head and whispered, "I can't leave the people in the town behind. Nian Gui is still in the town. She is afraid of gunshots. I want to go back to find her."

"That's no coincidence!" Song Jingyun poked his head, "Let these two people get these four coffins. Little girl, come on up. Let's run to the town first. With you here, I can prove myself and bring out those girls. ! You are too light for me, my legs and feet are fast, and my speed is also fast, come on!"

"it is good!"

Zhan Huan jumped up and took Song Jingyun's hand, and he pulled him up easily.

"You two, hurry up, I'll go first."

After Song Jingyun greeted him, he moved away from the entrance of the cave. After a while of noise, it became quiet outside again.

"Then Quan Heng, let's hurry up... Quan Heng?"

Wen Huacun's anxious face froze, and he hesitated: "Why...are you so close to that coffin?"

"Me?" Quan Heng stood next to the coffin wrapped with snakes. He tilted his head and smiled, "I'm curious."

"Curious...? Curious about what?"

"I'm curious that the coffins are filled with cultural relics and are covered with exquisite soft cushions, but there is an extra corpse here suddenly. Or is it a 'corpse' that may have been infiltrated by Yujing Beidou, resurrected repeatedly, and eaten alive? It seems like Someone deliberately allowed this man to be tortured."

"She's a mountain girl," Wen Huacun sighed. "After all, she's a tomb robber, and she even insulted the townspeople."

"Really? Then I'm even more curious," Quan Heng said, "Why is it that there are no gun cocoons on the fingers of a tomb robber, but there are scars caused by glaze corrosion?"

"I don't know, it's useless for us to discuss this," Wen Huacun frowned, "I think you have entered a misunderstanding. To complete the task, the two players must take away all the cultural relics. The cultural relics of the ancient town are not only here, but also I I think you need to go see those two. If you can’t get out, the article will be ruined..."

"I blew up a British ship."

Wen Huacun stopped abruptly, feeling a chill running down his spine under Quan Heng's calm gaze.

The number of cultural relics on the British ship was greater than that here, but this man did not choose to rescue them at all, but chose to blow them up more coldly and rationally.

Wen Huacun suddenly thought of something, his face changed, and his lips trembled as he said: "Not only these cultural relics, but also the ones in my cave..."

"The time is up," Quan Heng raised his index finger to point at the entrance of the cave and said suddenly, "Listen."

Wen Huacun looked in the direction she pointed and concentrated his attention. The next second, a distant explosion sounded, and he felt a strong earthquake under his feet.

In the ancient town where the war had begun, Lin Shangu suddenly looked towards the cave where Wen Huacun was staying. The fire caused by the explosion caught her attention.


Inside the tomb.

"I put enough bombs in your cave in the early morning," Quan Heng said lightly, "I never thought of taking the cultural relics outside Yujing Beidou out, it would be too troublesome."

Wen Huacun's mind buzzed, and her fingers couldn't help but tremble. Things were completely out of her control.

This is not what she planned!

"Although the captain who touched the gold was not very smart and was full of loopholes, he was unexpectedly very vigilant. Of course, those who are in this business must be vigilant to save their lives."

Quan Heng said with an interesting smile: "How can an archaeologist who has never killed anyone be involved in the smuggling business of a tomb robber? Shouldn't he find a way to exploit him as soon as he enters the game and then kill him? "

"What...?" Wen Huacun forced out a smile and felt his blood running cold, "What are you talking about?"

"Using one story after another of tragedy, justice, and the return of the prodigal son to protect your identity, and using such clumsy lies that are full of loopholes... you are still so cute."

Quan Heng looked at her, but his expression was as calm as a pool of cold deep water, and the sunlight at the entrance of the cave couldn't warm it at all.

"It's been six years, Xiaonian, how dare you lie in front of me?"

The words were like an icy edge, and the chill penetrated time, as if they were negotiating across the table many years ago. The gentle and smiling man in power raised his eyes, but one look made her tremble.

This is no longer indifference, but a kind of dignity and indifference that has been deeply eroded by power.

[Wen Huacun]'s face instantly sank, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

Happy 2024! ! I wish you all good fortune in the new year~Have a great time at the end of the period!

Asking for the first monthly ticket of the new year! ! [Reach out for a red envelope]

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