"As expected of the boss of Wugang."

Lu Xiaonian sneered, and his whole temperament changed from weak and gentle to sharp and sharp.

"I even made modifications based on the face of that weak woman. From the beginning of the cooperation, I incorporated all her experiences and stories, and even repeatedly imitated and incorporated those weak and unnecessary feelings..."

"It's still wrong." Quan Heng shook his head.


"It's easy for you to obtain Wen Huacun's information, but an academic on the other side can't even appeal to the auction, let alone extract game information from you, or even reveal that you were a player six years ago.

"Knowing that the robbers were invading, they didn't care about the townspeople immediately, but fled with the cultural relics and allowed Qian Huan to return to the town with strange players... Teacher Wen probably can't do this."

Like a blunt knife hitting his brain, Lu Xiaonian's face became more and more ugly, and his eyes were gloomy and fierce.

"So cruel," Quan Heng smiled nonchalantly and said in a cold tone, "You are unclean and careless in your work, your negotiations are full of errors and mistakes, you are eager for quick success, your mind is disordered and restless, you are immature and biased, and you cannot stand on the stage. .”

"——Didn't I tell you this six years ago?"

"six years ago……"

Lu Xiaonian sarcastically pulled out a modified revolver from the back of his waist, the same model as the gunboat at that time.

"Have you ever thought, Boss Quan, that no matter how wise your mind is, it is no match for a violent bullet?"

The dark muzzle of the gun was aimed at Quan Heng's brow, and he pulled the trigger without hesitation!


At the moment of the gunshot, the knife flashed.

Tang Hengdao slashed out of the air, cutting off the bullet at the waist. The metal friction exploded during the collision, and then it was inserted into the ground with a bang.

"Look at what you said, what if there are three thugs in the head?"

Like a steel needle pricking a balloon and screaming, Lu Xiaonian's back suddenly tensed up and his hairs stood on end.

Song Jingyun jumped down from the entrance of the cave, drew his sword, raised his eyes, and smiled a little bit: "A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. How can a smart person not understand this principle?"

The Lu brothers followed closely behind, but these people didn't leave at all!

She was fooled!

Lu Xiaoman said angrily: "Bad guy!"

"Bad guy? What a moral judgment." Lu Xiaonian sneered, "Morality is of no use to people like us, don't you think so, Boss Quan?"

These three players are very strong and the revolver is of no use.

They may not be familiar with Quan Heng, but with the addition of various factors such as morality and victory, they will turn to Quan Heng without hesitation. Lu Xiaonian can only try his best to gain recognition from Quan Heng.

"Leave me alone, don't you want to know the information about version 2.0 six years ago?"

Lu Xiaonian raised his right hand and hooked his index finger on the trigger guard, making the gun body droop and bend and extend.

"There are not many old players left now, so leaving me to squeeze out all the value is the best option."

It is indeed the best choice.

"You're right." Quan Heng nodded and said calmly, "Deal with her and recruit Teacher Yanwen."

Lu Xiaonian's smile instantly froze.

Seeing the three people moving forward, Lu Xiaonian immediately opened fire and roared angrily amidst the banging gunshots.

"If I were a bad person, she would be a living devil on earth! Talking about collecting the corpses is all hypocrisy! You—"


The giant ax passed through the bullet and struck into Lu Xiaonian's head. The hardest skull was torn like tissue paper, brains were splattered, the neck was broken, and the abdomen was penetrated.

The cold light of the ax blade formed the violence of the "sword energy", splitting the man who was roaring a second ago into two, and then he was sent flying to the ground with a hammer, smashing against the mountain wall and leaving a mess on the ground!

"I..." Song Jingyun suppressed the curse words and stepped back to avoid the blood spots, "You are too cruel."

"Ah...?" Lu Xiaoman took back the blood-stained axe, scratched his head and said blankly, "Didn't he say that he wanted to solve it? Didn't this kind of order mean to kill him completely?"

"Ah? Originally it was a life-and-death battle, with blood debts being paid with blood," Lu Qiusheng was also puzzled, "Wouldn't it be better to respect life and not kill?"

"This is a girl after all, just cut her throat," Song Jingyun didn't dare to look away, and said with a complicated mood, "...you two are so stupid."

The Lu family brothers looked at each other, and Lu Xiaoman said doubtfully: "But we are not brains, we are powerful "knives". Our chief said, "Quick knife cuts trapped beasts, quick kills cut painful ones." The most direct killing method is for The opponent's pain is minimal. "

Quan Heng's pupils moved slightly.

Sure enough.

How could a night watchman who could write such a sharp analysis note raise a pair of honest and harmless team members?

The Lu brothers are all players after all, experienced players who have experienced the global competition.

They are indeed extremely naive, even to the point of "lack of self-awareness", but such a "knife" is the most deadly knife. Once trusted, they will absolutely obey and execute, and they are guaranteed to be insensitive without the need for psychological adjustment.

...What a heart-warming "knife".

Song Jingyun couldn't understand why he wanted to give someone a respectful death. It was really a joke. He stopped talking, just shook his head and walked to the coffin when he saw the remains of the body.

"This girl..." Song Jingyun pulled a lot of paper money and lit it on fire, and said in a low voice, "The Supreme Emperor's decree is to transcend your lonely soul. Escape from the sea of ​​suffering and reincarnate as an adult."

"Go and destroy the cultural relics." Quan Heng ordered the Lu brothers and approached the coffin.

The inner wall of the black coffin and the various nail scratches on the coffin lid make it impossible to imagine how a living person could be trapped in the coffin. He was bitten alive by snakes day after day and over and over again. He could not escape and could not cry out. The darkness and pain of reincarnation, life is also death, and living is also death.

"Wen Hua will die with his eyes closed and will not rest in peace," Quan Heng said. "If we follow the Taoist concept that evil will be punished, he should be killed to atone for his sins - the coffin should be burned."

"it is good……"

"Sister Heng! Zhihuan is not here anymore!" Lu Xiaoman looked over anxiously, "She ran away to the town alone!" Song Jingyun was shocked: "What?!"

"How was the mission?" Quan Heng asked.

Lu Xiaoman paused and looked at Lu Qiusheng who was hammering the last row of porcelain.

[Ding dong! Player Lu Xiaoman: Your character card (archaeologist in troubled times); character mission: "Protect cultural relics (except Yujing Beidou) from being plundered by bandits", check that the mission has been completed! Opt out of the game! 】

[Ding dong! Player Lu Qiusheng: Your character... can choose to exit the game! 】

"It's done!" Lu Xiaoman said hurriedly.

Quan Heng nodded: "Quit the game and participate in the practice match."

"Sister Keheng, you..."

"Go ahead." Quan Heng's tone softened and he comforted, "I will take care of the problem with the ring, don't worry."

"It's not about game NPCs..."

Lu Xiaoman murmured, then suddenly clenched his fists and shouted firmly:

"Sister Heng, wait, I will definitely help you get a professional position! You helped us, and the chief said, "If others give you peaches, you must give them big plums in return." We Wujuan Dawn will not let you suffer! "

[Ding dong! KP Tip: Player Lu Xiaoman has successfully exited the game! 】

[Ding dong! KP Tip: Player Lu Qiusheng has successfully exited the game! 】

"Hiss, this one is filled with indignation..." Song Jingyun hesitated, "But what he wants to say is to reciprocate kindness, right?"

Quan Heng smiled: "I'm just a kid, let's go to the ancient town."

"Okay," Song Jingyun turned around and burned the coffin. When he stepped back, he suddenly asked, "Did you really not expect this?"

Quan Heng is not like the kind of person who comes to a professional review but does not collect information.

"I thought of it," Quan Heng admitted, "but I also thought of a solution."

"That's right," Song Jingyun nodded, "The starting point of the third-largest organization in the First Frontier has received your favor, can it still make you suffer?"

Quan Heng lowered his eyes and moved the beads: "If I suffer a loss, won't my efforts be in vain and I will be injured?"

No profit can not afford to be early.

When she saves people, she is never purely kind-hearted.

"Then what if they can't save you?" Song Jingyun asked, "The Night Watchman is also an old fox. Their Wustained Dawn is famous for not causing trouble. Besides, to save you... wouldn't it mean that they have found a competitor for themselves?"

"You don't necessarily need a night watchman," Quan Heng said with a calm expression, "It's enough to have privileges."

"...You mean the privileges of the "First Sequence"? "

"Well," Quan Heng nodded with interest, "Just in time to experience the highest level of courtesy in the lower regions, the privileges of the top of the food chain."

"Top..." Song Jingyun was dumbfounded, "That's right, this place pays the most attention to the rank and order, but from what you're saying, there are "First Sequence" people out there who can protect you? Aren't you...unorganized? "

"Just because there is no organization, it is more popular, it is easier to obtain resources, and it is easier to expand contacts."

Quan Heng smiled slightly and said:

"Taoist Priest, the big projects without an owner in our business are the most popular. Among them, the network of relationships is the most complicated and the investment cost is the highest, because everyone wants to get it -

"Borderland, same thing."


"The Frontier of Day and Night"

"Sorry for the trouble," the night watchman and the person in charge of the system finished changing the process, then clasped their hands to the thugs and thanked him apologetically, "When it's over, I will send some seasonal vegetables to [Double-Headed Eagle]. I grew them myself. They are healthy."

Grow it yourself...Do you, Wushou Dawn, have any obsession with farming?

"Thank you," the thug said coldly, "but we don't eat dark dirt..."

"——The Wugou River is the Wugou River."

The night watchman corrected him, scratched his head and said sheepishly: "I purified the river after crossing it, and changed its name. People say that mountains of gold and silver are green waters and green mountains. The river is much cleaner now. What about corpses and pieces of meat?" All are gone! The ducks we raised are still very strong."

Drag him two miles and throw him directly into the river.

But this is too embarrassing. The chief's ugliness must not be exposed to the public!

"There is no difference." They are all contaminated things, eaten by a group of contaminated people.

The thug didn't take it seriously and looked at Tang Junyi who was waiting aside, "Let's go to the judging hall."

"It's too late, there's a commotion in the review hall." Tang Junyi looked at the system panel and frowned, "Look at the forum, the people from the Empire of Thorns have gone. Are you going over now - do you want to fight with the people from the Forbidden Queen?"

"What?" The thug was stunned, and then his face darkened.

Just as the night watchman was about to say something, a prompt popped up on his own panel.

"Lu Xiaoman and the others also came out?" The night watchman was surprised, "I specifically used my authority to extend the stay for half an hour, and the two of them were able to come out on time... Could it be that they really asked that girl to help."

The night watchman said with a wry smile: "What a huge favor."

"Go to the judging hall to find a venue first," Thug said to Tang Junyi, then looked at the night watchman, "See you at the competition venue."

"No, let's go together," the night watchman wiped his face and said helplessly, "I also want to deal with the aftermath. Since the child knows how to cooperate and ask for help, I have to encourage and educate him."

Tang Junyi stood half a step back and couldn't help but look sideways when he heard the words, feeling slightly startled.

These are two large organizations, with the chiefs of the "First Sequence". If we add the Empire of Thorns to them... hiss.

Quan Heng’s career application this time is his first official game...

How big a fuss are you planning to make?

Ahhhhhhhhhh! ! Reviewing for the exam! ! ! The exam will be completed on the afternoon of the 11th! ! Don’t ask for updates in the meantime, restore 5K when you come back.

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