"The oil lamp here..." Lu Xiaoman looked around, "It seems like it won't go out."

He was talking about the oil lamps on both sides of the stone wall, carved with ancient patterns, and their faint-smelling flames illuminated the spacious and gorgeous tomb tunnel. The top of the stone cave you look up is a half-carved mural, painted with various abstract and strange totems.

"It's the human oil soaked in Yujing Beidou." Wen Huacun said.

"Human oil?" Song Jingyun recalled what Quan Heng said [The power of Yujing Beidou is to resurrect from the dead], "By the way, you just said that Yujing Beidou was brought in from outside?"

"Yeah." Wen Huacun nodded, "Although I was immediately trapped in this game the first time I entered, the girl who came to do business with me before was not. She was a serious gold-touching captain and an experienced player. , said these things.”


Yujing Beidou not only exists in the game, but may also be in the human world.

Quan Heng's heart moved slightly.

"Six years ago... players of version 2.0, no wonder."

Song Jingyun thought about it, and when he had nothing to say, he looked at Quan Heng. He had to be the one to find loopholes in the cliché.

But Quan Heng just twisted Shibazi, as if it had nothing to do with him, and even looked back in confusion.

What are you wondering about? You are so confused! Are you pretending not to understand or understand? I've already revealed 2.0 to you, but you didn't ask any questions or offer any favors to help you, you're a little brat who only gets in but can't get out!

Song Jingyun felt heartbroken, but now he was trying to quarrel with everyone with his name.

"You said before that there was something wrong with the time on this map," Song Jingyun asked proactively, "How did you find out?"

“Township Reaction to Costumes.”

Quan Heng pointed out the simple T-shirts and short hair of the Lu brothers.

"Mo Xiuyue mentioned Banyan and Guancheng News. At her age, she was still in the feudal dynasty with pigtails, but when she saw this kind of modern dress and pigtail cutting, she didn't have much reaction, not even other townspeople - this kind of situation There are only two possibilities. I have met many players so I am familiar with it, but they also said that no guests have come for a long time, so it can only be another possibility."

"They have experienced hundreds of years and know the long-term changes of time, and someone has popularized these contents to them."

This is why Quan Heng is convinced that "Teacher Wen" is a player.

"Of course, this is just the first kind of time error." Quan Heng held out a finger, "The sea has changed, and the survival time is abnormal."

"The first one?" Song Jingyun clicked his tongue, "Why, you still want to make a match? Is double happiness auspicious? Tell me, where did you find the second one, Conan?"

Lu Xiaoman frowned, clenched his fist and punched Song Jingyun's waist hard.

Song Jingyun jumped up in an instant, howled immediately, and rubbed his waist painfully: "What are you doing! Aren't you out of the full moon? Your hands are so fast, you can poke at whatever you see at the altitude line!"

"Don't be shy!"

"Where am I——"


"what sound?"

As soon as Quan Heng opened his mouth, the two of them fell silent.

"Tick-tock...buzz..." It sounded like water flowing, or something cracking.

"I heard it too."

"Me too!"

Quan Heng tilted his head slightly and stepped back, then looked up.

The light of the flames dimly illuminated the top of the tomb, and the strange and flamboyant giant snake totem was slowly covered with cracks. Rotten heads were piled on all sides of the snake's body. A drop of water slowly stretched out from the gap in the mural reflected in the pupils, and suddenly fell!

Quan Heng's pupils shook and he suddenly moved away!

The blood-red water droplets fell to the ground, and the corrosive stench of white smoke exploded with a "squeak". The thick blood was almost like abscesses, and tiny transparent eggs twisted out of the sticky, and small snakes that were densely packed like capillaries exploded one by one. !


Quan Heng retreated, turned around, picked up the lamp panel on the wall, and threw it at the top of the tomb!

Everything seemed to be in slow motion. The lamp panel hit the top of the tomb, and the fire instantly illuminated it clearly. In an instant, the small snakes that were densely packed in the cracks of the stone raised their heads toward the light. Thousands of snakes spit out one after another. Roots, one after another like spreading tentacles!

The hair is creepy.

"Hiss——" A nest of sticky snake liquid fell.

"Crack--" The top of the tunnel behind him began to crack, and blood-red rotten water burst through the wall and spurted out!

"呲呲呲——!!" Countless neighing poisonous snakes were swallowed up by the blood and water, mixed together and pounced on the player wildly! !


Someone shouted. Song Jingyun took advantage of the situation and picked up the ring. The five of them ran forward wildly, and the deadly sea of ​​blood continued to condense into a bloody mouth! !

"Didi - Didi -" The prompt sounded suddenly, Lu Xiaoman popped up the panel and glanced in panic.

[Ding dong! Warm reminder: The anchor position of the map has changed, the time and space connecting with the border area have changed, and the time has been re-aligned]

The original [19 hours and 11 minutes] blinked and jumped to [00 hours and 10 minutes]

Lu Xiaoman:? ? ? ! !

Time magic! ! Thief and robber!

"Brother!" Lu Xiaoman said anxiously as he ran, "The map anchor has floated! We are almost up to time!"

"Ah?" Song Jingyun hugged the ring tightly and said in surprise, "The map anchor is affected by the speed of clearance and the progress of the game. Your brothers said that there are still more than 20 hours left. Is it based on the progress at the beginning of the game?"

Just now Quan Heng suddenly increased his progress by 80%!

"I, I, I...I don't remember!" Lu Xiaoman waved his hand, aggrieved, "'My son said in Kawakami that people die regardless of day and night.' The chief said it but I forgot! I won't sleep in class from now on. !”

"...Then you'd better sleep from beginning to end!"

"How long can we stay at most?" Quan Heng calmly brought back the topic.

"There are less than ten minutes until the border area." Lu Qiusheng was turned pale by the stench of the sea of ​​​​blood and the screams of snakes, "We can stay for half an hour at most, and we will not be able to catch up with the practice competition any longer. It’s time!”

"Half an hour..."

Quan Heng raised his head, his pupils shrank, and he suddenly stopped——

Two roads that looked exactly the same lay in front of me, and I had no idea where to go!

[Ding dong! KP tip: Lu Qiusheng was attacked by Yujing Beidou, and his health value was -5! San disk volatility increases, please pay attention to the dizziness effect]

[Ding dong! KP tip: Lu Xiaoman... health value -5, san disk...]

[Ding dong! KP tip: Song Jingyun... health value -5...]

Each player's ears are ringing with their own prompt sounds, and the values ​​are constantly decreasing.

"It's actually a DOT skill?!" Song Jingyun covered his nose, "We must find the right path quickly. I've already lost 10 health points due to the fishy smell! What is this?"

"It's people who died in tomb robberies before, and the corpses of the robbers were reproduced by Yujing Beidou to form a sea of ​​blood." Wen Huacun frowned, her face was pale and she was obviously disgusted, "I didn't expect Shangu to actually put this A sea of ​​blood has reached the ancient tomb and made major changes to the structure, which will obviously pollute the human spirit."


[Player Quan Heng...not detected, the value dropped, re-detected, no fluctuation]

[Ding dong! KP Tip: Congratulations to player Quan Heng for not being contaminated by Yujing Beidou. 】


Quan Heng, who was looking at the totem, looked slightly moved.

[WTF? Am I deaf? ! Did you hear anything? ! ]

[My mother, why don’t you drop it? What does it mean not to be affected by Yujing Beidou? ! ]

[Can anyone tell me what kind of bug this is? ! ! ]

The sound of blood breaking through the wall behind him gradually approached. Lu Qiusheng gritted his molars and said, "We've reached a fork in the road ahead. Which way should we go?"

If they don't find a way quickly, they won't be able to withdraw from the competition if they can't complete their role tasks!

Not to mention the savage beast behind!

Song Jingyun came over to look at the yellow paper in Quan Heng's hand, and frowned: "Are you sure this is a map? But how did they build the tomb passages of the Pentagram Double-Headed Snake? They are all connected end to end with twists and turns. According to the map, ?"

I can't understand it at all!

[Holy shit, shit! Not to mention what we can do in the next half hour, now there will be a fucking flood leaking later, fuck! This totem map makes me, even a monster in the new world, confused! ]

[What is this! How could any believer build a tomb according to a totem? ! ]

[Ah ah ah, I'm so anxious! Who knows that His followers are so tough? ? ! ]

Quan Heng tilted his head, suddenly let go of the totem, and stepped forward to pick up the round stone placed at the fork in the road.

——The stone is imprinted with a five-pointed star and a two-headed snake.

Quan Heng quickly stood up and threw the stone at a fork in the road. The stone only rolled down and stopped moving. When he changed the direction, the stone rolled forward.

"This way." Quan Heng wiped off the dust on his hands and said calmly, "Go down."

[Um? Why go down? ? ]

[Could it be that the giant sword pierced the pentagram? The five-pointed star is the structure of the god's tomb, and the hilt is the direction? ? ]

down? down? ? !

Song Jingyun suddenly realized something and tilted the yellow paper in his hand.

As the angle changed, the five-pointed star, the double snake heads, and the eight-sided outline of the giant sword were faintly merged. They were quickly connected in series in his mind, and the extremely familiar eight-sided pattern was extracted. Song Jingyun's brain couldn't help but heat up, and his hairs stood on end.

This is--

Eight array diagram? ? ? ! !

"Damn it, these townspeople," Song Jingyun said directly, "don't know how to use a five-pointed star, so they can just create a stream of consciousness and cover it with eight arrays?!"

The main picture of the eight formations, go through the corridor, pass through the gap, and then go all the way down and escape from directly below!

The former represents the long street of the ancient town and the road up the mountain, and the latter is the inside of the ancient tomb. This is a map of the entire ancient town to the center of the tomb! !

[Is this the impact of localization? ! ! ]

[Fuck fuck fuck! Although I don’t know what it is, damn, Sister Quan is awesome! ! ]

[Catching up! Run before it's too late! ]

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