
Keep going down!

The front finally brightened from the dark and eerie cold blue light, and a spacious space came into view——

Song Jingyun took a step forward, and his expression changed drastically in an instant!

The next second, he quickly grabbed the edge of the exit, turned around and waved his hand: "There is a snake pit ahead!!"

Behind him, a huge pit five meters deep was densely packed with colorful venomous snakes. The snakes' tails were spread and raised, and when the snake's body twisted, it revealed its withered and rugged white bones.

And there is a full distance of fourteen or five meters from the other end of the poisonous snake pit!

"I'll give you some data," Song Jingyun put down his ring and took a deep breath, "I can only jump ten meters at most, no more."

The sound of blood rolling and washing behind them was swelling and approaching, and it would take less than a minute to wash them all down!

Quan Heng walked around Song Jingyun, looked down, then shifted his gaze to the two wooden piles on the other side...

Was there a bridge here originally? Got chopped off?

"The furthest length that my weapon can reach is ten meters," Quan Heng retracted his gaze and said in a calm voice, "Can you dance in rows?"

"Your weapon?" Song Jingyun reacted the fastest, "You... do you want to swing over directly and then take the opportunity to throw us all over in mid-air?"

"No!" Before Quan Heng nodded, Song Jingyun refused, "You can easily swing across it alone, but with the weight of us, not to mention the physical exertion, your wrists can't bear it."

From the time he came down from the gunboat to now, Song Jingyun's three pans have not returned to their positions, let alone Quan Heng, who has used physical locks!

If you approach these poisonous snakes trained by Yujing Beidou at close range, you don’t know what will happen!

"The weapons can only be used by myself," Quan Heng said gently, but in fact he was too tough to refute, "This is the best solution, a quick victory."

The others who still wanted to speak were instantly silenced.

Quan Heng is right, this is indeed the optimal solution.

But on the map, no one has the obligation to help others - not to mention that Quan Heng can escape easily.

Wen Huacun sighed: "It's troublesome."

Lu Qiusheng scratched his head in embarrassment: "If I had known, I would have lost weight."

"Your weight is very good, you don't need to lose weight." Quan Heng smiled, "It just so happens that your younger brother is lighter, so you two complement each other."

"Thank you, sister." Lu Xiaoman thanked her quietly.

The howl of the sea of ​​blood snakes was close at hand, Quan Heng threw out Tianshu and jumped up——

The lightning that had faded the damage took the initiative to wrap around the wooden stake, and the electric light flashed slightly, and then the current disappeared under the owner's will, and in conjunction with it, it made a huge arc!

Straight away, he threw out the people behind him who jumped four to five meters into the air! Use your strength to jump again and land steadily!

"Crack--" The wooden pile was overwhelmed and suddenly broke!

"Quan Heng!!"

Bloody water surged and washed away, and the waves came straight at me!

[Ahhh! ! I dare not look at it! ! Why should we save these people, humans! ! ]

[Quan Heng fell! ! The sea of ​​blood spurted up! ! So many snakes! Help! ! ]

Quan Heng let go instantly and struck out the moment the "Tianshu" was retracted. Song Jingyun rushed forward and grabbed it. He immediately stood up with his palms on the ground and pulled back hard!

The lightning subsided, Quan Heng slightly bent his knees and landed firmly on the ground, exhaling gently.

[Ding dong! KP tip: Player Quan Heng’s health value is -3! 】

Quan Heng paused and looked at his bruised wrist, then realized why his health had been reduced.


It seems quite serious.

"Sister, use this!" Lu Xiaoman hurriedly handed over a tube of ointment and recommended marketing, "This is super easy to use, it's a special item!"

Special items... seem to be used to treat severe injuries and heavy bleeding.

"No need, it's a minor injury."

Quan Heng pressed his right wrist with his left hand, made a gentle "click", and neatly set his bones.

Hold down your elbow again and do the same.

"I also have a tube, a tool for treating trauma, but it's of no use anyway."

Song Jingyun took out a tube of ointment and stepped forward: "Tsk, give me your hand - you are a fool not to take advantage of it. I've never heard of it."

He raised his thumb to pry open the ointment, pulled Quan Heng's wrist and applied it vigorously, just like applying ointment.

It's just that my hands are so strong that it feels like the injuries are getting worse.

"Look!" Song Jingyun was satisfied, "It's completely new."

Quan Heng looked unscathed, but his wrist seemed to have experienced a second injury: "..."

Forget it, that's exactly the trick.

"Thank you." Quan Heng put one hand in his pocket and looked at the entrance of the tomb behind the snake pit.

"I can see the coffin in the cave, and I guess the cultural relics are also included." Song Jingyun flicked the yellow paper and lit it, "Herald the evil spirit sacrifice."

Everyone followed him forward. When Quan Heng was about to take a step, his cuffs were gently pulled down.

She turned her head to see the ring, paused, and knelt down.


Qian Huan released the hand holding the hem of her clothes and gently touched the red silk wrapped around Quan Heng's forearm. There seemed to be longing in his eyes, but more of restraint and reluctance.

"Sister, this is for you."

She took off her dragon-shaped jade pendant and stuffed it into Quan Heng's palm.

"Quan Heng!" Song Jingyun in front turned around, "Hurry up, why are you two lagging behind?"

Zhan Huan closed his hand and smiled at Quan Heng. His eyes were clean, tough and pure, and little pear dimples appeared on his cheeks:

"Thank you for saving me."

"...I know." Quan Heng's pupils moved slightly and he put away the jade pendant.

"What's wrong?" Song Jingyun took three steps and two steps behind Quan Heng, looked north and south, "Did you see something..."

"It's nothing," Quan Heng stood up and suddenly whispered, "We will transport the cultural relics out later. Cooperate to leave the tomb but don't leave. Take some time before I speak."

Song Jingyun frowned, guessing that Quan Heng had discovered something but couldn't make it public, so he just nodded slightly.

"Well," Lu Qiusheng said with an apologetic expression after walking a few steps, "after a while... we may have to exit first."

"Practice matches affect reputation points and are related to S18 registration. There is no reason why you will not be qualified to play after practicing for so long." Quan Heng understood, "The organization is not yours alone."

"So it's better to play by yourself," Song Jingyun interjected, "or build your own club, and the benefits will be good."

"By the way," Lu Xiaoman suddenly asked, "Sister, are you really not considering coming to our 'Innocent Dawn'?"

"Go, go, go, why are you kidding?"

Song Jingyun pushed Xiaoman's forehead with a finger, "Not to mention that all of your starting positions in Wushou Dawn are full, but you are just dissatisfied. Should your commanding position be given to your chief or to her?"

Lu Xiaoman touched his forehead and said "Oh" angrily. "We're here." Wen Huacun said.

Everyone looked up——

There are several grottoes embedded in the cave in front of them, and the innermost part of each one is carved with a mural of gods, including Mazu, Buddha, and Tianzun. In the center is a huge five-pointed star and two-headed snake totem.

In front of each mural, there is a dark coffin placed in the grotto, distributed in a fan shape.

"How much does Teacher Wen know about totems?" Quan Heng asked.

"I don't know much about it," Wen Huacun shook his head, "but I heard that this totem brought all the townspeople here, and even resonated with the power of Jade Capital Beidou."

"There is light," Qian Huan raised his head, "The altar is open upwards, leading to the outside of the mountainside."

"This tomb was hollowed out directly from the top of the mountain," Song Jingyun looked at it. "The cave is three or four meters away from the outside. It was dug directly from the east side of the mountainside. It can be easily reached in this direction... "

He looked at Quan Heng and said, "It's the river where we met."


Quan Heng was thoughtful, stretched out three fingers, wiped the stone tablet in the center of the altar, and looked at it in the moonlight.

Only two of them were stained with dust, but not the other side.

Wen Huacun approached the coffin and exclaimed after a few seconds: "The coffin in the middle has a chain!"

"The coffin sealed with chains must be an evil coffin."

Taoist Master Song touched his chin, walked around the coffin, bent down suddenly, moved his nose, and his expression changed slightly.

"Quan Heng." He looked closely and only waved to call for someone.

"There is blood," Song Jingyun pointed out the bright red traces to Quan Heng and said in a deep voice, "It's fresh."

Quan Heng pondered for two seconds, then reached out and tapped the coffin board close to his ear.


"Cut the chain and open the coffin," Quan Heng ordered decisively, "There is a snake inside, be careful."

"Bang! Bang! Bang bang!"

There were four consecutive sounds of chains breaking, and everyone retreated. Quan Heng raised his hand, and Tianshu split the coffin lid with one blow!


With tiny crawling and hatching sounds, Quan Heng put away the "Tianshu", a cold light flashed when his fingers moved, and the butterfly knife held his hand backwards.

The coffin was densely packed with venomous snakes, as well as unhatched transparent eggs, swollen and crowded together. They looked more like maggot nests than snake eggs, greedily burrowing into this body that could already be called "leftovers." .

Even if the coffin is opened, I don’t want to leave for a second.

The head of the corpse was gone, leaving only the purulent blood dripping from the body, seeping into the ground from the gaps in the coffin.

"This is the body of a tomb robber." Wen Huacun sighed, "It belongs to Lu Xiaonian."

"Lu Xiaonian..." Lu Xiaoman thought for a while, "Is it the Mario who paid for it?"

Wen Huacun's mouth twitched: "...What?"

"It's Captain Gold." Song Jingyun clicked his tongue, "But you're right to say it's Mario. He's digging for gold and diamonds underground."

Quan Heng approached the coffin and used a butterfly knife to pluck the corpse's right hand. The fingers were half rotten, and the tips of the unrotted index and middle fingers had an extra thick layer of calluses.

...Sure enough.

Quan Heng's expression showed no fluctuation at all. He turned around and said, "How long until the practice match?"

"Nineteen minutes," Lu Xiaoman scratched his head and said, "I'm afraid I won't be able to stay any longer."

"That's right, the egg your brothers used to wrongfully accuse me hasn't been found yet," Song Jingyun put the spout of the pot to his lips and said, "You really have to go first, don't let others take it first, go quickly Well, remember to search everywhere in the southeast, northwest and nooks and crannies."

Lu Qiusheng and Lu Xiaoman glared at him at the same time.

Which pot is not open to mention which pot!

"Then I'll look for cultural relics first..."

"No need to look for it," Qian Huan suddenly said, "Except for this coffin, the other coffins are full of cultural relics."

Several people paused and looked at Quan Heng.

Quan Heng nodded: "Open the coffins for all."

The remaining coffins were quickly opened.

There are no snakes inside, and rare treasures, porcelain, calligraphy and painting gauze are placed inside, and several layers of soft cushions are placed for protection. But some pieces of porcelain are too close together and may even scratch slightly.

"There are so many things..." Lu Xiaoman looked at the shining night pearl and said curiously, "I haven't seen it yet."

"The antiques have been found, but the role is to protect the cultural relics from being stolen by robbers within three days. There are only fifteen minutes left." Lu Qiusheng said, "Sister Heng, how do you think this can be accomplished?"

Song Jingyun almost spit out a mouthful of wine.

He also called her "Sister Heng" teasingly. Lu Qiusheng's call was sincere and polite, and the effect was too strong.

"three methods."

Quan Heng accepted the call calmly: "Either kill all the robbers; find the cultural relics and destroy them; or third, take the cultural relics out and leave the map."

"Destroying cultural relics...?" Lu Qiusheng shook his head repeatedly and resisted, "No, if this cultural relic is connected to something, it will be destroyed, and the outside will be destroyed too! This is not the same level of fault as the practice match! Of course it is the first Three kinds!”

"You're talking lightly, where are you going to get out from?" Song Jingyun buckled the stopper of the gourd, "Take out the map? Why don't you find the cultural relics and stuff them into your [backpack]..."

Speaking of [backpack], Song Jingyun suddenly paused.

He clearly remembered that Quan Heng put Lu Xiaoman's branded ax into the [backpack] at the beginning of the map. He was also surprised by this, so he took the initiative to talk to Quan Heng.

"That's true..." Lu Qiusheng didn't realize Song Jingyun's abnormality and said to himself, "It's not my fault. I really tried my best and went back to compensate the chief by cultivating more acres of land to grow potatoes."

"Sister Heng," Lu Xiaoman was concerned, "How was your review test?"


Quan Heng opened the panel as he spoke, and messages popped up almost at the same time——

Ding Dong!

[Professional applicant Quan Heng, please note that the growth rate of the jury’s sentiment points has dropped sharply and will soon fall below zero]

[Warning: The growth rate falling to zero will directly determine the failure of the water test! 】

"Okay," Quan Heng raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Much better."

Two free chapters of nearly 7,000 words, and the final exams in the next two weeks are just to make up for everyone. There will be more chapters during the winter vacation.

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