Chapter 78 Traveler

"What does it mean that all the souls have been resurrected from the dead? Hey... don't just jump, little girl!"

Just as Song Jingyun was about to help someone, he hooked his hands around the edge of the wall and slid down, leaning over to look at Quan Heng's wounds.

"You shouldn't have dug out the bullet."

The bit ring hesitated: "It won't be inflamed in the first place. You just take the bullet out with your hands... and then you get the second injury."

"What?" Song Jingyun was stunned. After a second, his voice suddenly rose, "What did you just say??!"

[Pfft hahahaha, is that what I thought? Co-author Quan Heng didn’t like the injury enough and just started doing it himself! ]

[Quan Heng: Why don’t you give me any face? Why do you expose me in front of my face? Hahahahaha]

[Oh my God, this little bastard really dares to play, she is bleeding to death! If you get injured a little more, you will be over! ]

[Tsk, tsk, tsk, Song Jingyun’s empathy and guilt were completely manipulated by her, and she was even detained. This is so cruel]

"Really? I thought the bullet would become inflamed if it stayed in the wound, so I removed it manually."

Quan Heng smiled, not feeling guilty at all about being caught.

"It's true that you will live until you are old and learn until you are old."

She couldn't bear to let go of her child, but she couldn't trap the wolf. Song Jingyun was very capable, and she didn't want to miss it.

"You have to live to learn...yes! Just learn from me, Dad," Song Jingyun laughed angrily, "Who can learn from you!"

Quan Heng raised his eyebrows slightly, with a smile in his eyes.

Although she knew she couldn't hide it from Zhi Huan, she actually didn't want to make Song Jingyun angry.

——It’s a pity that the ring is not cooperative.

" are you sure this is "Yujing Beidou"? "Xian Huan asked carefully.

"It's very simple," Quan Heng said, "because there is a sea of ​​blood in the tomb."

"Sea of ​​blood?"

"Yes, the sea of ​​blood gushed out not because we entered the tomb, but because you took the initiative to turn on the mechanism."

Qian Huan's eyes suddenly opened wide, "You, how did you know -"

"Because there is no dust on the handrails of the stone pillars inside the tomb, and there is no dust even though there is a hole on the top, it means that someone has been in and out of the tomb. Wen Huacun's coffin is very easy to slide open, and there are signs of wear around the coffin, which means that someone will often appreciate it. Her miserable condition. The only one who meets this condition and can get the jade pendant to open the ancient tomb is "Lu Xiaonian". "

Quan Heng glanced at the wound as he spoke, his brows furrowed as if he was trying to think of a way to stop the bleeding.

"Here," Song Jingyun handed over a small porcelain bottle, "The special item "Golden Sore Medicine" is effective enough if it is not contaminated. "

Quan Heng paused: "Thank you very much."

"You're welcome, I borrowed it from the Lu family brothers with a shameful face. Just seeing how crazy you were on the boat, I knew I had such a day. I think I'm really free." Song Jingyun rolled his eyes, "Go on, half of it is easy to be chased in the alley. smoke."

Quan Heng used the "Golden Sore Medicine" to maintain his health at a precarious 1 point.

[A little! ! Now even a monster kick could kill her]

[Ancestor, she thinks that if she puts on a poker face, others won’t know how many lives she has, right? ? ]

"Since Lu Xiaonian went in and was not attacked by the sea of ​​blood, it is impossible for us to go in. After all, Lu Xiaonian wants to use our hands to smuggle the cultural relics back, not kill us - excluding the players, you are the only one left."

Quan Heng continued:

"As for why, I just want to make sure whether I will be affected by "Jade Capital Beidou". If I am not affected... the dragon-shaped jade pendant handed to me later will be easy to guess my true identity. "

Not to mention the importance that the residents of the ancient town attach to the ring.

There are so many cultural relics, many of which are more precious than jade pendants. Why is Dudu so vigilant and protective of the ring?

And the things Lin Shangu broke just now...

Quan Heng turned his eyes and saw the jade pendant broken into pieces on the ruins.

The shape of the dragon-shaped jade pendant can be vaguely seen, and it is mostly split.

"You..." Qian Huan took a deep breath and acquiesced, "You're really smart." "You're welcome, now I've confirmed what you want to confirm," Quan Heng smiled, "Isn't it time to reciprocate?"

"You ask."

"If you were this jade pendant itself, would this be considered a Jade Beidou spirit?" Quan Heng shook the dragon-shaped jade pendant, "What is the origin of the totem in our tomb?"

"What?" Zhan Huan paused and shook his head suddenly, "No, you may have misunderstood the concept of "Jade Capital Beidou". "

"All ears."

Listening to Quan Heng's seriousness, Zhi Huan also became more serious, and organized the speech:

""Yujing Beidou" is not a specific thing in the first place, but an existence closer to "consciousness", "obsession" and "desire", and then it is sealed on a specific object, even if it is destroyed Objects, they will also exist in another form.

"So, my original body was selected as the sealed object of the power of "Jade Capital Beidou", and I also used this blessing to practice transformation.

"The two are not contradictory, but Yujing Beidou and I are fundamentally not the same kind of existence."

if so……

"It was six years ago, right?"

Quan Heng looked up. She seemed to be asking, but she had already confirmed the answer.

"Six years ago, Lu Xiaonian entered with antiques, and you also entered here. It was also at that time, or to be more precise, after the player's game ended, that the townspeople met the owner of the totem.

"That, it's more likely to be a monster from the new world. He left "Jade Capital Beidou" behind, giving the townspeople the ability to contaminate, mutate, and resurrect continuously, and also get rid of the cycle of massacres where the power disparity was great. "

Qian Huan was a little surprised, then nodded: "That's right."

Quan Heng stretched out his hand and rubbed his forehead with his index finger, "Do you remember... the scene where the existence of the new world handed you the "Jade Capital Beidou"? Especially what the other person said. "

"What did you say?" Qian Huan tried to recall, "I don't have much memory. The other party seemed to have said..."

【who I am? I am just a dead ghost, a passing traveler. Have you encountered any difficulties? Maybe I can be of some help. 】

As the sun set, the traveler who had traveled a long way sat in the arms of the Buddha at some unknown time.

He lowered his eyes at the intersection of afterglow and shadow, smiled slightly, looked at the desperate and crying townspeople, and looked at the leaders Lin Shangu and Mo Xiuyue.

At that time, a fight had just ended in the ancient town. He was bullied and humiliated by the strangers who came by chance, and he was heartbroken.

Travelers descending from the sky are like Buddhas and gods showing mercy to all living beings.

【Weak? I am also a weak person. I often lose my fighting spirit and sometimes regain my fighting spirit, accompanied by cowardice, regret and numbness. 】

[But there is nothing wrong with being weak. A world where the weak cannot survive is truly something wrong. 】

[Clan Leader Lin, you are a very good leader, I want to give you something——

[It will give you strength, but the shackles of pain and distortion will also bind you, and even this space will be trapped in time... You have to think about it. 】

"Trapped in... time?"

Quan Heng's fingers caressing the jade pendant paused for a moment, then raised his eyes and said, "The other party said, trapped in time?"

"That's it..." Qian Huan whispered, "Yes, is there something wrong?"

"There is a bit of a loophole," Quan Heng rubbed his temples and closed his eyes lightly, "The time here has created a third problem."

(End of this chapter)

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