"What's the third question?" Song Jingyun was confused.

"I originally thought that the time flow rate of the map would only change after the player entered, and that the other times would be the same as in the human world. Because Lu Xiaonian's group of people was indeed the ones I met six years ago, and they match the nodes in the map. But now..."

Quan Heng muttered: "I'm afraid that if we go forward "six years", the speed of time here is not equal to that of the human world. "

"Why...it's not equal?"

Quan Heng shook his head: "Not sure."

Song Jingyun looked at Qian Huan, who shook his head blankly.

She hadn't been outside for too long and couldn't answer this question at all.

"I promised Mo Xiuyue to take Nian Gui out," Quan Heng said suddenly, "but this way "Jade Capital Beidou" will be incomplete... I never break the deal, "Jade Capital Beidou" has no chance with me. "

Quan Heng put the jade pendant back into his hand with the ring, without any reluctance, and said calmly:

"I'll leave it to you to think about."

"What...?" Qian Huan was stunned, "Do you really not want "Yujing Beidou"? "

Quan Heng nodded: "I rarely rely on external help. It may be difficult to find a replacement, but it will not be impossible."



There was a roar from behind, and several people turned their heads sharply.

Mark's barbed arm penetrated Mo Xiuyue's lungs, and then he threw her violently, and blood spurted out!

Lin Shangu screamed and struggled with Mark, who was struggling with the trapped beast. From the corner of his eye, he saw Quan Heng and others about to move forward, and immediately said angrily:

"Don't interfere! Foreigners! This is our hatred, I want to solve it myself!"

After she finished speaking, no matter how much Mark struggled, bit, and even peeled and stabbed into her heart.

Lin Shangu didn't give in at all, she just strangled the robber's neck.

"Mark, you have killed us countless times and tried to trample our souls with your despicable civilization. It is really disgusting."

"You say that I am obsessed with fighting against the trapped beasts, but in fact you are the most obsessed with it! We are fighting for our own land, and you have left your homeland to invade. After so many years, you have long lost the care of your homeland. You The most pathetic!”

"All 170 people in Yanlai Ancient Town were killed in the battle on October 1860, 10, and no one surrendered. We are telling you-"

Lin Shangu suddenly raised her voice, her whole body was swollen, as if her blood was boiling, and the accumulated pollution and toxins were like explosives counting down the time.

"We, the descendants of Yan and Huang, would rather die than live in contentment!"



Lin Shangu's body exploded, and the corrosive and contaminated blood enveloped Mark, and she exchanged her life for happiness.

The hearty laughter and the screams of agony were extinguished together.

"Aunt Shangu! Auntie!"

Nian Gui cried loudly upstairs, and Qian Huan, who was in a daze, hurriedly ran upstairs.

Quan Heng walked to Mo Xiuyue and carefully helped her up.

The hole in the chest was as big as two fists, and even those without medical skills knew it would be impossible to save him.

"Thank you." Quan Heng said.

"Thank you... for what?" Mo Xiuyue looked at her and said with difficulty.

"Thank you for helping me, but other than that," Quan Heng paused, "This is a thank you that all our descendants owe you."

"I'm just protecting my hometown. I don't need to thank you...cough cough cough..." Mo Xiuyue choked and suddenly asked, "Do you have any candy?"

Quan Heng shook his head slightly: "Sorry."

"It doesn't matter..." Mo Xiuyue looked a little disappointed and smiled again, "By the way, do you know why I didn't become like that?"

Of course Quan Heng knows.

Because that look didn't look good, at least Mo Xiuyue didn't think it looked good, and she didn't want Quan Heng to see it.

But Quan Heng didn't answer, he just looked at Mo Xiuyue, as calm as the rippleless water surface under the moon, not touched by the soft affection at all.

"...You are a liar."

Mo Xiuyue's smile disappeared, and the corners of her lips curved downwards, feeling as sad as mist.

Getting closer, even if there are no tears, there is still such sad moisture.

"You clearly know... that... that tree in front of the Buddha, those leaves are..."

Mo Xiuyue trembled and did not say anything.

——It’s what I’ve missed for so many years.

Silently, they fell in front of the Buddha.

There are as many suns and moons as there are annual rings.

Song Jingyun frowned and looked confused.

But Quan Heng still didn't speak, as if he understood, but also didn't understand. He let Mo Xiuyue cry and laugh as if telling riddles, babbling like hysteria, feeling decadent and lonely.

"If I die..." Mo Xiuyue hesitated, jumping to the topic, "Will you feel sorry for me?"

"Yes." Quan Heng said.

"No, don't be sad for me, we are all afraid that you will be sad." Mo Xiuyue blinked, but shed tears this time, "You just think, the land is my mother, and I want to go back to my mother, you should... …ahem…happy for me.”


"who are we?

Quan Heng frowned slightly and was about to consider his words when suddenly—— "Sister Xianhuan!!"

Nian Gui's cries upstairs suddenly rose in pitch and then stopped abruptly.

Song Jingyun immediately went upstairs.

Quan Heng was not surprised. All Song Jingyun could see was nothing more than a suicide ring.

"You...what a good plan!" Mo Xiuyue laughed dumbly, "How could you give up "Yujing Beidou"! "

"The choice you mentioned is just forcing Xianhuan to commit suicide! You clearly know that Xianhuan will use yourself to make up for the missing part of the soul in order to bring Nian back to life!

"If I don't die, will you find a way to kill me? I'm just a "nail" for you! you you--"

Mo Xiuyue burst into tears, clenched her sleeves tightly, and said in a hoarse voice:

"You...are so tired."


Quan Heng finally sighed, his always indifferent expression showing a hint of doubt, and he hesitated:

"I do not know what you're talking about."

She only knew that Mo Xiuyue's initial trust was hidden, so she kept going along with the formula.

But as of now, I can't figure it out at all.

As if there was a heavy fog in front of her, she rocked the boat forward, but she had no idea where the "port" or the "shore" was.

She couldn't see the direction.


Mo Xiuyue was stunned, looked carefully into Quan Heng's eyes, and smiled bitterly with trembling lips, "You...Is this how you make yourself move forward? I see...I can't say it, I will die if I don't say it...You want Find the answer yourself cough cough cough!!”

She suddenly started coughing and choking, and she was covered in blood.

But when Quan Heng supported her, his fingers moved up and touched the eighteen pieces on Quan Heng's wrist, squeezing and releasing them hard.

Quan Heng's expression moved slightly.

"Your purpose... achieved."

Mo Xiuyue grabbed Quan Heng's right arm again. She was in too much pain. Her punctured lungs were like abandoned bellows. She could only breathe intermittently. She tried her best to say every sentence, "Behind Guijia Mountain... is the way home." , you...go back with your thoughts."

"Okay." Quan Heng nodded in agreement.

"And the ring... don't let her break outside," Mo Xiuyue said, "take her home."

"I'll take you home."

"Do not……"

Mo Xiuyue shook her head gently, tears falling down her cheeks, and she laughed, broken in the light.

"You...go home for me."

Quan Heng looked at the red silk on his right arm and asked in a low voice, "Do you want to see it?"

"Go forward, don't look back." Mo Xiuyue answered the question with anger, "There is light in front of you, and the answers you want are all in front of you - go, let me watch you go."

Quan Heng stood up and looked at Song Jingyun.

"It's broken." Song Jingyun handed the broken jade pendant to Quan Heng, "Nian Gui disappeared, and the ring is not there either. There is only this jade pendant."

Quan Heng put it away: "Wait and go out."

The two left, and when they approached Guijia Mountain, Quan Heng turned around and raised his hand to lift the hunting red curtain.

Like a long river that has passed through blood, tears and years, it spans thousands of miles in an instant, and glory and perseverance emerge majestically. The bright red dances with the wind, lingering with the wind whistling over this land.

In a trance, it is the gaze of the hometown looking at the wanderer, and the smile of Mother Earth.

It was a gentle yet thick arc.

The distance is too far, how can ordinary people see it?

But Mo Xiuyue smiled and saw clearly.

"Mo Xiuyue, don't let my moonlight be blocked by rust..."

[Mo Xiuyue] smiled lowly, lowered her eyes and shed tears.

"I've all gone back, but I really want to see...my hometown..."

See her beloved hometown, carrying a history of suffering, heading towards a glorious tomorrow.

[Ding dong! Congratulations to players Quan Heng and Song Jingyun for completing the ghost card mission! After achieving the "Kill the Game" achievement, this map will disappear permanently. 】

The world begins to collapse.

The recovery of "Yujing Beidou" does not require her soul after death.

——Because the real Mo Xiuyue is dead.

Like Lu Xiaonian, she is an impostor and serves as an anchor.

It's just an informed and voluntary act, and an exploitative and passive one.

"The rusty moon shines on the waves of the Black Sea, the storm cuts off the backbone of the earth, destiny praises the emperor's virtue, and the nine stars of the Big Dipper are in Nirvana..."

She hummed softly, leaning against the wall and holding her eyes tiredly, watching the light from the sky slowly approaching, approaching...

"Am...am I a qualified warrior? Leader..."

The voice is silent, the breathing is stagnant, and the light condenses on the right place in front of the fingertips——

She disappeared before the dawn.

The foreshadowing will be revealed later, so you can first read this copy as a copy of the cultural relics protection ~ [This material is a bit sensitive. For novels, my writing is not that sharp, and I am afraid of being banned. I will make a secret later and adjust it to a larger scale. 】

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