Kill the game!Become a villain in a mysterious world

Chapter 80 Seeking the Way in Troubled Times

"Ahem, let me remind you a little."

Song Jingyun leaned slightly toward Quan Heng and moved his lips slightly:

"This is a big club after all. Although we are not afraid of trouble, it is best not to mess with this guy..."

The leader Liu Wuneng glared: "Song Jingyun, what nonsense are you talking about in front of me?! If you have the ability to say it loudly..."

"——I said you are notorious for beating others on sight, especially you, a pug!" Song Jingyun raised his voice and choked back, "Did you hear that clearly? If you didn't, I'll say it again!"

Quan Heng: "..."

Song Jingyun turned around and saw Quan Heng's slightly surprised look in his eyes. He coughed lightly and said, "I'm so sorry, I really can't hold it back."

"Understood." Quan Heng smiled and nodded.

Song Jingyun not only touched the cake of for-profit organizations as a lone wolf and promoted a group of independent connectors to "entrepreneurship", but also had a well-oiled equipment tree to attract attention. After receiving the red-headed bounty, small managers from these large organizations participated. Be the most positive.

——The irritability is understandable.

Liu Wuneng was so angry that his chest trembled: "You, you -"

"What am I? Your chief told you to stay away from me. Why, do you want to challenge the "New God Sequence" by leapfrogging? Song Jingyun raised his eyebrows, "I don't care. Come on, you are always welcome." "

This ability to draw hatred is not much worse than Quan Heng.

Liu Wu Neng gritted his teeth and waved his hand: "I'm not here to see you today! You're lucky!"

He said and immediately turned his head: "You! It's you, surnamed Quan! Do you know that I put a reward on "Yujing Beidou" and want to make a gift for our chief? ! Didn’t you see Bianyu’s post? ! "

Quan Heng smiled: "I didn't see it."

Liu Wuneng: "..."

"Pfft..." The connectors watching outside couldn't help laughing.

"Why are you laughing!" Liu Wuneng yelled angrily outside, then looked at Quan Heng, "'Jade Capital Beidou' is a gift for our Majesty! There is a reward, and it’s in the name of the empire. Do you know what that means? ! "

"I know," Quan Heng nodded, ignoring the important point, "But what I don't lack most is money."

She raised her eyebrows and added: "There seems to be no shortage of game coins now."

"..." Who the hell is talking about this!

Liu Wuneng was annoyed: "You——"

"By the way," Quan Heng interrupted him and thought, "I seem to have something to say... Oh, I remembered it."

"System," Quan Heng raised his hand lazily, "I will report it."

"Someone gathered a crowd with the intention of fighting, attempted to disrupt the order of the day and night border areas, affected the peaceful atmosphere, violated the rules of the contract, and should be severely punished!"

[Ding dong! The report from the connector has been received and is being verified...]

The cold voice of the system sounded.

[Ding dong! If the situation is true, those who gather maliciously will be warned and ordered to disperse within one minute (border time), otherwise the club's reputation points will be deducted! In severe cases, the identity of the connector will be deprived! ]


"Are you fucking reporting?!" Liu Wuneng was shocked, Liu Wuneng couldn't believe it!

Uncle's! ! What about your style? ! !

You have broken so many records, shouldn't you declare war on us in a very bold way, saying "Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, don't bully young people into poverty"? !

Shouldn't we just start a fight with us and declare war on the forum? ! How can I take the next step after you play your cards like this? ! !

"I paid so much in taxes, so of course I have to go to the official for reimbursement," Quan Heng said with a smile as he fiddled with his prayer beads, "Besides, why should I confront you head-on?"

Do you still need to trouble yourself with something that can be solved in one sentence? He must be as stupid as Quan Lin.

"" Liu Wuneng gritted his teeth, "If you don't drink a toast, you'll have to drink wine as a penalty, let's see if we don't..."

Quan Heng raised his eyebrows and spoke again: "System, I will..."

Fuck you! ! !

"Let's go!" Liu Wu Neng rolled his sleeves angrily!

The crowds of people who gathered around slowly left, while the theatergoers outside were chirping and laughing.

"Why are you laughing! Get out of here!"

"What are you looking at! Still looking! I remember you! How dare you secretly take pictures? You have nothing to do?!"

"Damn it, you dare to post it on the forum!!"

The crowd was in chaos. Quan Heng, who was at the center of the storm, wrapped his beads around his hands and raised his eyebrows calmly: "Let's go, what are you still doing here?"

"Fight fire with fire."

Song Jingyun was clear about the meaning, but gave Quan Heng a thumbs up, "You are awesome."

"Thank you." Quan Heng chuckled.

"Half a day, twelve hours, that is, before three o'clock in the morning." Quan Heng looked at the time, "Taoist Master, think about it carefully. After you think about it, send me a message backstage."

"I know," Song Jingyun said with a headache, "Let's go to the port, little ancestor."


"Waiting for you?" As soon as he approached the port, Song Jingyun saw Tang Junyi.

When Quan Heng was knocked into the map before, this person was standing next to him. Not to mention that Quan Heng even asked him about this person.

Tang Junyi also obviously saw them and nodded indicatively.

"Okay, let's talk. I'll leave first." Song Jingyun said first, "When you go back and send me the coordinates of the anchor point, I think your sequence this time can jump directly to sequence B, right? Sequence B can unlock "Anchor" Click "Share" permission and I will go directly to you. "

These were mentioned in the Beginner's Guide, Quan Heng nodded.

"Song Jingyun... you asked me about Taoist priests before, but I didn't expect that you would actually recruit them now." Tang Junyi and Song Jingyun passed each other and looked at Quan Heng, "As expected of you, it was your first time to participate in a formal game, and you were right there in the whole world. Frontier has made a name for itself.”

"Oh?" Quan Heng raised his eyebrows slightly, "Isn't it gay?"

"Yes, you are awesome, stop blabbing." Tang Junyi laughed, "Have you decided which club you want to join?"

Quan Heng smiled and said nothing.

"With such a big reputation and a hot potato like "Yujing Beidou" in your hand, if you don't settle down as soon as possible... you will be the next one to be targeted by the "ghost". "

Tang Junyi said: "I originally thought you were going to participate in the "single competition", but now it's obvious that you want to win over your teammates to compete in the "team competition." Let's not talk about team issues, but only talk about the game map information of the global competition. You can't get it without joining the club. arrive. "

They are all top secret and will not be posted on the forum at all. Only core members of the club can browse them freely.

"Speaking of map is now version 3.0," Quan Heng asked, "Is there a regularity in the existence cycle of each territory?"

"Yes, the first two are both six years old," Tang Junyi said. "This year is also the last season of the third version. The S18 Global Championship may usher in a new version. Of course, this is just speculation."

Another "six years".

Quan Heng nodded thoughtfully.

"If you want to participate in the global team competition, you must first get the invitation letter for the global competition, and you must first qualify for the intercontinental competition. The team competitions of the global competition and the intercontinental competition require four starting players, and the starting team must belong to Club, and it is a club that has been established for one season and pays taxes normally."

Tang Junyi slowly added, "Oh yes, another friendly reminder: the S18 Intercontinental Championship starts in two weeks."

Quan Heng tilted his eyes, half-smiling but not smiling: "So? What do you want to say, senior?"

"So I want to say: Unless you join the club, you have no chance in S18."

Tang Junyi confirmed: "The trick you played is called "Phoenix and rare, Xi Zhen is waiting for employment" at best, but "feeding a tiger with one's body and carrying a jade is the crime" at worst. Even if it's A Xiao... you have concealed this. Once, can you hide it from the next time? Not to mention there are other smart people out there! Two fists are no match for four hands, so don't fool around with that big boss Song Jingyun! "

The Lu brothers' club [Wugou Dawn] is avoiding danger. Quan Heng has no organizational support. He doesn't know what will happen if he gets "Yujing Beidou".

"This is really...thank you, senior, for your advice."

Quan Heng looked like he was being taught, but in fact he was indifferent. He smiled slightly and said: "I will consider it carefully. If nothing happens, I will leave first."

"Quan Heng."

"What?" Quan Heng seemed to be fine, stopped and asked with a smile.

"..." Tang Junyi relaxed his shoulders slightly and sighed silently.

He finally understood that Quan Heng looked smooth, but he was definitely a man who would rather live in pieces than live in ruins.

Hard to sway, extremely opinionated, and won't take hard or soft advice.

"I know that people who are good enough have their own opinions and are willing to break the shackles of the original civilization and rules - but Quan Heng, you are a potential stock blessed by Gemini, and you will definitely be loved by many Headhunters are on the lookout.

"Don't test human nature, they won't let a potential enemy develop."

Tang Junyi made a last ditch effort, "It's a crime to have a big tree that attracts wind. If you don't have the ability to protect yourself, joining an organization is the best solution. If you can't stand these things, it's better to take advantage of these existing forces first, and then slowly Do what you want to do.”

"that's right."

Quan Heng seemed to nod in agreement, "But I have read the Border Territory summary post. There are many high-quality newcomers here, but the number of A and above sequences has remained the same all year round. This conversion ratio is too unreasonable. Seniors, those who entered the Border Territory organization Where have all the good seeds gone?”

She leaned forward, her eyes almost filled with tears, showing compassion and purity.

When he got close, he had a meaningful smile and his voice was soft and low:

"Is it an injured Zhongyong, a blood donation pack, or a silent lamb waiting to be slaughtered?"

Tang Junyi's pupils shrank suddenly and he suddenly looked away.

Quan Heng smiled, slowly straightened up, and the beads on his wrists dangled lightly.

"I don't like this kind of rules, nor do I like this seemingly established option... This place is full of shackles and blood and tears, just like the human world."

Her fingers brushed her forearm. There was no longer red silk there, but it seemed she could still touch it. Yanlai Ancient Town brought her too many trivial mysteries and dangers, like a huge mouth of an endless abyss, full of thrilling conspiracies. Lin Shangu had selfish plans for her, Mo Xiuyue was vague before her death, and the townspeople had no contact with her. many.

But there is one thing that fits her -

"If the rules implemented in the border areas are exploitation and oppression, and the civilization they believe in is hypocrisy and groveling..."

Quan Heng raised his eyes and looked at Tang Junyi with cold eyes.

She rarely looks at people with these piercing eyes, and it is her rule to hide a knife in her smile, but perhaps it is due to the inexplicable irritability and uneasiness after the game, and her ambition is undoubtedly revealed at this moment, which is frightening.

Tang Junyi's mind went blank for a moment, and he could only hear the words in his ears clearly and deafeningly.

“Then let Him witness—my savage and glorious glory.”


"Uncle Song!"

The little Taoist priest gave a crisp cry and stumbled away from the master and ran towards Song Jingyun.

"Oh," Song Jingyun picked up the little Taoist priest and spun him around, smiling, "Are you getting fat again? Have you practiced well with your master?"

"Luo Qing has it! Seriously!" the little Taoist priest said proudly, "Uncle Master will teach Luo Qing how to draw talismans later!"

"Okay, okay, teach, teach." Song Jingyun responded, put the person down and looked at the other Kun Dao.

"Senior brother." The Taoist priest saluted.

Song Jingyun returned the favor with cupped fists.

One yin and one yang are called Tao. In the practice of Kun Tao, men and women are equal and have the same etiquette.

"Master Tai is waiting for you," she said.

Song Jingyun was slightly startled and laughed: "As expected of Master."

He lowered his head and touched his little nephew's head, "Good boy, go with your master first."

The little Taoist priest nodded obediently and watched Song Jingyun leave. Then he looked up at the master and asked in a low voice: "Master, I still want to eat candied haws."

"No," the master said sternly, "You can only start after you have mastered the techniques taught today!"


"Master, I'm in!"

Song Jingyun knocked on the door a few times symbolically, and heard the laughter of the old Taoist priest inside, "Fu Sheng, come in quickly."

Fusheng is Song Jingyun's nickname, and now only Master can be called that.

Song Jingyun pushed the door open and saw the master in purple robes drawing talismans.

"Master?" Song Jingyun was stunned and said in surprise, "Didn't you seal the pen? Why are you even wearing robes today..."

"Hey, I haven't exhausted my skills yet." The old Taoist priest smiled, "I just met an old friend, so wearing robes is considered respectful."

Old friend? Why is this old friend wearing cassocks?

Song Jingyun just nodded, walked around the desk to take a look, and praised with an "ouch": "Your master's skill in talisman painting has not diminished. It is dozens of times better than the younger me. Master is still master."

"You're the only one who can talk." The old Taoist priest smiled, "What happened to you when you came back to see me this time?"

Song Jingyun said sheepishly: "I met someone and did a simple fortune telling on the way. His fate is very strange."

"Why is it weird?" The old Taoist priest touched his white beard, "The hexagrams overlap and it's hard to guess the fate?"

Song Jingyun was startled, looked up at the old master who was there, touched the back of his head and smiled bitterly: "Do you know everything?"

"Yes, I also know that you juniors are bored in the palace, so you form a team to play games." The old Taoist priest pointed at Song Jingyun, with a smile in his words, "If you can't beat me, just settle it. Isn't this called... cheating? "

"Hahaha... you still know about cheats." Song Jingyun laughed dryly, "Then if you know her fate, can you call the cheats away?"

"I know," the old Taoist priest sighed and nodded: "I also know that you are divining the future, but I am at a loss, and the good or bad has not come out yet."

Song Jingyun slowly suppressed his smile and responded "Yes" in a low voice.

"Complaining too much will prevent heartbreak. It is better to keep an eye on things. Fusheng, it is a good thing that you value friendship, but you don't have to worry too much about me and your master."

The old Taoist sighed:

"All living beings are born with great joys and sorrows when they are alive. This is the destiny. Your senior brother died young due to unsuccessful pursuit of the Tao. This is not a grudge. Don't be constrained by this and give up on your own Tao."

"Furthermore, practitioners cultivate compassion and seek peace and stability on the road. If troubled times are ahead, how can they stay out of trouble and stand aside due to selfish desires?"

Song Jingyun lowered his eyes and remained silent.

"If you want to join the world and seek a way to break the situation, then you must devote yourself to this way without hesitation." The old Taoist priest said earnestly, "Since you are invited by someone with extraordinary destiny, why not go with this little friend and work together to seek the way in troubled times?"

"I understand," Song Jingyun bowed and said sincerely, "Thank you, Master."

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