"So the Taoist Master has decided to cooperate with me?"

Quan Heng raised his hand to pour tea, pushed the celadon cup in front of Song Jingyun, and said with a smile: "I thought it would take a while, but I didn't expect it was only half an hour."

Song Jingyun took the tea cup: "Because I am happy to do things."

What's more, the master has spoken.

"I just didn't expect that an old fox like you could really share the "anchor" with me. "

Song Jingyun looked at the elegant layout of the entire room, looking restrained and simple, but the double-sided embroidered screen, the four treasures of the study, the ink-painted mountain carvings, and the ornaments on the table were all made of filigree inlays and engravings, all of which were made by the most luxurious masters. Priceless treasure.

Rich Lord.

Song Jingyun sighed inwardly, and paused when his eyes glanced at the wheelchair, "Your legs...?"

"It's useless," Quan Heng smiled, "It's useless."

"……Feel sorry."

Quan Heng just shook his head, "What does it have to do with the Taoist Priest?"

"Oh, yes, this Heavenly Master Talisman is for you." Song Jingyun took out the talisman from his sleeve and handed it to Quan Heng, "The talisman my master drew is a talisman that can be worshiped by serious gods to ward off evil spirits."

"Okay," Quan Heng accepted with a smile, "Thank you, the old Taoist Master, for me."


"By the way," Song Jingyun thought for a while, "I said before that I would play S18, but the team battle must be based on the organization that has completed a full season. This cannot be omitted because of the approval qualifications. There are still 3 to 6 starters. Do you have an idea?"

"In a sense, I don't lack people," Quan Heng considered. "Now I just need an empty shell of a club, like acquiring a dilapidated listed company."

Quan Heng fiddled with the beads and raised his eyes, "But I have done a lot of blood transfusions, so this is not a big problem."

What blood transfusion? What shell? Where are the empty shells? !

Song Jingyun was confused and thought he heard wrongly: "What? What did you just say??"

Quan Heng did not intend to elaborate.

"Don't worry, Taoist Master," Quan Heng rested his elbows on both sides of the wheelchair, "You don't have to worry about these things, I will take care of them."

Song Jingyun frowned and had a bad feeling: "You don't want to bet..."

Quan Heng smiled: "Taoist Master, the tea is getting cold."

Seeing that she didn't want to talk more, Song Jingyun also changed the topic: "Although it is cooperation, it is also employment. Brothers will settle the accounts. Since you said to add a zero, I will not be polite. One million for one..."

"One million for each map, and 10 million for high-difficulty maps. The difficulty does not follow the system standards, but only the Taoist Master's subjective experience." Quan Heng answered.

Damn, damn, I’m so valuable!

Song Jingyun swallowed the "one million monthly package" that came to his lips, and made a smooth transition with sonorous force: "I have been wandering for half my life, and I have never met the Lord. Now I will never abandon you. I am willing to worship you as my adoptive father!"

Quan Heng: "..."

Not really.

"But according to my subjective experience..." Song Jingyun scratched his chin, "What does it mean?"

"The Taoist priest says it's difficult. Rewards don't go through game channels, and you need to pay extra whitewash tax when withdrawing funds. It's really unnecessary."

Quan Heng paused and said with a smile: "Of course, if the Taoist Master is worried and still wants to go through the game channel, then I will bear the whitewash tax."

He is the one who is rich. Where can I find such a wealthy boss?

Who doesn't want to work? I have to live the game anyway, I will work for the rest of my life!

"No need! Absolute trust! From now on, I will obey Boss Heng!" Song Jingyun said happily, "Sure enough, the top rich people don't take money as money!"

how come? Just because the product value is enough.

"Contempt for money is just another trick of the rich," Quan Heng shook his head gently, "Taoist Master said before that he knew something about Tang Junyi and Nirvana. If there is nothing urgent, let's talk now."

Originally, she expected Tang Junyi to come to her today and wanted to talk to her, but unfortunately they parted ways on bad terms.

In other words, Tang Junyi unilaterally closed the chat box and walked away.

"Nirvana is a very strange organization. You should know that the game will be revised and upgraded in a few years, and then the version will be updated, right?"

Seeing Quan Heng nod, Song Jingyun continued:

"Although I don't know what happened, it is said that after the 3.0 update, the border areas were reshuffled. There were basically no clubs left and few players survived. I don't know about other border areas, but the first border area only has [Nirvana] and [Nirvana]. Immaculate Dawn] is a club established in the 2.0 era.

"Tang Junyi's incident was quite serious, because all the core members of [Nirvana] are related by blood. It seems that they were once a clan, or there may be several people working together. Not only is there a chief, but there are also some decisions Yes, just like the board of directors, we must discuss all decisions together.

"Tang Junyi's ability to become the deputy chief at that time proved that he had an extraordinary status in the muddy water of Nirvana. Leaving the club means completely leaving the family. There are also various interest disputes... That's why I don't recommend that you go. If outsiders go, then You can't even catch an ox. I really don't understand what his intention is in asking you to go to [Nirvana]. I guess it's because of an unresolved relationship between a man and a ghost... Oh no, the connection is broken!

"And don't look at them on the club rankings, but many small and medium-sized clubs are cultivated by Nirvana, and big clubs also cooperate. Even if toads don't bite, they are disgusting. There are all kinds of dirty tricks, and all the bounty hunters in the border area are They have a monopoly on business, and they seem to have some kind of transaction contract with the game system, and the system is very protective."

Quan Heng listened quietly and gently fiddled with the eighteen pieces in his hand.

"Bounty hunters, small and medium-sized clubs... Taoist priest was hunted at the beginning, how involved was Nirvana?"

It’s not about whether Nirvana was involved, but how much Nirvana was involved.

It really only takes a little bit of information, even a hint of emotion, a look, to get what you want.

"Four out of ten, two are partners and two are employees," Song Jingyun didn't bother to hide it. "It's really sick. It follows the uncle like a pug. I have to kick him to know. If you can’t catch it, get out of here.”

This is where things get interesting.

Song Jingyun's behavior is indeed a thorn in the flesh in the eyes of many clubs, but why is this hostility mostly directed at [Nirvana]?

Besides, it’s true that Song Jingyun made an opening, but it was only a small opening. You can think of other ways, less expensive ways to make him disappear, but [Nirvana] seems to be gritting its teeth to kill Song Jingyun... Listen The club is quite large.

Why do this? If it didn't work out, it would be slapped in the face and it would be a waste of publicity.

"What did the Taoist priest do..."

"Boss!! Boss!! Good news!!!"

The excited voices of young people suddenly sounded outside the door, coming from downstairs, and the sound of rushing upstairs gradually approached.

This kid.

Quan Heng paused, then helplessly raised his forehead: "Senior, why don't you hide for a while."

"Huh?" Song Jingyun was stunned and frowned, "I'm not someone..."

"I gave him a newly developed soul micro-pistol a few days ago," Quan Heng raised his eyebrows, "Children are very vigilant. You don't want any accidents to happen, right?"

"A pistol, what else... a pistol?!" Song Jingyun reacted and exploded instantly.

"What on earth do you do? Who in the right mind would give this to a child!!"

"You have to give the child something he likes," Quan Heng said matter-of-factly, "I advise you to move quickly." "Okay, okay," Song Jingyun hurriedly said, "I'm leaving now. You can just sue me directly next time!"

"Okay." Quan Heng nodded, looking very well-behaved.

"No, it's a scam!" Song Jingyun suddenly became suspicious, "Old fox, did you scare me on purpose?"

"How come?" Quan Heng blinked and waved to him, "See you next time."

Song Jingyun understood and yelled at her angrily: "Is it necessary? I can't harm you even if we meet -"

The sound stopped suddenly, and the person in front of him disappeared.

Quan Heng suppressed his smile and put the talisman into the small drawer under the tea table.

"Boss," there was a knock on the door, and Sang Ting stuck his head out and asked in a low voice, "Can I come in?"

Quan Heng didn't look back and said in a very calm voice: "Have you become more disciplined?"

"Hehe," Sang Ting scratched his head and laughed, entering the door and looking around, "I just heard other people's voices in your room. I thought the boss was busy."

He sat on the other side of the tea table and touched the teacup: "It's warm, someone has been here. I heard you right."

Quan Heng rested his elbow on the edge of the chair, supported his head with his right hand and fell asleep. He just said "hmm" when he heard this.

"a friend."

"Friends?" Sang Ting rolled his eyes, "They were preparing dinner downstairs, and they didn't say who was coming. Why do friends disappear so quickly?"

Quan Heng opened his eyes and looked at him with a half-smile: "Xiaoting, I'm not interested in the relationship between men and women. You don't have to guess about it."

Sang Ting was not embarrassed about being caught, and laughed: "Okay. What about the boss's friend?"

"Let's go, I haven't decided yet whether I want you to get to know me or not." Quan Heng paused and suddenly asked, "Xiaoting, do you still remember what I said when I asked you to go to school?"

"I remember, I remember everything the boss said," Sang Ting nodded, then tilted his head in confusion, "What's wrong, boss?"

"How does it feel in school compared to outside?"

"Hmm..." Sang Ting thought, "Although there are intrigues and class divisions, it's a little simpler than outside. In other words, it's a little more stupid. Not many people have personal thoughts. They like to follow the crowd. Most of what they think is written in On the face.”

Quan Heng was silent for a few seconds and suddenly smiled: "Xiaoting, don't say this in front of your classmates."

To be able to stir up hatred at such a young age is really too close to the ink.

"Oh." Sang Ting nodded obediently.

Anyway, there is no way that I can talk to those little brats so much.

"You don't like school?"

Children's minds are always more simple and sensitive. Quan Heng didn't want to think about it in a roundabout way, so it was best to ask directly.

"Boss, are you finally going to drop me out of school?!" Sang Ting's eyes lit up, "Okay, okay, this way I don't have to skip classes, and I don't have to go to class!"

Quan Heng: "..."

I shouldn't have asked.

"If you don't go to school, how about taking over Wugang's business?" Quan Heng pressed his eyebrows.

"No, not only am I not good at mathematics, physics and chemistry, I also don't have much of an overall perspective."

Sang Ting lay lazily on the table, very self-aware, and gently poked the cup:

"I just want to stay with the boss and be responsible for the security of Lanzhuang, or I can just be a thug. When you are in danger, I am almost never by your side. You almost paid for the murder last month..."

"Sang Ting," Quan Heng interrupted quietly, "I didn't raise you to take bullets for me."

Sang Ting lowered his head: "Yes..."

"We'll talk about this later." Quan Heng ended the topic, "What good news did you just tell me? Are you so happy?"

In fact, she can guess it, but if the child wants to be coaxed, she doesn't mind pretending not to know.

"That's what you just ordered!"

Sang Ting's mood faded quickly, and the clouds suddenly turned sunny, and he said happily:

"Didn't you say that there was something under the waters of Meijiang Pan before and asked the person in charge to find it? After the haenyeo women went into the sea, they really found a very large ancient ship! It seemed to be a British ship. I had not found it before. Because it was hidden under a coral reef after being blown up, and we could only find it with the coordinates given by the "expert" you mentioned!

"In addition to this, the cultural relics that were smuggled by Quan Lin's idiot have also been recovered. Didn't Sister Hanbai fly to deal with one of them this morning? It happened to be in Meijiang! Let me ask you, besides Jin Henai What should I do with the other cultural relics on hand?”

"Expose everything and prepare for donation."

"Yes." Sang Ting nodded, "I'm going to answer now. Do you plan to donate it to Meijiang City?"

"No, let's release the news first. Let's just say that these British ships carrying cultural relics appeared suddenly. Even because of their appearance, the fish fry raised by local fishermen suffered a lot of damage. They seemed to have brought toxins and pollution inexplicably. Who wants to take over? , we must talk to the 'farmers' about the compensation conditions, but don't use this thing to create public opinion, solve it privately, so that the officials can't mess around."

Quan Heng held the Buddhist beads in his hand and said: "Put a good bait, I have a big fish to catch."

Sang Ting didn't understand, but nodded without hesitation: "Yes."

He turned to leave, then turned around: "By the way, boss, there is one more thing."


"Jin Henai has recovered a batch of cultural relics. This second-class merit is considered stable. I heard that you will leave for Gujiang tomorrow morning, so I want to see you tonight." Sang Ting said, curling his lips and muttering, "But I think he just wants to If you go up, won't there be one available in the agency this year?"

Quan Heng said a faint "hmm", closed her eyes, and slowly moved the shiny beads in her hands, making her fingertips cleaner and cleaner, and the aura around her body made people feel calm.

Even if she doesn't believe in Buddhism, she always carries an indescribable Buddhist aura, a charm of simplicity and blankness amidst all the chaos.

Sang Ting Baba looked at her and said in his heart that my sister is much more valuable than jade and gold. If we grow up together, I will definitely not let those beasts from the Quan family bully my sister. I will have to chop them all into pieces and fry them in a frying pan!

"You... want to see him?"

"See you, we will cooperate more in the future." Quan Heng raised his eyes, "Get off the plane tomorrow morning and go to "Moon Bay" to see the children and remind Yun Bai to make arrangements. "

Sang Ting immediately said: "I also want to follow..."

"You go to class." Quan Heng raised his head and felt a little headache, but he didn't blame him, just a little helpless, "If you fail all subjects, you can sign your own test paper."

"Oh..." Sang Ting wilted, shaking his head and going out.

Quan Heng opened the small drawer and narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw the talisman on which the ink had not yet dried.

After a while, a call sounded in the house.

"Boss?" Within two seconds of ringing, the phone was picked up.

"Check someone," Quan Heng said calmly, looking at the cinnabar runes on the yellow paper, "The Taoist priest of the Zhengyi sect in Heming Mountain has a lineage inheritance, and his name is Song Jingyun."

"All information, including family, experiences, and social interactions."

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