"To detect the uniqueness of the adapter's exclusive brand, we hereby issue a reminder——"

The system was silent for a few seconds, and then the sound sounded:

"You can use all extraordinary items in the human world, including but not limited to: Yujing Beidou, special items in restricted areas, the abilities displayed by props, and their side effects."

"The exclusive brand "Shi" can provide you with convenient connection"

"Special items, special channels, privileged treatment..." Quan Heng lamented, "The unknown brings huge profits. It is really an irresistible temptation."

"If cooperation is reached, the game system will provide you with maximum assistance and protection."

"Cooperation..." Quan Heng's eyes darkened slightly, and his words were playful, "Actually, I always thought you wanted to kill me."

"Well, no. It's not that you want to kill me. To be precise, you want to be afraid of me."

"In addition, he kept reminding me of the purpose of the brand, and also asked for cooperation..."

Quan Heng tapped the table with his fingers and thought slightly:

"Actually, you already know what my specialty is, and you keep using ghost cards to force me to get "Jade Capital Beidou" because only I can truly use them to bring you maximum benefits. "

"All your actions are telling me: you can't directly intervene in the world, you can only use the media... What, who put any restrictions on you?"

The system is silent.

"You want to use my brand to further interfere in the human world, but you are afraid that I will go against the grain and pose a threat to you... The reason for the robbery and killing at the beginning of Yanlai Ancient Town is because I didn't notice your first imprint. Moved.

"Later, I solved the problem successfully, and you gave me another trick and pushed me to fight for Yujing Beidou."

"This kind of behavior that you want to use but dare not use, want to destroy but can't destroy or even refuse to let go of it, is really a contradiction."

After a moment of silence, the system sounded cold:

"Extreme wisdom will lead to injury"

"Thank you for the compliment. The conditions you offered are not too attractive to me. I can do it myself. I don't lack time." Quan Heng tapped his temples, "I don't lack brains either."

"It's better to exchange some information. For example, information about the new world, the origin of Yujing Beidou, the inside story of major old clubs, such as...my mother."

The system did not hesitate and said coldly: "Impossible"

"No, it's possible." Quan Heng corrected and chuckled, "How about I show my sincerity first - before the start of the global competition, break the monopoly of the ferry merchants and establish props trading channels in the new world and border areas. Let's cooperate. Five Five cents.”

This matter aroused her interest when she saw the ghost mother's human-extracting machine.

The game system does not have its own props mall. Such a large purchasing power of players is left unused. It is obvious that there is a problem with the connection and transportation channels of the game system, otherwise they would not be obsessed with her brand.

Since the dwarf monster has a monopoly and raises prices, she will take advantage of it.

The system is obviously shaken, the fonts on the screen are constantly changing, and the mechanical sound is cold:

"You are not pure in heart and are rebellious by nature."

"Is this comment because of what I said to Tang Junyi and Song Jingyun?"

Quan Heng's heart suddenly understood. She smiled, cold and rational to the point of ruthlessness:

"It's just nice words to confuse them. Who would betray their own class? Even my last name is "quan", how can I destroy my foundation and do stupid things? The weak eat the strong, and this world will not care about the life or death of the weak. "

"And don't be so rigid. We are just working together to make a fortune together. We are not honest and sincere."

"I don't care if you try to trip me up. They say backstabbing is the spice of cooperation, but please stop spying on me. Having an "eye" 24 hours a day is really uncomfortable. "

After a moment of silence, the system said: "When you enter the intercontinental competition, I will cooperate with your plan."

"It's a pleasure to cooperate." Quan Heng smiled.

The panel disappears.

The weird sense of voyeurism disappeared, and Quan Heng slowly relaxed and leaned back on the chair.

The huge room was so quiet that it chilled people to the core. Quan Heng suddenly opened his eyes and picked up his pen to write something, but he didn't finish writing for a long time. Ink dripped on the paper, black, white, and black.

Somehow, Quan Heng suddenly thought of the time when he first learned calligraphy.

The pen she held was not an authentic brush. She just dipped it in water to write on the ground. The person who taught her had a pair of weather-beaten hands. If she only looked at the words, she would not have thought that it was a street with cars passing by. She would not have thought that the person holding the pen was With cracked and frostbitten hands, I never imagined that the person who wrote such words would look pleading and expectant because he couldn't sell the vegetables for a few cents.

At that time, she was too naive and believed that the world was as black and white as ink and paper, and believed that good will be rewarded with good and evil will be punished with evil.

Only later did I understand.

The closest thing to heaven is hell. Good people deserve to be pointed at guns. Those who are full are feeding the hungry people to satisfy their hunger. Good people are smarter and sharper than bad people in order to survive.

It is just a joke for all mankind to go to heaven, and rescuing those in hell is a real step.

The pen moves like a dragon and a snake, and the sharp and heroic aura of cutting off the road leaps from the page, feeling smooth and full of momentum——

"Evaluate the situation and act after consideration." - Now that the "nails" have appeared, she must first find a way to figure out what these "nails" are anchoring.

You can’t get into trouble, and the unknown is not necessarily a bad thing.

Quan Heng slowly put down his pen, as if he had convinced himself, and his brows also relaxed.

She leaned back and closed her eyes again.


"Teacher Heng's pendant is so beautiful. Is it a gem?"

The little girl wearing the fever-reducing patch held the milk in her hands and looked at it eagerly.

When the private plane to Gujiang landed, Quan Heng had no intention of returning to Lanzhuang and went directly to the subsidized children's welfare home "Moon Bay".

Unfortunately, the teacher at Moon Bay had to take the children to the newly opened amusement park today. The outdoor activities that had been planned long ago were difficult to change. Huo Yunbai and Quan Heng had reported this matter, but she could usually stay for a whole day and was not in a hurry.

I just happened to stay with the little girl who was sick and couldn't go, and waited for the other children to come back and share the joy.

"It's agate." Quan Heng was looking at the documents. Hearing this, he smiled and said, "Want to take a look?"

Today she was wearing a loose fold-collar moire top and a black new Chinese-style cloud embroidery robe. Under the light and shadow, she could see that the embroidery was a lifelike silver crane, and there was a very good quality necklace hanging on her chest. Red agate is like a crane in the cloud looking into the red sun.

Quan Heng didn't like to wear jewelry other than Shibazi. The new makeup artist was unclear and nervous. She didn't mean to make things difficult. She cooperated and complimented her a few times. Now when the little girl asked, she took it off directly.

"I remember Sissy gave me a handmade gift on my birthday, and now I can reciprocate the gift," Quan Heng put it on her neck, "Get well soon."

The child didn't have much idea of ​​dignity. She only knew that Quan Heng liked the gift she gave her, so she received the kindness in return. She looked up shyly but happily:

"Thank you Heng...ah!"

The milk glass overturned and spilled all over the floor. The teacher who was watching looked panicked, and the bodyguard immediately moved forward.

"Boss, are you okay? This..."

"Boss, would you like to first..."

Sissi was infected by the adults' attitude and uneasily slid off the stool and stood aside. Not long after she arrived at Moon Bay, her father would definitely beat her if she dropped something, and her body began to tremble with stress.

"It's okay, just pour me another glass."

Quan Heng raised his finger to signal everyone to be quiet, looked at the girl, and said gently:

"It's just that we accidentally lost it. We will have a better one again. Sissi, let's go to the other side, okay? The glass shards are not easy to clean. For safety reasons, you don't need to deal with the aftermath, but you have to say thank you to the teacher."

Sissi nodded, looked up and said to the teacher: "Thank you, teacher."

"Let's move outside and get some sunshine."

It's right next to the window, but the air is better outside.

Sissi nodded and moved the small stool to go out. Quan Heng suddenly stopped when he was about to pick up the documents.

She felt someone was watching her.

Quan Heng instantly raised his eyes and looked directly into a pair of eyes from the small window of the house opposite.

The envy and expectation inside her have not been withdrawn yet, and she is as clean as a newborn deer.

Seeing her look, the other person retracted his head in panic, then carefully poked half of his face out, staring eagerly.

It's a little kid.

Quan Heng's eyes softened, and just when he was about to give someone a call, he saw the child turned around and ran into the house as if he heard something.


Quan Heng converged his gaze and moved to the courtyard.

"Isn't Brother Xiaoting here?" Sissi felt reassured and asked in a low voice.

"I'll be here at noon. I went to school today." Quan Heng paused and said intuitively, "But I guess he will skip school, that's about it..."

"Boss! Boss, I'm back!"

Hearing his voice before seeing him, Sang Ting ran through the door dragging his schoolbag, followed by someone else.

"I also brought someone with me who is eager to report the situation to you. A big fish has been caught on the Meijiang River!"

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