Kill the game!Become a villain in a mysterious world

Chapter 84 Special Investigation Bureau

Chapter 84 Special Investigation Bureau

"Boss." The man who spoke stood in front of Quan Heng.

"A Cheng, you haven't told me yet," Sang Ting threw her schoolbag aside, rubbed Sissy's head and asked her to leave with the teacher first, "Why are you here today, where is Sister Yunbai?"

It stands to reason that at this time, Huo Yunbai should kick him a few times for skipping school.

After all, Quan Heng told Huo Yunbai to keep an eye on Sang Ting when he left. Unexpectedly, he ran away after warning him several times.

Ah Cheng saw that there were no outsiders around, and when Quan Heng didn't stop him, he said: "There is something wrong with the business on the foreign "ship". Sister Yunbai went to solve it. It will probably take two weeks to come back. "

"If you want to go, go with Yun Bai next time," Quan Heng said. "It's also good to learn English by the way. Things like language still need to be applied in practice."

"..." Sang Ting shook his head like a rattle.

Quan Heng laughed: "Tell me about Meijiang."

The open enough outdoors is safer than indoors, Ah Cheng said: "After the news of the sunken ship being polluted spread, the official department that came to take over the intervention did change."

"What department is it?" Sang Ting was curious.

"Special Investigation Bureau, the full name is "Special Pollution Investigation Bureau", and the certificate has the suffix "Chinese District". "A Cheng said.

"Special Investigation Bureau Huaxia District..." Sang Ting thought of something, "Is this the big fish you want to catch?"

Quan Heng nodded lightly.

Since someone can transport items through the game, and the method of "smuggling" is not only her brand, then the pollution incident must not be limited to "cultural relics".

Although the game cannot be transmitted externally or recorded in memory, the events caused by these things are perceptible, and it is impossible to hide them from ordinary people under natural circumstances.

It is very likely that there will be a global, official or even voluntary organization responsible for clearing these things and maintaining social order.

Just like Tang Junyi’s responsibilities in the game——


"I've never heard of this organization before..." Sang Ting murmured, "Is it just established?"

"Boss, there is one more thing," Ah Cheng said. "The people who came to carry out the execution all took a special plane from the capital. They arrived in Meijiang half an hour ago...that is, around ten o'clock. But the time when we disclosed the pollution news to the relevant personnel was Around nine o’clock this morning.”

"It's impossible to get from the capital to Meijiang in one hour. They seem to have set off early."

Set off early... Quan Heng moved the eighteenth child.

The game ended and she logged out yesterday. If it was really based on the pollution test, then these people should have gotten the news when she got the news about the sunken ship. She should have controlled the negotiations last night, and it was impossible to act this morning.

Did you arrive quickly with the help of the game connection anchor?

But the departure time of the special plane cannot be deceived, and her people will not make mistakes about this trivial matter.

What's the time difference in between?

"There is also the matter you ordered to investigate before." Ah Cheng took out the tablet he was carrying, unlocked it and called up the information, "There are not many people living in that old residential building now. You want me to investigate that triangular building as an illegal building. It would be a long time ago." It was demolished just six years ago.”

The photos on the tablet are all taken now, some of unfinished buildings.

"We went to visit the neighborhood, and an old lady said that there was indeed a woman in the triangular building who had a miscarriage due to domestic violence, and then went crazy and killed everyone in the family, even the biological mother across the door."

"Also, the old lady said that a group of people came to inquire about this matter a few days ago. They also set up machines to do some tests, and then left. Our people went to adjust the property monitoring, and they are all in the information."

Quan Heng slides the tablet and a surveillance video automatically plays.

The picture shows several people questioning residents, holding instruments in their hands. One of them is facing the high-definition surveillance camera while tilting his head, and is wearing a mask.

Quan Heng paused, paused the screen, and zoomed in.

this person……

"Boss, what's the next step for Meijiang?" Ah Cheng asked, "We need to check this new department..."

"No need to check."

Quan Heng will not take the initiative to hit the gun. The Special Investigation Bureau can handle these special beings, so it can naturally be used.

She also didn't want to confront the state machinery.

"Protect the cultural relics and follow the normal procedures. The person who came to implement the project will send someone to contact them and leave the image data for me to integrate. Let me see if there are any acquaintances inside."

Sang Ting: "...acquaintance?"

"Yes," Quan Heng tapped the tablet and smiled, "an acquaintance."




There was a knock on the office door, and the two old men who were drinking tea and playing chess paused for a moment, then agreed.

Tang Junyi opened the door and looked at one of the old men holding a teacup: "Hello, Minister."

The old man looked at him and wondered: "...Who are you?"

"Deputy of the Special Investigation Bureau's front-line task force," Tang Junyi replied, "Deputy Bureau Xian, I'm here to get the latest approval documents. We need to use ships to transport a batch of cultural relics." "Oh, people from the Special Investigation Bureau." The old man He smiled and said, "The permission you want is on the table. Go get it yourself."

"Yes." Tang Junyi took the document, "I'm leaving first, minister."

"Go ahead." The old man smiled kindly.

After Tang Junyi left, the old man playing chess with him on the other side continued his move and asked casually: "What kind of organization are these people?"

"They were originally affiliated with the 9th National Security Bureau, and were responsible for some unconventional pollution crises. Later, their director took the lead in issuing special approvals, and they were also in line with international standards."

The old minister took a sip of tea and sighed softly:

"They are not under the control of any of our departments now. They are directly managed by the top and have a high degree of independence. I just gave them some of the things they asked for. A few days ago, their director also applied to transfer the core department to Gujiang... and move it away. It’s also happened in the past few days.”

"...unconventional crisis?" The old man who asked the question wondered, "Is this within the scope of science?"

The old minister hissed: "Hey, you said you're almost retiring, why do you care?"

"Even if someone is flying with a sword, that is under the control of the Ministry of Transportation. The Bureau of Meteorology and the Aviation Administration are also under the control of flying with lightning. It's not your business, so stop asking so you can retire."

The old man who asked the question nodded and suddenly said: "I suddenly remembered that since it is this department, this young man's surname is Tang... he can't be from the Tang clan, right?"

"It's the Tang Sect, but he has been honest for many years." The old minister said, "This young man was washed out by their director himself. No matter what, let's continue playing chess."


"Xiao Tang! Hey...why are you so weak?"

In the office building of the Special Investigation Bureau, Tang Junyi was walking forward in a daze holding documents when he was stopped by a female colleague holding a pile of test papers.

"Sister, I'm fine," Tang Junyi hurriedly raised his head and said hello, "You finished judging the papers so quickly?"

"Yeah," the examiner rolled his eyes, "I almost got mad at these brats."

"Is it so exaggerated?" Tang Junyi forced a smile, glanced at it and pointed to the first question on the examination paper, "This answer is not bad, it seems to be a perfect answer."

Question: Please briefly answer the key points of the Special Investigation Bureau’s containment and handling.

The answers are written in beautiful and elegant fonts on the test paper:

[Answer: The Special Bureau’s containment project focuses on “alien bodies”, which exist in four major categories: objects, animal and plant forms, human forms, and microorganisms. The pollutants produced by the division and differentiation of heterologous bodies can not only cause physical danger to humans, but also produce various forms of psychological and chemical effects on humans and even the environment, collectively referred to as "pollution".

[The source of the xenobiotics is unknown. They are contagious and highly dangerous because they emit pollutants. Without removing the xenobiotics as the source of pollution, it will be difficult to eliminate the root cause of the pollution.

[There is no perfect "containment" now. The focus of the containment of alien bodies is to "completely kill, disassemble and seal them", and control them in a "well" hundreds of meters underground for permanent supervision. 】

"There are only a few of them," the examiner waved his hand, "Didn't your old Nie wait for you just now? Go quickly."

Nie Cang, captain of the task force.

Tang Junyi nodded and walked into the office to submit the documents.

"After the batch of cultural relics is finished, our task force will not be responsible for the aftermath... Don't look at the fact that the deputy bureau is not here. The director just wants to be lazy when he takes charge of you... Here? The stamp is on the table, and the electronic version will be printed immediately after stamping it. Just swipe over."

Nie Cang signaled Tang Junyi to work on his own.

By the time he finished making the phone call, Tang Junyi had just finished processing the batch of approval slips in his hand and passed them to the recovery team who were responsible for the aftermath and were about to leave.

"Hey, wait! Don't leave in a hurry!"

Nie Cang stopped him, looked at his face again, and said hesitantly: "Hey, your mental state is... kidney deficiency? Why did you feel so depressed after you came out of the game yesterday and reported on the cultural relics?"

"Is it obvious?" Tang Junyi pulled a chair and sat down.

"Obviously," Nie Cang nodded and frowned, "Are these the missions the director gave you? If you don't like it, you can just return to the team. It's not a problem to wander around in the game. The intercontinental competition is about to start anyway, so there's no need for it. "

"It's not an undercover's a separate task assigned by the director."

Tang Junyi was depressed, "He said he was a dangerous person who needed to be monitored and asked me to get close to him. But I talked to and got along with that person in the game... I don't think he is that kind of person."

"You have a soft ear. No wonder you were dug out of [Nirvana]." Nie Cang sighed, "If there is really any difficulty, I will tell the director..."

"Om - hum -"

An alarm bell suddenly sounded outside the corridor.

The two people in the office immediately stood up and rushed out of the room.

"Attention, task force, please pay attention, task force, we have discovered a Class A pollution area, located at the coordinates of Gujiang..."

"Emergency gathering!" Nie Cang ordered, patting Tang Junyi, "Don't go in this state. You just have to play a game today, so go ahead."

At the same time, Gujiang.

"Boss! Something happened to the boss!"

Quan Heng's hand paused when he opened the document. Sang Ting, who was lying on his side on the mat and building blocks with Qian Qian, immediately sat up. He saw the teacher running out with a cell phone in one hand, his face full of anxiety.

"Today, a patient with an acute infectious disease suddenly appeared in the amusement park and it has been sealed off! The teacher leading the team said that a dozen children became ill quickly after being infected and are receiving first aid."

(End of this chapter)

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