"Although it's an NPC... forget it, at least the ending doesn't count..."

After watching the ending, the connector in the IMAX theater couldn't help but curse: "What the hell is this? This is a crappy game! You really don't treat people as human beings!"

"Don't talk nonsense." The companion next to him reminded him.

"Okay, okay, it's a good thing that this is weighted by three 2-halls, otherwise Quan Heng's emotional point will be hopeless - I remember that even if you give up resources, you still have to pay game coins for transfer fees, which is a lot of money."

"Money is one thing, privilege is another. I thought the unspoken rules of the human world would not appear here, but I didn't expect that the border area would be brought to the surface...hiss, it's really bleeding."

"Hey, hey, the review results are out!!"

No one knew what someone said, and everyone looked up at the screen——

I saw countless musical notes floating from the naked-eye 3D screen, passing by everyone's cheeks and foreheads, and floating up.

Countless notes are cast from multiple angles throughout the auditorium, pouring like water in the gradually darkening space, gradually forming the score of the piano song "Breath and life".

The notes in the void suddenly vibrated and sounded!

The shocking and sacred piano sound surged forward, as if the God of War was triumphant, overlooking thousands of troops -

"Holy crap, special treatment from the "First Sequence"! "

""Breath and life"?! Oh my god, playing this song will break the record!!"

Ding Dong!

The water test summary has been submitted!

[In this trial, a total of 60610 emotional points were harvested, and a total of 10009 game coins were obtained! ! Reaching the top of the soaring list and winning the title of "Rookie List Preparatory Position" - congratulations to the connector Quan Heng for passing the water test and becoming a professional player! ]

Piano music came from the privileged viewing area of ​​IMAX, and the crisp and cheerful mechanical sound echoed over the entire border area——

[Ding dong! Congratulations to Quan Heng for winning "Jade Capital Beidou Tianxuan" and receiving an additional 666 points of sequence buff (can be used for sequence promotion)! ]

Near the Big Dipper of Stars, there are the top floors of the buildings of major organizations.

The chief executives who were originally analyzing S18 raised their hands to signal the team members to be quiet, and turned their heads to look at the golden music spread out the window.

[Ding dong! The emotional value harvesting results are outstanding, and the video disc will be entered into the auction library of this period and will be auctioned at the auction every three days! There are 1000 discs to be burned this time, first come first served!

[Congratulations to connector Quan Heng for setting a new high in the history of water testing! ! Breaking the Taboo Queen's "single book collection" record! Be the first connector to get an engraved disc in the test, and get the right to draw special items three times! ]

"Oh my god, did I hear it wrong or am I deaf?! Burn a disc?!"

"Broken His Majesty's records?! I'm going to, are you kidding me?!"


"Sister Quan is so powerful, and the chief's privileges are easy to use!"

Lu Xiaoman logged out of the "First Sequence·Command Position" account and looked at his chief happily, "Chief, I'm going to... Hey, what's wrong?"

The night watchman came back to his senses, with a somewhat reluctant expression on his face, which seemed to be shock or a forced smile.

"It's okay," he took a deep breath and smiled, "Are you at ease now? Get ready for the game."

"Tsk, chief, is this the "brain" you are looking for?"

In the "Double-Headed Eagle" team, the girl with twin ponytails wrapped her wristbands and squinted her eyes: "It's really awesome."

No matter how much resources are spent, you must have strength.

"It's so ostentatious." Tang Junyi listened to the announcement and walked towards the port.


"Hey, look over there," one of the connectors gestured to Liu Wuneng who came to the IMAX theater, "He doesn't dare to lose his temper here, his face is already dark - they are not trying to block people, are they?"

"What are you thinking about? What's the use of blocking people? The day and night border is a dual-world safe zone. If you fight, you will be judged to be in a solitary room." Her companion whispered to her, "But I think Quan Heng's attitude is to participate in the S18 Global Let’s race?”

"Don't be stupid, what are you thinking about? The S18 intercontinental competition starts in two weeks, and Quan Heng doesn't even have a club that has been established for one season, let alone got an invitation letter. None of this is true."

"That's right. Hey, why did Liu Wu and the others go to the Xingdial?!"

... As soon as Quan Heng came out of the star dial, he was grabbed by Song Jingyun and pressed against Zhang Fulu.

"???" Quan Heng blew the yellow talisman on his forehead.

"Don't brag, it's used to ward off evil and bring luck."

Song Jingyun lowered his voice, with a hint of warning.

"I almost got caught in it, please be honest."

Quan Heng blinked and finally gave up the trouble.

"Blessings are immeasurable, Heavenly Lord," Song Jingyun lowered his eyes, his sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes became peaceful and pious, and he held Ziwu Jue in his hands, "Mercy."

Taoist people say the phrase "Blessings will be born in the Infinite Heavenly Lord", which means to wish the other party more blessings and receive blessings from the Heavenly Lord, and it also means to ward off evil spirits.

The Ziwu Jue of Xing is a kind of salute of cupping fists and cupping hands, which also means blessing.

Quan Heng narrowed his eyes, pinched the tip of the middle finger of his left hand with his left thumb, pinched the base of the ring finger of his left hand with his right thumb, and answered the "Ziwu Jue" in an upright manner:


After two seconds of silence, Song Jingyun suddenly raised his eyes, and instantly lost the tranquility of his mind. He snorted coldly: "You'd better be compassionate enough and stop tormenting others."

"You're so angry, what's wrong?" Quan Heng slowly took off the talisman and put it away, knowingly asking.

"You're still asking me what's wrong?" Song Jingyun laughed angrily and almost hit her with a gourd, "What's the fluctuation of your SAN value?"

"5%, very stable. Where is the Taoist Priest?"

"Thank you for your concern. I was just so angry that someone made me vomit blood." Song Jingyun refused to accept this trick. "At least my life will be shortened by three years. At worst, I will beat you to relieve your anger, and maybe I can make up for it."

"The day and night border areas follow the principle of peaceful coexistence," Quan Heng smiled and twirled his prayer beads, "Besides, the chief will not hit me, how ungentlemanly he is."

"Don't put your hat on me and act like you're going to recite the Great Compassion Mantra to me."

Song Jingyun sneered, "I originally thought you were a little fox, but you were a little bolder. Who would have thought that you would be mistaken, and it turns out you are an old red-haired fox that has become a spirit."

"Thank you," Quan Heng said with a smile, "Do you want Director Song to give me the answer tonight?"

"Yes." Song Jingyun sighed slightly, "I won't break my promise, just let me think about it."

"Okay." Quan Heng nodded.

A person who travels a hundred miles can get twice the result with half the effort. She is not anxious for the final result.

If Song Jingyun didn't agree...then she would have to use other methods.

"Let's go to the teleportation port." Song Jingyun dusted off the Taoist robe, "I have to go back to the Taoist temple. Don't stay too long, the "Jade Capital Beidou" is too eye-catching. "

"Well, I know..."

Quan Heng paused for a moment before suddenly laughing: "You came so quickly. Did anyone really come to block me?"

Song Jingyun followed her gaze and looked at the menacing group of people outside, and his eyes fell on the arrogant face of the leader.

"I knew something like this would happen. This commercial organization is like maggots in muddy waters and dogs in profit--even if it is an organization led by a taboo leader, it will not be an exception."

Song Jingyun sighed meaningfully:

"It's easy to conquer a country, but it's hard to defend it. It becomes more and more difficult to control the people who bully the subordinates and flatter the superiors, to be formalistic, to flatter and pay bribes."

"Quan Heng!!"

The leader pushed open the corridor door with an ugly expression, holding a fire in his mouth, "Hand over Yujing Beidou honestly! Don't even think about going against the empire!"

Dozens of people behind them instantly surrounded the two.

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